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Fantasy Greek Mythos: The Gods Awaken [In Character Thread]



The Duck Overlord
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check

  • Topaz, Sapphire, and Pearl Nicholson
    (The Fates: Lachesis, Clotho, and Atropos)
    It has always been our fate to be the Fates.

    Tags: revalia revalia r e i r e i apolla apolla nymphadora. nymphadora. Nico Nico cinnabuns cinnabuns lavendre lavendre AI10100 AI10100 mxlly mxlly diwa diwa PixieDust PixieDust Shnuydude Shnuydude ShadyAce ShadyAce JustAlexandra JustAlexandra Doge Kami Doge Kami Shame Shame amva amva Misuteeku Misuteeku Shego Shego Rexcaliburr Rexcaliburr Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford
    Notes: I do not except you all to post right away--this and Skylie's post are just an introduction. Feel free to wait as long as you need to, especially if you still need to finish your characters. Please let me know if you'll be delayed for a specific reason, and expect that I'll get up my other characters' posts by Wednesday (because I like to get 'er done). That being said, I only expect maybe one post a week, or slower. At least two to three nice looking paragraphs would be great!

    Have fun!
    Topaz woke with a start. Images flashed through her head: long blond hair, tears streaming down strangers’ faces… What the hell was going on here?

    Her younger sister, Sapphire, opened her bedroom door. “Topaz, come on. You and me and Pearl need to talk.”

    “About what?” Topaz asked, rubbing her eyes as she sat up and swung her legs over the side of her bed. Why did she have a terrible feeling in the pit of her stomach?

    Sapphire steadily met her gaze. “About that vision you just had.”

    ~ ~ ~

    “So you’re telling me we’re the Three Fates from Greek myths?” Topaz growled, still confused from her “vision” earlier. Her younger sisters, Sapphire and Pearl, had called her to their living room to tell them why she’d had a vision. Sapphire had dreamed of a hooded figure that told her everything: she, Pearl, and Topaz had the spirits of the Three Fates sleeping within them, and they had now awakened.

    “Her name was Clotho, and she told me that I was her reincarnation. Pearl is Atropos, and Topaz is Lachesis.” Twisting her mouth wryly, Sapphire pulled up her shirt sleeve. Before, Sapphire had never dreamed of getting a tattoo. Now, there was an image of a spool of thread on her shoulder. Topaz and Pearl checked their own shoulders, which bore the same marking as their third sister. “These have appeared on all three of us. It means the spirits of the Fates have fully awakened. We have received powers related to them, too; Pearl sees visions of the past, I see visions of the present, and you, Topaz, can see the future.”

    Pearl interrupted, “And we’re not the only ones. They’re everywhere—all the figures from Greek mythology that we read about in Percy Jackson and all that other stuff. They’ve been reincarnated, too, but they have no idea that they have the spirits of those Greek figures within them. In my vision, I saw many of their births, with the spirits drifting into them.” She bit her lip. “I saw other things about them, too.”

    Topaz furrowed her eyebrows. “That doesn’t fit with my vision at all…” She blinked, and suddenly, she was transported to the base of a mountain. When she blinked again, she was back with her sisters. Sighing, she heard the voice of Lachesis’s spirit whispering to her. “Never mind. We need to call all of the reincarnations to the base of Mount Olympus. It’s where… It’s where they’ll meet their destinies.”

    Pearl closed her eyes. “Gods, Titans, heroes, princesses… All of them are scattered throughout the world. But I can tell where they were born. They might not be there now.”

    Sapphire nodded. “We’ll need to send a message to them, telling them to come to Mount Olympus.”

    The three sisters closed their eyes, using their other power of telepathy to reach across the world to the reincarnations of Greek figures. They had just barely made contact when something blocked them from completing their task. Sapphire scowled. “Someone got in the way. Someone powerful.”

    “Or something, Topaz muttered darkly. She, of course, couldn’t help but know what had happened. Knowing the future was a horrible curse to bear.

    “On the bright side,” Pearl said with one of her bright, model smiles, “we get to go to Greece! And everyone else will know to get there!”

    Sapphire looked out the window at the sun rising over the horizon. “But we can’t interfere.”

    Topaz ran a hand through her hair. “Not yet, we can’t. We have to wait until they all figure out what’s going on.”

    Coding by AnimeGenork AnimeGenork

  • Skylie Dyer
    Yes, I'm a damsel in distress. No, I don't want your help.

    Mood: Freaked the Fuck Out | Scenario: What Kinda Twilight Zone Is This? | Outfit: This | With: Cole | Mentions: N/A | Tags: AnimeGenork AnimeGenork

    “Cole, you son of a bitch! Why the hell did you let me drink so much last night? What kind of brother are you?!” Skylie woke up scolding her half-brother, who was passed out on the floor of their hotel room.

    Rolling onto his back, Cole looked up at her through narrowed blue eyes. “I only just found out you existed two weeks ago, Sky. You really expect me to be good at this big brother thing already?”

    Skylie scowled. Cole had a point, she supposed. Not three weeks ago, an old friend of her father’s had handed her a letter that her father had written shortly before he died. It told her of a woman he’d met in America and had a relationship with briefly before he’d gone back to Canada and married her mother. While normally she would have been disgusted by her father’s ability to move from one woman to the next quickly, Skylie tamped it down as soon as her father revealed something interesting: she had a half-sibling. His old flame had contacted him while he was dating Skylie’s mother, telling him that she was pregnant. But since he was with another woman now, he couldn’t be there for his son, who was born after he and Skylie’s mother had gotten engaged.

    For once, Skylie had been glad that her mother was rich. She’d gone to America, to Philadelphia, where her father had said he’d met the woman, only to find Coleson McKinney in a cemetery. When she saw the last name on the tombstone, she realized that this unfairly attractive guy wearing eyeliner was her half-brother.

    Cole had taken the whole revelation in stride.

    Since Skylie really didn’t want to tell her mom about all of this, and they “needed some sibling bonding time anyway,” Cole decided they’d go to Greece. (A really random option, but Skylie wasn’t about to protest.) So here they had arrived just yesterday.

    Skylie had only known her brother for two weeks, but Cole was the only person in the world right now that she trusted. He’d told her everything about his life, and she’d begrudgingly done the same, though it had been hard for her to talk about. Cole had simply wrapped his arms around her and told her he wouldn’t let anyone hurt her ever again. For the first time since she was sixteen, she found herself trusting someone again.

    That didn’t change the fact that Cole was a horrible brother and annoying as hell.

    “Get some clothes on, idiot,” Skylie growled, averting her eyes from Cole, who only had his boxers on. She was also avoiding the affectionate pink glow from his aura, which had grown brighter over the two weeks she’d known him. “We’re going sightseeing today, remember? ‘Sibling bonding?’”

    Cole grinned. “Yes, ma’am.”

    “That’s Sky to you.”

    ~ ~ ~

    Why did Cole have to be just about a foot taller than her? He walked so fast, he nearly left Skylie behind when they reached Mount Olympus. Despite all the hype from the Greek myths, it wasn’t really that impressive.

    Cole had his hands in his pockets as he and Skylie approached the base of the mountain. “How much do you wanna bet you’d beat me in a mountain-climbing competition?”

    “You wouldn’t be able to afford the bet I’d make on that.” She gestured to her combat boots and lean muscles from her years spent as a street urchin.

    “You’re probably right.”

    When they reached the base of the mountain, they were surprised to find a little town there. Last Skylie had checked, it shouldn’t have been there. “This is just weird.” The town itself was in tatters, with dilapidated buildings everywhere and patches of grass scattered on the cobbled street. A few small animals scurried away from them as they explored, finding nothing but tattered curtains and piles of rubble.

    Cole scratched his head. “Maybe we should see if there’s anyone who knows anything about this place.” He turned back the way they had come with Skylie following close behind.

    As they reached the entrance to the town, Cole veered off the path. Waiting next to the first building by the entrance was… their luggage? Skylie didn’t need to read her brother’s aura to know she was just as confused as he was. “Unless I’m losing it, I’m pretty sure this should not be here.”

    Skylie knew a dangerous situation when she saw one. She immediately turned to the town’s entrance and tried to run away. But when she reached the very border of the ruin, she stopped in her tracks. It wasn’t that she scared—she actually couldn’t move past the border. It was like some sort of shield or force field. Turning back to Cole, Skylie said, “I can’t get through.”

    They stared at each other for a few moments before breathing simultaneously, “What the fuck is going on?”

