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Fandom Goners, The Next Chapter

Play On Words

Musical Goddess
Twenty years ago, the legendary quest to save the missing campers was completed. Of course, many died, many were wounded. But in the end, the campers were successful, led by Ryder Miller. Of course, the campers that were in committed relationships stuck together, and eventually had children. That's who this we're focusing on.

But there's a problem. Love is on the fritz recently. Aphrodite campers have become secretive, relationships fall apart, and something just seems wrong. Even Chiron seems concerned, which means it must be bad.

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Connor Miller
Connor hit the ground hard, rolling for a few feet. He pushed himself to his hands and knees, spitting out dust. "You guys are dicks." He panted, getting up. It had started off as a 5 on 5 spar. But Connor's other four had fallen, while he was still facing three. And he was getting the shit beaten out of him. When he was still trying to get his balance right, the flat of a sword slammed against his chest, making him stumble and almost fall. He growled lowly, swinging his sword for one guy's chest. Before it could connect, another guy lunged and punched him in the face, pushing him against the wall. He looked over at the trainer. "Really?! You're allowing this?!" He demanded, ducking and dodging another punch by a hair.

"No holds barred." The trainer laughed. Connor imitated his laugh sarcastically. Brute. He tried to grab one of the guys, but was tackled from the side, and knocked to the ground. His body exploded with pain, but he still scrambled to his feet, panting. He aimed a lousy punch toward his assailant, and managed to connect it. In the same instant, the largest and buffest of the three picked him up and threw him against the wall, making him feel like his entire spine broke into a thousand piece.

"Ow..." He whispered, forcing himself to his feet. One guy grabbed his arms, pulling them roughly behind his back. At the same time, his two buddies started to beat the shit out of Connor. It went on for maybe five seconds before Connor let out a defiant shout, fire exploding from his hands and burning the guy behind him, who immediately dropped him. He jerked forward, jumping in the air as high as he could and slamming his feet into one guy's face, collapsing him. The last girl stared at him for a moment before attacking. He sidestepped, grabbing her wrist and disarming her easily before slamming her against the wall and holding her hands above her head.

"Do you yield? If not, I'll be forced to hold you like this all day..." He trailed off, winking at her. She laughed, nodding, and he released her. Of the three that he had fought, she was the only one he liked. "You guys take training way too seriously. My gods." He groaned, stretching and feeling his back pop in four different places as he walked out of the arena. His face was bloodied, his body aching. But he had won. That was the important thing.

Harley Caulfield
Harley watched the guy leave, still trying to pull his pants on. "Bye bye. Have fun." She said, waving to him. She couldn't even remember his name, and was sure he felt the same. "Thanks for the nice night, babe." She laughed, pulling on a jacket and messing with her hair for a moment before walking out after the guy, high fiving a sibling on the way out. Well. They weren't really her siblings. Half-cousins? Something like that. After all, she wasn't really the daughter of either Apollo or Ares, but the granddaughter. Because Mommy and Daddy(Sarcastic tone, of course) bonded over their time held prisoner during the first quest. They got hitched, and a few years later, Harley popped out. Bit after that, she gained a little brother. Lucky her.

"Hey, sweetheart." She noted as she passed a guy she had... spent some time with on the way to the breakfast area. He nodded back, smiling. But they didn't pause to talk, they both knew better. She noticed Connor Miller leaving the arena, but didn't stop to chat. Sure, he was an old family friend, but not exactly BFF's. A quick smile between them, if they were having a good day. But it was obvious that he had just been beat up, so she backed the hell off. She had a guest in mind, and she knew where he'd be. In the forest, near the entrance.

Ah, Henry. One of the few guys at the camp that she saw every day, was hot, and she never made a move on. Quite the opposite, actually. He had tried to pick her up, and she denied him, rather unwillingly. But he was her friend. Every girl needed a few guy friends, and Henry was one of the few she had. She wouldn't sleep with him and lose that.

Henry Blake
Henry faked a lunge, attacking only the air. The area around him smelled heavily of ozone, as usual. His shirt was laid aside behind him, the weather far too hot to be wearing it while training. After just a few minutes, he saw a familiar figure in the distance and smiled, sheathing his sword. "Harley! Didn't expect to see you 'till later." He laughed.

"I got bored, last night's guest left early." She shrugged, admiring him for a moment. "Nice, nice. I'm seeing, and I'm liking." She nodded to his bare chest, and he smirked.

"It's all yours when you want it." He offered cockily.

