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Fandom Goners, The Next Chapter

Lara "L" Jeffries
Lara scoffed, more hurt than anything. Did he really think she was that stupid? "You go, then. I'm not. Have fun." She said quietly, watching him slide away. She was more relieved than disappointed that her plan had failed. She couldn't, she knew she couldn't. Maybe one day, but not... Not then. It wasn't right.

"I should go back to my cabin, I need to make sure none of my siblings have stolen my toothbrush." Again. Living in the Hermes cabin came with risks, and she knew of them all. The worst time was when one of her brothers had stolen all of her underwear, and placed them around camp with notes saying they belonged to Lara. That had been mindblowingly embarrassing. And yet she had still gone around and found most pairs, although a couple had never turned up. She'd never gotten the courage to ask where they were.

Gavin Bianco
Gavin's eyes were wide with shock. He could normally suppress the bond enough to maintain normally, hiding his reaction if Claire stubbed her toe or hit her knee. He had grown used to it. But her strong bursts of emotion still hit him hard. He stumbled out of the water, trying to distance himself from Astrid, just in case. When he got distressed, lightning tended to happen. And, as much as he'd love to be that badass, he was not immune to it, and it could kill him.

It took him perhaps thirty seconds to slow his heartrate, gripping a tree for support. Those emotions were still there, but he was able to contain them. For the moment.​

Connor Miller
"My training will never be complete, I'll die in the arena." He smirked. "You are the only reason. I'd much rather watch your back than... Nixon's. Nixon's back is much more boring." He noted as the Thanatos camper passed him. Immediately, he got swatted in the back of the head. He completely ignored it as Alessia kissed him back, pulling her into his lap. "You make lunch very hard to focus on, you know that?" He murmured against her lips. Unlike her, he had no issue with PDA, and actually quite enjoyed it. It was amusing to see how uncomfortable people got by making out. And the many other enjoyable aspects of making out with a pretty girl, of course.​

Jake sighed through his nose,clenching his fists once again. What was happening to him? He wasn't a violent person. At all. But even thinking about Lara getting hurt brought back the murderous memories he once had. All he wanted was a sword. But he wouldn't do it. Because Lara deserved more than a killer.

He moved back to Lara's side,pulling her into a hug. He just needed her touch for a moment.

"I won't go. Lara,please just...stay with me during the Capture. If I have you close I won't do anything stupid like sneaking into the forest after their necks. Please?"


Lara "L" Jeffries
Lara hesitated, unsure of what to say. What was she supposed to say?

'Thanks for not killing those bastards who hurt me, even though they totally deserved it.' Always works... If you want to go the innocent route. Kara suggested quietly.

He deserves innocent. He doesn't deserve some idiot who can't look at him without feeling stupid and self-conscious. Lara shot back, eyes narrowing slightly. She could almost feel Kara's shrug. The deceased girl didn't really have morals anymore, there was no right or wrong. Just punishment, and those who supposedly deserved it.

"I thought you didn't want to go. Now it's suddenly important to you?" She asked hesitantly. If he was doing it for her, she could talk him out of it. "I don't... Blame them for what they did. They didn't do anything wrong. You hurt their sibling, they hurt your girlfriend. It was fair game." She admitted, showing her tendency for brute, cold logic.​

Jake pulled back,pure anger shining in his face for a moment. He turned away from Lara,reaching out for his sword by reflex.

"It wasn't fair. It was only me against that Apollo camper. He wasn't that much weaker than me,I'm not good at hand to hand. But you? It was three assholes,and you were alone. They deserve to die for hurting you,I don't care if they think it's fair. Hades will decide if it was fair or not."

It was childish to start breaking things. But that's exactly what he wanted to do.


Lara "L" Jeffries
"They were defending their cabin's dignity! If I gave half a shit about my father, I would've done the same thing. Who's the easier target, me or you? Of course they went for me, and of course they overpowered me. They wanted to send a message, and they did. They won. Let it go!" She scoffed.

