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Fantasy Godling Academy [Norse + Greek RP ] (In Character)

You would have thought that Alice would have been there to listen to Hestia's speech. But sadly, that isn’t the case. The luck goddess herself has been in her room, for she wanted to make herself look beautiful in front of the students. ‘Alright then. I got my makeup on, and I did my hair. I should be ready to meet the students in the dining hall.’ thought Alice. Even though, she was a bit nervous about meeting them. Alice was excited as well, since teaching those cute students of hers to become future gods and goddesses is an honor to have.
Before making her way to the dining room, Alice thought about whether or not she should say something to them. As it is their first time meeting with the goddess of fortune and good luck: Tyche.
'I should probably wait until it is Casey's class, because he is the main teacher.' thought Alice.
Alice is just there as a teacher's assistant for Casey's class, for whenever he is very busy with something important.
With no further delay, she had entered the dining hall with style. This luck goddess was literally walking towards the teacher's table like a confident model. Even though, she was a bit nervous about what to do with the students. 'Stay calm in front of them, Alice. You are a role model for them, so you need to keep that act up.' thought Alice.
Waving at any student who made eye contact with a cheerful smile, she took her seat at the teacher's table. "Hello Casey. Are you excited about teaching your class, because I am kind of." said Alice.
She was clearly hiding how nervous she is, since teaching them how to become future gods and goddess isn't going to be easy. Especially the chosens, since they don't have any powers yet.
Alice then started to eat her fancy meal with the nectar and ambrosia in peace. 'Yummy lobster, and I will miss this when my time as a goddess is over.' thought Alice.
SuperiorOnion SuperiorOnion
Klaus was more than pleased with Anders’ reaction. The boy was clearly very willing to follow Klaus down this path of ecstasy. ‘I’m all yours’ reverberated in Klaus’ ear. The sound of the sentence had an abnormal affect on him. People give themselves to Klaus what seemed like daily but this...this was different. Niklaus nodded when Anders asked about the rules. “Of course no rules. I’d never try to tie you down if you didn’t want it. Though if you give me something nasty I’ll smite you faster than you can say “no” Klaus warned hoping that Anders would always remember to be safe. “Besides everyone knows commitment gives you hives” he joked jabbing an elbow into Anders side. “Now,we should probably add some other people to this conversation or else it’ll start to look a little weird. Klaus scanned the crowd zeroing in on the perfect victim. He outstretched a perfectly manicured finger and spoke. “You there, come sit with us.” His voice seductive as all hell
TheSaint TheSaint
Zoe kissed Sherri on the cheek when she popped in "welcome my darling." Zoe smiled at Morgana and nodded.

"Bolly? Please give Morgana her gift." Bolly #1 & #2 turned into one robot and from there Bolly opened his 'chest' area to find a rolling robot inside (think BB8 style). Zoe held on to the robot, clicked its head, and it grew to half Morgana's size.

"Say hello to your very own Robot! You can name it what you wish." Zoe put up a finger before Morgana leaped for joy "There are some rules to you having your very own robot though."

"Do not use the robot to hurt or kill anyone unless in grave danger. Do not use it on students or teachers unless you are in the fighting grounds - then do what you will. Last rule, you have to make sure you contact Sherri & I sometimes through it. We're going to miss you!" Zoe hugged Morgana and called in Sherri to join the group hug. Zoe laughed happily loving her family and then got back into Athena mode.

"Okay, so here is what your new robot can do:
1. You dont have to talk to it - it knows your thoughts. If you talk out loud its for comfort. Yes, I programmed it JUST for you.
2. You can ask it any questions, do voice recordings, video recordings, etc. like any other of our Robots at home. You're used to this. After you name it you say its name and ask it what you want and you're good.
3. It automatically notifies Zoe and Sherri when you “switch”
4. You can practice elemental magic on it and it will be perfectly fine.
5. With this button the belly opens to show a moving cauldron that you can create potions in a whim - the ones that would normally take days now take seconds to create
6. The robot helps protect you in case of danger or threat
7. You can hide behind the robot and it'll take any bullets or damage with ease
8. If you ask, you can be teleported to one of the Bolly's
9. It glows if you want so you will never be lost in the dark
10. With this button you can change it's size so that-"

Zoe clicked the button and it turned into a miniature size that fits in the palm of her hand.