"Ah, no. Once that happens, I'll never talk to you again. Not like this." She admitted, tossing him his shirt. "Avoiding temptation." She explained to his confused look. He laughed again and shrugged it on.

"You know, it is possible to sleep with someone and still be their friend afterwards. Just an FYI." He noted, running a hand through his sweaty hair.

"It's awkward. How am I supposed to be your friend once I know what you look like naked? Just doesn't work." She scoffed. He grinned.

"Well... Maybe I can understand that. We could try. Give it a shot." He took a few steps forward until they were inches apart. "Right now?" He offered. She pressed her hand against his chest.

"Slow it down, buddy. Just because I enjoy having fun does not mean I have low enough standards to do anything in the woods. There are some places that grass should never be, and I have no intentions of making that an option." She snickered, patting his shoulder. "I came over here to offer you a spar in the arena. Interested?" He nodded, following her willingly. In just a few moments, they were fighting in the swords arena.

Maxine Steel
Max focused hard, trying to control her abilities. She was great at controlling the Mist, but the Demigod in front of her had fantastic control over his mind. He was supposed to be seeing her die right in front of him, but she was having little success. He was more of a coach than anything, so it was no new occurrence to see them struggling together. They were pretty evenly matched, they had the same amount of victories against each other as they did losses.

"Concentrate, Maxine. Give it everything you've got." Jake advised, a bit of sweat on his face. Max grit her teeth.

"Don't. Call. Me. Maxine." She snarled, pushing hard on her mind. Immediately, he gasped, staring at her with wide eyes.

"M-Max!" He whispered before she lost her grip, and the fog over his eyes cleared. He gripped the dresser for support. "That was good. Very good." He said. They were both breathing heavily, their minds exhausted. "I'll... See you tomorrow. One more victory for you." He noted, walking off hurriedly. One of her siblings looked around.

"He has a crush on you..." He said in a singsong voice. She scoffed.

"He's four years older than me. He's twenty. And we share a mother. That's just disgusting." Max snapped. Her brother perked up.

"You're defensive. That's sweet." He teased.

"Yea, right. I prefer girls." Max sighed, fixing her hair in the mirror quickly, and putting on the slightest amount of make-up. She never wore much. Some foundation, some blush, maybe some eyeliner. She loved to play around with the stuff, but rarely left her cabin with more than that. "Gonna grab some breakfast. You coming?" She offered, trying to keep her tone polite.

"Nah. Not hungry." He replied, going back to his magazine. Max rolled her eyes, walking out of her cabin, staff clicking with each step. She loved the thing. Not only was it a gift from her mother, but wielding an indestructible staff with a skull topper... It made her feel so badass. It made her look so badass. She loved it. As she walked past the arena, she laughed lightly. People poking each other with swords as if that helped. Connor was leaving, and looked a bit bloodied, so she backed off. Normally, the two were on good terms. After all, everyone needed a good magician by their side, and she was happy to be his. And his sister's, more importantly.

Also in the arena was another girl that she could never take her eyes off of. Harley Caulfield. Hot damn, emphasis on the hot. Max wasn't really a girl to have crushes. She was confident, she had no problem approaching anyone she was interested in. But Harley Caulfield was a whole different field of fucked up. Her mother has PTSD after being held prisoner and tortured for days twenty years before. Sometimes, Harley seemed to have that same jumpy quality, that same hatred of being touched. It was sad. And it was kinda adorable. Not that Max'd ever say that out loud.

Nixon Castellano
I'm so much like my father...

The words echoed in Nixon's head as he read his book. Immediately, it brought a smirk to his lips. Which one? He had heard rumors of Nico constantly reading near the battle arena, but Nitch was a son of Athena, so he read all the time. So... He was being both. As usual.

Nixon was such an even mix between his fathers. Gothic, yet nerdy. Smart, yet reckless. It was as if Thanatos had no idea that it was never that cut and dry.

He immediately put a stop to that train of thought. He hated thinking about his birth. About the fact that his entrance into the world was even stranger than the Athena campers'. He hadn't been concepted. He hadn't been birthed by either of his parents, because they were both men. So... How was he born?

Well. He was a blessing from Death. And that doesn't sound depressing at all. It was really quite straightforward. His fathers had wanted a child, desperately. Nico was the son of Thanatos. Couple prayers later, merciful god, and Nixon came out. Nitch had always told him that his name was a bit of a joke. Nitch and Nico had a kid named Nixon. Hilarious. Until Nixon himself had to deal with that. And if he ever got a girlfriend, her name would be Nicole. And they'd have a daughter named Nina and a son named Nikolai, and it'd go on forever. So. Funny.