    Coding by AnimeGenork AnimeGenork

Mobile Friendly
Topaz woke with a start. Images flashed through her head: long blond hair, tears streaming down strangers’ faces… What the hell was going on here?

Her younger sister, Sapphire, opened her bedroom door. “Topaz, come on. You and me and Pearl need to talk.”

“About what?” Topaz asked, rubbing her eyes as she sat up and swung her legs over the side of her bed. Why did she have a terrible feeling in the pit of her stomach?

Sapphire steadily met her gaze. “About that vision you just had.”

~ ~ ~

“So you’re telling me we’re the Three Fates from Greek myths?” Topaz growled, still confused from her “vision” earlier. Her younger sisters, Sapphire and Pearl, had called her to their living room to tell them why she’d had a vision. Sapphire had dreamed of a hooded figure that told her everything: she, Pearl, and Topaz had the spirits of the Three Fates sleeping within them, and they had now awakened.

“Her name was Clotho, and she told me that I was her reincarnation. Pearl is Atropos, and Topaz is Lachesis.” Twisting her mouth wryly, Sapphire pulled up her shirt sleeve. Before, Sapphire had never dreamed of getting a tattoo. Now, there was an image of a spool of thread on her shoulder. Topaz and Pearl checked their own shoulders, which bore the same marking as their third sister. “These have appeared on all three of us. It means the spirits of the Fates have fully awakened. We have received powers related to them, too; Pearl sees visions of the past, I see visions of the present, and you, Topaz, can see the future.”

Pearl interrupted, “And we’re not the only ones. They’re everywhere—all the figures from Greek mythology that we read about in Percy Jackson and all that other stuff. They’ve been reincarnated, too, but they have no idea that they have the spirits of those Greek figures within them. In my vision, I saw many of their births, with the spirits drifting into them.” She bit her lip. “I saw other things about them, too.”

Topaz furrowed her eyebrows. “That doesn’t fit with my vision at all…” She blinked, and suddenly, she was transported to the base of a mountain. When she blinked again, she was back with her sisters. Sighing, she heard the voice of Lachesis’s spirit whispering to her. “Never mind. We need to call all of the reincarnations to the base of Mount Olympus. It’s where… It’s where they’ll meet their destinies.”

Pearl closed her eyes. “Gods, Titans, heroes, princesses… All of them are scattered throughout the world. But I can tell where they were born. They might not be there now.”

Sapphire nodded. “We’ll need to send a message to them, telling them to come to Mount Olympus.”

The three sisters closed their eyes, using their other power of telepathy to reach across the world to the reincarnations of Greek figures. They had just barely made contact when something blocked them from completing their task. Sapphire scowled. “Someone got in the way. Someone powerful.”

“Or something, Topaz muttered darkly. She, of course, couldn’t help but know what had happened. Knowing the future was a horrible curse to bear.

“On the bright side,” Pearl said with one of her bright, model smiles, “we get to go to Greece! And everyone else will know to get there!”

Sapphire looked out the window at the sun rising over the horizon. “But we can’t interfere.”

Topaz ran a hand through her hair. “Not yet, we can’t. We have to wait until they all figure out what’s going on.”
“Cole, you son of a bitch! Why the hell did you let me drink so much last night? What kind of brother are you?!” Skylie woke up scolding her half-brother, who was passed out on the floor of their hotel room.

Rolling onto his back, Cole looked up at her through narrowed blue eyes. “I only just found out you existed two weeks ago, Sky. You really expect me to be good at this big brother thing already?”

Skylie scowled. Cole had a point, she supposed. Not three weeks ago, an old friend of her father’s had handed her a letter that her father had written shortly before he died. It told her of a woman he’d met in America and had a relationship with briefly before he’d gone back to Canada and married her mother. While normally she would have been disgusted by her father’s ability to move from one woman to the next quickly, Skylie tamped it down as soon as her father revealed something interesting: she had a half-sibling. His old flame had contacted him while he was dating Skylie’s mother, telling him that she was pregnant. But since he was with another woman now, he couldn’t be there for his son, who was born after he and Skylie’s mother had gotten engaged.

For once, Skylie had been glad that her mother was rich. She’d gone to America, to Philadelphia, where her father had said he’d met the woman, only to find Coleson McKinney in a cemetery. When she saw the last name on the tombstone, she realized that this unfairly attractive guy wearing eyeliner was her half-brother.

Cole had taken the whole revelation in stride.

Since Skylie really didn’t want to tell her mom about all of this, and they “needed some sibling bonding time anyway,” Cole decided they’d go to Greece. (A really random option, but Skylie wasn’t about to protest.) So here they had arrived just yesterday.

Skylie had only known her brother for two weeks, but Cole was the only person in the world right now that she trusted. He’d told her everything about his life, and she’d begrudgingly done the same, though it had been hard for her to talk about. Cole had simply wrapped his arms around her and told her he wouldn’t let anyone hurt her ever again. For the first time since she was sixteen, she found herself trusting someone again.

That didn’t change the fact that Cole was a horrible brother and annoying as hell.

“Get some clothes on, idiot,” Skylie growled, averting her eyes from Cole, who only had his boxers on. She was also avoiding the affectionate pink glow from his aura, which had grown brighter over the two weeks she’d known him. “We’re going sightseeing today, remember? ‘Sibling bonding?’”

Cole grinned. “Yes, ma’am.”

“That’s Sky to you.”

~ ~ ~

Why did Cole have to be just about a foot taller than her? He walked so fast, he nearly left Skylie behind when they reached Mount Olympus. Despite all the hype from the Greek myths, it wasn’t really that impressive.

Cole had his hands in his pockets as he and Skylie approached the base of the mountain. “How much do you wanna bet you’d beat me in a mountain-climbing competition?”

“You wouldn’t be able to afford the bet I’d make on that.” She gestured to her combat boots and lean muscles from her years spent as a street urchin.

“You’re probably right.”

When they reached the base of the mountain, they were surprised to find a little town there. Last Skylie had checked, it shouldn’t have been there. “This is just weird.” The town itself was in tatters, with dilapidated buildings everywhere and patches of grass scattered on the cobbled street. A few small animals scurried away from them as they explored, finding nothing but tattered curtains and piles of rubble.

Cole scratched his head. “Maybe we should see if there’s anyone who knows anything about this place.” He turned back the way they had come with Skylie following close behind.

As they reached the entrance to the town, Cole veered off the path. Waiting next to the first building by the entrance was… their luggage? Skylie didn’t need to read her brother’s aura to know she was just as confused as he was. “Unless I’m losing it, I’m pretty sure this should not be here.”

Skylie knew a dangerous situation when she saw one. She immediately turned to the town’s entrance and tried to run away. But when she reached the very border of the ruin, she stopped in her tracks. It wasn’t that she scared—she actually couldn’t move past the border. It was like some sort of shield or force field. Turning back to Cole, Skylie said, “I can’t get through.”

They stared at each other for a few moments before breathing simultaneously, “What the fuck is going on?”[/FONT]
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"So. This is Thessaloniki. Looks a lot different than in the video games."

"Well, yeah, two-thousand years does that."

Alex turned to his brother with an annoyed glare.

"Just making an observation."

Alex shook his head and began to stride off, Michael following close behind, and soon overtook him.

"Do you even know where you're going?", Alex asked with the corner of his mouth forming something akin to a smile.

"Of course I know where we're going!"


"I have no idea where we're going."

"Told ya."

They found themselves in front of a high-end sporting goods boutique. 'Yeah, we're lost alright,' thought Alex. He considered going in for a second, but chose otherwise, as they already had the right tools for the job. And everything within was probably stupidly expensive anyway. But, as he phased back into physical existence after getting lost in thought for a second, what he was greeted with was a man flying ten feet through the air and into one of the ornamental shrubberies in front of the store.

"Michael. Why do you do this?"

"Hey. He bumped me. Reflexes, man."

Alex sighed as the man jumped out of the bush and launched into a full-on tirade at Michael in a language that neither of them understood. Michael simply stood there with an amused grin on his face, which pissed the man off even more. The man, out of breath, stopped to regain it. Alex's heart skipped a beat for a second when he was actually able to focus on the man's face, but then snapped out of it. Michael, seeing an opportunity, spoke up.

"I didn't understand a single word of that."

The man's face suddenly darkened.

"A tourist. Of course it's a fucking tourist. And probably an American, am I right?"

Michael nods, the same grin on his face, which began to edge on the sinister.

"Yeah. What about it?"

"Aren't you going to apologize about throwing me into a GODDAMN BUSH?"