Her hands were shaking. She didn't get angry often, there was no point. But she meant what she said. If she had been an Apollo camper at that moment, she wouldn't have just tagged along, it would've been her idea. How else to hurt the guy who made them look stupid? Hurt the one he seemed to care about. Make him lose control, make him do it publicly. Make him lose everything.

"Do what you want. If you want to kill them, kill them. I don't care. I really don't, I have no room to judge about being a murderer, and when you decide to use that skill." She said firmly, standing up. "If that's your choice, then I'll see you tomorrow. No witnesses, right?"​

Jake turned back to Lara,gripping the sword so tightly that his hand had started to bleed. His eyes were dark,no shine in the blue colour.

"They won? They are protecting their honor? By hurting girls? If that's how Apollo deals with honor,he can come and suck my d-"

The loud thunder made him stop. Jake realized that he was glowing with a slightly black shadow,and the power immediately disappeared. He nodded to Lara,falling back on the bed.

"Okay. Goodbye."

He didn't give confirmation of his plans. His glance focused on the wall instead,the one that Jake wanted to bump his head into.

"I'm not going to capture the flag. Unless you change your mind."


Alessia Bellecotte

"The earth has its music for those who will listen"


She couldn't help but let out a little chuckle as he earned a swat to the head, "Perfect timing ... simply perfect" she stated before she got dragged onto his lap. The female didn't weigh much so she wasn't that hard to drag and accustomed to her new seat on his lap as she smiled down to him as she now got a little boost in height than him. As he asked her that she grinned, "Well... you saying that I am more delicious that that juicy piece of meat still resting in your plate?" she inquired with an innocent look on her face, even if she tried to make her look mischievous she simply failed miserably. By now thank Demeter that her siblings have been scared off or intimidated by him... not to mention annoyed cause this would've made him a new vine trap. This was all new to Alessia, she never had such contact before.

Conversed with
@Play On Words


Lara "L" Jeffries
"Fucking guys." Those were Lara's last words that she made loud enough for Jake to hear. She walked out of the cabin, shaking her head. She took off running, her shoes responding immediately. The wings sprouted, and she started flying unsteadily. She made it to her destination, the top of Jake's cabin, without too much effort. She stumbled slightly as she landed, probably making a noise to the cabin below.

"If the guys had beat the shit out of Clifton, he wouldn't have thought twice about it. But because I'm a girl and he thinks I'm defenseless, it's a huge deal." She grumbled to herself, sitting down on the edge of the room. Her legs dangled down, and she could've fallen and broken her neck if she slipped. Boohoo.​

Connor Miller
"Well, I am a flatterer. So if saying you taste better than meat is what it takes... I suppose I'll have to say it." He said regretfully, pushing his plate away from him as he pulled her closer. His eyes flickered up to the head table, and he paused slightly. His father was staring right at him, disapproval radiating from him. Connor flicked him off, smirking slightly. Immediately, the man stood up, walking straight towards him.

"Oh, fantastic." He sighed, carefully putting Alessia back in her own seat and standing as his father approached. Ryder didn't stop to chat, grabbing Connor by his shirt and pulling him from the pavilion.

"You are supposed to be a role model for these people. That does not mean making a scene at lunch because you can't keep it in your pants." Ryder hissed.

"Yea, you're one to talk. You had unprotected sex with a drunk girl, and look what came out nine months later!" Connor shot back, yanking himself free. "You aren't exactly one to talk about being responsible."​

Alessia Bellecotte

"The earth has its music for those who will listen"


As he pulled her closer the girl gladly was taken in, "Hmm well it's best if you spit it out how it is for me rather then astound me. However flattering is what the people want to hear sometimes." she winked however she noticed how he paused all of a sudden and suddenly seeing him flick off someone, her lips formed a frown and followed Connor's gaze to meet his father which she froze at, the guy scared her but then again most intimidating people did at a certain points. That's the unwanted attention she tried to avoid.