He tossed down his book, watching the happenings of the arena in front of him. People attacking each other with swords. He was not the best swordsman, something he inherited from Nitch. He was alright, he could defend himself against monsters... But he wasn't great. He'd been stabbed during training before, and had no desire to go through it again that day. So he'd watch, and he'd try to emulate the other campers' abilities.

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Sullivan "Cupid" Hastings
Sullivan could feel the eyes of the nearby girls on him. He could've had any of them that he wanted with almost no effort, but he wasn't interested at that moment. He had better things to do. As he walked past, he could hear the whispers.

"He looks like Zac Efron!"

"He looks like Channing Tatum!"

"He looks like Ian Somerhalder!"

"He looks kinda like my cousin..."

He shuddered inwardly. He didn't look like any of those people, he hoped. Especially not the girl's cousin. No. But it was part of his Eros magic that he looked vaguely like whatever was most attractive to whoever saw him. It got a bit confusing, as very few people knew exactly what he really looked like except him, as his appearance didn't change to suit him. Some people weren't affected, mostly people that had no interest in falling in love.

He walked to the training arena, noticing Connor Miller walking out and Harley Caulfield walking in with Henry Blake. He knew almost everyone at camp, even if he didn't talk to them in depth. As he sauntered into the arena, a few girls lost focused, and almost got skewered because of it. But he barely noticed.

He wasn't there to fight, or to socialize. He was there to watch. He climbed into the bleacher-like seats and lounged, watching the fighters calmly. He did notice someone else doing the same. His name was... Nixon Castellano, he was pretty sure. Legacy boy, there were quite a few of those now. The people who led the quest twenty years before hadn't been eager to leave the camp, and had... Stuck around. Reproduced. And then legacies were born, most of them hybrids of two different gods. Nixon, for example, was a legacy boy of Athena and Thanatos. Harley was Ares and Apollo, a powerful mix. Connor Miller was Hades and Hephaestus.

Sullivan knew all of that and more about everyone. It was just in his nature to know what to do to make anyone tick, to have them under his finger.

Elizabeth Shapiro
Liz drew her bow, her entire body frozen. The second she opened her eyes, she released the string, watching the arrow fly forward. She didn't have to follow it to know it was a perfect Bullseye, but she did anyways, smirking slightly. Even for an Apollo camper, she was good, very good. Because she didn't accept anything less than the best from herself or anyone else. Not for years.

In an instant, her bow was reloaded on its own, and she fired again. She was totally focused, she watched the arrow fly forward so accurately that it went right through the middle of the first. She grinned wickedly, turning her bow back into a bronze bangle and slipping it on. Her training for the day was done, she had a headache. She walked over to the dining pavilion and sat at the Apollo table beside her siblings, pulling some food on her plate.

"Have you heard about Melanie?" One guy muttered beside her, talking to a couple of her siblings. She leaned in slightly. Melanie was a very presumptuous Aphrodite camper. "She hasn't flirted with anyone. In weeks." The guy, Jake, said. Everyone looked a bit stunned. Mel was known to be a player.

"What's wrong with her, is she dying?" Liz cut in. They turned to her.

"No, all the Aphrodite campers are acting weird. They leave their cabin without makeup, in just their Camp Half-Blood t-shirts. Hair unbrushed. They stopped matchmaking. It's weird." Another girl explained.

"That is weird. They set me up with my first girlfriend." Liz shrugged. "I'm sure it's nothing, though. If not, we'll find out soon. They aren't exactly known for keeping their mouths shut." She scoffed.​
Nick Jones

Nick sat under a tree near the lake, today had not been his day. First, a Ares camper forced him and made him reveal his feelings about a girl, which was humuliating and now another Ares camper forced him to write a poem for him to give to his girlfriend. "Stupid jocks." Still dusting the gtass off of him, he takes out his notebook and starts writing." If only if I was big." He sighed. He was tall, but not as strong as them.

He finished the poem in a couple minutes and attached it to a arrow, then he aimed for the Ares camper and fired the arrow. It landed a few feet from the camper. His stomach rumbled, all that writing had made him hungry."Guess I better go eat." He begin to walk towards the Apollo table and approached Elizabeth."How is Miss perfect doing today?" He spoke in a sarcastic tone to Elizabeth.
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Elizabeth Shapiro
Liz looked up when Nick approached and smiled broadly. Every girl needed a friend that she knew she would never fall for. For Liz, that was any guy. Ever. But Nick was by far her favorite.

