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Fandom Goners, The Next Chapter

= Claire =

Claire kept her glance in Angelo's face as he pulled her to the bed,wiping the tears off her eyes with difficulty. She didn't understand his words at first,confusion clear in her eyes. But as he kept speaking,her expression turned into shock. She had heard more than once that Evan was crazy,but that...wasn't what she had expected. She had always imagined something more abstract,not this. Her eyes fell to Angelo's hand,the one that was gripping her own hand tightly. She rose it and rubbed it against her face,closing her eyes for a few seconds.

Am I ready to deal with this? Shouldn't I step away?

She knew the answer even before it was asked. Leaning forward,she placed a kiss on Angelo's lips.

"I'm sorry. That must be...really hard to deal with. But I'm here for you now. I know I'm not much help,but you can count on me." She rubbed his face with a sad smile. "Maybe we can find different ways to help you. Other than...hurting yourself."
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Angel Darrow
Angel waited for her to push him away, to call him insane. He deserved it. He was beyond shocked when she kissed him, and at her words. But he did blush slightly as she spoke. Sure, there was another way. Angry sex worked. And there was no way in hell he was breaching that subject, especially not now.

"As long as you're here." He murmured, closing the distance between them once again. He kissed her deeply, needing her touch to believe that she wouldn't leave.​



Maia was already trying to find ways to mask her lack of will to eat. In specially horrible times she even saw the food being a mixture of blood and Mania knows what else. Her mother had been a bitch to her mind,and that caused her to avoid eating whenever she could. But Faith would be worried,so Maia could at least try to eat an apple or something. All the food in camp was healthy,which was sad. She wasn't even allowed to destroy her body along with her brain.

Her attention drifted when a somewhat familiar glance fell upon her,and for a split second her eyes met with #######.

Fuck. Her mind was denying him his name.

####### soon lowered his glance though,like he usually did. Maia had noticed that before,but she never actually understood it. He was a son of Hades,pretty important. The fuck did he find interesting in
Maia from all people? She hoped he didn't see her as some horrifying science project like most of the camp seemed to.

You could as well find out.

Maia suddenly turned around,walking over to #######. If this went badly,she would blame it on her lack of experience with men. Maybe on Mania,that bitch deserved it.

"Hey." The shadow of a smirk played on her lips. She got around saying his name. "Hades kid,right? Will you go to Capture The Flag? If you won't...I'm creating the Goth club. You're invited. I'm kinda of the only member though."

Her tone was playful,but she did mean the invitation.

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Clifton Rykes
Clifton felt his tongue get tied in knots. "Uh... I..." He took a deep breath. He was the son of Hades, not a lovesick teenager. "If you're making the Goth club, I think it only fair that I be the leader." He said after a beat. Smooth, sort of. He'd take it. He smiled slightly, extending a hand.

"I'm Clifton. You can call me Clif." He offered, surprising himself. He didn't even enjoy Lara calling him that.​

= Claire =


She replied against his lips,closing her eyes at the soft touch. The hollow sensation inside her body disappeared,being replaced by the pure warmth she felt at Angelo's touch.

I'm falling for him.

She wasn't even willing to work against that. She wanted Angelo,murderous voice in his head or not. Allowing her body to drop sideways,she hugged Angelo in his bed. That moment was so different from the complete horror she was going through a few moments ago...She didn't want it to end.

Angel Darrow
Angel let out a content hum at her reply. Always. He wanted 'always' with her, surprisingly. It was very unlike him to consider that. Instead of thinking too hard on it, he just pulled her against him, moving his lips to her neck.

You're falling for her. You know what happens when you fall for someone? They hurt you. They rip out your heart. I look forward to it.

Angel ignored the voice, finding it much easier with Claire in his arms.​



Clifton. Maia's smile broadened slightly when he mentioned his name,happy that this time her crazy head had allowed her to keep it to her memory. She shook his hand when it was offered to her,blowing a strand of hair that had fallen over eyes.

"I'm Maia. You don't want to know my nickname." She chuckled,nodding to him. "We will have to fight for that leadership. And we should probably be considering a place for our first club meeting,Clif."

