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Fandom Goners, The Next Chapter

Angel Darrow
Angel winced slightly when she kissed his car, not a sensation he was used to. "Oh, gods help me." Angel whispered to himself as she pulled off her shirt, eyes wide. "You're going to kill me, Claire Bianco." He managed. He had seen dozens upon dozens of beautiful, stunning, model-like girls take off a lot more clothing than a shirt, but not a single one compared to the sight in front of him. He'd rather die then and there there than have her put her shirt back on. He groaned softly. He had a feeling that he'd never felt in his life. Like he was the luckiest man on earth.​


Jake placed one finger over Lara's lips at her comment,gently pulling her face up so she could face his eyes directly.

"I can protect you. And I will."

Even if I have to die for you. He didn't voice those thoughts,keeping them close to his heart.

He pulled her lips back to him,kissing her deeply. His mind suddenly felt blurred,and Jake realized that he wanted...more than a kiss. But he didn't move further than he had already,keeping his lips against Lara and his hands around her hair.



Astrid sighed through her nose,wishing there was something she could do to make Gavin feel better. Well...there was. But that would make him very pissed with her,and that was the last thing she wanted from a boy she had been wanting to kiss for years. So she kept her powers on check,not using them on Gavin.

"So..." She searched for a way to distract him. "Capture the flag. It's always fun,last time I kinda of had a bad run in with a Hephaestus boy...that wasn't fun. I still feel it sometimes." She rubbed her arm distractedly,reaching for the scar of the sword that had pierced through her shoulder. "You will be there too,won't you?"


Gavin Bianco
Gavin stared unhappily at her scar for a moment. "Of course I'll be there. Team captain." He smirked before hesitantly turning his back to her and lifting his shirt, revealing the ugly, jagged three claw scars on his back.

"Quest with Claire. She's terrified of gorgons because of it. I'm just mildly annoyed, pissed that my back is fucked up. But it's my fault that we failed." He sighed heavily.​

Ellie thought deeply about her words, considering the fun of capture the flag to what she was learning about the bad. If campers started to attack each other, and she used her aura of calm on them, would that be seen as ruining the game? She frowned slightly. Or should she just ignore them, like she did in regular spars? She wasn't sure. "What team are you on?" She asked her, since her thoughts were just making everything more complicated than she thought they should be.

She moved inside, and immediately went over to the stall of a gray Pegasus she was familiar with, gently petting its mane as it bent its head towards her. She knew it was only allowing her to touch it because it secretly liked the affection. "I wish I could talk to you," She murmured to the animal, before being drawn out of the stall by Alex's call. She looked over the bucket, and didn't really see how it was different from the other empty one, but Alex knew what she was doing. "It looks great!" She chirped.
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Lara "L" Jeffries
Lara blushed, feeling the change in him. For the moment, she trusted him, hoping that he wouldn't do something... Well, like a guy. It was a stupid thing to even think. Jake was a guy. Most guys tended to act like guys. And she had no good experience with guys, not that it was Jake's fault in the least. She had no reason not to trust him, yet. So she didn't stop him, keeping her hands resting gently on his chest.​
Alexandria Hartz - Stables

"Just needs soil and some water. Then you can leave it in the sunlight and let it do its thing until tomorrow,"
Alex said, a proud smile on her face. She was happy to be helping Ellie out. "You like the pegasi?" She asked curiously. She peeked her head into the stables for a second before looking back to Ellie. Personally, Alex didn't really interact with the pegasi during her time at camp. She had spent some time around the stables, but that had been for, ah, different reasons. She'd never really gone in though. Judging by the fact that Ellie had come out of the stall, she guessed the girl had been looking at the horses.

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"I like all animals," Ellie beamed, smiling widely at her. She went back over to the stalls, looking over the horses. "The Pegasi are just the ones that let me pet them the most." The gray Pegasus made a huffing noise at her as if to say that she needed to stop thinking so highly of herself and turned away. Ellie's smile only grew, and she turned back to face Alex. "I kinda wish I could talk to them, see if they have namas that they call each other in their own language that I don't know about."
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= Claire =

Claire blushed a little at Angelo's reaction,running one hand through his muscled chest. His body looked incredible,and now that he was shirtless she could fully see it. She was still standing on top of him,so she used that advantage point to kiss his neck softly,running her lips through until she dropped to his chest.
Alexandria Hartz - Stables

Alex giggled in a very innocent way. "That's really," she paused, searching for the right word, "cute, Ellie." The new perspective was refreshing. Ellie had a way of making the air lighter. The girl was sweet and happy and reminded Alex not to be so glum and invested in her problems. It was nice to have some positivity. She smiled at the girl before turning her gaze to the horse. "Y'know, they say that the sons of Poseidon can usually communicate with the pegasi. You could ask one of them," she suggested. She had never really talked to a child of Poseidon. She had heard that they had one, but he was the quiet type. She wasn't sure if there were more that she just didn't know about or if he was the only one. That seemed like a lonely life- to be both quiet and sibling-less. Alex didn't really have as many siblings as a child of Hermes or Apollo would, but at least she had some.