"You can put it in your pocket when needed."

Zoe looked at Sherri for approval and nodded. "And one more thing. WHEN you prove yourself in the Academy... I will upgrade your robot to include ONE more thing..." Zoe waited a few seconds for suspense. "You will be able to call down the robot army in the future."

Zoe looked at Sherri in case she missed anything or wanted to add anything.

@That Guy Over There Angel Evans Angel Evans
Morgana listened closely as her mother explained the details of her new gift. She couldn’t believe it! She’s finally gotten a robot of her own. “I’m gonna name it Salem!” He blurted our when to she could name it. She looked down to see that the robot had responded positively to the name she had given it. She hummed content while mom explained the gestures. Looking down at the robot once again. “Love potion Number 9” she commanded. The robot opened its mobile cauldron and within seconds a perfect love potion was produced. “Moms this is the best gift ever!” She squeeled bringing her two caregivers into a big three way hug. “I’m gonna crush them all! Salem and I together!” She declared. Morgana took a moment to collect herself,she couldn’t let the cretins see her lose her cool. Once she was ready she bid goodbye to her mothers and smoothly glided down the hall the click clack of her heels echoing in the distance. She walked into the cafeteria where the others gathered and smirked. “Hello,victims.” She laughed and it wasn’t a nice once. Morgana strode over to an empty table where A single apple appeared on the plate she bit into it and dared someone anyone to approach her. The wicked witch of GA
Kassandra smiled at the interaction between the four. Something about them made her feel as if perhaps, at some point, they truly could be friends. As they chattered on about gardening, Kassandra realized she had next to nothing to say on the matter. All she had done was manipulate people into giving her free vegetables, which most likely did not count as gardening. She leaned back in her chair, watching the interaction with her sharp, dark eyes. She should probably get to know them at least on some level. "Jasmine, if you wouldn't mind, I've never actually gardened. I would love it if you could teach me how. I'm probably worthless at it, but I've heard it's a good skill to have." She turned to Sven, a look of interest on her face. "So, what did you do before coming here- other than living in a forest?" She couldn't look back at Elijah now- she tried not to make anymore eye contact with him, she was focused now, but her eyes kept coming back to his face.

Blackrose7 Blackrose7 EldridSmith EldridSmith St. Boethius St. Boethius
Siv Halfden - Chosen of Tyr

Siv couldn't help but laugh at Siri's comment about the service, "I hadn't really thought about it like that." he added still chuckling about it. It seemed out and away from the large group of students she was starting to relax and he was surprised to here her giggle. It was a sweet sound, one he was looking forward to hearing again. Though he couldn't help but notice her head swivel whenever a head of black hair walked by. "We'll find him, I..." He paused. He was about to promise, but he stopped himself just in time. Because of his lineage, he didn't make promises. Not lightly anyways. He didn't doubt that they would find her brother eventually. But was he ready to magically bind his life to the service of finding her brother. It was a big thing to make a promise, and they had just met today. But, finding her brother was also the right thing to do, could he really withhold such a thing. "promise."

Siv sucked in his breath as he felt his magic work, there was no outward change. Just a binding feeling towards Siri, one that would not disappear until her brother was found. A constant reminder that he had a duty to uphold to those he had sworn to help. But it wasn't uncomfortable, instead bringing a warm direction to his mind. He knew that Siri would know that something magical had just happened, as she would have felt something as well. Although he was unsure of how it would affect her, as the magical Oath felt different to everyone. But, at the very least, he knew it would not be unpleasant.