As he placed her down on the bench the girl didn't want to butt in what so ever she proceeded on eating her food, as he dragged him away by the shirt. As Ryder passed however she noticed the rose in her hair was slowly withering as she felt the energy of life drain from it. Covering with the palm of her hand she muttered an incantation and the rose started to radiant in it's radiant scarlet color.

Conversed with
@Play On Words


Connor and Ryder Miller
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-20_1-43-48.jpeg.eda424bab090eb665eca729c3916a2ef.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="144250" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-20_1-43-48.jpeg.eda424bab090eb665eca729c3916a2ef.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​

Ryder looked beyond pissed, but stayed quiet for a few moments. "This is why I wanted to raise you and your sister out of this camp. You think you're important because of your parentage? You're not. You make yourself important, you create your own legacy." Ryder snarled.

"Like you did? You led a quest where half the people following you died! Including a... What, 11-year old girl?" Connor asked quietly. Ryder flinched.

"I hope you get chosen to lead a quest, kid. Who do you think you are?" His father hissed.

"I know exactly who I am. I'm the fated son of Ryder Miller!" Connor shouted. Ryder looked stunned at the words, and Connor knew why. The prophecy. The one from twenty years before. "That's not what I meant." He said quietly, but his father was already backing away.

"Shut up. You didn't say that. You are not the one in that prophecy, Connor. I won't let you be." Those were the last words Connor heard before his father took off, looking like an entire army was at his heels.


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Jake didn't bother to reply to Lara's comment,keeping his eyes on the wall instead. He wasn't fully angry anymore,so he used the clear part of his mind to make plans instead. He still had to decide whether he would fulfill them or not.


Astrid stayed under the water,watching the light movement above her. Her lungs were hurting,but at least it was helping to clear her mind from the unwanted emotions. It wasn't until she felt like she would pass out that she pulled back up,gasping for breath. Astrid searched for Gavin in the shore,rubbing her head lightly where a headache had started. She dropped her hands to Gavin's back,gently hugging him through his back.

"Those weren't your emotions." Astrid didn't need a confirmation of that. She knew. "I don't understand. But you don't have to tell me. And maybe...maybe I could help? I can push those feelings away,Gavin."


Gavin Bianco
Gavin took a couple moments before responding. "There's... It's nothing. I'm okay." He said firmly, straightening up. He didn't want her to mess with his emotions. He didn't like people fucking with his head, it pissed him off like nothing else. His mind was the one place he could be in control, he wasn't giving that up.

"Are you okay?" He asked after a beat, heart still pounding. He would never get used to being slammed by his sister's emotions. It felt like he was getting kicked repeatedly in the head. Which, he knew from experience, was not a pleasant feeling.​


Astrid detected the look in his face,which made her sigh. Her powers were invasive,of course. It hurt her more than it hurt other people,but still...no one trusted a person that could mess with your brain. She took a step away from Gavin,looking at the ground.

"Yeah...I shouldn't have asked." She rubbed her head,closing her eyes for a second. Ouch. Whoever was having those feelings...she hoped they were okay. "I'm good. Just give me a moment."

She had half a mind to beg her father to allow her to turn those emotions off,at least for now. The blow of Gavin's emotions wasn't something she was used to. It was like they were...amplified.

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Gavin Bianco
He should've apologized. He should've said that she could do whatever she wanted, he trusted her, so on and so forth. But he couldn't. His head was messed up enough without someone else in it. So he kept his mouth shut on apologies.

"I should go. Find out who's hurting my sister and kill them." He said firmly, straightening up and walking over to his pile of clothes. He pulled on his jeans, immediately grabbing his pen/ax from his pocket and drawing it, the familiar weight of the weapon comfortable in his hand.

"Yea. I like that plan." He muttered, swinging the ax over his fingers. After a moment, he threw it hard. It flew twenty feet, impaling the center of a tree trunk. He yanked on his shirt and walked over to it, pulling it out of the tree with a grunt.​


Astrid sighed through her nose,suddenly remembering why she was glad that she was a girl. Guys dealing with things like...guys did.