"What do you want? I'll buy you dinner," suggested Michael, getting a bit closer into the man's face, which now he noticed was placed a decent bit lower than his in space. He had to crouch down a bit.

'Excuse me, what?', Alex began to think.

"... Did you just say that? Yeah, I think not. You know what, screw it, I'm going to leave."

The man walked off with no more care in the world, as if the moment he chose to walk away he forgot all about the incident. The brothers decided to head elsewhere as well, stopping at a small grocery store. Alex wandered off to find some jerky, and came back to the front of the store as Michael was flipping through a fashion magazine in front of the magazine rack.

"Excuse me, but when have you ever been into fashion?"

"I'm not, but look at this."

He showed the cover of the magazine to Alex, and on it was a man, in bold letters nearby the name Andreas Dimitriades.

"Holy shit, it's the guy."
  • E L L I O T // ARACHNE

    xxx outfit ;; e l l i o t
    xxx tags ;; revalia revalia
    xxx with ;; amber.
    whether it was a mere coincidence or just lucky timing, elliot was extremely grateful for his school's excursion to greece. for the last few weeks, elliot felt he needed to travel to greece; specifically greece. however, he couldn't just ask his aunt and uncle if he could suddenly travel to greece yet elliot's school was planning a history excursion to spend a week in greece. elliot hated history, it was one of his worsts subjects yet he still went anyway, he just had to go and elliot was going to make sure he did. the teen male sat on the bus, earbuds stuffed in his ears and blasting old 80s music while the rest of his peers plus another school chatted amongst themselves. elliot wasn't a social person, preferring to be with his awkward self than with a large group. as he gazed out of the bus window, mount olympus came into view like a holy sight. elliot glanced around the bus, trying to find a possible exit without dying in the process. yet his luck came to him once more when the bus slowed down and the teacher from the other school announced a toilet break. a grin played at elliot's lips as he shuffled off the bus with his backpack bouncing behind him, almost leaping off the step's and onto the concrete ground out of excitement.

    "we won't be stopping for long, please be quick!"

    elliot ignored the teacher's order as he snuck behind the bus, his eyes scanning behind him just in case a teacher saw him, when a body bumped into him. elliot couldn't help but yelp out of surprise as he stumbled back slightly. elliot glanced up and noticed a girl his age with a constellation of freckles and fiery red hair that framed her face nicely. he felt his heart stop as elliot stood there awkwardly, he was most likely caught red handed.
    "um, mrs lovett said i could quickly check out mount olympus?" he stumbled over his words, making up the excuse as he went, "i'm a serious lover of greek mythology," guilt formed in his stomach as he lied, elliot couldn't help but internally cringe at his attempt to lie. yet once she replied, a look of surprise flashed over his face as well. "so, you aren't going to the bathroom?" he asked, using air quotations when he spoke about the bathroom.

AnimeGenork AnimeGenork + revalia revalia
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  • m6q59amqen445pdzg.jpg



    A R I A D N E
    Location: Home; Mt. Olympus
    Mood: Carefree
    Tags: N/A

    Ariadne's eyes opened. She felt uncomfortable, and she wasn't sure why until she attempted to move. Ah. She had two of her foster siblings pinning her to the bed as they snored, effectively keeping her arm in its dead-like state. She couldn't even feel it. With a soft groan, Ari attempted to slide out of her predicament, since she was bigger than the two of them combined, but she was quickly stopped by her siblings whining at her to stay. She reminded them that breakfast wouldn't serve itself and made a second attempt, managing to get up this time, regardless of how much her siblings continued to nag at her for not accepting her role as "warm pillow". They followed behind her as she walked to the kitchen, checking the time. Well, at least today was her day off. She didn't have to worry about catching her bus; she just needed to figure out what her younger siblings wished to eat. As they gave her a list of choices - eggs! Waffles! Oooh, ooh, Ari, could we have bacon?? - the older girl smiled, rubbing the sleep sand out of her eyes. "Okay. Pigaínete, dýo, xypníste tous adelfoús sas." Go, you two, wake up your brothers, she'd said with a yawn. The two almost flew out of the kitchen, and Ariadne's smile grew as she heard them call for their older brothers down the hall. At least she could prepare in peace.

    After feeding her family - this week, their father was out on business and their mother loved to take an early walk - Ariadne could focus on her own tasks for the day. Her boss had asked if she'd could, on her day off, head to Mount Olympus to take some photos; a client wished to base their house off of the atmosphere found there. If anything, Ari was excited to go - and that was the reason her boss had asked her instead of another intern. Ariadne walked down the streets until she made her way to a town. She was close, now. Ariadne wasn't one to get lost. As Ari continued to walk the streets, she had to stop for a moment as she felt her body shiver. She stopped a moment, wrapping her arms around herself in an attempt to calm her nerves. This was the right way, but something felt...different. Was she missing something? Ari checked her bag...no, that hadn't been the problem. She kept walking after taking a deep breath, now feeling like she was being tugged in a certain direction. She had to find what was guiding her.
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  • 595bb4abc95e41638cafa5af7a2d5214.png

    Interacting with: | Mentioned: AnimeGenork AnimeGenork nymphadora. nymphadora.

    Harvey wasn't sure what had happened these past few days. So this started off when he wanted to take a gap year as he wasn't looking forward to spending so many years at one place. Harvey randomly chose Greece for some reason. He just felt so compelled to go there. He began to wonder what to happen in Greece... it wasn't too far so it wasn't too much of a problem. He wondered why he's never gone there before. Harvey had managed to hitch hike with a truck driver who was passing by Mount Olympus. He always wanted to see that place.

    "You sure you want to get down here?" The truck driver asked as he pulled up to a small trail - the true beginning of the hiking trail. Or something. Harvey adjusted his backpack as he dropped down from the seat.

    "Yeah, I'm pretty sure." Harvey replied. He gave him a grin and a thumbs up. He waved at the man and he drove off. He let out a small sigh as he looked at the trail. Time to make something out of his life. Well, not like he didn't do much in his life at high school. Looking back to it, it was pretty amusing.

    He didn't know that he had started walking until he saw a town coming into view. It didn't look like it was really... inhabited for some reason. With nothing else to do, and maybe it would be a good resting point before he started hiking, he started making his way to the town. He spotted three other people there, and Harvey wasn't quite sure what was happening there. He stepped into the town, looking oddly towards them. Maybe the two were lost and was asking that one girl for directions.

    Oh he understood that. But it didn't matter if he was lost. He had money and food and extra clothing at all times, so he can live.

    Harvey ventured further into the town. Wow, it was in a way worse state than he had expected. Can you even live in this place? So it's probably just abandoned. He shrugged it off and then entered one of the dilapidated houses and found nothing of interest aside from the fact that the floor gave way under him but he managed to get out of the way before he was seriously injured.

    He let out a loud "Whoa!" without meaning for anyone to hear - but he was pretty sure that carried out to the closeby three people who were practically just outside the house. Okay, maybe not true, but it was close. Harvey exited the house with wide eyes and a relieved expression on his face. He ran a hand through his hair. Well then, that house is definitely not a good place to stay at for now.

The Goddess of Forgetfulness

Mood: Confused and Concerned
Scenario: Why am I here? What was I doing? More importantly... are you alright?
With: Ariadne

Coded by Invidia

The native Greek was casually walking along the piers for the local boat to the mainland of Greece from the small island of Santorini. It was the one thing that she enjoyed doing despite being on a deathtrap on the thing she feared the most. Water.

She liked to think that it was a way of controlling her fear. Sure… it what was she like to think but in reality when she boarded her internals were always at the edges of her feet. She simply sat down in her seat and leaned back, her headphones on high and eye closed. It helped ease the tension that was fighting inside of her from the minute her legs boarded the ship till the moment they touch land once more. That took a journey.

Nonetheless, just like any situation in the world, the journey came to an end to her relief. The nearly dozing female felt a tap on her shoulder which startled her a bit. Light grey eyes shot open when they realized it was none other than an old lady who gently woke her up because they reached the pier in the Olympic Port which from there she could catch the bus.

She let her feet do the walking as her mind was nothing but fog. She did not know what she went to the mainland for in the first place. All her mind was even registering was one of her most frequented sites. Mount. Olympus. She loved to visit it and simply look at tourists admiring such a beauty.

Upon her arrival, the female started walking and walking, however, the more she approached, the more attracted the young female was. Sure, she had a connection with the place being she visited a lot but this was something different. It felt like a moth being attracted to a flame. She felt it must have been something in the air. However, the red-head was confused. This happened to her on multiple occasions as her short term memory loss never helped.