"Oh, Nick. That's sweet, but... I'm gay." She said in a faux-hesitant voice, patting his hand, before grinning. "I'm going pretty good, Hot Stuff. What's up? Still being a stick in the mud for the Ares kids?" She chuckled, patting the seat beside her for him to sit. "Surprised you weren't at training today, you could've watched me be a total badass with a bow, as usual."​
Rorik O'Connor

Rorik walked around the three campers in front of him, examining their stance and how they held their weapons. It was odd to see him instructing people the same age as him, but he had valuable experience of the outside. That was something that needed to be shared.

As he inspected the campers, Rorik finally came to the last of them. It was some Ares camper. That was a surprise, seeing as how this guy seemed to get everything wrong.

"Legs farther out, arms up higher." He snapped. "Hold the blade properly, it's a bloody sword not a knife. There you go."

With each word the Ares camper's face grew more angry and embarrassed. Then he snapped.

"What do you know about fighting. I was born to do it, not you!" The boy shouted, trying his best to cow Rorik into submission. It didn't work.

"If you're so tough," The Rorik said coldly, then pointed into the direction of the wilderness. "Walk and keep on walking that way. Go to the outside world, and keep going."

The Ares camper's mouth moved, but no words came out.

"Then shut up, and go back to what I was teaching you." Rorik snapped. "And should you ever do that again, I'll gut you."

Successfully scaring the fellow campers back into submission, Rorik drilled a few more lessons into them before heading off to relax. He needed a break.

Lyra Chase

Lyra yawned, and slowly rose from her bed. She was still drowsy, but life is too short to waste in bed. Well to waste in bed sleeping.

Lyra slowly got dressed into a nice white shirt, blue jeans, and a cardigan that was also white. She brushed her hair, brushed her teeth and washed her face. Only when she looked perfect did she leave the cabin, and head towards the training area.

Another day doing this useless stuff, Lyra thought. Can't we ever do something fun? Chances were though, that she would attend whatever party might be on that night. Probably would.
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Nick Jones

Nick looked amused." You can never be a better archer than me, besides, I'm interested in different types of girls." He took a seat and grabbed a plate of steak, boy was he famished. His thoughts wandered to him being a stick in the mjd for the Ares campers. He hated getting picked on, he wanted to fight them, but he knew violence was never the answer." They thunk they can get the best of me, just you watch, one day, I'll get them back." He muttered in a dark tone. Be finished his steak and soon noticed joined in the conversation."So, what's this talk about aphrodite campers?" He asked.
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Clifton Rykes
Clifton woke up in the Hades cabin. Immediately, he knew he didn't want to leave. Immediately, he knew that it'd be a very bad idea to leave. But, because he was an incredibly stupid person, he stood up, and he left the cabin. His friend, Lara, was not yet at breakfast, which worried him. She normally was one of the first awake. But she was probably suffering from her... Affliction. She had told him about it once, and he had never doubted it. He was the son of Hades. He could sense what she was with one touch. What he didn't know was how she coped with it.

He sighed, walking to the Hades table and sitting, poking at a plate of scrambled eggs. He didn't eat very much, didn't need to to stay fed. It was something that he had heard was a Hades thing, but he doubted it. A couple bites of food a day was all he needed, and he'd feel full from just that. It was annoying. The joys of pizza? Yea, the joys of two bites of it. Cake? Not for him, he already took a sip of water.

He stabbed bitterly at his food, taking his anointed one bite before pushing the rest around, frown pulling at his lips.

Lara "L" Jeffries
My name is Lara Jeffries. Not Kara McHenry.

Lara opened her eyes. That thought was her first, every morning. She had to constantly remind herself. Anything could let her have that memory. Her eyes flickered to the corner of the cabin, and she winced, holding her head. She wasn't in her bed anymore.

She was hiding behind the bed, staring in awe at the two boys who had just appeared in her cabin. One of them had a bloody shirt, and the other was sewing him up rapidly. She knew them both. Nico Castellano and Ryder Miller. Death Boy. He was terrifying. When Nico saw her, he pleaded with her not to tell anyone that she had seen them, and she had agreed immediately.

Lara opened her eyes. No. That wasn't her. That memory was Kara's. And one that Lara had seen many times.

