Greek Mythos: The Gods Awaken


The Duck Overlord
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Greek Mythos: The Gods Awaken
Darkness Has a Purpose

History Repeats Itself

Greek heroes, gods, and Titans are a thing of the past. Their stories are nothing but mythology, fodder for creative licensing and parody. But what if they had been real all along?

The Three Fates, long asleep since the gods fell out of human favor, have been stirring. To their surprise, their spirits have been reborn into human forms. All three receive visions, visions that tell them of the locations of the gods and heroes and Titans... also in human form. Just like the Fates, the former Titans, gods, and heroes have been incarnated into human forms. However, unlike the Fates, they are completely unaware of their past lives and have been living as humans.

The Fates attempt to contact these Greek figures, but some cosmic force prevents it. All they manage to do is send a telepathic message that compels the human reincarnations to come to the base of Mount Olympus, though their reasons for doing so very.

When they all find their way to the mountain's base, the real trouble begins. The spirits of the former Greek figures begin warring with their current human forms. The spirit of Zeus calls out to Hera, but Zeus's human form doesn't necessarily agree. Needless to say, this is not sunshine and roses for the Greek spirits and their human incarnations.

Without their meaning to, the reincarnated Greek figures start re-living their myths. Perseus fights with Medusa, Hades pines after Persephone, and Aphrodite cheats on Hephaestus... Though these "re-done" myths don't play out the same way as the original stories, this is not mere chance. Someone is playing the gods and heroes like a violin.

Can the Fates, gods, and heroes stop their destinies from repeating themselves, before it's too late?

There Is Redemption Through Chaos

Hey there, funky fresh people! Oh, God, what was that greeting... Gen here! I had a craving for some Greek Mythos, so I came up with this idea to get my Greek OCs out of hiding from my Creative Writing class.

This RP will be fairly slow-paced, since I have a life, and I'm sure you all have lives, too. One post a week? Fine by me! If you post twenty times a week, well... Hold your horses, there, Poseidon.

In case it wasn't clear, all of our characters will be HUMAN. They simply have the Greek spirits hidden deep somewhere in their human soul. It is because of that spirit that our characters will start "re-living" their myths. Otherwise, you can genderbend, make up your own personality for your character, etc, etc. But again, please ask if something's not clear!

REALISTIC FACE-CLAIMS ONLY. Okay, now that that's out of the way, each of our characters will have 1-2 powers that will manifest when their Greek spirits awaken. They should mostly match the myth surrounding the character. If they're completely over-powered, I will tell you. Just watch out and put some limitations on them, 'kay?

For the most part, this RP will be driven by all of us. I'm not the one coming up with how everyone "re-lives" their myths. I'm simply the one controlling the Fates. : P Be creative! Talk it out with others! I'm sure this will be a helluva lot of fun if we all pitch in. That said, character progression would be great. I know my characters will certainly learn a thing or two. Will yours?

I'm pretty sure that's it! : )

Added Note: There is technically no set limit of characters, but start with 10 before going crazy. Give others a chance to make who they want. : )
I Believe in That

Possible Characters List
Note: Separated by type of Greek figure. If there are any not on this list that you would like to pursue, ask me about it. I might say no only because of how much is known about them.

Aphrodite (Goddess of Love)~ revalia revalia
Apollo (God of Music, Prophecy, Sun, Medicine, and Others)~ r e i r e i
Ares (God of War)~ apolla apolla
Artemis (Goddess of the Hunt and Moon)~ revalia revalia
Athena (Goddess of Wisdom and War)~ r e i r e i
Demeter (Goddess of Agriculture and Grains)~ revalia revalia
Dionysus (God of Wine and Revelry)~ nymphadora. nymphadora.
Hades (God of the Underworld)~ Nico Nico
Hephaestus (God of Blacksmiths and Fire)~ cinnabuns cinnabuns
Hera (Queen of the Gods and Goddess of Marriage and Birth)~ lavendre lavendre
Hermes (Messenger of the Gods, God of Travelers and Thieves)~ AI10100 AI10100
Poseidon (God of the Sea and Earthquakes)~ mxlly mxlly
Zeus (King of the Gods, God of the Sky and Lightning)~ diwa diwa

Calliope (Muse of Epic Poetry)
Clio (Muse of History)~ PixieDust PixieDust
Euterpe (Muse of Music, Song, and Lyric Poetry)
Erato (Muse of Love Poetry)~ nymphadora. nymphadora.
Melpomene (Muse of Tragedy)~ r e i r e i
Polyhymnia (Muse of Hymns)
Terpischore (Muse of Dance)~ revalia revalia
Thalia (Muse of Comedy)~TAKEN BY ORDER OF THE GM
Urania (Muse of Astronomy)~ revalia revalia

Atlas (Titan of Endurance Who Held Up the Heavens)
Coeus (Titan of Intelligence and Pillar of the North)~TAKEN BY ORDER OF THE GM
Crius (Pillar of the South)
Epimetheus (Titan of Hindsight and Creator of Mankind)
Hyperion (Titan of Heavenly Light and Pillar of the West)
Iapetus (Titan of Mortality and Pillar of the East)
Kronos (Titan of Harvest)~ Shnuydude Shnuydude
Mnemosyne (Titan of Memory)
Oceanus (Titan Lord of the Seas)
Prometheus (Titan of Forethought and Creator of Mankind)
Phoebe (Titan of the Moon and the Oracle of Delphi)~ cinnabuns cinnabuns
Rhea (Titan of Motherhood and Mother of the Gods)~ PixieDust PixieDust
Themis (Titan of Divine Law and Order)~ JustAlexandra JustAlexandra

