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Fandom Goners, The Next Chapter



Maia smiled at Faith's comment about her spear,already imagining how much of a frightening view it must be in actual battle. But the comment about the infirmary made her grimace,and she lowered her arm back to it's original spot.

"It looks worse than it feels. Don't worry. I just need some nectar."

More than any other place in camp,Maia hated the infirmary. It hit a bit too close to mental hospitals,places she had dreaded since she was much younger. She did saw Zendaya close by though. Maybe...maybe that wouldn't be so bad. She had a bit of a difficult talking to children of Apollo,mostly because they seemed to hate her more than others. But maybe Zendaya would be different.

"If you promise me you won't be worried,I will ask Zendaya for help. That okay?" @LadyAria

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= Claire =

Claire smiled at the mention of Leo,paying attention to Angel's lips as he spoke. Gorgeous lips,she had to say. She planted another kiss on them before replying.

"Of course we tell him. I'm sure he will understand. Although he might be surprised to see you with a girlfriend..." She smiled playfully,leaning against her arm. "As far as I'm concerned you had a lot of girls before me."

Angel Darrow
"I've had a girlfriend or two before. I'm just no good at relationships." He admitted, not sure if he should respond to her last part. Eventually, he shrugged. "What can I say? I'm Daddy's little boy." He laughed, looking over at her and hesitating. He was about to say something stupid...

"You can come with me, if you want. Come see the Darrow family in their natural habitat." He offered. Oh, gods. He wanted her to see, but it might not end well for his mother, who had been a bit... Hormonal lately.​

= Claire =

Claire laughed at his comment about Angelo being "daddy's little boy". Her mother had somehow became friends with Angelo's father,as weird as that relationship was. And she told Claire often about the way Evan used to be. The idea did make her smile diminish a little,though. She had been taught to always keep an eye on man. So she had to wonder...after she gave Angelo what he wanted would he simply go away and forget all about her?

Dropping back to the bed,Claire faced the ceiling.

"Yeah,sure. I'm going to love to see your family again."

Angel Darrow
Angel saw the expression on Claire's face change, and immediately took her hand.

"That's not what I meant. Or maybe it is, but... My father changed, after my mom. If he can change for her... I'll change for you." He promised immediately, terrified that she'd push him away. She really was changing him. He grabbed his clothes, pulling them quickly.

"Jesus, I'm an idiot." He sighed. He always got weird looks for not saying 'gods' as his expletive, but he'd never made sense of that.

"Sorry." He sighed, standing up and resisting the urge to reach for his knife, like he always did when he felt like he was losing control.

You see that light, that innocence in her eyes? You'll be the one to extinguish it, Darrow. You'll be the one to destroy her.

Angel flinched at the words, clenching his fists tightly.​

= Claire =


Claire’s anger didn’t last much as she saw the distress in Angelo’s eyes. She sighed through her nose, sitting on the bed. She was changing for him too. But is they were going to do this,she had to trust him.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to mistrust you. You never gave me any reason to do so.”

She pulled Angel's tightly clenched fists,gently kissing then. After that,she wrapped Angel into a tight hug and leaned against the wall,rubbing his arm softly.

"I trust you. I know we are together."

Angel Darrow
Angel smiled slightly, face still bleak from Maniac's words. It was probably right. Angel would do nothing but hurt Claire. But he was far too selfish to consider staying away from her, as well.

"My entire existence is reason not to trust me." He corrected her. "You ready to go? My mother is probably insane with pissiness right now." He laughed humorlessly.

Blair Lillian-Darrow

"Evan?" Blair called, looking for her husband. When she found him, she grabbed his hand, worry obvious in her eyes. "Have you seen Angelo? Is he back yet? He's never gone this long." She said, looking terrified.


Faith LeBlanc

"No amount of make-up can hide an ugly personality.”


Raising an eyebrow in concern she decided to listen to what Maia said and hummed, "You sure that only nectar is needed for this" she emphasized with her wrists in hand. "Which this can be avoided by the way" she gave her a narrowed eye look.