"Okay. If I can help you somehow,just let me know. Go find Claire. I hope she's okay."

She sat on the ground and hugged her legs,closing her eyes for a second as another wave of migraine hit her.

Alessia Bellecotte

She was all in and quiet until she heard her boyfriend shout withing a few minutes of talking, something she didn't quite understand. Not at all. However as she looked their way she saw the father storm away leaving Connor there.

Her gaze went to him a bit worrisome, she heard prophecy and that's it. Was there something unknown, for surely. She raised an eyebrow and made a soft expression to Connor and waited what he was gonming to do,either join or storm off as well. She prefered if he finished his meal with her, but she awaited.

@Play On Words

Gavin Bianco
Gavin shot her one last look before walking away. He felt like an ass, but if he stayed, he'd certainly continue having his fits, and he didn't like showing his and his sister's... Side effect in front of people.

"If Angel is the reason for this, I swear to all the gods, he'll pay." He growled.​

= Claire =

Claire whispered a silent prayer,eyes still closed against Angelo's chest. She was...shocked. Terrified. She didn't even know which God she was begging to help her,but she didn't really care. She couldn't deal with this alone right now.

"What do you mean by your family's curse?" She said in a low tone,still trying to keep the sobbing under control. If Angelo had died she would...She didn't even want to think about that.

Angel Darrow
Angel paused at the question. "It's a... Really long story." He said quietly, unwillingly. The second she knew about him, she'd be gone. She'd never look back. And normally, he'd be able to handle that, he'd find someone else. But he didn't want to lose Claire.​



Maia felt...in a slightly better mood. It was surprisingly,really. But she felt more controlled now,which meant that the knives would be put aside for a while.

She turned her attention back to Faith when the girl spoke to them both,managing a quick smile. Maia was rarely ever hungry,and sometimes she completely forgot eating until she started to feel sick.

"Yeah,let's go eat something. Don't want one of my few friends starving. You can uh...come if you'd like,Zendaya."

That was nice as Maia could manage right now,so she pulled Faith with her,aiming for the dining pavilion.


Clifton Rykes
Clifton was, as usual, eating alone. There were other Hades kids, in a way. And the seating arrangements were basically tossed. But Clifton was still an outsider. The goth in the group of heroes. Lara had always been a good friend to him, but she was off doing who knew what. After a few moments of staring at food that everyone knew he wouldn't eat, he stood up, walking towards the exit. As he walked out, he paused.

Maia Scondelario. His eyes flickered to her, not staying long. Words were his absolute enemy when it came to Maia. Lara teased him about it often. On the few occasions he'd spoken to her, the son of Hades had just stared, wide eyed, and stuttered. Smooth.​

= Claire =


Claire's voice was hollow,her glance still in the blood seeping from Angelo's wrist. She was slightly light headed for the scene,but still struggling to put up a front for him. She wasn't...prepared to deal with something like that. He had nearly died. Nearly killed himself. All she wanted was to cry again,but she shook herself out of it. At least for now.

"We should...go back to camp."

Angel Darrow
Angel cursed quietly at the look on Claire's face. "Does it suffice enough to say that... It wasn't me?" He asked after a beat. He sighed, relenting. He sat on the edge of his bed and pulled her beside him, gripping her hand. "My father, as I'm sure you know, was insane. Voice in his head insane. It wasn't typical insanity, it... Fed off of him, almost. Because of my mother, he was able to... Fight it off, I guess. Take control. He called the voice Maniac. When he was younger, his father warned him that Maniac would be born into someone he loved. He and Blair realized it meant their children, decided not to use protection anyways." He admitted.

"Maniac disappeared from my father nine months before I was born. From the second I was... Conceived, it was in me. It takes control whenever I lose it, and it... It wants me to end it. To kill everyone around me and then myself. But if I hurt myself, its grip weakens a bit." He sighed, eyes glued on his bandage.​

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