Then he turned his attention back toward his two companions and what they had summoned to their plates. When he saw Ragnar's plate fill up with a leg of lamb and watched as he grabbed up a pitcher that filled with mead, he let out a chuckle. It was exactly what he would expect from someone who had just finished an entire boar earlier this same day. Then his mouth gaped a little as Siri's plate filled up with some of the most delicious looking pancakes he had ever seen. "Pancakes...why hadn't I thought of that." He said with a mix of awe and slight disappointment. But at Ragnar's comment he shook his gaze free of the pancakes delicious grasp in surprise. "You've never had pancakes before!?!"
Ariel Ariel EldridSmith EldridSmith
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“Nice to meet you, Sven, and oh. You want to do a flower garden, Elijah? I can do that, but it will take a while for them to grow.” said Jasmine.
“Learning how to grow plants without magic is a very good thing, since you will never know when that will be useful. Organic crops also taste great, especially if you are growing a tomato. Organic tomatoes are very juicy.”
Jasmine was drooling again, since she loves to eat organic crops from her grandparent's farm. Noticing that she was drooling, Jasmine wipes her mouth with a napkin again.
She also knew that the descendants would have magic, but wanted for them to learn how to grow plants without it. 'It would be fun for them to learn how to grow plants like flowers. Because it takes a lot of patience to take care of them. Not to mention that they will need to learn how to remove the weeds.' thought Jasmine.
She then looked at Kassandra with a gentle smile, because she wanted to learn how to do this. "I would love to teach you how to do gardening, Kassandra. It is a very useful skill, and making a mistake on a plant is part of the learning process. In fact, I will try to put some potted plants in our dorm room." said Jasmine.
This girl really likes plants, so it wouldn't be surprising if she put some of them in their dorm room. 'I am so going to plant some organic tomatoes, because I do want them. Maybe I should grow some garlic as well.' thought Jasmine. Thinking about that made her drool a bit, since she was literally in heaven right now.
Azi Azi St. Boethius St. Boethius EldridSmith EldridSmith
Elijah Fitzgerald
Elijah caught Kassandra looking at him several times, if only because he was looking as well, but that’s beside the point. They were going to have to do something to get rid of this awkward tension going on, but that would have to be later. “ I’m actually interested in learning the process myself. My dad was never one to use magic to solve problems unless absolutely necessary. Always tells me that magic is a tool to use not a crutch to lean on.” If he can grow the poppies on his own then there would be no need to twist Jasmines arm into helping him. Who knows, maybe she would help him regardless. At this point Elijah wasn’t willing to risk it just yet however. “ Problem number 1 however is going to get getting the land to use. For some reason I doubt the school will let us plant whatever we want wherever we want it.”
Blackrose7 Blackrose7 Azi Azi EldridSmith EldridSmith
Elijah Fitzgerald
Elijah caught Kassandra looking at him several times, if only because he was looking as well, but that’s beside the point. They were going to have to do something to get rid of this awkward tension going on, but that would have to be later. “ I’m actually interested in learning the process myself. My dad was never one to use magic to solve problems unless absolutely necessary. Always tells me that magic is a tool to use not a crutch to lean on.” If he can grow the poppies on his own then there would be no need to twist Jasmines arm into helping him. Who knows, maybe she would help him regardless. At this point Elijah wasn’t willing to risk it just yet however. “ Problem number 1 however is going to get getting the land to use. For some reason I doubt the school will let us plant whatever we want wherever we want it.”
Blackrose7 Blackrose7 Azi Azi EldridSmith EldridSmith
Kassandra listened for a moment before her eyes widened. "Wait, I've got an idea! Why doesn't Jasmine teach us all how to grow plants? We could have a garden and everything, and we could work on it as a group! Then we could get to know each other better and have a garden to work on." She was taken aback by herself for a moment. She had never offered a plan to people to hang out with them and become better friends with them. It was something altogether new for her- however all of this was, so perhaps it was important to try new things out. After all, she was stuck with all these people for the next century. It would be prudent to at least get to know them to some extent.

St. Boethius St. Boethius Blackrose7 Blackrose7 EldridSmith EldridSmith
1572112478445.png Upon being asked what he did before coming here he wasn't willing to outright say whatever his father told him to for reading him for his role but he still wanted to sound interesting... "Skiing, skating, climbing, surfing, hang gliding, archery, hunting, stuff like that." At least it sounded better that way and he did enjoy doing them but his father's powers made it so Sven was always second... When Elijah mentioned getting a plot of land Sven was conflicted on what to do: he could either tell his father and get him to pull some strings but risk his father taking his friends attention away from himself since he was so much cooler and attractive than himself, or he could let the others work on it on their own or help them do things the hard way. While he pondered this he heard Kassandra's idea. "I can help you find good herbs in the forest if you want..." He offered, while a look of deep contemplation and confliction appeared upon his brow.
Blackrose7 Blackrose7 St. Boethius St. Boethius Azi Azi
"To enjoy the taste?" Aurora dared to say. "Who's Ellie? If I may ask." Aurora took another bite and moved her legs towards Rae to prove she was interested with her body language in the conversation. "And you're right. Magically appearing food is definitely interesting - it's also REALLY awesome." Aurora giggled and put another bite in her mouth happily. "I hope we learn how to do this one day."