"I swear you worry me too much sometimes" she said with a chuckled sigh as she gave her smile, her head turned to see if Zendaya was actually around. The daughter of Aphrodite never quite bonded with Apollo campers either, if anything only one son of Apollo actually converses with her and it was when he wanted to know something and she never gave the satisfaction of actually telling.

"Hmm... sure it will put my mind at rest for sure. We go approach her now or?" she inquired.

Conversed with @DarknessWithin

Mentions: @Naloth @Rukia


= Claire =


Claire sighed,wishing she hadn't spoken at all. She hadn't meant to hurt Angelo with her mistrust.

"Yeah,sure. Let me just...go pick some clothes and shower really quick. Don't think your mom wants to see me half-naked."

Claire smiled and quickly ran to the bathroom,using that alone time to calm her thoughts down. When she was done in the shower,she fixed her hair quickly and dresses in some clothes she considered nice. She jumped into his arms,rotating around with a grin.

"I hope they like me...well,they know me already. But I hope they like me as your girlfriend."



"I know. I promise that next time I'm going to ask you first. It's just...sometimes it could be too late. And I didn't want to hurt myself even more before I could call you. So I do this."

Maia also glanced over to Zendaya,feeling slightly nervous. She wasn't good at approaching strangers,specially strangers from Apollo. But she knew that Faith would be calmer if she got that wrist looked at. So she did her best to clench her teeth and not look angry. She didn't even know Zendaya,after all. And judging others based on their parents was something people did to her,and she knew how annoying it was.

So she used her good hand to hold Faith's,then moved to the front of Zendaya.

"Hey...Zendaya. Can you help me with something?" She showed the bloody bandages in her wrist in an awkward manner,trying not to glare much. @LadyAria @Rukia

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Nick Jones

Nick turned his head around, to see a new girl." Hey there." He greeted her with a neutral look, not bothering to stop drawing."I suppose you're looking a somewhere to seat. Right?" He scooted over, finally taking his eyes off his drawing and looking at the girl for the first time.

He had seen her before, at the hecate table. He searched his mind for a name, he knew it started with a E. "Emma, right? I'm Nick." He held out his hand in a friendly manner

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Faith LeBlanc

"No amount of make-up can hide an ugly personality.”


"You should always come to me... I am always in camp and lately just my cabin or the pavilion to eat... so no excuses". Keeping her hand in Maia's the girl followed the lead in hopes the Apollo camper would help her friend. She never spoke to her quite before but she decided to remain silent and let Maia do the talking. With that being said she wanted Maia to learn and approach people... better rather than Faith do the talk for her.

She looked at Maia from under her eyes seeing her struggle to keep a straight face and not glare, she tried not to chuckle so she covered her lips. Faith had gotten used to her face but somehow Maia always managed a smile when the daughter of Aphrodite was around so she got accustomed to both faces.

Conversed with @DarknessWithin



= Zendaya =

Zen had already placed another arrow in her bow,ready to train some shooting to clear her minds from pressing thoughts about...everything really. The fact that Dylan was obviously changed made her uncomfortable,probably because it gave her a thin hope that everyone could change as well.

And of course,her "everyone" was always Alex. The one that mattered the most to her.

Her attention was turned away once a girl talked to her,and Zen couldn't hold the surprise in her face. That...was Maia. Zen often got into fights with her siblings because of the girl,mostly because the way they treated her was...horrible,really.

"Oh. Hi." Zen lowered her bow,allowing her glance to fall in Maia's wrist. As soon as she saw the blood,she immediately kicked into a professional stance. "Ouch. Let me see that."

Zen carefully took the bandages off,frowning lightly when she saw the deep cut. That was obviously done by a knife,and Zen couldn't help but worry about what happened. But instead of focusing on her curiosity,she closed her eyes and started a chant for Apollo. The wound soon started to react,closing up quickly and leaving only a thin scar.

"Well...there we go." She breathed with some difficulty. Healing was kinda exhausting.

= Evan =


Evan had been searching some guns in a random site,a completely normal hobby for him. He had always liked them,even before he went crazy with the voice in his head.

The voice in his head.

That was something that had been bothering him for years now. He couldn't pinpoint exactly when it happened,but one day Maniac was simply...gone. Quiet. Despite the fact that he hated Maniac,he hated the silence even more. He had grown used to that asshole of a being. But having a crazy voice in his head wasn't something a father should want. Not like Evan was a normal guy,but still...