That was the weirdest way she ever set a date. Although...It was also the first one. Not many guys in camp were willing to date the Crazy Bitch. Which reminded her of something...

"Ah...we don't have to be alone if you're not...comfortable with being alone with me and all." She sighed through her nose,wondering if he would be afraid of that. The rumour in camp was that she could make people mad permanently. Nope,that was a lie. It kept her from getting into trouble,but that lie was a pain in the ass sometimes.


Clifton Rykes
Clifton just smiled. Of course he knew her reputation, it didn't bother him. Insanity would be a welcome relief from his life.

"Maia... I can summon the dead and teleport. You really think I'm bothered by what you can supposedly do?" He asked, smirking slightly. "I don't mind if we're alone. Not at all." He shrugged​



Maia wondered if she was doing this right. She suddenly felt self-conscious of her heavily scared arms,of her appearance...of everything,really. She would have to ask Faith for tips on dating,or she was going to freak out before it even began. She pursed her lips at his words,shrugging.

"I think I'm more afraid of the living,honestly. But yeah,Goth Club doesn't hold the most popular members."

She was still slightly surprised of his open minded attitude. Maybe this date would actually be good. She was completely fucked up,but maybe she could manage to stay controlled for one night.

"So..will you pick me in my cabin? I don't have-"

"Hey look! Crazy Bitch and Death Boy! How desperate are you,Clifton?"

She heard the laughing coming from Apollo's table and turned to Clifton with a shrug,keeping her expression light.

"You will hear shit like that if you're with me. Sorry."


Clifton Rykes
Clifton gripped his sword at the words. It didn't stop them.

"Come on, Crazy! Even you can do better Death Boy!" An Ares guy shouted, and Clifton glowered at him.

"Back at you." He sighed, running a hand through his messy black hair. "At least come up with something original!" He shouted back, fists clenched tightly.

He turned back to Maia, forcing a smile onto his face. "Yea, I'll pick you up. Tomorrow, let's say... Noon? Does that work?" He offered. He felt uncharacteristically nervous. He had to ask. "Is this... A date? If so, you're going to get a lot of shit. I'm not exactly well-liked around here." He admitted.​



Maia grimaced a bit when the shouting towards her started to become a bit more...graphic, Fucking Apollo campers. She understood the shit she got,but Clifton seemed like a completely nice person. They were doing a good job of pissing her off.

"Assholes. Noon works. For our date." Her smile turned into a scoff at his words. "There is no way for me to get more shit than I do already. What you're seeing here isn't half of what I usually get. But if you can ignore them,so can I."

She winced when another camper screamed at them.


Maia clenched her jaw, They wanted a show? Okay. She leaned forward and kissed Clif's cheek. But from their point of view...it would look like she was actually kissing him. She smirked as the pavillion went quiet.


Clifton Rykes
Clifton's eyebrows nearly disappeared into his hair when he felt her lips against his cheek. He knew she was probably doing it to shut him up instead of actually liking him, but it was more than he usually got.

"I... Look forward to it." He managed, smiling slightly. He took a couple steps back, stupid grin on his face. "Tomorrow at noon." He repeated, walking out. He hardly heard the jeers from the other campers, beyond used to it. Hell, he'd probably get jumped that night. And he might have to hide a body. Again. It could be worse.​



"See you soon." She replied with a smile,although it turned into a nervous expression as soon as he left. Shit. What should Maia wear for a date? And why was she even worried? This was all a means to an end. Clifton probably just wanted sex,like any guy did. And she was using him for his body. Either way,both won. She turned back to Faith,shock marked in her face.

"I have a date. Shit. Can you help me to find some clothes? But they need to be black,I don't fuck with white. And...I'm probably sleeping with him on the first date. Happy night." @LadyAria


Clifton Rykes
Clifton made it back to his cabin before it hit him like a brick. A date. He was going on a date. What the hell did people do on dates? He hadn't been on one in almost two years, he'd had a couple hookups since then. Which brought him to his next point.