Duke of Doge Duke of Doge
"Ellie's the maker of this fantastic pie." she answers with a small smirk. NOt really letting any information beyond that slip. "I wonder if it's the gods doing this themselves or just an effect of the plate itself?" Rae mused, picking up the plate to look underneath it before setting it back down after there was nothing of note. "So. Which god picked you again?" she asked, turning her body to face Aurora a bit more.
Elijah Fitzgerald
Everything was progressing a lot better than Elijah could have hoped for. His newfound friends all seemed to have a common interest and well he was more than happy to put in the work to make it happen. Especially considering how excited Kassandra was getting for all this. She seemed interested in making sure they would all be friends for years to come. He had pegged her for more the loner type, but it was down right cute how much effort she was putting into keep the group together. “ A garden it is then. We could have it in the mortal world. My family has a farm in need of some tender love and care. Between the four of us I’m sure we could get it up and running again. “ Sure the farm wasn’t in the greatest of locations, but there was more than enough land to suit their purposes. That didn’t help with the issue of access but it was a start. “ We would just need to be mindful of the neighbors.”
Azi Azi EldridSmith EldridSmith Blackrose7 Blackrose7
Elijah Fitzgerald
Everything was progressing a lot better than Elijah could have hoped for. His newfound friends all seemed to have a common interest and well he was more than happy to put in the work to make it happen. Especially considering how excited Kassandra was getting for all this. She seemed interested in making sure they would all be friends for years to come. He had pegged her for more the loner type, but it was down right cute how much effort she was putting into keep the group together. “ A garden it is then. We could have it in the mortal world. My family has a farm in need of some tender love and care. Between the four of us I’m sure we could get it up and running again. “ Sure the farm wasn’t in the greatest of locations, but there was more than enough land to suit their purposes. That didn’t help with the issue of access but it was a start. “ We would just need to be mindful of the neighbors.”
Azi Azi EldridSmith EldridSmith Blackrose7 Blackrose7
Kassandra nodded her head up and down, when suddenly she realized the excited display she as putting on. Her cheeks reddened and she lowered her eyes quickly. One conversation in and this had already happened. She tried to calm herself down to take the blush out of her cheeks, but they stayed, leaving the small reddish tint to her pale cheeks. She coughed slightly, trying to get a hold of herself. "Yeah of course, sounds like a great idea. We can grow all sorts of things to live off of or whatever if something happens here. Or more importantly, we can grow things to smoke." She tried to bring back her roguish smile, but it just turned into a giddy grin. Whatever was going to happen between them, it seemed maybe she might already have a few friends.

St. Boethius St. Boethius Blackrose7 Blackrose7 EldridSmith EldridSmith
Dean Daemin Kang-Griffin

Location: Cafeteria
Interacting: SuperiorOnion SuperiorOnion
Mentions: OPEN

Outfit: XXX
Dean gave him a small round of applause and grinned from ear to ear. "Waaah," he cheered. "Actual powers. It's so cool. Everyone's gonna love what you do in class." The hyperactive child couldn't believe what he was seeing. This place was full of interesting people. He couldn't wait to spread out and become close with everyone here. So many opportunities. However it did make Dean weary. If this guy could do more than one simple trick, what was Dean meant to be able to do? Did this mean he was meant to be some sort of mini-god with lots of clear controlled power? What if he didn't have any power or what if the teachers couldn't help him with drawing out what he could be? He was an ice statue of mystery.

