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Fantasy Good and Evil [Fantasy Roleplay idea]


Hello all. It's been a while since I've posted anything. I was wondering if there was any interest in a small group roleplay? Maybe five or six dedicated individuals that just want to write to be serious and have a good time? I've been world building this planet or realm of sorts for quite sometime, and have had some success in the past. This is an 'open world' type rp, with a centric plot that we can all influence and a world we can build together if that floats your boat. I would love it if you considered joining. Thanks.

"Previously the Human Empire of Ebonzia ruled most of the northern hemisphere, with the Elves and Dwarves bending to their will. This came in the form of unfair trade agreements, laws, and taxes. Whenever the slightest hint of disobedience came from a rival land, punishment was swift. Often times the Emperor would slaughter mass numbers of their citizens, as if to send a message. The way of life seemed destined to last forever, but the Ebonzian Empire began to crumble from within. Some speculate it was due to the reckless nature of young emperor Masego Mal'Ik, others say it was the tension between the native Ebon's and Ivo's. Whatever the reasons, soon a terrible, vicious civil war began. This tore apart the empire and killed nearly a million citizens by the fifth year. "

"The Emperor whom had ruled his beloved land for a majority of his life, was now watching it die a slow, painful death. He did everything in his power to quell the rebellion, and stop the internal war, though all to no avail. As a last resort he gathered the most powerful arcane masters in the known land, and sought to summon an unstoppable army from the lower planes. The creatures would come to be known as Orcs, and were far less obedient than he had hoped. The breach of realms was too severe to be repaired and within days thousands of the merciless green beings were rampaging through the capitol city. In a month, the once mighty nation was no more."

" Though the denizens of Ebonzia didn't know it, something sinister was brewing throughout all of the realms. Since the day the foolish emperor decided to cause a rip in the very fabric that kept the demonic, beastial creatures from the world of man, the lower-plane occupants have been gathering. Another fact that sentient life was utterly unaware of was that Orcs were the low beings on the metaphorical totem pole. Nothing more than pawns for the truly powerful, and cunning to manipulate. The reason only orcs passed through the rift was due to the fact their spiritual essence wasn't truly malevolent. They were a violent species, yes, but purely evil? No."

"The child of prophecy has been found..."


The Player :

This is where you come in, your choices, given the scale of your actions will directly influence the plot of the story. You can play a leader, or just someone caught up in all this mess, up to you.

Playable Races:
(If you would like to add a race to this list, please let me know.)
(wip) world map


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I'd be very happy to join and lore build with you. I currently have a similar set up for my own rp, so this appeals to me greatly~
Oh, I forgot in my excitement - a few questions, if you wouldn't mind.

Would you mind if we use a discord server for our ooc? I can build it for you if you'd like, but it makes real-time discussion much easier.

I'd like to go into more detail later, but can I assume that the races mentioned above are true to their stereotypes? I'm interested specifically in vampires and dragons. Speaking of, are dragons able to shift into a humanoid form or are they solely bestial in size?
Kloudy Kloudy If you really don't mind making the discord, then thats fine with me! Should be a bit easier to manage, right?

Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Alright, I have a small bit I left out because I didn't wanna' make it too long. I could def. use you on that front.
Kloudy Kloudy OH. Yes. They can shift, the younger more powerful generation anyway. The ancients are forever in dragon form unless met with a powerful wizard.
Since I've gotten a few people interested, here's an example character sheet! I left it simple so more can be revealed through the actual roleplay itself. Feel free to have more than one character, as long as you can handle them! I'll be playing a sort of DM type of role here, so I'll have several that I play around with.

Name - Rai "The Ruthless"
Species - Human
Gender - Male
Occupation: Elder Mage in the Council of Magi
Age -1,200
Alignment - Chaotic neutral

-The elements of nature, infused with his magic.
-Strong Will.
-High mana reserves.
-Yin/Yang control.
-Strong Mind
-Intermediate Swordsmanship

-Short temper.
-Is weakened by opposing mental attacks.
-Very few allies.
Appearance - See picture for reference.
fears - Death.

