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Fantasy Generic Fantasy RP (CLOSED)

Callum still attempted to go after Gallium for a moment, but eventually gave up and dropped the sword to the ground. He wrapped his arms around her tight, trying to figure out how to cope with the things Gallium was saying. That's when the prisoner spoke again. "See, can't even kill an unarmed prisoner right." Callum didn't respond in any way to him, though.
Emmaia slowly brushed her fingers through his hair to soothe him as best she could. To Gallium, all she could say was, "There is no right way to kill an unarmed prisoner." She just hugged Callum more tightly. "It's okay, Cal...."
Callum kept quiet. He wasn't crying, or anything near it, but remained silent to try and figure out how he was feeling. Callum was afraid of just having a breakdown, and was trying his best to stay from that. He just held onto Emmalia, and kept her within his arms for a long while. He soon pulled away, picked up his sword, and sheathed it before saying, "We should go. Balder was playing dumb with us. We need to figure out what's going on."
"Right," Emmalia said softly. They told the situation to cassian, who said he would up the Guards in the castle, and give Gallium some kind of luxury, even if it would be minor. Once they were back in their carriage, Em pulled Callum close and played with his hair. "I'm sorry it took a turn like that, dearest."
Callum watched as the scenery passed by, Cassian's castle getting smaller as it disappeared into the distance. "It's not your fault. I dehumanized him, so he only played the part I gave him." His voice was low and quiet. "As long as we stop this coup from happening, it'll be worth it."
Em slowly played with his hair. "We have five days until we're home. You need to relax and rest up. And love... you can talk to me if you're upset. I'll just listen, you know that. I'm sorry for what he said to you, it was a low blow."
"I know I can Em. Thank you." Callum leaned over and kissed her lips gently. "It's just... Hard for me to feel right when I wronged the only person willing to raise me. He chose to save me, I chose to condemn him. I know I did the right thing, but at the same time I feel morally wrong."
"That's just some sense of loyalty that he's looking to manipulate." She sighed. "I feel terrible now, I should have kept my mouth shut, he might not have said that stuff. What would make you feel better, honey?"
Callum tried to think of anything that could cheer him up. "I'm... Not too sure. Help me just forget about it. Anything." He said.
Emmalia pulled him close again and slowly played with his hair, the same way she knew would put him to sleep, and started softly singing.
Callum didn't try to stop her, and simply closed her eyes. He enjoyed Emmalia's soft singing and the fact that she was playing with his hair so calmly he almost fell asleep then. "Emmalia?" He asked tiredly.
"Yes, my love?" She answered quietly. It was a good thing that she was able to get him almost to sleep this way - she wasn't sure what she would have done otherwise.
"I love you." Was all Callum said. Soon, thr bumby cobblestone road and mixed with Emmalia's singing put him to sleep rather quickly.
Later on, as they approached the castle, Callum looked out of the windows of the carriage as the sun set in the distance. Before long, though, he began to see smoke in the distance. Not long after that, thr smell of burning bodies and blood filled the air. It didn't take long for Callum to realize what was happening. "Emmalia, get ready for a fight."
Emmalia could smell the blood and smoke before Callum, and it sickened her. This was their home, why would anyone do this? What had happened to Camilla? Being a vampiress, she was likely alive, but where? Emmalia equipped her gauntlet and sened her crossbow in its holster. "Shoud we jump out now, or when we get closer?"
"Now. We can't risk anything, we don't know how many there are. We need to find a way into the castle." Callum said as he readied his gear. "Maybe we can use the way in Daniel came through." He suggested as he got out of the cart.
"Yeah, but that guy was strong enough to just pull himself up the walls. Luckily, I get the feeling we're the nicest nobles these servants have seen in some time. Those outwardly loyal have probably been killed. I think we could get in through the kitchens, once we get over the walls." Emmaia got out after him and followed his lead into the forests.
Callum walked through the brush quickly but tried to remain as stealthy as he could with as much armor as he had on. "There was an old grate that let water out by the kitchens, we could see if we can get through it." He suggested.
"That might just work if you know where it is," she said. All of her senses were strained as much as possible to ensure she would be able to protect him from any attackers.
Callum nodded and lead the way. His memory proved faithful, and at the back end of the castle, there was an old metal grate. Luckily for them, the damage to the structure had loosened some of the bars, allowing them to slip past without trouble. "I sure hope my army knows what they're doing." He said.
"Yeah, well, gotta wonder exactly who they're fighting. If Balder took control of half of them, or called people in." Emmalia, being able to see in the dark, led the way.

The old lady ghost from before appeared in front of Callum. "You leave for ten days and this is the result?"
Callum followed Emmalia closely, not wanting to get separated from her. However, he had to stop when he saw the old lady. "What are you doing here?" He asked.
Emmalia turned around curiously, but realized he was talking to a ghost.

"I told you, I watch over this castle. You think I'd just leave after a conversation? Silly boy."
Callum frowned slightly. "Well then, can you tell me anything about the attack that's going on right now? How many enemies, if they've broken through yet?' He hoped she could give him some answer.
The ghost lady said, "Oh, very many. Not quite as many as all of your army, but quite a lot. They haven't broken through, not yet. Your guard captain is very good - well, he was. Now he's dead, in fact, you'll find him later by the outer wall, quite confused as to why his sword isn't doing anything."

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