He turned around when he heard the voice of Blair,any worry disappearing from his face and turning into a smile.

"Hey,gorgeous." He pulled Blair to his arms,smirking. "You're worrying again,baby. You know Angelo can take care of himself. He will be here soon."

Blair Lillian-Darrow
Blair gripped Evan, unable to get rid of her worry and fear so easily. Protectiveness of her children was just natural for her. Leo was so much easier. He never misbehaved, he was so much like she had been... Well, pre-Kara. But Angel had always been a twin of his father. Pre-domesticity.

"He hates the camp. He'd never stay a second longer than he has to. Something happened to him. Gods, what if he's hurt?" She whispered, unable to pinpoint exactly why she was so emotional. The last time she had felt like this had been while she was... Gods, while she was pregnant with Leo, actually.

Just the thought made her freeze. She really didn't want another kid. Two was plenty, especially with them being so close together in age, and Angelo being so... Angelo. She hadn't had the courage to tell Evan of her suspicions, better yet find out for sure.

It's probably nothing.



Maia flinched a bit as Zen held her arm,immediately wanting to pull away from the touching. But she remained still,putting on a brave face. When the pain started to diminish,Maia blinked with surprise at the small scar that was now in her wrist. Just another one of many.

"Oh,that was...really impressive." Maia blushed a bit,looking at her own feet. "Thanks,Zendaya. Ah,I'm Maia. Maia Scondelario. You probably know that already,Apollo and all."

She sighed,actually managing a sideways smile.

"Although I won't be angry with Apollo after he just helped to heal me."


= Evan =


Evan hugged Blair tightly against his chest,kissing the top of her head softly. He didn't share of the same worry that Blair did,mostly because...well. He knew his son. His son who was exactly like him. It was actually scary how much they had in similar. He did hope that one day,Angel would also grow up like Evan did.

Leo had always been another story. He was much...calmer than Evan had ever been. Gentle. Completely different from himself.

"Blair,we both know he is trying to date half the girls in camp." He chuckled,shaking his head. "And maybe he even got some lessons from Gavin. Not that he needs it,he fights like me. And Leo fights like a mix of you and me. Both our sons can handle their own. He isn't wounded,love."

Evan had noticed that Blair was quite...temperamental lately. He hoped it was nothing.


Angel Darrow
Angel smiled at Cass, holding her tightly. "They'll love you. I promise. I've never brought a girl home before, my mother will be thrilled. After she's finished... Abusing me." He laughed before growing serious.

"We're going to shadow travel. So I'm going to hold on tight. It is not a pleasant sensation, but it doesn't last long." He sighed, tightening his grip on her and focusing hard on his own front door.

In just half a second, they were there, and he was steadying himself on the wall before walking in as if nothing happened.

Blair Lillian-Darrow
"Gods help that boy when I get my hands on him..." Blair cut off when she heard footsteps, and saw her son walking in. "Perfect timing!" She snapped, pulling out of Evan's arms and swatting her son repeatedly, making him laugh more than anything. "If you ever do that to me again, I swear to Zeus, you'll be so grounded!" She howled before freezing when she saw Claire.

"Please tell me you are not messing around with my best friend's daughter. Please." She sighed fervently, closing her eyes. She knew very well about her son's habits. A vein in her neck was throbbing, a sure sign that she was about to explode. "Evan. I'm going to borrow one of your guns." She said slowly.​
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= Evan =

Evan's smile grew when he saw Angelo walking through the door,although it turned into some worry when he saw Claire along with him. Shit. If Alec knew that Angelo had somehow hurt Claire…he quickly fixed a nice smile in his face,determined to play the nice parent. Blair was freaking out. He could as well do it.

“Claire,it’s really nice to see you again.” He walked forward and took the girl’s hand gently,shaking it. He did shot a warning glance to Angelo,just to make sure that the message had gone through.
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Angel Darrow
Angel glared at both of his parents, fists clenched slightly. As usual, he immediately hid his wrist behind his back. His mother didn't know about his tattoos, as he normally wore a jacket, or his scars. His father, on the other hand, probably knew about both. He met his father's gaze calmly.