Lara wasn't a normal girl, despite her best efforts to believe differently. She had known she was different since she was six, but four years before, when she was twelve, it had slammed into her like a brick. She had been, quite innocently, at a campfire reading. For the thousandth time, the campers were telling the tale of the quest twenty years before, led by Ryder Miller himself. They were talking about the different people on the quest, and someone mentioned an 'Alessandro Bianco' and 'Blair Lillian', now Blair Darrow. The second she heard the names, she collapsed, agonized, overwhelmed by the influx of memories that were not hers. Meeting an attractive Italian guy who called himself Alec, a pretty Italian girl who's name was Blair. Years of friendship between them. Being called Kara McHenry by them.

She woke up in the infirmary, and was forced to lie about why she had collapsed, knowing that they'd never understand otherwise. But she knew. Because, even in the infirmary, she was getting less powerful memories of someone that wasn't her in there, getting treatment for wounds that Lara had never suffered. That's when she knew for sure.

She was Lara Jeffries. But, in a past life, she hadn't been. She'd been Kara McHenry, prankster of Camp Half-Blood. Friend to all.

After that, she had tried her best to avoid places that caused her that kind of agony. But it was impossible. That camp was the home to Kara in the same way it was now the home of Lara. Every structure there had been visited by Kara, and it didn't take much to trigger a memory, the blinding headache. It took almost nothing. Sometimes, it was even worse. Sometimes, in time of greater need, Kara herself would... Would speak to her. She'd advise her. And that was a big fucking headache.​
Daxton Calloway and Danielle Rose

Daxton felt his hair bleed a bright red color as he got his arm sliced by a sword.

"Come on, Dax!" Dani shouted behind him. With her support, he lunged forward, slashing with his sword toward the other camper's ankles. It connected, sending the guy to the ground, landing hard on his back. Immediately, Daxton rolled up his sleeve, inspecting the cut. Dani ran up to him and looked at the cut. "Nothing serious. I can numb it for you, if you want?" She offered. He shrugged, and she focused for a moment. Immediately, ice grew over the cut, making him wince. After a few moments, it melted, leaving his arm numb.

"Thanks." He smirked, inspecting it once again. "Another battle scar. Hey, check that out. They know what they're doing." He noted, gesturing to the fighting figures of Henry Blake and Harley Caulfield. They were both incredibly good, he admired the hell out of them.

"Eh. More important things than fighting. Like food! Let's go eat!" She whined. He chuckled, following her to the dining pavilion. As usual, they sat together, ignoring the rule that they couldn't. They hadn't gotten in trouble for it yet, probably because neither of them had siblings.

Henry Blake and Harley Caulfield
Henry almost fell backwards when Harley's sword came an inch from his chest.

"This isn't a fight to the death, is it?" He panted. She smirked, saying nothing. They proceeded to fight like animals, no holds barred. After a few minutes, he flicked his eyes back up to her face. She shot him a disarming smile, and he stumbled. In an instant, he was against the wall, his sword a few feet away, with her blade pressed against the underside of his jaw. "That was cheating." He chuckled.

"Not cheating. Exploiting a weakness in my opponent." She corrected, releasing him and allowing him to retrieve his sword.

"So... Cheating?" He laughed.

"If you say so." She shrugged, lunging with lightning speed. He jerked backwards once again, parrying the strike and returning with one of his own, which she blocked without effort.

"I think we both know you're better than me." He managed.

"You have something I don't." She snarled. She swiped for his legs, and he jumped as high as he could. He didn't think twice about it until he didn't fall back down. "There you go. Use your powers!" She ordered, stopping and sheathing her sword. "I'm going to go eat. Thanks for the spar." She chuckled, patting his chest and walking away.​
x Dylan and Anthony x

As usually,Dylan's day was starting with push ups. His breathing was deep as he went up and down,trying to reach the mark of one hundred.


He couldn't help but smirk at Anthony's deadpan tone. The son of Athena rolled his eyes at his training routine,but even he couldn't deny that it did wonders to Dylan's body. Before he could reach the count of ninety,Dylan dropped to the ground and rolled his eyes.

"I'm getting there eventually. Let's move on."

He walked over to the climbing wall,inspecting it before turning to Anthony.

"Jump on my back."


"Jump on my back,Anthony."

Anthony gave him a confused look at first,but it soon turned into recognition. He laughed,not believing that Dylan was actually going to try that. Wrapping his arms around the neck of the son of Hephaestus,he closed his eyes. Dylan jumped into the wall,still having Anthony hanging around him. He dodged the obstacles with the smaller boy in his back,chuckling at the situation. He eventually dropped back to the ground,pulling Anthony off.