She quite often found herself asking these questions; Why am I here? What was I doing?
If only she could answer herself.

The young female proceeded to walk near the outskirts spotting another female who seemed round her age. Motioning towards her, she noted that she too was motioning towards the same direction. This was all a messy confusion for poor Leona’s pea brain. Approaching, the curly haired female, Leona tapped her shoulder, “Excuse me but I couldn’t help notice that you seemed to having a slight nerve break-down, is everything alright?”

Leona seemed a bit worried but the same chills were racing through her. It could be noted from her slight jittery hand. However, she could easily mistake that as the effects of the journey she just took on that death-trap.
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    mentions | AnimeGenork AnimeGenork nymphadora. nymphadora. | location | abandoned town | outfit | athena | scenario | what the fuck?

    Care was confused, how the heck did she get on this trip? Her class was supposed to be going to Rome and not Greece but at the last minute, she spoke to her teacher about her weird need to go to Greece. The man who thought she was one of his best students. He decided to change the school trip to Greece, and pay for Care to go. He knew her backstory and knew that she didn't have the money to go on this trip. The weird thing was that he didn't want anything in return, just that she has fun. Now she's here, on a museum trip with her class. As they walked through it, she felt drawn to leave. Soon they were done, and they were allowed free time as long as they get back into the hotel by 9 pm. She immediately left, following her gut.

    She went through towns after towns. Her gut took her to this abandoned town. As she walked around the town, she said other people. A girl, and a bunch of males. She ran to hide, afraid that they were going to be mad at her for coming in. Soon she entered an abandoned house, as she walked into one of the rooms, she saw...her suitcase and a bow and arrow on top of it? With a pair of daggers. That was definitely not supposed to be there. She slowly back out. As she did, she bumped into a girl. No older than her and as she looked up. She noticed the familiar hair. "Hermione?" She spoke softly to the girl who screamed when she bumped into her.

    coded by korol | note: hidden scroll
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Aria Delacour
“At times, the solution to a maze is to reduce it to embers and walk straight through the ashes”

Mood: My peach! || Location: Border of the Ruins, Greece ||
Wearing: ARIADNE
|| Mentions: AI10100 AI10100 AnimeGenork AnimeGenork nymphadora. nymphadora.


Greece was just as magical as she imagined. Albeit hot and somehow humid and her fear of the ocean was kicking in, the majestic view and salty sea air trumps every uncomfortable feeling she’s having. Though she can’t help to be a little anxious, it’s been years since she donned her hiking boots and packed her bag for an adventure. Travelling has always been their way of father-daughter bonding and now, with her dad in a coma, Aria was alone in a foreign country for the first time. To be honest, she was more than hesitant on going at first; she listed out things and reasons as to why she should not go to this escapade and within an hour she’s got more than 20 reasons to stay home but after reading them out loud to her dad that night, she knew that the entire thing she wrote was nonsense. Heck, she knew it was rubbish even before she wrote it. She was just in denial so that she kept writing her list. Her mind weighed the pros and cons but deep within her heart, she knew she should go, that she ought to go. In the end, she followed her heart, like she always did when it comes to going on an adventure. The pull of Grecian trip was too strong for her resist that she was halfway done with packing when she realized what she was doing.
With a bag complete with sat phone, map, Swiss knife, emergency first aid kit, bottled water and granola bars, Aria left her hotel room early in the morning to start her day. With few Greek words in her pocket, she managed to convince a native to give her ride in his ancient pickup truck filled with fruits and vegetables to Mount Olympus, her first destination. Aria knew it was more than a cliché; go to Greece and climb Mount Olympus. Eat gyros. Blah blah. A very touristy thing but just like the trip, the mountain has a strong pull and instincts took over.

After an hour or so, the driver pulled up to a dirt road and pointed the small trail by the treeline. He said something in Greek but it was too fast for the girl to comprehend, Aria just ended up smiling as if she understood every bit of the word he said. Upon climbing down the car, she pulled out her wallet and was about to pay the driver but he just shook his head and wave his hand, and instead, he reached to the back of the pickup truck and tossed Aria a peach. “Efharisto poly,” Aria smiled, silently hoping that she didn’t butchered the simple word of appreciation. Thankfully, he answered ‘you’re welcome’ in Greek. Aria stepped away, waving in the process as she watched the ancient pickup truck drive away.

As soon as the truck was out of sight, Aria then trudges on and started her trek. Checking the compass in her watch, she was feeling more relaxed that she was on the right path and it didn’t took a while when she reached the foot of the mountain. Well, almost. Aria was more than surprise to see that there was a desolate town at the base of Olympus. She studied the map and she was more than certain t that it wasn’t drawn on it. Nevertheless, she went anyways and surprised to saw a couple of people about her age wandering around. Aria sighed quietly and thought about the tourist cliché scenario in her head but planning on having a great day, she just easily ignored the people around her. Though, her eyes drifted to the direction of a guy when she heard him yelp in surprise. Her eyes roam around and stared at her surroundings. Ramshackled houses were surrounding them, infrastructures that are clearly not safe for them to enter. Mostly in ruins and only the slabs of stones and the pillars are left behind. It was as if Mother Nature is finally taking over, claiming the land that was originally hers.
Feeling a sense of foreboding and claustrophobia, Aria took a step back to clear her head but instead stepping into an empty space, it was like there was a wall behind her. She immediately turned around and saw nothing but the wide road in front of her. Slowly, she put her pale hand in front of her to test it again and much more to her surprise, it felt like she was touching the cold hard surface of a mirror. “Was zur Hölle…” Aria mumbled quietly to herself, the German language curled easily in her tongue. She rarely cusses but she knew it was called for. She tapped the unseen wall as hard as she could with her palm, but to no avail, it was as solid as it is invisible. Having another idea, she took another step back and with the peach in hand, she threw it as hard and as far as she could… and the peach went through! It landed on the ground, breaking its soft skin.

Aria absently bit her lower lip out of nervousness and just stared at the peach on the ground, her expression is calm and collected but her mind was racing and her heart is pumping fast, clearly already thinking of what on earth is happening and of a way on how to get out of the forbidding place.





"Fame changes a lot of things, but it can't change a lightbulb."

Egyptian cotton sheets began to rustle as Eva woke from her slumber. She could feel a companionable warmth beside her and rolled over to take in the magnificent sight of her fellow co-star on the movie they had just finished production on. He had the classic movie star looks, chiselled jaw, dimpled chin all the shit she had honestly seen so much it had become no big deal to her. She didn't even remember how he had ended up in her room, but she assumed it had something to do with the wrap party, tequilas and a suggestive conversation.

Just as she moved to leave her bed, her co-star, Chance, began to stir, looking up at her with a smug grin. Ugh, it's that conquest look again, Eva thought, though she offered him a coy smile. I'm pretty sure I got you into bed dude.
"Hey there, beautiful," Chance said, in a low, seductive voice, "Enjoy our last night in Greece?" Eva laughed a little, clearly now detaching herself from the night of fun she assumed she had had. "Your last night in Greece, maybe, but this Princess of Troy is not going anywhere. I'm having too much fun." Eva raised an eyebrow at him as she finally rose from the bed and began to saunter toward the bathroom. "Either you join me one last time, or I guess I'll see you at the premiere." She winked and disappeared into the bathroom leaving the invitation entirely open.

True to her word, Eva was still exploring Greece two hours after most of the cast had left for their million flights back to L.A. Eva had been determined to delay going back there. Hollywood was not her favourite place in the world, and probably never would be. Besides, something outside of herself seemed to be urging her to stay. So now, she stood at the base of Mount Olympus, surrounded by people. Not a movie star, but just a fellow tourist (albeit a very glamorously dressed tourist), taking in the sights like everyone else with her cellphone at hand taking pictures.

outfit: eva| location: base of mount olympus| scenario: better be incognito
with: | mentions:





"History will be kind to me, for I intend to write it"

Francesca Simmons was incredibly grateful for the cultural and historical enrichment her parents had provided by paying for a trip to the ancient country of Greece. It had been a gift for her successful completion of yet another degree in Women's Studies. Her first, of course had been obtained whilst she had been just seventeen and had been a degree in Medieval History. She was here alone, having not wanted the hindrance and distraction of others. Her parents were unable to accompany her, and besides, Francesca did not have any friends her own age. Most of the other students back at Oxford had not appreciated a sixteen year old entering their bubble, and so naturally, friendships were scarce amongst her academic peers.