When Mavris mentioned studying, Dean's smile fell. "Ah," he said shyly. "I'm not good at studying." At school, Dean was routinely sent out of class due to his disruptive behaviour. It wasn't like he didn't try, he did but his personality bubbled to the surface and he would joke around instead of work. He was a class clown. "Am I genuinely meant to do awesome stuff like that when I can't concentrate on anything?" He rested his head on his arm which was propped up on the table. "All I can do is breathe underwater and swim good. That's hardly Poseidon material." Dean was stumped. This wasn't going to be easy for him.



Something Mavris was never found of was when people talk down about themselves. He believed the time it takes for one to express negative feelings was unnecessary. "If you choose to focus on the aspects of what others are capable of rather than yourself, you'll only fall further behind." Mavris placed his hand over the amulet which hung around his neck and began staring off into space. "Perhaps you simply need a mentor. Someone who understands precicely what it is you're going through." He snapped back to Dean. "I'll tell you what. If you ask nicely I may consider helping you with your studies. It's always more pleasant to have a partner to accompany me."
MoxxyMoxx MoxxyMoxx

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The girl, happily content with her sweets, as she finished her mouthful. They were super sweet and back before she died, she loved to eat them for breakfast every morning to fill her tummy. Now it was more for show and for her own gratification. They still taste sweet but they would never been as good as when she was hungry. There were so many things she would never get to experience again because of what happened. Whenever she thought of these things she would grow sad and a bit wistful, thinking back to the accident, how it felt to have her soul ripped from her body and forcefully put back in to do Hel's bidding, something she had never asked for or wanted, still grateful though, for what changes it had brought to her life with her father.

Her smile fell and her eyes grew distant as she set down the silverware. The voices and happy sounds grew distant and she felt like she could feel that cold, desolate, and ego-centric whisper from deep inside. Hel. Reminding her of what she stood for and who she was now. It was scary and she wanted nothing to do with it, inwardly shying away from it. But just as soon as the darkness came for it, it crept away, frightened by something else. A warm feeling surrounded her, like what she imagined a comforting embrace to feel like and she closed her eyes for a second, enjoying it, unsure of why she felt that way, but content with it all the same.

When she opened her eyes again, they fell on Siv who had just promised to help find her brother. "Thank you..."

Soon she felt very much within the presence of it all again, the happy chatter and smells of food. Ragnar had a plate of meat brought to him from wherever the food appeared from and Siri was surprised he could eat again so soon but that surprise was completely dwarfed by her shock when he said he didn't know what the fluffy, buttery pastries on her plate were.

"It's pancakes, silly! Would you like to try some?" Siri didn't miss the look on Siv's face either. "There's plenty here if you guys want, but I'm sure you could have your own delivered to you as well."

BreezeCatcher BreezeCatcher EldridSmith EldridSmith
Occasionally throwing a glance away from his newfound feline friend, Royal noticed Sumar hitting on Claire and even summoning a golden rose from seemingly nowhere. It was a cool trick, but it didn't really impress him nearly as much as it did Claire. She was almost certainly without a doubt thoroughly enjoying the attention she was getting. Soon after though, he caught her returning to her seat with plenty of food to spare.

"Oh did you? I can't just deny such a gracious offer then~" Without any hesitation, he took a strawberry as well and happily reeled it back to his mouth covered in a rolling layer of chocolate. While he took bite after small bite to savor it, Claire told him about the other guy she'd just met and started bombarding him with questions--ending it with one targeting his non-human ears. Up until that point he'd been his usually outgoing and composed self, but upon mention of his ears Royal felt his face heat up just a little and he decided not to answer about them; after all, it wasn't like he even knew himself why he had them. He'd always figured that they were just a byproduct of his heavenly heritage but they could just as easily be a genetic mistake somewhere.