Rai is most notably known for the many battles, and wars he has ended on his own. Most notably the lycan rebellion, when he mercilessly slaughtered thousands of werewolves attempting to overthrow the capital of Drogma. For his actions in the rebeliion he was harshly criticized, and nearly exiled from the Council of Magi. His history is a long one, for through his mastering of otherworldly magics, he has become an Immortal. His appearance has not changed in over 1,200 years. Currently Rai is seeking to meet with the High King, and Queen of the daemonic empire for reasons unknown.

To truly understand Rai, which is a difficult enough task on its own, you have to know his past. Rai has seen much triumph, and victory, but has also experienced untold sorrow, and despair. When he was still an apprentice in the Tyberian Mage's Guild, he met a woman that instantly changed his outlook on life forever. Her name Estella Brigantine, and she was as gentle, and as beautiful as a butterfly. Seemingly the complete opposite of Rai. The two would become best friends, then lovers, and eventually soul mates.

On the eve of their wedding, Estella was taken from him. The apparent cause of her death was an aneurysm in her brain. You see, any normal man would have excepted this answer, but Rai is no normal man. Utilizing ancient, taboo rituals of magic he was able to meet the Shinigami that had taken her soul. In a heated exchange, it was revealed that the reaper had taken her randomly, before it was her time to leave Ebonzia. For every human a Shinigami kills, they receive their remaining life, thus allowing them to lessentially live forever.

Realizing this, Rai flew into a rage previously unseen. He recklessly engaged the Shinigami in battle. Perhaps if he were thinking clearly he could've bested the reaper, but do to his rash actions he was tricked, and the shinigami escaped leaving him with severe wounds. This event plunged Rai into darkness forever.

Still bloody, and broken, tears streaming down his face like an unrelenting stream, Rai saught to do something unthinkable. He made a deal with the six most powerful daemonic beings in all the realms. You see, beings from the lower planes are kept in check by numerous ancient, angelic sigils set in place by the highest ranking angels in all of creation. There are six hundred, and sixty six seals. Rai broke every single one.

With the seals broken, there was only one thing left for him to do. Find the child of prophecy.


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Oh man I've been longing for something like this- just got done with a long-standing rp with a friend of mine and been looking for something like this to just dive into! And well...maybe pull some inspiration for the d&d campaign I'm running~ haha

I've got an idea for a shunned mage who may have dabbled in some forbidden arts- I'd love to see what he can add to the plot, other characters and where his own character development may take my idea for his ambiguous moral compass :)

That'd be awesome. I love D&D myself as well! Especially homebrew and goblin modules lol.
Kloudy Kloudy OH. Yes. They can shift, the younger more powerful generation anyway. The ancients are forever in dragon form unless met with a powerful wizard.
Alright, I'll start making the server. And good to know, I think I'll make a hybrid dragon-vampire if that holds consistent with interspecies breeding lore.

I'd also like a rundown of recent history beyond the great civil war and following collapse of the empire. I intend to make a post-vassal noble/Lord with serfs to command. Something along the lines of Grancrest logic + feudal tactics = revival of a new empire.

I'll be updating the plot/general lore and answering questions in the post I tagged you in. Head there for further questions and to drop your characters!
Okay so since we don't have an official ooc chat yet- I'll shove it here
Can I just say I adore the characters you've got going Quellys Quellys Vaan Vaan ??? They tie neatly together- a head-strong noble and an incompetent knight(the idea of a guiding armor is really neat). I can already sense my character can learn a thing or two from them haha. Hopefully the same goes for you :)

Not sure if Azul Azul has a starting point in mind- but I'm curious to see how their fates may intertwine! And all the other interesting characters that may join
I've made a discord server for all ooc purposes relating to this rp. Let me know if you'd like the link.
Is there room for one more? Specifically a veteran who hallucinates his dead daughter? If not, then a well-known hermit witch?

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