"Race for the Arena."

He didn't wait for a reply before he ran off,quickly increasing his speed.


It wasn't long until Dylan was there,his eyes drifting to the other campers. He usually preferred to train alone or with just one camper instead of having a crowd around him. But today...the spar was interesting. He leaned against the Arena's wall,following Harley's movements as she fought.


Elizabeth Shapiro
"We both know I'm already a better archer than you, sweetheart." She laughed. She paused slightly when she heard his question about the Aphrodite campers. "Uh, just their... Rather strange behavior recently. Well... Strange for them, normal for the rest of us. Think about it. No flirting. Most of them dumped their partners. Not talking. No makeup. No dress-up. Nothing. Nothing that turns an Aphrodite camper into an Aphrodite camper, instead of just some weirdo with nice hair. Something has to be up with them. And I don't like not knowing. I owe the Aphrodite girls some favors." She admitted, looking over at the table filled with the Aphrodite campers. All of them were whispering conspiratorially, not looking at anyone else once.​
Alexandria Hartz - Training Arena


Alexandria knew she wasn't really that great at combat, but she was doing her best. Not everyone is a natural born fighter, she would tell herself, but with enough training she would eventually become one-right? She had the basics down for most weapons, but basics weren't enough against some of these kids who had been training for years. She had only started her training last summer. On the bright side, her mother had signed her up for hand-to-hand combat lessons during the other seasons, so she was decent without a weapon. When she had first arrived at camp, her weapon of choice was a tennis racket. Much to her disappointment, that wasn't a popular or smart decision, so she started her weapon training. Nothing had really become a fit for her yet.

Currently, Alex was in the training arena, dressed in a pair of black shorts and a Camp Half Blood shirt and she was trying out a bow and arrow. She had trained with it a couple times before. It still didn't feel right, but she thought that, with training, it might eventually. She had seen a girl earlier who got straight bulls' eyes. Alex was at the point in her training where she could generally get her arrow to land within the target, which was a huge step up from when she used to miss it every single time. Alexandria notched the arrow and pulled back, focusing on the target. She released the arrow and, instead of watching it fly, the brunette closed her eyes and said a small prayer that it would hit the target. She cautiously opened one eye and was mildly surprised to see that it did. Sure, it was the outermost ring, but it was better than nothing.
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~ Astrid ~

"I think our flank is open. We should position more fighters in this place,so the archers won't be able to get to them and we also will have some protection around the main point. What do you think,Ed?"

Astrid pointed her strategy in the war table,leaning lightly against Edward. Her mind was only half-focused on the war table. Part of it was drifting off to the emotions around the camp,specially the ones of people who crossed their secret spot in the forest. The Aphrodite campers...she didn't know why,but they seemed specially distressed. And of course,that meant that she felt distressed as well. The emotions of others were her own. It was tiresome,but by now now she was beyond used to it.

Astrid blinked,forcefully bringing her mind back to the present. She could try to help the campers with their emotions later. @NebulaE
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Nick Jones

Nick looked at the aphrodite campers."That is weird indeed, none of them have tried to talk to me or ask me to write a poem for them." He rubbed his chin for a bit." Well we can go up to them, but it doesn't look like the time right now." He stared at the aphrodite campers for a bit more." Now, about you being a better archer than me, let's prove it at the arena." He smirked.

He got his bow out and headed for the arena, looking back."Duel me, one on one, 'Miss perfect'. " He replied with a teasing tone.

Elizabeth Shapiro
Elizabeth barely heard him, eyes fixed on the Aphrodite campers. It wasn't until one of her sisters nudged her shoulder that she looked back up.

"What? Uh... No, not today. I'm going to go talk to someone who might know, though. You coming?" She offered, taking one last bite of her breakfast before standing up, not waiting for a response. She walked confidently to the training arena, and felt his eyes on her immediately. "Hey, gorgeous." She called to Sullivan. Or, as she preferred to call him, Cupid.

Sullivan "Cupid" Hastings
Sullivan noticed Elizabeth walking in immediately, and smiled, standing.

"You're one to talk. I see you dyed your hair green this week. What's next on the list?" He chuckled, walking down the bleachers and standing in front of her. He liked Liz. She was funny, easy to be around, and didn't try to steal conquests from him. They were into the same gender, but most of the girls at camp wanted one or the other.