She had decided to go to the famous Mount Olympus. Though belief in the gods seemed primitive to her, she still found the concept fascinating, noting how similarly the so-called 'gods' acted to mere mortals. If only she could get into the headspace of an Ancient Greek! The young woman pulled a notebook from her pocket and began to write about the sight before her, oblivious to all the people around her, jostling her to get a better look for themselves.

outfit: francesca| location: the base of mount olumpus | scenario: historical enrichment
with: | mentions:

The Goddess of
Hunt, Wilderness and Moon

Mood: Adventurous
Scenario: Just a bathroom break...
With: Elliot | Tomas

Coded by Invidia

The bus kept motioning and motioning. Amber was never a fan of vehicles especially since she got easily motion sick. She preferred the old fashion walking or trekking rather than any vehicle any day. Nonetheless, it was worth it. The little Brit students where in Greece. Turns out it was not just her school that was doing the trip but another English school from Kingston was tagging along as well. Fun! Making new friends was always a blast. Greek Mythology was always something she wanted to see visually in person, the wondrous ruins. However, teachers being supervisors didn’t allow any of the students off the confines of the bus which was BORING. She did not come all the way to Greece to view such beauty behind bolted glass… No… way.

The ginger awaited for the perfect moment. The loud muttering and conversations that were occurring amongst the young occupants of the bus suddenly fell to dead silence as her teacher spoke rather loudly announcing the news that was a literal message sent from the gods.

“We won’t be stopping for long. Please be quick!”

A bathroom break. Thank the heavens.

Amber knew that this was the golden opportunity to simply head off to the bathroom and possibly even never return, as quick as possible?

Both schools seemed to need the refreshing air even thought it was warm. She immediately removed her grey coat away and remained with just her blouse as she strapped her bag on her shoulders and slid from the door and assuming she headed to the bathroom door as she swore she could have felt her professor's eyes engraved on her back. Fully knowing what Amber is capable off.

However, as she was backing away to make a run for it behind the bus when the professor looked away she ended up backing up and colliding back to back with a peer from the opposed school as she literally jumped. Given she was really jumpy in general. She let out a grumble before turning coming face to face with a young male round her age. She knew him. He was on her bus and from the looks of it he was also trying to make a run for his life out of this boredom from Mrs. Lovett’s orders.

The female gave the young male a firm chocolate eyed glance to follow her lead. “Didn’t you hear our superior, we are only allowed to leave the bus if we need to go to the bathroom which is a necessity after the long drive we’ve had.” Amber said in a serious as a matter of fact tone.

Her eyes danced from the boy towards their superior which seemed unconvinced but gave a nod, “Go on… don’t take long. We shall depart soon. Go on.” the supervisor instructed.

With that queue, she grasped the boy’s wrist and nodded towards the stalls behind the building, walking slowly not to cause any suspicion of eagerness. The pair made their way to the stalls casually before he could realised she pulled him behind the building where they both go on their little rendezvous that they clearly were thinking of doing. “You know, for a sneak out, you are a really shitty liar.” Amber gave him a hearty chuckle as she taunted him. “The name’s Amber, nice to meet you, and yourself?” The female was about to offer a hand for him to shake before she heard shifting towards them and placed a finger in front of her lips, silencing.

Another person, appeared. Thankfully he didn’t seem a bus occupant nor a supervisor. The spunky ginger heaved a sigh of relief. “Uh as much as we love to stay here and chat, we need to evacuate the area and enter a safe zone,” she pointed at her and the other student that she still not yet know his name. “You’re welcome to join stranger… perhaps we can even help you find what you seek. Just… not here.” she stated a bit urgently.

The Gorgon

Mood: Inspired
Scenario: Be careful and stop fucking around...
With: Harrison | Enid

Coded by Invidia

Margot had been itching to go to Greece for her new adventurous destination. What Margot dreams, she achieves and the next thing she knew she was packing and on a plane to the ancient city of Greece. Nonetheless she did not go alone. Even though her father was highly against it, she took Harrison with her, under her responsibility. Even though she did not like the idea that she had to play bodyguard to the young troublemaker, she knew that if he missed such an opportunity like this. He would have been upset. Hell, she would have been.

Upon arrival, the pair settled in the hotel for the month they were staying in Greece. Having traveled such a long journey for a mere week was definitely not worth it. However as she dumped her bag, she strapped her canon camera round her neck before raising a dark brown eyebrow towards the freckled devil, “Harry… did you think I came to Greece just to sleep in? C’mon, grab your camera and let’s explore the surroundings.”

And so, the little rascal and her were wondering the ancient city underneath Mount Olympus. The ruins were simply breathtaking. The two Aussies were not accustomed to such buildings. Unlike Harrison, Margot took her time taking her shots. Which made her fall behind the monkey rather easily. Just like that.

“I may be older but leave nan out of this. I’m way more fabulous and have way less wrinkles,” she paused for a second as she turned her camera on, snapping a shot of a local house. “...Don’t tell her I said that.” she proceeded. Knowing fully that Grandma Marie would not have appreciated that comment.

Having the same motive as her little cousin, the female hauled herself up a short wall to gain the height advantage just as Harrison rushed by her once more. Damn, his energy is off the charts that little bugger. Margot took a few minutes to intake the view off from a higher scale. Grasping her camera she lifted her arms up for an even higher altitude, “Hey, don’t run off too far. Remember I am still responsible after your arse and if something happened to you Dad would kill me.” the female snapped the shot before examining it. Before she could go down, she heard her cousin swore. “Bite that tongue young man,” as laid back as Margot was, if he grew the habit and something like that slipped up with father he would definitely blame her as her tongue was a bit sharp herself. “...I don’t want the ol’ man biting at my back.”

Looking down at her now approaching cousin, she noticed he stopped walking, putting on a worried face. Claiming he was stuck. He sure knew how to act. This was something to rile her up. Another female, round Harrison’s age came to his aid but it only made Margot frown. Did she honestly believe him.

With a shake of her head, she jumped off the wall and motioned towards the pair, “Don’t take notice of my cousin. He is just taking the piss out of my situation.” the brunette rolled her eyes. Margot grasped her cousin’s arm and yanked him towards the village and he budged. “See? No roots. No cement. The little bugger is fine. C’mon we have a hecka lot more to cover. We’ll see who is the Gran now.” she taunted sticking her tongue out before motioning inwards, she desperately needed to explore more. She had a feeling that some phenomenal shots awaiting.
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Fitz Erge​

Sounds of explosions echoed throughout the lab leaving only smoke and a face full of ash left. Sighing Fitz threw away the equipment he had in his hands, somewhere in the room. The
screwdriver rolled, and the hammer clanged onto the ground as Fitz left. All of the employees looked at him funny as he passerby. This was an entirely frustrating problem. His father wanted him to create an intricate design that would take at least a week to prepare. Instead of giving him at least a week, his father ended up giving him at least three days to complete.

Today was the second day he was given to accomplish the design.

Not that it really mattered since he already left to go on his vacation. It was more of a petty trip if any, without him the company would probably work a lot slower. Looking outside of the window of the plane he was in, he saw Greece. Why did he go to Greece? Well it was mainly because he felt like it. It just seemed right, and he always longed to see architecture it had within its lands. Finally, the plane landed down and he retrieved his luggage. Dragging it out of the airport he booked a room from a four star hotel, and grabbed a taxi to Mount Olympus. To be honest, he should of left his luggage in the hotel, but he was too 'lazy' to do it.

It was a long ride from now, so Fitz just sat back against the seat and relaxed for the time being. Doing nothing felt very refreshing.
One day after the meeting of Andreas, Michael, and Alex...

"Holy shit, it's the guy," groaned Andreas as he noticed Michael, who had just parked his rental car just off of the road coming out of this strange ruin of a town. Andreas, who had planned this trip for a couple of weeks, lamented the fact that he had chosen today to go hiking. There were many things peculiar about this situation, the major ones being that, yes, the twins were here at the same time he was, that the town was in ruins, and that there was a veritable crowd of people standing just beyond the border of the town, doing this unexplainable mime-act of "touching" this invisible wall of air in front of them.

Michael rushed headfirst towards the crowd, and in an attempt to get the crowd's attention, attempts to circle them, when he rushed headfirst into the barrier there. His brain was filled with a sound not unlike a guitar being unplugged from an amp, a strange deep tone. Of course, it may have been his brain bouncing off the... whatever it was.


