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Fandom Goners, The Next Chapter

Connor Miller

Connor was a bit surprised that Alessia became so forward so fast, but he hardly complained. He pulled her closer, their armor making a rather annoying noise as the two sets scraped together. He cleared his throat, taking a step back. "Ah... If we want to make it to the match in time, I should probably stop being tempted to take that armor off of you. And maybe a couple extra layers." He chuckled awkwardly.

The daughter of Aphrodite noticed the confused frown and sighed, "Yeah sorry if I wasn't who you expected as I said Maia will be out shortly." However as he suggested that he should go she halted him "No it will only just take a minute."

As he asked her if she was fine she raised an eyebrow," I am prefectly... fi.. ne?" her voice trailed off a little as he mentioned blood and looked down to where he was looking, noticing a trail of blood... which was not hers. She frowned, "Oh this... It was just a nosebleed is all" she muttered however said it conviniently enough as her voice was naturally laced with charmspeak, she did it habitually. "Really... Nothing to worry about" her eyes trailed up tp meet his again, in hopes that her speak worked. They were slowly changing to purple and back to her light blue eyes. Her blonde hair was a bit wild as she didnt bother to brush it, only just tied it up in a low ponytail, all natural.



She was adjusting, rather quick however she knew the reigns. The noise of their armor cause her teeth to feel as if they were being pulled out however she broke away as he did. "Hmm true, you're the captain ... set the example" she let out a small laugh "I need this armor, taking it off me now wouldn't be wise... best if we head out then?" She asked.

@Play On Words


Maia stared at herself in the mirror,hands trembling wildly. She couldn't do this. Clifton was outside and she was here,freaking out. The bathroom started to shift,forms moving. Her eyes closed and she grabbed the sink roughly,taking deep breaths.

I'm stronger than this.

Of course she was. She had been dealing with this shit for fifteen years. And she was still alive. Barely. She did want to die sometimes. But she hadn't. So Maia had to face this directly,like she always had.

Maia fixed her shirt,pulling the black leather jacket above it. Her hands were finally calm as she started the make up,keeping the dark look she always had. That was who she was,after all.

Gothic trash.


She chuckled softly,completely ignoring that Clifton and Faith could still hear it. When she finally came out of the bathroom,Maia knew that she was looking fierce.


Her eyes drifted to where Clifton was standing in the door,and some of the previous insecurity knocked on the back of her mind. But she stood firm,walking over to him.

"Hey,Clif. Really sorry for the wait. I was a bit nervous. You look great." She chuckled with the two enormous understatements,winking to Faith. The cuts in her arm were mostly healed by now,but she pursed her lips when the blood in Faith's shirt came into view. If they were alone,she would make a period joke. Her smirk grew a little when she realized that Faith was using charm speak on Clifton. That would go well.

Clifton Rykes
Clifton's eyes unfocused for a second before he blinked a few times. "Uh... Right. Just a nosebleed. Nothing to worry about." He murmured, nodding. "That makes sense." Why was he saying that? That was definitely too much blood for a nosebleed. His mental guard, unlike most campers, was not great, so he was rather easy to manipulate, aside from the fact that he was the son of Hades. He grimaced slightly, squeezing his suddenly aching head. He looked up when Maia walked in, and his jaw dropped slightly. He searched his mind frantically for some kind of clue how to close it. At her words, he smiled nervously.

"It's... It's fine. You're fine." He promised, blushing slightly. Something he rarely did, unless he was near her, apparently. "That came out wrong. Uh, you look... Great. I should stop talking, right?" He nodded, smile diminishing slightly. This was he avoided people, especially girls. Her aura had more grey in it than usual, but he ignored it. It was hardly his business to judge. But his eyes lingered on the color for half a second before he continued to look at her. "Last chance to back out of... Goth Club with Death Boy." He offered.​
Connor Miller

Connor nodded slowly. "Yea, that's... That's probably for the best." He admitted, adjusting his skeletal gloves on his hands. "Let's go take part in child endangerment." He offered, wondering if he should bring a shield of his own. Ah, probably not. With his gloves, he really didn't need a shield. He fought with a sword in one hand and a dagger in the other. The only shield he needed, he was wearing. His armor.