"Crimson, with the blood of my enemies. Speaking of... Who the hell do I have to beat up to get answers about what's going on with the Aphrodite kids?" She asked abruptly, crossing her arms. Sully clicked his tongue.

"You're asking dangerous questions, sweetheart. Dangerous questions make it dangerous for me to give answers." He said cautiously, narrowing his eyes.

"So you know. And it's big." She translated.

"Of course I know. I'm Cupid. I know everything. And... I've seen bigger things." He winked at her and waved to a nearby Athena girl, who blushed slightly.​
- Zendaya -

was overly bored today. Bored enough that she had actually decided to go to the Arena to check on other campers. The biggest cause of all that boredom was the Aphrodite girls. Since they became so...weird,Zen didn't have many people to party with. Or flirt with.

Godammit,she missed the Aphrodite girls.

Her attention was caught by the glance of a girl that she would recognize anywhere. Alex. Her smile turned large,and she immediately jumped to the back of the girl and pulled her into a tight hug.

"Honey,you got that arrow on the spot and didn't even murder anyone with it! Congratulations!" @Sadistic Sweetheart

Lara "L" Jeffries
Lara finally made it out of her cabin, holding her head. It was always so much worse in the morning, before she had time to wake up and steel herself. Just seeing the dining pavilion was enough to make her eyes water because of all the times that Kara had eaten there. Her eyes, accidentally, flickered over to the campfire, and she almost fell to her knees. The more powerful the memories, the more distinct, the more painful.

"Did she just call Alec hot? Is she blind?" Kara asked Blair, who shrugged. They were watching their best friend, Alec, talk to his lifelong crush, and she called him hot. Alec turned to them, eyes pleading yet amused.

"You guys are really welcome to leave." He said pathetically.

Lara pulled herself from the memory, gripping the side of the cabin for support. An Ares camper walked past her, shooting her a strange look. His sword was swinging from his waist, and it attracted to her eyes. Immediately, agony spread through her entire body, stemming from her head and abdomen.

Kara was on top of the world. She was fighting, and doing well. It didn't take long for her to get separated from C, but he'd be fine. She turned to slash at someone when she heard it. A voice. Alec.

"No!" He bellowed. She turned, smile fading slightly. Immediately, a sword was shoved into her gut. In the same instant, Alec flew past her, beheading the guy with his ax. "Kara! No, no, please." He sobbed, holding her as she fell.

Lara fell to her knees, groaning with pain. Of course she had known that Kara was dead. She wouldn't be here if she wasn't. But she had never seen her death before, despite how often she saw and used swords. She was attracting some weird looks, so she forced herself to pretend to tie her shoes, giving her a reason to fall. After a few moments, she got back to her feet and stumbled to the dining pavilion, almost falling into her place at the Hermes table. Her face was gaunt, and she felt sick. But she had gotten something. A name, which wasn't easy.

C. Who was C?​
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Josiah Medestine

Joss sat in the arena, watching Henry and Harley fight each other along with some of the other campers. Joss kept his distance from them, sitting off by himself on the ground instead of on the bleachers. He preferred to watch than fight, though personally, he thought watching two more skilled fighters battle each other would make him a better fighter. He'd learn a new way to block, or how to use someone's weight against them.

Or this could all be him just making excuses to himself to justify why he hadn't trained for the last week. He knew Henry better than Harley, and by knew, he really meant
knew of. Henry being the son of Zeus and all. He silently watched them leave, and then turned his attention to the other girl practicing. Her name might have been... Alex, maybe? He wasn't entirely sure. She was using a bow, though she didn't seem to be very good at it. He thought briefly about asking her to teach him, skilled or not, because being well rounded never hurt, but that would require him to actually start a conversation, and well... he didn't want to learn to use a bow that badly.

Ellie Bishop

Ellie left her cabin as quickly as she possible could. She didn't like how empty it always was and how alone it made her feel. The one sibling she
did have was always gone before she woke up. She shook her head to get rid of her gloomy thoughts, and hummer to herself as she made her way to the arena. Most campers would either be there, or getting breakfast in the pavilion.

She stopped in the entrance, staring at the fighting going on before she forcibly averted turned away. Her goal wasn't to be mesmerized by the way they fought, her goal was to make a new friend. Her eyes landed on Nixon, sitting alone, and she immediately skipped over to him, sitting down next to him. She shot him a big smile. "Hi!"
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Nick Jones

Nick shrugged. That problem must be really bugging her. He sighed, looking for someone else to fight with. Suddenly he heard a voice, one which he never thought he would hear again. "Hey wimp! You will pay for shooting a arrow at me! Duel me in the arena now!" Nick cringed his neck around and answered looked back at the enraged ares camper. "If you say so, I was looking for someone to duel anyways." He didn't even wait for the ares camper to reply back and walked ahead to the training arena.