Ellie thought about it, wrinkling her nose at the memory of the last time she interacted with Joss. "No, I can't. He's not very nice. He always ignored me when I tried to talk to him."

She spun around, turning back to the gray Pegasus, who was studiously pretending she'd stopped existing. "It's okay though! This way I can imagine what their names are, and make up what I think they say to each other in my head. Sometimes that one-" She pointed at the gray one. "-fights with the black one over who should be fed first." She turned her finger to point at another horse a few stalls down. "Maybe my way is better than what they're saying," The gray horse huffed again. "And probably nicer." She added.
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Faith LeBlanc

"No amount of make-up can hide an ugly personality.”


Faith had to get a grip on herself as she tightened it on her spear to a point where her knuckles turned white almost matching the silver rod of her spear.

"Maia... I'm serious ... there is nothing you need to worry about" as she saw the strike downwards her spear lowered which blocked the sword, as she rotated her shoulders as the spear rotated around the sword as fast as she could actually muster and went for a prod at the face as her sword was lowered. She might have blocked it but if not the spear tip would halt in front of her face, "If something goes bad I'll do warn you however. You'll be the first to know I promise"

She frowned. What if things already are wrong? She shrugged it off and focused on her fighting.

Conversed with @DarknessWithin

Alessia Bellecotte

"The earth has its music for those who will listen"


She rolled her eyes however she smiled at his words, he was willing to protect solely her throughout the game. "Oh Connor I appreciate it but I will only hold you back if I participate. It's better to have your full focus in it rather than your focus on the possibility of me getting hurt." she gave him a soft smile before placing a soft palm against his defined jaw line and pressed a soft kiss against his lips before slowly breaking away, leaving their faces in close proximity, "We're polar opposites, not normal. Normal is boring." she said with a chuckle. "I do wish to compete but even my trainer said I am still weak with fists, let alone weapons."

Conversed with
@Play On Words

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Connor Miller
"Then your trainer is an asshole, and he can go fuck himself." Connor chuckled lowly, leaning into the kiss before she pulled away. "You won't hold me back. I'll have more fun if I have a purpose other than winning, although that part's amazing, too." He smirked.​

Alessia Bellecotte

"The earth has its music for those who will listen"


She couldn't help but give a small laugh, "Well he did tell me off cause I was late... but that was my fault cause I was occupied curing the plants if you remember. However he is right I am still weak in close ranged combat I mean... I'd be eliminated within the first few seconds!" she pouted lightly before she heard his last statement. "If you say so... but as I said I don't want your focus on me. You're team captain for Demeter's sake. Even if I do participate it is useless for me to have a weapon. I can't handle a weapon yet. My soil is my weapon"

Conversed with
@Play On Words




Maia saw the attack coming,rising her sword by reflex. But instead of fully blocking the strike,Maia allowed the sword to fall from her hands and to the ground,facing the spear in front of her.

"That was a good strike,most people wouldn't be able to dodge it. Specially not with a shortsword."

She bit her lower lip for a second,gently pushing the spear away from her face and wrapping her arms tightly around Faith.

"All right. I believe you. And if that problem happens to be a person...tell me. Not the first time I would be killing someone,anyway." She smiled playfully and rubbed Faith's arms. Maia wasn't too good with public displays of affection,or even affection at all. But she could do it for Faith.

Drops of blood started to drip through Maia wrist,and she sighed through her nose. Pulling her arm forward,she noticed that the bandage was drenched with blood.

"I can never do bandaging right..." The pain felt familiar,though. Something real,keeping her close to the real world. @LadyAria


= Cassandra Delevigne =


It was a busy day when your two children suddenly seemed to be dating two different people in the same moment. Cass knew,of course. She was always keeping an eyes on both Gavin and Claire. But they seemed to be okay for now,so she allowed her mind to relax. Gods,she was becoming as protective as Zeus. She was pretty sure that the old creepy man still stared at them from that statue in her cabin. Her mind drifted to a softer place as she entered the Big House,finding Alec almost by reflex. She wrapped her arms around him through his back,kissing his neck softly.


They had been together for decades. And yet nothing changed. She still loved him with the same passion of the day they got married.


Alec had been zoned out when he felt his wife's touch, and jumped slightly. But, as usual, she immediately brought a broad smile to his face. He turned to be facing her, kissing her.

"I know that look. You... Were spying on the kids again." He said suspiciously, ruining the effect by smirking. "They're okay, baby. If nothing else, they'll take care of each other." He promised softly, pulling her against him. Twenty years of marriage. So many people had told him that after a few years, his wedding would be his biggest regret.

