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Realistic or Modern Gangster Love

Fae giggles and watches him happily. “We’re having a baby.” She confirms and rubs her hand through his hair gently. “I called dr Rodgers and he wants me to come in tomorrow for a quick checkup.”
He grinned and kissed her softly. “God I love you so much... we get to have a baby of our own. We’re gonna start a little family.” He murmured happily and held he close “I can’t wait to meet them already.”
Fae smiles and cuddles into his chest. She lays her head on his shoulder and wraps her arms around his waist. “Me either.” She murmurs and kisses his chin softly. “I love you Mr O’Neil.”
He smiled wider and kissed her head. “I love you too my beautiful wife. Let’s grt you and baby Home.” He murmured cuddling her closer and carried her out to the car.
Fae giggles and holds onto him tightly. She kisses his cheek and buckled up once he puts her in the car. She runs a hand through her hair and looks over at him.
He smiled and drove her home getting out and taking her inside then headed to the kitchen to get them some lunch. “What you hungry for?”
He raised an eyebrow and just nodded. “We don’t have any fries here... or melting cheese for that matter.” He murmured and kissed her head. “I’ll be back.” He chuckled and drove out to go get her some cheese fries.
He chuckled some and went and picked them up then took them home and went to find her in their room. “Come on They’re on the table.” He murmured and kissed his cheek.
Fae slides off the bed and smiles. She follows after him happily and kisses his cheek. “Thank you so much!” She murmurs and sits down. She curls up on the hair and starts eating.
Fae smiles at him and eats. She gets up when she’s done and throws her trash away, getting some water. “I love you.” She murmurs and watches him
“Oh so when I bring you food you love me. I see how it is.” He chuckled teasing her s little then pulled her to sit on his lap. “I love you too Fae.” He murmured kissing her softly.
He smiled keeping her close and gently rubbed his thumbs in circles on her hips. “Mmm.... I am am i?” He murmured smiling at her some.
“As wonderful as that sounds love I do need to go get a few errands run.” He murmured. “But I guess I got a few more minutes.” He murmured and kissed her head gently
Fae frowns a little and bites her lip. “Can I come?” She asks. She didn’t want sit here alone, bored out of her mind. She rubs his chest softly.
He nodded and walked out to the car with her. “I need to go look at furniture and some of the warehouses that supply for this sort of thing
Fae nods a little and follows him out to the car. She gets in and buckled up. “You’ll need to start interviewing people soon.” She murmurs.
He shook his head. “Not just yet. I gotta get it all gutted and get the whole process started first.” He murmured holding her hand while he drove. “I want a girl.” He smiled at her some
Fae smiles and rubs her tummy slightly. “What happened to mini yous?” She asks and raises an eyebrow. She smiles and rubs his hand softly with her thumb.
He smiled and nodded. “Of course they’ll be mini us whatever they are but I want a little girl.” He smiled at her again then pulled onto the interstate and headed up to the industrial town to get some ideas for things.

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