Looking over at Sumar as he joined them--notably farther from himself by sitting on the other side of Claire--Royal gave him a quick okay-hand to say he had it covered, turning his gaze back to Claire again as he told her what he knew. "Well for the whole god thing, we're supposed to duke it out over who gets the title in some fancy tests. They sound as fun as a wet rag though, so I'd rather just have as much fun on the way there as I physically can." With emphasis on 'physically', he finished the strawberry and reached for another--leaving some chocolate just on the edge of his lips without realizing it.

jj9095 jj9095 EldridSmith EldridSmith
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Tags: Angel Evans Angel Evans TheSaint TheSaint

Florian was going increasingly bored after he had finished his meal. He picked at a rather stubborn flake of glitter on his nail and gazed around the cafeteria. People were making friends, socializing and it was irking Florian to end. Why did they need to make acquaintances in this place? Though he then realized how stupid of a thought process that was and realized it was important to make connections with other future gods. Florian nibbled a little on the strawberry he picked off his shortcake and hummed a bit happily, it was honestly the juiciest strawberry he'd ever tasted. If this was the kind of food the gods got to eat then he was glad he made this decision. Crystalline eyes blinked when someone pointed at him and told him to come here. Who the fuck did they think they were? He gracefully stood up and made his way over to Klaus and Anders. He could just smell their sweet scent halfway there.

Florian stepped in front of their table and crossed his arms. They weren't that bad looking, handsome even, though he could probably have a little fun with them. He feigned friendliness and gave a smile. "Yes? Can I help you?" he said in a soft chiming voice, he was going to play this by ear right now.

1572130622263.pngRagnar wolfed down more of the lamb's leg as he talked: "I'm from Jötunheim, we only get food from the forest, sometimes trading, and from the few people that farm." Ragnar says as he eyes the pancakes with curiosity before hearing Siri's offer. "Don't mind if I do..." He says as he tries some causing his face to light up. "Delicious!" He booms. "Would you like to try some giant food?" He asks as he summons small samples of delicious meats and stews. "Come let us feast!" He roars... before eating more pancakes.
BreezeCatcher BreezeCatcher Ariel Ariel
Dean Daemin Kang-Griffin
tenor (2).gif

Location: Cafeteria
Interacting: SuperiorOnion SuperiorOnion
Mentions: OPEN

Outfit: XXX
Dean gave him a kind smile. "It's nice of you to offer," he said, "but you have your own stuff to focus on. Besides, I'd probably need a teacher to force me to work and help me develop my powers." While Mavris seemed nice, Dean hated to be a burden or hold others back from achieving their potential. No. He would try to use his head and not jump on anyone who was learning. There needed to be a kinder strategy than just following around a descendant like a lost puppy.

"I'd need to find someone with water powers or a God related to the ocean in some way. There must be, what, a thousand kids and teachers here?" He sighed. "I guess it's time to dig through a few books and find out what I need to look for." It would be difficult to find someone with experience especially when Dean genuinely didn't know what God did what and which descendants had advanced powers and which ones didn't. Dean couldn't be the only descendant without powers, could he?
Oscar threw the cigarette bud out into the yard, and he heard his mom calling for him. "Ossy! It's almost time to go!" He stood up from the back porch, wiping off the stray ashes from his clothes. As he walked through the back door, he grabbed his backpack, slinging it over his shoulder. This backpack held all of his most valuable things that he planned to bring to the academy. His mom entered the den and pushed his grimoire into his arms. "Keep it safe, alright hun?" He nodded, stuffing the old journal into his bag. Arty, his cat, jumped up onto his back, nuzzling her nose into his hair. He smiled, putting his hand back to gently scratch her head. "Let's go." He whispered. He walked out the front door, and a purple and gold portal slowly opened. His mother put her hand over her mouth. She gave him a quick hug and he jumped through, landing outside the school. A flash of dizziness washed over him, but left as soon as it came. Arty, however, fell off his back. He chuckled, grabbing the scared feline and holding her in his arms. "Sorry, should have warned you. But you've been through worse." He listened to Hecates speech and followed her into the dining hall, sat down next to a random person (choose), and listened intently to Dionysus's speech. In hit plate was some tuna, accompanied by a bunch of other food. "Eat up, Arty." He said, gesturing to the tuna. Arty hopped up off his lap and dug into the tuna, straight from his plate. He ignored the stares as he dug into his food silently. ((OPEN FOR INTERACTION))
Konor smiled as he went through the portal. Good. A whole school for pranks. He heard Hecate, but mostly ignored her while studying everyone. Finding social weakness anywhere he could. He followed Hestia into the dining hall and sat down at the very back. He watched Dionysus. "He looks fun." He whispered to himself. ((Hella short but open for interaction. Wasnt feelin him))
The threat drew another laugh from Anders, being a child of Apollo, who had never been sick in his life. He wasn’t quite sure if he could contract anything, having been exposed to a host of diseases in his travels and adventures.