"I'm not messing around with her. She's... She's my girlfriend." He said, the words feeling strange coming from his mouth. His mother still looked like she was about to kill someone. "Please don't stab me." He said, taking a cautious step back, hiding behind his father slightly.

"It's child abuse if she hurts me, only domestic if she hurts you." He said nervously. Blair's glare deepened.

"I'd really rather not have to hurt him to get to you, but I will." She warned in a low voice. He had never been more terrified of his mother. She advanced, and he retreated until his back was against the wall, suddenly remembering that he was still 16, and she could probably kick his ass. Secret weapon time.

"Ti amo, madre." He said quickly, and she froze, fists clenched and eyes narrowed. Ah, Italian. The language of saving his own ass.

"You are very lucky that I don't have my sword." She said simply. Angel frowned as she turned and stalked away, looking at his father.

"Have you noticed that she's been acting... Weird? Like, really weird?" He noted. "Speaking of weird, where's Leo?"​



Everything had been mostly peaceful in his house...and mind. Something rare with the life they had,but Leo took what was given to him. But when he heard voices upstairs,he didn't need any more indications that his brother was back. Once again,he experienced two very different feelings. First of all,he knew that trouble was back. Goodbye,peace. And second...well,he was relieved as fuck. If his brother had died he would have been pissed. Dropping his diary in the ground,he quickly run upstairs.

His smile was huge when he saw Angel,but it grew even more when he saw who was behind him. Ignoring anything else,Leo stepped forward from the shadows.

"Well...look who is here. Do I get a hug or not?"


Angel Darrow
Angel sighed, shaking his head at his brother. "So... I'm alive. I don't get a hug?" He asked, feigning hurt as he clutched his chest. "What a dick." He smirked, eyes still on his father. Something had to be up with his mother, she never acted so neurotic. And he was sure he'd heard her being sick recently, which was very unlike her. She was the height of health, of lighthearted happiness. She always had been, as far as he knew.​

= Claire =

Claire had forgotten how much she hated shadow travelling until she did it again. The Zeus was apparently strong in her,because it took her everything to not fall down face first after she appeared in Angel's house. What happened next was a bit of a blur,but she did detect that Leo's mother was freaking out and Leo's dad was being nice to her,as usually.

She did blink back to the present as she heard Angel refer to her as his girlfriend. That brought a smile to her lips,although she became nervous once Blair looked like she was going to kill Angel.

"W-we're getting along greatly,Mrs Darrow."

Her eyes drifted around as she saw someone new entering the room,a huge smile appearing in her face. Leo's words made her chuckle,and Claire ran forward to pull him into a tight hug.


"Of course you do!"

Blair Lillian-Darrow
Blair had left, using anger as an excuse for privacy. Evan would probably follow her, but she needed a few minutes. The pregnancy test she had bought was gripped in her hand, not that she needed it. She was a woman. The certain event that was supposed to happen to her hadn't happened, three months in a row. She was pregnant. She knew she was. But she already had the test, so she just... Took it. And, when the result revealed itself to her, she was hardly surprised.

"Oh, shit." She sighed, gripping the counter until her hand ached. "Gods curse you, Evan."​



Leo smiled as he pulled Claire into a tight hug,rising her from the ground with ease. He did turn around at his brother's comment,giving him a fake serious stare.


But it soon cracked into a smile and Leo pulled Angel into a quick hug.

"Glad you're alive,asshole. Even the underworld can't mess with the Darrows and bla bla bla."


= Evan =

Evan returned Angel's stare,nodding when the boy asked if he noticed that something was wrong with Blair. He took a look at his kids,smiling at Claire once more. Finally someone to make Angel change a bit. Maybe she could even pull a Blair on him.

"Well...I'll go chase after you mom. If you hear screaming,she is torturing me."

Evan practically slammed into the bathroom,unable to hide his concern.

"Blair,is something-"

He stopped talking when he saw the test in her hand. He wasn't an expert in pregnancy tests but...that was blue. Blue was yes.

"Oh shit." Evan stood paralyzed for a second,looking at her hands. Until his shocked stare turned into a smile. "Guess we need to start picking names."


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