Aeolus (God of All Winds)~ AI10100 AI10100
Amphitrite~ cinnabuns cinnabuns
Antheia (Goddess of Flowers)~TAKEN BY ORDER OF THE GM
Arke (Messenger of the Titans)
Asclepius (God of Medicine)~TAKEN BY ORDER OF THE GM
Boreas (God of the North Wind)
Deimos (God of Terror)~ Doge Kami Doge Kami
Eris (Goddess of Chaos, Discord, and Strife)~ Shame Shame
Eros (God of Love)~ amva amva
Euros (God of the East Wind)
Gaia (Goddess of the Earth)
Ganymede (God of Homosexual Love)~ cinnabuns cinnabuns
Harmonia (Goddess of Harmony)~TAKEN BY ORDER OF THE GM
Hecate (Goddess of Magic and Witchcraft)~ cinnabuns cinnabuns
Hestia (Goddess of the Hearth and Home)~ cinnabuns cinnabuns
Hypnos (God of Sleep)~TAKEN BY ORDER OF THE GM
Iris (Goddess of Rainbows and Messenger of the Gods)~TAKEN BY ORDER OF THE GM
Khione (Goddess of Ice and Snow)~ ShadyAce ShadyAce
Lethe (Goddess of Forgetfulness)~ revalia revalia
(You're lucky, Becca, because I originally crossed her off the list.)
Macaria (Goddess of Blessed Death)~TAKEN BY ORDER OF THE GM
Melinoe (Goddess of Ghosts)~ Shame Shame
Morpheus (God of Dreams)~ diwa diwa
Nemesis (Goddess of Divine Retribution and Revenge)
Nike (Goddess of Victory)~ diwa diwa
Notos (God of the South Wind)
Nyx (Goddess of Night)~ Misuteeku Misuteeku
Ouranos (God of the Sky)~ lavendre lavendre
Pan (God of the Wild and Nature)~ r e i r e i
Persephone (Goddess of Springtime)~ apolla apolla
Phobos (God of Fear)~ Doge Kami Doge Kami
Thanatos (God of Death)~ apolla apolla
Tyche (Goddess of Luck and Fortune)~ revalia revalia
Zephyrus (God of the West Wind)

Atalanta~ Shego Shego
Hercules/Heracles~ nymphadora. nymphadora.
Odysseus~ Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford
Perseus~ Rexcaliburr Rexcaliburr

Arachne~ nymphadora. nymphadora.
Ariadne~ diwa diwa
Circe~ nymphadora. nymphadora.
Daedalus~ Misuteeku Misuteeku
Echo~ Shame Shame
Eurydice~ nymphadora. nymphadora.
Helen of Troy~ mxlly mxlly
Midas~ ShadyAce ShadyAce
Medusa~ revalia revalia
Narcissus~ Doge Kami Doge Kami
Pandora~ ShadyAce ShadyAce
Pegasus~ ShadyAce ShadyAce
Penelope~ Rusty of Shackleford Rusty of Shackleford
Psyche~ lavendre lavendre

I Think That's the Basis of Greek Mythology

Rules N' Such

Please respect your fellow players. Like really. Let's not insult/criticize/indirectly antagonize anyone. I've seen it all. Not fun.

If you have a problem with another player, please inform me first. Or be a badass and tell them that what they're doing isn't cool. No, but seriously. Tell me first.

Oh, yeah, follow RPN rules. That'd be great.

I'm pretty sure I'm the GM, so if anyone tries to usurp me, I'll whup your ass.

I'm more than okay with romance. But nothing that's so gushy and ew that I want to gouge my eyes out reading it. I like romance, but not the overly cheesy kind.
(Also make sure the other person is okay with it. Don't be that jerk.)

This is gonna be casual/detailed, about two to three nice paragraphs minimum. Paragraphs are fun. NO ONE-LINERS. And please be able to grammar. It kinda sucks when I have no idea what you're trying to say.


As of right now, this is technically not first come, first serve. CSs are purely applying for certain roles. Since this is detailed, I'll be picky with the CSs that come my way. And I might ask for a writing sample under the CS, but we'll see about that.

Any questions? Ask! (But make sure you read EVERYTHING first. Don't be that guy.)

Coding by AnimeGenork AnimeGenork

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Yas yas! I am most def. in and taken my spots >:3
I am interested

Great! Who do ya wanna be? :)

Yas yas! I am most def. in and taken my spots >:3

That's what happens when you're ahead of the game

I'm in! Can I have Athena and Apollo please! AnimeGenork AnimeGenork

Sure thing!

can i be gaia and eris?


Hades and Hypnos please

You can have Hades, but Hypnos has been taken by order of the GM. Sorry about that I should make that note a different color

AnimeGenork AnimeGenork is it possible if I reserve Demeter as well or?

Ooh girl. Should probably not but I can't help myself.


Typical Gen XD

How am I killing you when you're the one making these bomb ass RPs.

I might add more, we shall see!

Only because Persephone is like my favorite of the myths totally did not write a narration for the song we did based on her in our orchestra concert NOPE


Fun Fact: You'll see Jackie from Sunkissed again in here :lenny:
Only because Persephone is like my favorite of the myths totally did not write a narration for the song we did based on her in our orchestra concert NOPE


Fun Fact: You'll see Jackie from Sunkissed again in here:lenny:

omggg i bet it's amazing!! and HELLS YES JACKIEEEE
thank you for thinking of me. great idea, but i will have to pass on this one since i don’t want to overwhelm myself. good luck and have fun
It was hard to see with dark text on dark bg then hecate instead

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