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Fandom H2O: Just add water (accepting)

Basically near the beginning. Cleo found hers being annoyed by Zane, Emma found hers protecting herself from water hitting her, Rikki going hers when annoyed by Lewis. They all found them within a couple of days.
snakeyem12 said:
Basically near the beginning. Cleo found hers being annoyed by Zane, Emma found hers protecting herself from water hitting her, Rikki going hers when annoyed by Lewis. They all found them within a couple of days.
*thumbs up* Thank you~
I think they'd all be quite fun, but in the sense of being mermaids, Rikki's is the best just because drying. I don't know what use Bella's ever was but at least it's fun.
snakeyem12 said:
I think they'd all be quite fun, but in the sense of being mermaids, Rikki's is the best just because drying. I don't know what use Bella's ever was but at least it's fun.
Yeah, the drying is what I mean. Although, my favorite character was always Rikki.

I don't even know who Bella is. .-.
snakeyem12 said:
Bella was the new girl with the jelly power. I always loved Rikki.
Doesn't ring a Bell-a. (Get it? It's a pun, cuz her bame's Bella and I still don't get who she is? Eh? Yeah?)

In all seriousness, I should probably go binge watch H2O this weekend. I've been watching too much Mako Mermaids.

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