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Fantasy Game Over


Might have to edit that post, seeing as the roleplayer for the girl who tripped dropped out. I edited my post in response to that as well, so Riley no longer helps the girl up... Because she doesn't exist.

Also, @Kishune alright! I'll think about it in a little bit.
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Ensig said:
Might have to edit that post, seeing as the roleplayer for the girl who tripped dropped out. I edited my post in response to that as well, so Riley no longer helps the girl up... Because she doesn't exist.

Also, @Kishune alright! I'll think about it in a little bit.
Alright thanks, I changed it.
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Ensig said:
Might have to edit that post, seeing as the roleplayer for the girl who tripped dropped out. I edited my post in response to that as well, so Riley no longer helps the girl up... Because she doesn't exist.
You don't have to ignore them, just not interact with the character.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/2F8B5D8200000578-3368650-image-a-4_1450691540631.jpg.24e69d0d49d6c73db1bc11010153142e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="139195" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/2F8B5D8200000578-3368650-image-a-4_1450691540631.jpg.24e69d0d49d6c73db1bc11010153142e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> This is basically what happened to Zach



  • 2F8B5D8200000578-3368650-image-a-4_1450691540631.jpg
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Isune said:
View attachment 308228 This is basically what happened to Zach
I think you can go ahead and skip my post. There really isn't much for Zach to do aside from get a towel or something.
Kishune said:
How about this, you think of what the restrictions/limitation should be and I'll edit from that, ok?
After thinking about it, I can't help but think that it would be the most game-like to have Buffs and Debuffs to be split between the Light and Dark elements respectively, with Light having more Buffs and Dark having more Debuffs -- so, in other words, having a buff/debuff Element wouldn't fit very well, seeing as most Buffs would fit better in Light, and Debuffs would fit better in Dark.
Isune said:
I think you can go ahead and skip my post. There really isn't much for Zach to do aside from get a towel or something.
Mine as well, Vera would probably just complain about how immature it was.

You're missing a lot in your Profile, and a as for the race I'll allow it but it's not special, nor was it given to her for being the first...
Kishune said:
You're missing a lot in your Profile, and a as for the race I'll allow it but it's not special, nor was it given to her for being the first...
Yet, being a Demigod? That might get a bit overpowered quite fast...
Yeah it kinda did sound OP the way you worded it. Like "The strongest player" and stuff.
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@Hitomi @StoneWolf18 @Isune

Races determine the averaged stats, Like in Dark souls at the beginning each class had different stats. In this there are 2 of those; Race and class. Demons have more strength, Elves are faster, Orks have better defense...Humans are even stats all the way. Demigods are the same way but better stats, a down side is that they have a critical weakness, The apposing element they chose. That will do 2-3 time more damage than normal races.

Trust me I thought this all up when I was thinking of turning it into a Dice RP.
Oh actually, @Kishune how exactly is the magic system gonna work for my kitsune since his element is lightning? Or do you want me to change it to something like fire?
Isune said:
Oh actually, @Kishune how exactly is the magic system gonna work for my kitsune since his element is lightning? Or do you want me to change it to something like fire?
Just change it to light, I'm about to explain the thing with @Ensig soon, and it will involve this. ^^
I'm considering making a post cause I need something to do, although it would be painfully short...


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