Maia smiled at Clifton's awkwardness. She never really had trouble with talking to people. She wasn't shy. She just...disliked herself too much to try and start many friendships. No one deserved her shit. But Clifton made her feel like was wanted,weird as that sensation was.

"You don't have to talk,just stand there looking handsome." Her smile tilted at his last offer. Right. He had Maia's full interest,and she wasn't backing down now. "Noted. Now,let's go? Unless you want to back off the date with Crazy Bitch. That's okay too."

A slight hurt blinked in her eyes for a second,but it quickly disappeared. Maia hadn't realized that she would be making Clif even less popular than he was now.


Clifton Rykes
Clifton smiled at her words. Right. Handsome. He looked like a damned vampire. Pale skin, aversion to sunlight, he had it all except the fangs. When she made her offer, he scoffed, shaking his head. "Nope. You're stuck with me now." He chuckled. "Uh, so I'm terrible at all things date. But... I did hear... Flowers are a good idea, and I decided maybe I could test something." He smirked.

He knelt down, touching the grass lightly. Fortunately, he didn't have the death touch thing where grass died around him, unless he was really pissed, which rarely happened. With a moment of concentration, a small plant sprouted, growing quickly where his finger had touched. In just a couple seconds, a halfway decent flower was sprouted, an Asphodel. "Huh. Can't believe that worked." He admitted, plucking the flower. It was an Asphodel, one of the flowers of Hades. He offered it to her, smiling slightly. "How am I doing?" He asked hopefully.​

As she heard him utter the words she smiled mostly in relief. More so when Maia entered.

She suddenly felt third wheeling and she didn't want to intrued so she smiled lightly.and excused hersslf out of the conversation. "Well, nice neeting you I suppose... Have a good day" she addressed the son of Hades before turning to Maia giving her only one glance which said everything,
Control, You know where to find me. With that she parted ways.

Faith was never near er cabin except to sleep so it was mainly the lake which was where she headed right now. She wandered off and went to have a quicky change of shirt whoch was a white one this time.

As she verntured towards the lake she noticed a familiar male which whom she needed to talk with again. He still never left her thoughts, still in the lake with the young girl he cared so much for. She slowly approached, she remembered this was the exact same spot where they swum.


"Yeahhh before you get any ideas in that brain of yours" she said poking his forhead with a grin. She was still scared as fuck. She still doubted if she should back out or not but if she did she didnt want to seem like a coward she wanted to at least try. The game was no joke but she never know where she truley stand if she doesnt and so she ventures on and looked back tp see if came along.

Daxton continued running after Dani for a few moments until he saw a familiar face, almost stumbling over his own feet before he stopped short. "Dani... Go ahead, I'll catch up." He called, smiling at Faith and walking up to her.

"Hey. Didn't... expect to see you." He admitted, smiling. His hair, for once, was just at a calm black with flashes of bright green for happiness. Of course, the second he saw Faith, it went from black to yellow, nervousness overtaking him. "We're both on Gavin's team, right?" He chuckled.​


Maia frowned lightly when she saw Clifton kneeling on the ground,tilting her head to see what he was up to now.

"Are you proposing to me already? No dinner first?"

She was about to make another joke when she saw the flower materializing on the ground. Her mouth hanged open for a second,and she couldn't help the chuckle of pure surprise that left her mouth. She was pretty sure that her face looked like a pepper. Maia had never received a flower before,and the idea of that coming from another camper shocked her. Stepping forward,she picked the gorgeous white flower from Clifton's hand,allowing their finger to stay touching.

"Clif,that's...really gorgeous." She coughed to make her embarrassment go away. "You're doing great,really. I'm not too experienced on the whole...dating thing either. Although the other campers apparently have been spreading rumors that I'm a whore or something." She rolled her eyes at him,smile playful.


She reciprocated a smile when the male approached and so did she, "Heyy... well it is my thinking place here. Of course I'll show up anytime soon" she said with a cheery expression before placing her hands in her pockets.

She was thankful that she had changed shirts. She didn't want to alarm Daxton as well with that blood.