That had never hit him, and he doubted it ever would. With Cass, it was always something new. Never boring. Even after two kids, she still managed to surprise him.

"I love you, Cassandra Bianco." He smirked. "You and your stalker tendencies. At least when I did it, it was a beautiful girl, and not two minors." He chuckled.

= Cassandra Delevigne =


Cass immediately pouted at his words. She jumped on his lap,wrapping his legs around his waist and ruining the effect of the pout by chuckling.

"You know they are going to get in trouble,love. And you know why? Because they are our children. Let me have my stalking while I can still do it."

She pulled Alec for a kiss,smirking as she bit his lower lip.

"But still...we're alone right now. I can think of a few things we could be doing..." Her smirk was playful as she removed her own shirt. Her bra was lacy...and black. The same model of the one she was using in their first night together. "It was really hard to find another one of those. So you better make it up for me,mon cher."

Alec was hardly surprised when Cass jumped him, and caught her easily. He kissed her neck, already walking toward their bedroom upstairs.

"The troublemaking tendencies are definitely your fault, sweetheart. I was a good kid before you spoiled me." He corrected, kicking their door open and slamming it behind them. Chiron was used to their noise. Being in their late thirties hadn't stopped them from rolling around like teenagers.

"You know I will. Don't I always." He winked at her, placing her on the bed and kissing her deeply. Gods... What had he done to deserve her? Aphrodite couldn't compare. He'd met the goddess on one occasion, actually. She'd looked exactly like Cass, and he'd almost kissed her because of it. Luckily, Cass hadn't been with him on that trip, or he would've been slapped. And she never would've stopped laughing at him.

= Cassandra Delevigne =


Cass stuck her tongue out to Alec when he called her a troublemaker,ready to remind him of the times he got himself into trouble. But it didn't take long for her to be distracted by his lips,so she rolled around to be on top of him instead.

"This is like elevator attack,part...oh,lost the count."

She winked to him before going down into the kiss,wiping her mind of any other troubles.

Emma wells

Emma had been hard at work in the training grounds, trying to stretch out her muscles for tomorrow's events. Her muscles screamed at her in protest to the exercise, she eventually gave in and stoped completely. She slowly walked to the arena trying to find a shady place to hang out at. She found one a perfect spot, but there was a random guy she had never spoken to. Meh, might as well try to be friendly again it worked with Rorik. She went to the spot and sat down near the guy. "Howdy, nice day isn't it?"


Faith LeBlanc

"No amount of make-up can hide an ugly personality.”


As they finished their little spar Faith stomped the end of her spear to the ground and it slowly shrunk and folded into her heart shaped locket which attached itself to her neck, "Well to be fair with you, that's why I never sparred with anyone but training dummies. Cause everyone here is mainly with a bow and arrow or a sword" she sighed.

When she felt Maia's embrace she was confused. Faith was one to love public display of affection or simple affection but she never struck Maia as a type to show it but she did, she hugged her and the daughter of Aphrodite had indeed reciprocated it and held her close to her before she retorted back as her light blue eyes fell on the girl, however with the sunlight they seemed to show a purple tinge just like her mother's originally blue. "Well I don't think this qualifies a person really"

Seeing the drenched bandages she narrowed her eyes as she grasped her wrists in her palms, "Either we get you to an Apollo camper or infirmary. You need these properly bandaged otherwise you'll bleed out Maia"

Conversed with @DarknessWithin


Angel Darrow
Angel had his eyes closed, lying on Claire's bed with his hands behind his head. He wasn't quite asleep, but he wasn't fully awake either. He could almost sense Claire's shyness, the only reason he forced himself to open his eyes, groaning softly. He pulled her close him, holding her tightly. They hadn't gone all the way, at her request. And he hadn't complained, far from it. He wanted her to be comfortable, no matter what it took. He kissed her shoulder lightly.

"You okay?" He murmured quietly.​

= Claire =

Claire turned around so she could hug Angel's waist,burying her face in his chest. Her feelings were...so many. It was a mix of pure embarrassment for what she had done,not to mention that she barely could believe her own actions. But it all felt...natural. Pleasurable. And she was completely happy for it to be Angel in her bed. So she smiled against his chest,kissing it gently once again.

"Okay is an understatement. Was that...good? I...kinda followed my instincts." She chuckled softly.

Angel Darrow
Angel laughed at the question, pulling her closer. "Good is an understatement." He teased, playing absently with a lock of her hair. He felt... Content. A feeling that he wasn't used to. "Gods, Leo is going to kill me." He laughed. Based on his guess, he was suppose to have picked up his brother about an hour before. "So what are we telling him? You two are friends, he's my brother. We coming straight out with it?" He asked curiously, sitting up slightly. Relationships were not something he was used to dealing with.​

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