The 'God'dess of
Luck, Chance, and Fortune

Mood: Lucky > Panicked
Scenario: Just another lucky day
With: Edward

Coded by Invidia

The last thing he could actually recall doing was sulking in his bed, struggling to get up and contemplating on what he was going to do throughout the day… or more like his life.

That was until he had received a phone call from his trustee partner in crime ever since the two were in diapers, Eddie. He requested for him to join in his little getaway and hell he was not going to decline such and offer. Who would?

Talk about luck.

After hanging up, the male bounced off the mattress, leaving the warm confines of his beds and readied his suitcase. Fortunately enough he already had one half-packed so he proceeded to fill it with any other necessary needs; underwear, toiletries, phone chargers, camera and not to mention some trusty protection in case he tested his luck any further. After his luggage was ready, he readied himself and as always he spent the majority of the time, dedicated to his luscious light brown spikes and slightly shaved sides. His hair was his best asset and he treated it as if it was his own child.

Next thing he knew he was lounging back in a private jet with his best bud, on the way to Greece. Clint, despite the strong scent of alcohol and ash cigarettes reaching his brain through his nose, managed to doze off rather quickly.

It was a thing. Clinton Martell could sleep anywhere. And I mean anywhere.

The trip was so smooth, that time flew by. However he felt a tap on his shoulder that woke him up from his long slumber with a freight. He wasn’t even sure if he was drooling but he instinctively wiped his lips with his palm before straightening himself up and dusting himself from any ash remains that hugged his trench coat, before motioning behind his russian friend in black towards, of course, a villa.

Clinton was loading his luggage on top of the bed and opening it to get the charger to let his phone fill up once more. However Edward was more fast paced than Clint could ever be. He picked up things faster than Clint, as probably he would still be processing it in his brain and Eddie would be at the end of the process thought. In fact as he was plugging his phone, he had already started suggesting options to go out.

“What shall we do first? play poker, find wannabe barbies or explore our new playground?”

“Play poker, no. Find wannabe barbies, although not an entirely bad idea, I don’t feel like dealing with bimbos. I say Explore our new playground. Something new to start off fresh.” Clint remarked with a rather blank expression himself but popping it out with one of his handsome side grins. With his friend’s follow up, exploring the playground it was.

Both males headed out and Clint shifted in the seat beside Eddie before the chauffeur closed the door on him and hurried to drive towards the said destinations. However as the white car pulled over, he could already sense the tense of impatience and anger that Edward was emitting. He knew that he despised unnecessary intermissions. Climbing out of the vehicle he muttered out, “Easy man. You said we are going out to explore our new grounds, that's what we shall do here. Underneath… a mountain and an old village?”

As he heard himself talk he shook his head in confusion and closed the door behind him and jogged to Ed who seemed to halt, examining. That only meant one thing, a new genial idea. “It is, however I do doubt that people came here to play slots. It doesn’t feel like the correct vibes, y’know?”

Clinton was following Edward around like a lost puppy while still maintaining his image. That is until the men decided to move or like Eddie did. “It seems like the gods’ wanted to pay you back for you wanting to ruin their fertile ground with a casino!” he kidded.

However, as he tried to do the same, he also felt his boots being rooted to the ground. He lowered down to pulls his leg from his boot but he couldn’t. It was as if his sole was glued to the boot which was glued to the ground, “What? Even I can’t move… not even take of my shoe.” He was sure that he not yet drank. So hallucination was out of the way. His kidding expression was flushed out by seriousness and panic. Unlike Edward, Panic flooded through his expression. Scratch that about his luck because it came to bite him in the ass.

The Muse of Dance

Mood: Worried > Amused
Scenario: Be careful... Geez
With: Mila
Mentions: Clinton| Edward

Coded by Invidia

"Come on Mel!"

It was all she could hear from the chirpy young teen that she called her best friend. She could swear on her life that was more like a motherly best friend to her rather than an older peer. However as clumsy as she may be whenever Mila always managed to make Mel laugh when no one else couldn’t.

Right this moment was an example.

The brunette was broody and grumpy because the heat was getting to her. Mel did not bond well with heat as she overheated rather quickly. Have she knew that the weather was like this in Greece there was no chance in hell she would have brought leather. Her body and heat equals a big no.

Nonetheless, that did not stop the young blonde from dragging her along the concrete sidewalk with their arms looped through one another. She was quite sure that the blonde had her own and Mel’s energy combined as Mel felt drained, “Don’t worry Mila! I’m right by your side, even if I don’t really have a say in the matter now do I?”

As the female let go of her hold, she watched her run along to take a picture of this and a picture of that. She knew Mila loved these little things, hence why their rooms had two massive cork boards that Mel gave her as a birthday present when they first moved to America. Ever since then Mila would take snippets and would nail and hang them along these boards.

Whenever Mila ran off, Mel had to warn, “Slow down tiger! You’re gonna get…” just like that she saw the young teen skid down and topple down the small hill and land flat on her ass and knees. As expected. “...hurt.” the brunette finished.

Melanie ran over towards the toppled down friend and went down the small slope by her side and from her leather jacket, she took out a tissue and a small band-aid that she always carried around with her for such reasons. You can never be to safe with Mila.

“No, it’s just a scrape. However, it needs tend to just in case so it won’t in fact.” she sighed as she lowered down in a crouch to level with Mila’s knee. Slowly removing any dirt and debris around her irritated skin of her knee, she then covered it up with a small pink band-aid with hearts on it how she loved them. Such a child. Mel loved her angel.

As she was tending her, she noticed that Mila spotted something new to explore. Melanie looked across her shoulder, “Looks like an old village to me. Perhaps when I finish we can go check it out together. Slowly. Side by side. As your way clearly got you scratched.” she warned.

Just like that she stood up and patted the side of her knee, “There we go. All fixed!”

Standing up, rather easily, Mel stretched a bit. Being a professional dancer the female tended to stretch out of habit in the middle of anything. With that she motioned towards this village where a white car was parked on the outside the village. Awaiting for Mila which would catch up to her rather easily.

Melanie let out a soft hum at that sweet ride before she motioned along the outskirts a bit more. As Mila approached she halted her by placing a hand in front of her, just outside the village. “Wait...Look,” the brunette pointed nearby to a pair of males in trench coats, that seem to be struggling terribly. To… move?

She tried not to laugh. They looked a bit silly. “Hey you two? Are you having troubles working your muscles?” Mel hollered with her hands around her lips for the sound to reach. The reason she stopped Mila was because if they seemed stuck, there was no guarantee they would not get stuck as well. Hence better like this.

  • Ivy St. Clair
    (Thalia the Muse)
    Humor repairs the brokenness.

    Mood: Sneaky/Pleasantly Surprised | Scenario: Look at Widdle Elli Now! | Outfit: This | With: Elliot, Tomas, Amber | Mentions: N/A | Tags: nymphadora. nymphadora. r e i r e i revalia revalia

    The sun shining in the sky was nothing like the rainy skies of London. Ivy grinned to herself as she put her sunglasses down over her eyes. Her parents were still sleeping in their hotel room, and her brother was watching TV. She, however, had wanted to explore the wonderful land of Greece. Perhaps she’d be able to find someone who spoke English and make a crack about My Big Fat Greek Wedding.

    Folding her arms behind her head, Ivy strolled down the sidewalk in her heeled boots, which made her only slightly taller than normal. She happened upon a couple of school groups and smirked. Suckers. She’d gotten out of school to go on vacation with her family; they’d suddenly decided to go to Greece one day, out of the blue.

    Out of the corner of her eye, she saw someone sneaking behind one of the buses. Ivy blinked, squinting against the sunshine. Was that… nah. Couldn’t be. She hadn’t seen him in years. With a shrug, Ivy continued on her merry way, planning to see Mount Olympus to see how many jokes she could make about it.

    As she passed the back of one of the buses, she thought she saw him again. This time, however, there were others with him. A boy who looked lost and a pretty girl with freckles. But the first boy…

    “Elli?!” Yes, she was sure now. It was Elliot, a boy she’d known since they were children. He lived near her cousins, so whenever she visited them, she got to see Elliot. But those days had ended as soon as he moved to America. She hadn’t seen him since.

    Walking over to the three young adults, she grabbed Elliot’s shoulders and smiled. “Look at you, Elliot! You actually grew up and managed to get taller than me!” Letting go of him, she put her hands on her hips and tilted her head, appraising him. “So who’s this? Your girlfriend? Did little Elli finally work up the nerve to ask out a pretty girl?”