Maia had a bit of a reputation. Sleeping around, especially on first dates. Was that all it was? Sex, and then nothing? "Fuck!" He hissed. "What... Lara. Where's Lara?" He demanded of himself. He walked outside, heading toward the Thanatos cabin. Jake was her boyfriend, he was a Thanatos kid, it made sense. He found her on the roof, which made much less sense.

"I need dating advice!" He called. The girl was in front of him in an instant. "And... Girl help. She has a bit of a rep, sleeping around. What do I... Do?" He asked awkwardly. Lara blushed heavily.

"How should I know? Ask Jake. He'd know all about it." She said, a bit of disgust in her tone. He stared at her, finally seeing the bruises.

"Who was it?" He asked flatly. She flinched. "Tell me. Now."

"Apollo campers. The three brutes." She replied in a small voice.

"I'm going to kill them." Clifton said bluntly, drawing his sword and walking towards the Apollo cabin.​
Faith LeBlanc

As she noticed Maia stopping for a little chat with the Hades boy she had left them to go to her own table not far off. It was good to see Maia speaking with other people other than Faith herself. Getting some briskets and some salad for both of them as she assumed she would join her again.

With that note the female started eating and she heard Maia speak, "A date hmm? Maia on a date? Nice" Faith had a wide grin on her face as she finally heardf her say that. She wasn't exactly social. Maia always pictured her with Clifton and would've said something about it being the natural match maker but that immediately had fallen apart ever since she started feeling differently. "Got it no white... hmm well then we'll have to drop by you cabin and pick" she smiled broadly as she came to her for advice to wear. "We don't have to go overboard with it... Something cool and relaxing.. cause I don't think flashy is either his or your type" she patted the seat next to her, "Come on lets eat first... you have to eat something" she narrowed her eyes at her as she knew Maia lacked it.




Maia couldn't help but feel some excitement,and even her body language indicated more happiness than usually. She dropped by Faith's side on the Aphrodite table,hoping her sisters wouldn't give her shit because of it.

"I don't have all that many clothes." She admitted with some shyness,which was rare for Maia. Faith was gorgeus,perfect. Her own persona seemed very small and very simple in comparisson. "But I'm sure I can find something simple and black."

She pursed her lips at the mention of food,but decided to do it for Faith. Walking around sick wasn't helping her. At all.

"Okay. What will you be doing during Capture The Flag? You...won't join,right?" Maia gave Faith a worried glance. She knew her friend was distracted. Fighting like that? Bad idea. "If you do want to go I'm cancelling the date and going with you. I'm not letting you fight alone." @LadyAria

Faith LeBlanc.

If her sisters had to give Maia shit about that, Faith would easily tell them to sod off in the politest way possible... well just speak an that's enough. She smiled as she said that and grinned "Thank the gods that I have a small chest that can literally fit all my shit... and through those shit I can lend you some of mine... I have my black days as well you know. So I have some... but my advice is be yourself... wear something you would wear... what would Maia wear. Clifton likes you for you I suppose... not to play dress up" she grinned.

The girl frowned as she told her she was willing to cancel her date to go with her an fight. However Faith wasn't going to let her friend lose her chance because she had to protect her in the CTF despite she didn't need protection, that is if she was feeling herself. Sure Faith wanted to join in the games but not to cause her friend's her date so she shook her head. "No... I am not gonna join". Her voice was a bit shaky and undecided despite saying no.




Maia sighed through her nose,knowing that Faith was only saying that because she didn't want to mess with Maia's date. Maia herself was feeling completely divided,but if she had to choose she definitely would go with Faith to make sure that she was safe.

"Sorry...I don't want to keep you from going. I'm just worried,I know you're not feeling all that good." She rubbed Faith's hand,smiling a bit. "If you want to go,that's fine. I'm just going to be madly worried,as usually. No pun intended."

Faith LeBlanc

"I won't go. I am not going to be the one that ruins your date alright? I know I have been feeling out of place and all but I can't see a date broken up CERTAINLY not for me" she sighed before she turned her palm and held her hand with a small smile. "Even if I do go, cancelling a date you just made cause of it would make me guilty and not to mention ruin the chance you got and I don't want that for you."