Her eyes couldn't help but wander to his hair and nrice the colors, his list displaying in her mind to translate it.
Happiness.... and Embarrassed. She took another glance, no that shade was nervousness she mentally shrugged. Close enough.

Her expression kind of went a bit flat when he mentiond the game, "Well origilinally I was yeah, but I might have to go warn him that I won't be taking part this round." The female was still not in her armour in fact. She had told Maia that she wont take part so she can be not worried for her on that first date.

Clifton Rykes
Clifton smiled when their fingers touched, but he didn't say anything. "I don't listen to rumors. If I did, I'd firmly believe that I was a half-dead Vampire who kills everyone I look at Medusa-style, kill with one touch, and that every person in the world I care about is dead." He shrugged. Only one part of that was true, he was really running out of living people that he cared about. Lara was just about the last one.

"So how does this work? Where does Goth Club take place?" He asked curiously. "My cabin? Yours?" Or somewhere with less beds where he could preferably not blush the entire time. Unless the rumors were actually true, which he doubted, and he'd be getting laid that night. Just the thought made him flush slightly. He definitely didn't have that reputation at camp, most girls weren't interested in him that way, especially.​

"Why not? You don't seem like the type." He noted curiously, hand resting on his sword. "I wouldn't go, but I kind of have to." He admitted, eyes following Dani as she disappeared from sight. She loved capture the flag, and there was no way in hell he'd let her go alone.

"What's your excuse? If you don't mind my asking, of course." He chuckled, some blue tinging his hair for a split second. He was getting a bit more confident around her, which surprised him. His hair was never full blue, because he was never that confident around anyone except Danielle, and even she spent too much time teasing him for him to get too cocky.

Yea, I'm getting bullied by the eleven year old. Great.


Well I ain't really... I mean I wouldn't miss the game for anything." She sighed before her voice lowered a little "anything BUT to keep my best mate from worrying about me during her date." She said obviously stating about Maia.

"I mean I don't get it, she keeps saying that I am not myself... and not in a positiom to fight." Well that was a lie, she knew exactly that she was not being herself and she knew exactly why but still unclear. "Anywys she said if I have to participate she would cancel her date and I didn't want that... so I guess I have to sit this one out."

She noted the blue streaks which were new. She associated blue with sadness but he didn't seem said. She couldnt pin point what it was. She sighed lightly as she noted his eyes trailing. "Yeah I understand, Dani right?" She said with a smile on her face. With that being said she wanted to pitch in, they wouldve been on the same team but she wasn't going to worry her friend nor hide it from her. "Guess Ill be cheering you from the side lines instead of the battle field."


Maia laughed at his comment about Medusa,imagining the kind of things people would say about them both. She wasn't so worried anymore. Bring it on,bitches. She doubted there was anything they could say that she hadn't heard before. She did frown a little at his comment about the people he loved being dead. Maia had...two friends? Yep. Jake and Faith. The two only people she actually cared about.

"Yeah...I feel you." She bit her lower lip lightly,keeping her eyes in the door. The truth is that Maia had every intention of dragging Clifton back to her cabin after this date was done. Her scars were screaming at her,begging for Maia to hide them. But she wanted to sleep with Clifton,and for that he would have to see the markings.

Still,attacking the boy right now seemed wrong. So she made random plans instead.

"How about we steal some food? I'm kinda hungry." Maia frowned lightly,trying to remember the last time she ate. Nothing came to her mind. "And we should probably find some quiet place to talk. Unless you want to go see the CTF,that's okay with me I guess."

She sighed through her nose,imagining how her already messy mind would deal with all that violence.


Clifton Rykes
Clifton smiled at the suggestion, and nodded. "Food... Sounds fine." He lied. He ate nearly nothing. He'd eaten an apple at breakfast, and it'd probably be the only thing he ate until the next day's breakfast. Which would probably be another Apple.

"I'm... Really not interested in watching a bunch of teenagers stab each other." He admitted. The auras in that forest would give him a killer, no pun intended, headache. But he couldn't really explain that to her, so he stayed silent. His little 'aura problem', as Lara called it, was his secret. Lara told him her weird power, he told her his. But he didn't like advertising it. Her aura was tinging pink slightly. Lust. Oh, he was over his head here.​
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