“Descendants of Apollo don’t catch things, God of medicine” Anders said, unsure if the information would be reassuring. He had certainly done his own research around the world, though initially, he’d just assumed he was lucky to have never fallen sick. Growing up with privilege and wealth in South Africa, his status and access to top-notch care had always been credited for his outstanding health.

“I’ll be good” A cheeky promise that was capped by a wink, his confidence bolstered by the kind attention Klaus showered over him. Anders assumed this was another feeling influenced by Aphrodite, another welcomed boost to his overall self-esteem. The comment about him being allergic to commitment brought a teasing grimace to his face for a moment, though he quickly shook his head. Klaus truly was the closest thing he had to a relationship, her certainly had never spent as much time with one person as he had with Klaus.

Soon Klaus was reaching out to summon another student to join them, a trick he’d seen used several times. It always seemed to drag someone right over to Klaus, an impressive gift really.
His eyes quickly followed the pointed finger, stopping suddenly when he saw a cat eating off of a lunch tray. An interesting sight, he soon found himself looking at another handsome and familiar face.
Anders blushed again as the memories registered, Oscar, his name was Ocsar and they had certainly hit it off the first time they’d met. The memories knit themselves together quickly and he remembered the party where he’d shamelessly approached Oscar, spurred by alcohol and hormones. It hadn’t been that long ago really after Anders and Klaus had said their initial farewell.

“I should probably mention I know someone else here” Anders began, though he cut himself off when Florian approached the table. He maintained a friendly expression, though quickly deferred to Klaus to take charge after the summoning. His eyes flicked back to Oscar, as if his face might have changed suddenly.

What were the odds?

Anders had certainly done anything but behave himself over the years, part of him wondered if it had been a coincidence that he’d bedded at least two fellow Godlings or if they were all somehow drawn together. Perhaps he’d wait to see if he recognized anyone else before trying to make any sense of it.

Nico Nico
Angel Evans Angel Evans
Ganymede Apathy Ganymede Apathy
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One thing she couldn’t help but notice was the way her new acquaintance took her in, as though he was examining every little detail about her. Both flattering and confusing, she chose to see it as genuine interest.
Tale wasn’t used to someone being so interested in her, although this was something else she could blame on coming from the small island. Everyone already knew everyone’s business back home, it was refreshing to have a conversation with someone brand new. Finally she was relaxing within her surroundings, her buzz keeping intrusive thoughts and images at bay.

A shy but grateful smile followed the reassurance offered by Pierce, Tale would still do her best to actually listen instead of steamrollering him going forward.

“I’m descendant from Apollo, so one thing I can tell you is that I don’t get sunburns” Tale said quickly, once Pierce had mentioned the Goddess Nemesis as his path, a goddess who favored balance. Intimidating and impressive, though Tale wasn’t going to pester him to death with the questions bubbling up inside of her. Instead she chose a saving throw at a small joke on her own parentage.

“It’s almost overwhelming to think we’re going to be here for the next century” A quick remark to address what Tale thought to be one of the pressing elephants in the room. She was somewhat sheltered from the world of the gods, some of her peers were clearly more well versed in Olympus and Asgard.

Ariel Ariel
Siv Halfden - Chosen of Tyr

Looking between his plate and the pancakes on Siri's with a contemplative look, Siv shook his head decisively, "I've already got my pizza, can't let it go to waste." He said as he took a bite, the cheese stretching as he pulled the slice away from his mouth. Looking as Ragnar took his first bites of pancake and the joy that flooded his face as he dug into the delicious fluffy pastry caused Siv into burst into laughter. The thought that the young giant had never had pancakes before was so wild a thought. Something he had cherished for so long, a necessity at every breakfast, and just because of how he had grown up, Ragnar had never experienced the food before. It seemed that there would be many interesting and unique individuals from all walks of life here at the school. He would have to do what he could to learn about them and their backgrounds if he was to keep them in line once they all became a god. He couldn't forget his duty while he was here. He was a chosen of Tyr and he had a duty to uphold the justice and laws that governed mortals and deities alike.