They arrived a few minutes later."I'm gonna crush you, kid." The ares camper shouted, too loud as for everyone in the arena to hear. Nick ignored the threat and took out his sword."Ready when you are."

Nixon Castellano
Nixon looked up uncomfortably when a girl sat beside him. He knew her... She was... Ellie! Ellie something.

"Hey." He said quietly, looking up from his book. After a moment, he decided to be genuinely polite, and closed it, putting it beside him.

Harley Caulfield
As Harley left the arena, her eyes seemed to be magnetized to a guy by the entrance. After all, she had a very one-track mind. His name was Dylan something, he was a Hephaestus kid, she knew that. And damn, was he fine as hell. She paused beside him for a moment. "Whatever you're doing, please, for the sake of all women everywhere... Keep doing it." She said, patting his arm before continuing on her way, chuckling quietly.

That was she did all day, every day. Socialized, flirted, fought. It was an endless, rather boring cycle. Sparring with Henry was fun, but it always ended the same, with her sword at his throat. She could go to archery training, but she was already good, although she preferred her sword. She was fantastic at both archery and swordfighting due to her mixed godly parentage of Apollo and Ares. Thanks, grandpas.

Connor Miller
As Connor walked away from the arena, body aching from the beating he had suffered, yet still triumphant over his victory, he saw a certain girl. A very hot certain girl. He couldn't recall her name for a few moments before it hit him. Lyra. He smirked at her for a moment before continuing on his way. He felt so old at camp. Almost everyone was around 15 or 16. And he was 19, along with his twin sister.

Maggie, where are you? He thought to himself, looking for his sister. She would probably laugh her ass off about his horrendous victory, but at least he could go and talk to her.​
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Ellie Bishop

Ellie frowned slightly in the direction of an Ares camper who was shouting at another camper. It didn't look like it would be a friendly fight. She suddenly wanted to use her calming aura, but based on how angry the Ares guy looked... It might not work-
Focus! She shook her head and squeezed her eyes shut, turning her full attention back to Nixon.

"I'm Ellie, and I think your name is..." She paused, thinking deeply. "Nixon! It's Nixon, right?" Her eyes caught on his book, and she leaned over him to get a better look at it, staring curiously at the cover.
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Nixon Castellano
Nixon shrunk in on himself slightly as the girl leaned closer. "Yea, Nixon." He nodded, offering her the book. It was something about swordfighting techniques that he had been barely paying attention to the words. He had more been using it as an excuse to not actually be up there, swordfighting.

His eyes caught on the confrontation in front of him. Teenage anger never made sense to him. How could someone get so angry over something so stupid?​

Lara "L" Jeffries
Lara found herself stumbling to the Big House. Her headaches were... Terrible today. She had to get out of training, or she'd get herself killed. After just a brief talk with Chiron, she was cleared. She looked around the house curiously. She had no idea if the horse man actually lived there. Where would he sleep? Obviously not on a bed. She shrugged slightly, walking out. She had to talk to Clifton, to tell him that she'd be in bed all day. Hopefully, if she stared blankly at the wall for hours at a time, the memories would stop attacking her. Unless Kara made a habit of doing the same thing, which seemed unlikely.

That name kept buzzing in her mind. C. It sounded so familiar. C. Wasn't it someone on the quest? Just thinking his name had a new, very strong memory pushing for attention. But it needed more stimulus, and she was quite keen to avoid that. C. Who could C be? She had heard it before, it was a nickname for something... She was so sure...

@S n o w
Nick Jones

The ares camper charged at Nick with his broadsword, the strike was slow, but nick knew he could be seriously hurt if it hit him. He dodged the strike in time and hit the flat of his sword against the campers ribs, the camper barely flinched. Oh shit, what have I dragged myself into now. He though before he felt something hit his ribs.

He went tumbling, but he soon recovered. He looked at the camper, the sude was charging at him dull speed and flung Nick. It had taken the breath out of him and he couln't stand up. He looked up at the camper as he was picked up and the thrown, like trash.

"Looks like I lose." He muttered, wiping blood from his mouth. He used his sword as support and slowly limped away to the archery range, with a single thought in his head, to get revenge.
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