Despite all this Faith smiled, she appreciated the fact that Faith would pick her over it, after all Maia was the only friend she can put up with, despite having her own problems Maia had listened through her rants, her make-up routines, her fashion advice, her love advice and so on... the countless times she pretended to be interested in these things just to content her. She wasn't going to let this slide for Maia for one game of CTF. No. If it meant not participating so be it.

"No. I ain't gonna. You are going on that date and I will be watching the game. So you don't have to worry about me." she assured her with a soft smile as she giggled with her 'pun'.




Maia couldn't help but smile at Faith's words. She wrapped one arm around the girl,pulling her close for a hug. She heard a few gasps from Faith's siblings,but she didn't mind. Maia wasn't good with affection,but if there was someone in the world that she loved it was definitely Faith.

"You've been by my side all this time,Faith. You helped me even when I was being a bitch,which happened a lot in my...crisis. The least I can do is be here for you as well. Girlfriends before dicks and all of that." She chuckled,rubbing Faith's arm and leaning against the girl. She remembered her years with the girl,much of it involving make up and boys. None of it really interested Maia,but she didn't care. Faith was there,so she was happy. "If the game gets too boring,you can go spy on me and Clifton. That's gonna be interesting." @LadyAria

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Clifton Rykes
Within ten minutes, Lara had Clifton set up. He didn't know what it was about a woman's touch, but she picked out an outfit that he normally would wear, and made it seem ten times better. It wasn't fancy. Black jeans, black boots, white t shirt, black jacket. The shirt had an intricate skull design on the front in black. It was the most white he'd worn in years, actually.

"So... How're things with Jake?" He asked after a beat.

"It's complicated." She replied quietly.

"This isn't Facebook. Talk to me." He sighed, not wanting to deal with relationship drama.

"I told him about my past, he returned the favor. I'm more fucked up than he'll ever be, he deserves better." She said simply. He sighed.

"You're as good as they get, L." He chided.​

= Claire =


Claire kissed Angelo's forehead when he lowered to her neck,softly wrapping her arms around him and pulling him close. She was afraid that opening her eyes would tear through their bubble of happiness,so she remained quiet and kept them tightly closed.

"Do you want to go to back to camp now?" She whispered that,feeling flustered from Angelo's proximity. While she was the one asking it,she made no mention of getting up and pulling herself away from his hold.

Angel Darrow
Angel smirked, kissing the tip of her nose lightly. "Honestly? I don't want to leave this bed ever again. But sure." He chuckled quietly. Like her, he didn't move, not wanting to burst the bubble of normality that he rarely got to feel.

Before he could continue, the door opened, and he looked up. His mother didn't look surprised, just disappointed. "Not in my house. Take it elsewhere." She said, resigned.

"We're not... We haven't... Mind your own business, please." He said quietly, blushing slightly. Yea, he was really badass. Until his mother cockblocked him. Smooth, Angel. Real smooth.​

= Claire =

Claire chuckled with happiness,ready to steal another kiss until Angel's mother burst in. Her face became the color of a pepper,and she immediately hid her face bellow her hands. Sitting up,Claire spoke from behind her palms.

"We should go...Gavin must be..."

She dropped her hands,shock blinking into her face until she quickly hid it. How could she have forgotten about Gavin? She cut her hand in Angelo's knife,she felt a huge wave of distress and fear. Of course he felt it as well.

"He must be really worried."

Angel Darrow
Angel waited until his mother left before sitting up, adjusting the bloody bandage on his wrist. "Gavin? We didn't... Tell him we left. Is there something I need to know?" He asked quietly, pulling his bloody shirt off and hunting through his drawers for a relplacement. When he was dressed, he looked around.

"I should probably... Bring stuff. Because I intend on staying. Weird." He noted, grabbing a duffel bag from his closet and packing it efficiently. Before he finished, he pulled out his collection of beanies. He pulled one on quickly before stuffing the rest, at least five, in the bag. "Okay, I'm ready." He said calmly.​

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