    It was about that moment that the girl said to the other boy that they needed to move somewhere else. Ivy agreed. If she ended up getting Elliot in trouble, she didn’t know what she’d do with herself. Peeking around the side of the bus, she saw one of the teachers coming over to investigate. She slid her sunglasses on again like some sort of secret agent. “I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it seems like we’re nearly too late. I may not be with you guys, but I sure as hell ain’t getting anybody in trouble. What do ya say we go check out that mountain over yonder?” Grinning over at Elliot especially, she said to him, “You and I have some catching up to do, troublemaker.”

    Coding by AnimeGenork AnimeGenork


The Muse of Astronomy

Mood: Homesick
Scenario: I want to go back home
With: Francesca | Oliver

Coded by Invidia

The female had been a bit conflicted about this trip to Greece. It was a family tradition for the Freys to visit at least one country outside Canada for vacation. Aurelia was not fond of such tradition mainly because she never liked to leave the confines of her garden. Where he beanbag and telescope resided. They were the two things she could not live without.

It seemed for the next month, while in Greece, her stargazing would have to be done without her telescope and just with the naked eye. Something she had to suck up. It has been already two weeks that Aurelia had been in Greece and she had been growing homesick rather quickly. Then again, she had no choice but stick to this for a couple of more weeks and it would all be over.

Trying to grasp the opportunity she noticed that her stargazing group latest post indicated that the constellations Sagittarius, Scorpius and Capricornus will be clearly visible in Greece, specifically near Mount Olympus. She was ecstatic, especially since she herself was a Capricorn. After two years the constellation was going to blossom. Grabbing herself a few bites and a picnic cloth with some drinks. She prepared for her late night stargazing. That being said it was a miracle convincing her parents to go. Especially since they had already visited Mount. Olympus.

Upon her arrival, she went to look for the perfect spot. And so she did. A small clearing beside a wall and what looked like a village. It seemed to be the perfect location. She set her picnic cloth down with her basket before she heard a young boy, apologising and toppling over another female. Aurelia tried not chuckle.

“Go! Introduce yourself child.” she heard a small voice inside her head whisper.

“What? Like now? But how?” Aurelia mumbled to herself.

“Just approach them and introduce yourself dear,” whispered another voice. A different one. More kinder.

Aurelia nodded and plucked up some courage to go towards the couple. She did not want to be invasive but nor to hesitant. Clearing her throat she blinked, her stellar eyes eyesing them both. “Hey! I couldn’t help but notice the topple from where I was. Is everything all well?”

The Goddess of
Beauty, Love and Desire

Mood: Delight with a sprinkle of Annoyance
Scenario: Eugh
With: Arin | Elizabeth

Tags: apolla apolla
Coded by Invidia

For the first time in like what? Four years? Her so called boyfriend actually listened to her. She was finally ecstatic that he was taking her on a long holiday somewhere just by themselves. True the two teenagers were together just for the looks but hey, to look the part you have to play the part no?

The brunette had decided to take her to the lovely and ancient city of Greece. It was kind of tacky for Fleur’s usual tastes but it was the thought that counts. Especially in this case. Fleur had been so excited that she started lightly packing from a month before. Finally… she cannot remember the last time she went to Europe, her home continent. She was finally taking a well needed break from the United States of America.

Finally that day had arrived and the first surprise was waiting right there. At the airport. Upon her meeting with Arin she noticed another familiar blonde. Elizabeth. Fleur’s eyes narrowed. She loved her close friend, Lizzie but she thought or at least, Arin made her think that it was just going to be them. She mentally laughed at that. HA! What was she thinking? Their relationship was nothing than a hoax in itself. Let alone a vacation getaway alone.

Nonetheless, the blonde sucked it up and faked her smile and welcomed Lizzie. She couldn’t hate the girl if she tried. Fleur was not mad at Lizzie. It was not her fault but it was a sort of unexpected surprise.

Give and take a day, the trio made their way to Greece and landed from a safe flight. If anything she didn’t have to somewhat fake with Arin as Lizzie caught on about their relationship. At least Fleur told Lizzie. However, she was not sure Arin knew that Lizzie knows. If that makes sense.

Upon landing, Fleur was already bored. “So let’s get going to the hotel? Unpack and go out!” she said awaiting her peers’ replies rather impatiently. Until the respective blonde spoke out first, “Yes, indeed! Perhaps we could go visit the most famous historical site, Mt. Olypmus. I heard there is a village underneath!”

Fleur groaned, “O - M - G! I thought you were going to come out with something interesting Lizzie! I was thinking shopping! Get that Grecian style flowing.” the bubbly blonde suggested before the male popped in.

“I’m down with Elizabeth. We can go to Mt. Olympus.” he casually stated placed his distinctive arms in his jeans’ pockets. That earned him a subtle glare from his supposed girlfriend before he quickly added, “ aaaaand we can go shopping later… Bubbles.”

As she heard his pet name for her again she wrinkled her nose and shook her head, “For the love of god Arin what did we say about that pet name?!!” she commented in a whiny voice.

“I don’t recall, Princess.” he replied back with his signature confused yet trying to grin facial expression. Fleur couldn’t help but turn her frowny face to a giggling bust. She loved it when he messed with her like that. It was those times she loved. “Come on,” she said through her characteristic dimpled smile… “We have a mountain to visit!”

xx outfit ;; a u r o r a
iitags ;; AnimeGenork AnimeGenork
xxwith ;; skylie, cole + kendrick.
"my younger sister and I are a bit freaked out. we came here for some sibling bonding time, only to find our luggage here, which is strange, since we left it at our hotel. this is probably going to sound weird, but we also found out we’re unable to exit this town."

aurora rose a curious eyebrow at the male's explanation, it was pretty unusual for a greek village to have a random stranger's luggage in the small houses. her brown eyes flickered between the two, aurora swore the blonde female could shoot daggers out of her eyes if she wanted to while the male seemed to have a more relaxed demeanour about him. she kept a curious look on her face as she tried to think logically. her thinking was interrupted for a moment when the male on the floor introduced themselves. she gave a curt nod before introducing herself.

"i'm aurora, nice to meet you both." she said politely, pausing for a few moments before speaking again, "did you say you couldn't leave?" she asked once more, making sure she had all the supposed "facts". yet she never got her answer when another voice appeared out of nowhere.

"hey, are you alright?"

aurora jumped a few centimetres back in surprise at the sudden voice, her focus was then directed at an unknown male with short brown hair and a sweet italian accent.

"are you on the run or something? do you need help hiding from those people?"

aurora couldn't help but try to fight the smile that was toying at her lips; she gave two taps on the left side of her nose towards the male before narrowing her eyebrows. "there's more people?" she poked her head outside and noticed there were people wandering around, trying to leave the village but struggling to do so. aurora returned to her place and slipped strands of her blonde hair back behind her ear.

"he's not wrong, cole- i mean," aurora murmured, pointing towards cole before continuing her sentence, "people are just. . stopping. as if their feet are stuck." aurora struggled to believe what she was saying but the words seem to fall out of her mouth, her voice pausing as she carefully chose her words.

The Goddess of
Agriculture and Grains

Mood: Lost
Scenario: I think I am lost?
With: Charlie

Coded by Invidia

The young Aussie felt like a literal fish out of water ever since they came to Greece. Her and her father had been travelling for her latest world wide swimming competition which this year round was being held in the country of Greece. It had only been a few days upon their arrival and the pair wanted to explore before she could start training for her swimming marathon. Hence, they went to visit the ancient village underneath Mt Olympus. Jade was not really a fan of these historical sites so she'd rather stick to the outskirts and into the bit of greenery there was. It was far more interesting.

Ten minutes... Twenty... Forty... One hour passed.

Her dad was nowhere to be seen. The young brunette huffed in boredom as she was sitting idly under a nice cypress tree looking down on the village. Did her father possibly forget her? It wouldn't have been the first time. However, she heard a car slowly park nearby the tree as a male emerged out of it. Jade was small and hidden so it was hard to be spotted, hence why he might have missed her. However, this man was the only human being that passed through here maybe he would help her around.

Standing up she dusted her jean dungaree and ran behind him, "Excuse me? Sir? Could you please help me? I think I am lost and I have nowhere else to go." Her Ausralian accent was rather evident that the young girl was foreign. She hoped he would at least stop and hear her out cause Jade hated when she ended up all alone like this. Perhaps he was one of her hopes. The female fiddled with the sunflower that occupied her hands instead of breaking down. Nature was her safe haven and Sunflowers were her favorite flower.