Looking between his new two companions the smile that was already plastered to his face only grew as he watched the two enjoy themselves. Ragnar had summoned some more meats, and offered some up. It was crazy to think after all he had eaten he wasn't full and Siv could only attest it to his giant lineage that kept him eating after everything already. And then there was Siri, looking as sweet as the pancakes she was enjoying. Once away from the crowds it seemed she was like anyone else, the nerves vanishing. Though they still had to find her brother, and as he tore into his pizza he kept an eye out for anyone who matched his description. "What do you think they'll have us be doing at this school?"
Ariel Ariel EldridSmith EldridSmith
"Ellie's the maker of this fantastic pie." she answers with a small smirk. NOt really letting any information beyond that slip. "I wonder if it's the gods doing this themselves or just an effect of the plate itself?" Rae mused, picking up the plate to look underneath it before setting it back down after there was nothing of note. "So. Which god picked you again?" she asked, turning her body to face Aurora a bit more.

Aurora liked how this girl thought. “You know, you have a good head on your shoulders. I didnt even think about it and you’ve come up with different solutions. Im happy to be your roommate.” Aurora gave her a sweet friendly smile.

“Im a Frigg chosen. Frigg warned me theres a second chosen though. I prefer to have this experience and POSSIBLY become a goddess than never have it and be stuck indoors wishing to see the world. You know?”

Frigg shrugged and took another bite of food. “How about you?” Duke of Doge Duke of Doge
Occasionally throwing a glance away from his newfound feline friend, Royal noticed Sumar hitting on Claire and even summoning a golden rose from seemingly nowhere. It was a cool trick, but it didn't really impress him nearly as much as it did Claire. She was almost certainly without a doubt thoroughly enjoying the attention she was getting. Soon after though, he caught her returning to her seat with plenty of food to spare.

"Oh did you? I can't just deny such a gracious offer then~" Without any hesitation, he took a strawberry as well and happily reeled it back to his mouth covered in a rolling layer of chocolate. While he took bite after small bite to savor it, Claire told him about the other guy she'd just met and started bombarding him with questions--ending it with one targeting his non-human ears. Up until that point he'd been his usually outgoing and composed self, but upon mention of his ears Royal felt his face heat up just a little and he decided not to answer about them; after all, it wasn't like he even knew himself why he had them. He'd always figured that they were just a byproduct of his heavenly heritage but they could just as easily be a genetic mistake somewhere.

Looking over at Sumar as he joined them--notably farther from himself by sitting on the other side of Claire--Royal gave him a quick okay-hand to say he had it covered, turning his gaze back to Claire again as he told her what he knew. "Well for the whole god thing, we're supposed to duke it out over who gets the title in some fancy tests. They sound as fun as a wet rag though, so I'd rather just have as much fun on the way there as I physically can." With emphasis on 'physically', he finished the strawberry and reached for another--leaving some chocolate just on the edge of his lips without realizing it.

jj9095 jj9095 EldridSmith EldridSmith

Claire smiled when Sumar sat down next to her. “Back so soon?” She winked at him and then focused her attention back to Royal while he explained that she was sandwiched between two chosens that would have to fight each other for the final position of God.

Claire looked at both of them trying to figure out herself who she thought may win - the battle for who sleeps with me first and also the battle for the chosen God. Then, Claire noticed some chocolate was still on Royals lips and she giggled.

“You have a little bit of chocolate here.” She used her thumb to wipe away the chocolate from his lips and then put her thumb in her mouth where both can see her licking the chocolate away.

“So... what happens to the one that DOESNT become the Chosen God? Definitely don’t want one of you to die. Both of you are just too pretty for that.” She put a hand on Sumar and looked at him with such sad eyes letting him know that she would deeply care if something were to happen to him and his handsome face.

She was having a little bit too much fun with two men in the first hour of being at the academy drooling for her. She was tempted to toss a coin in the air and see which one would get to a few bases first.

Then, Angel, her cat, got up from next to Royal and carefully went up to Sumar. Claire paused to watch how Sumar would react to her cat. If he didn’t like her cat it would be a simple decision.

EldridSmith EldridSmith -Mork- -Mork-

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