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    “Yeah, Dad, the shoot’s all done. Tell Papa to stop worryin’. Nothin’s wrong. I just want to stick around a little. I’ll be back within a week,” the makeup artist said into her phone as she leaned against the cool glass of the bus window. The trip was rickety, but couldn’t compare to driving around on the country roads at home.
    “Keir, your Papa and I, we just want you to know that we’re real proud of you. Have fun, baby girl. I’m going to let you go before Papa has a breakdown. We love you” Her father replied, ending the call, but not before another voice in the background could add, “Tell her to call us when she gets back to the hotel!”
    Keir shook her head as she slipped her phone into her purse and turned her dark eyes to the road ahead. Everything seemed like it was happening all at once, and her stomach churned as all of the emotions fought inside her. Being here has been like a dream. It started out perfectly. She had gotten to star in a commercial shot in Greece, after all. Then, when she arrived, it seemed like the dream turned into a nightmare. Every time she looked at someone’s face, all she could see and feel were horrible things that she couldn’t ignore. She had thought she had cracked under stress, and debated very seriously about going home. She ultimately decided to stay, finish the commercial, and figure out why this was happening to her. Sure, she was homesick and she missed her dads, but she felt like there were answers here. So, here she was, listening to the guide tell the stories of Mount Olympus as the bus tour approached.
    After what seemed like an eternity, the bus shuddered to a stop at the base of one of the many trails up the mountain. The tour guide ushered them off the bus, reminding them to not leave anything behind and to make sure they stay with the group. Keir’s bright red converses crunched against the rocks underfoot as she shuffled with the crowd, taking in the beautiful sights of this legendary place. Being here almost made her forget about all the bad things. Almost.
    As the tour guide droned on and on, Keir slipped away to a nearby trail. She paused at the start of the trail, uncertain if she should really continue. But, when she glanced back and all she could see of people were bugs and clowns and monsters and memories, the young woman started forward again, almost in a panic. She didn’t know where she was going, but it seemed as though her gut did. So, she kept walking and walking, until she spotted what looked like an abandoned town.
    This was it. Whatever it was.
    Keir ran her finger around the edge of a splotch of white on her arm.
    It was now or never.
    She began to walk toward the town.

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Mood: Awkward | Location: The Town | With: Naomi AnimeGenork AnimeGenork | Notes: I didn't know if you wanted someone specific to the teddy but, eh I'll edit if so.

Greece, the city of ancient stories and lore. A place where he should have been exploring and having a grand ole time, but no. He was here with his father at a stuffy dinner party. He wasn't even dressed for the occasion nor was he even caring. He lounged in the far corner with his guitar on his back. His father wanted him to get a grip on how the business worked. Honestly, Elijah didn't care at all. This wasn't what he wanted to do and his father seemed to ignore that. He was a computer geek, not an architect. If his father couldn't understand that, then too damn bad.

He moved out of the building and into the street. It was a beautiful day to escape from this bullshit. He looked behind him and into the building, it wasn't worth his time. His brown hair shuffled in the breeze and he squinted at the sunlight. He normally would be wearing long heavy clothing to hide the fact that he was pale and burned easily, but his parents insisted he'd just burn either way. They were always fussing over him, it was rather annoying. As he walked through the streets he felt himself being pulled closer and closer to Mount Olympus, he wasn't sure why, but he felt that there was something there for him.

It was a long walk and by time he reached the little town he was out of breath and panting. A few coughs escaped his chapped lips and he squinted and saw a gathered group of people. Maybe this was a tourist trap? He moved closer and saw a teddy bear laying on the ground. A confused sound escaped his lips and he looked up to see a tired girl trying to grasp for it.

"Must belong to her." he mumbled to himself. He picked up the teddy and moved to her. "This uh, yours?" he managed to say. Socializing was not his strong suit. After a few moments of trying to get the sleeping girl to acknowledge him, he just placed the teddy beside her. He moved to leave, this place didn't seem like it held anything for him. However he found himself being stopped by a barrier of some sorts. He banged his hands on the air to find it was like a wall.

"Ah what the fuck." he said and slumped down to the ground.

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    A R I A D N E
    Location: Home: Mt. Olympus
    Mood: A Little Surprised
    With: Leona, Fox & Brayburn
    Tags: revalia revalia Shame Shame

    Ariadne had felt so out of it. She had never felt lost in Greece, either, so when she had the thought of it, it shook her too. So when she was tapped on the shoulder, in the midst of her thoughts, she jumped a bit before turning to see who had greeted her.

    “Excuse me but I couldn’t help notice that you seemed to having a slight nerve break-down, is everything alright?”

    Ariadne instinctively smiled at the red-haired woman, giving a gentle bow of the head to her. "I do feel off, but I am okay. Thank you." She looked beautiful, Ari thought. She'd never done more than add lemon to her own hair to get more highlights, so she was a bit captivated by the woman's red locks. Ariadne's eyes went down to the woman's hands, which were shaking. So she had felt whatever was happening as well. At least she wasn't alone, so Ari's thoughts went back to her hair. She immediately wanted to draw her, but she didn't take out her journal, opting to be friendly first. She seemed a bit older than she was, Ari mused, before quickly giving her an introduction with her natural Greek candor. "My name is Ariadne." She said, her smile growing a bit. "You are gorgeous; and I love your hair. May I ask your name?"

    Before Ari could hear the lovely lady's response, she heard someone shout a name. She turned to face the sound, and was surprised to see an adorable furry dog heading her way. Ari was almost oblivious to the man tailing the dog as she giggled and opened her arms for the running pooch. As the canine leaped into her arms, she twirled the medium-sized dog with glee, giggling a bit as she went. "I must admit, I'm feeling so much better now," she cooed, both at the sweet dog and at the red-haired lady who had been kind enough to check on her, obviously distracted as the man collided with the ground. "Thank you, you sweet thing. What is your name, hmm?"

    It was then, and only then, that she noticed the clouds of dirt in her peripheral vision, and then she noticed the man. A smile played on her lips as she leaned down, still holding his dog. His dog was cute, but he was gorgeous. The pages of her journal turned in her mind; she now had two beautiful people to draw, and an adorable pooch, too. Excellent. Her eyes trailed the man's neck, noticing his many, many tattoos. Now that was interesting. Just as interesting and captivating as the lady's red hair. She couldn't offer him much assistance, with his dog in her arms, but she offered words to check his status. "This must be your baby. She is very, very sweet." She knew he wasn't thinking the same at the moment, if his look towards his dog were anything to go by. She loosened her grip to scratch behind the dog's ear. "It is quite cute, you owning this dog with how handsome you are. What is her name, and will you be alright?" She tilted her head with her smile, genuinely meaning every word.
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    C H A R L I E
    Location: On the way to Mt. Olympus
    Mood: Helpful
    With: Jadyn
    Tags: revalia revalia

    "Excuse me? Sir? Could you please help me? I think I am lost and I have nowhere else to go."

    If anything could shock Charlie out of his trance, it would definitely be someone adorable asking him for his assistance. So of course, when the gal called out to him in her Australian accent, he blinked, pausing in his motion. Oh. Where exactly was he? Charlie turned to her and gave her a gentle smile, regardless of how lost and out of it he was feeling, knowing she was feeling worse than he was. He noticed how nervous she appeared to be, if the constant fidgeting with her sunflower was a hint. "Of course, miss." Charlie fell into his old routine almost immediately, bowing his head slightly to the brunette. The de la Courts were miles away, but he still felt the need to do his job. His hands went to his back pockets - and he was relieved to find he'd packed his phone on whatever mental journey he'd found himself in today.

    Charlie let out a breath he had no idea he'd been holding as he checked to see if he had any bars. "My name's Charlie. Did someone leave you here?" He asked, again relieved to have found a signal. For some reason, his map app had been opened, and a spot marked "HOME" was a few miles away. Huh, had he done that? For some reason, he felt like that's how it was supposed to be, that this was the way things always were. It was so strange, but Charlie felt himself trusting his directions. "I think a village is up ahead." He said gently, looking up to the girl. "Unfortunately it's in the different direction than the road, so I won't be able to drive us there. But I don't mind carrying anything you need brought with you." Hell, I guess I didn't bring much, Charlie thought with a hint of bitterness; all of his luggage was back at the hotel he was sharing with the de la Courts. He, for some reason, was less concerned with that at the moment, since there was someone who needed his help. And she was small. She'd be easy to carry off - that meant Charlie had to make sure she was safe. He could have just carried her to their location; she didn't look like she weighed more than some of the equipment he'd had to pick up recently. Nevertheless, Charlie waited for a response before they would go on their way.
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