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Fantasy Game Over


One of Oblivion


~Follow RPN rules PLEASE. And what I saw goes...but I won't be too bossy, I'll mostly work with you guys! ^_^

~Romance is encourage but if extreme "Relationship" activity happens within the Thread, then you are violating the Rules! DO NOT DO THIS!!! (...Here)

~Keep relations Pg-13, and if you need to swear...just don't do it so frequently. But fighting...GO ALL OUT If you like. R rate it! xD

~If someone's been inactive for two weeks without announcing to someone or @Kishune that they be of absence, then they will be considered "no longer interested" and will have their characters removed. @Kishune will try to contact those who inactive in a week before that time, to try and figure out if they are still interested. If they haven't announced that they are taking a leave of absence.

~Fighting is encourage. Killing of NPC's is allowed if you they are just random beings, enemies, and if you made them. Killing of members is only allowed by the other's consent, or by @Kishune 's (With reason). This goes for their NPCs as well.

~Don't even try to resurrect anyone from the dead. THEY ARE DEAD! Unless @Kishune say it's okay, and it follows the plot, or would make things interesting, then it may be allowed.

~This is a Semi-Lit RP, Meaning you have to type at least a paragraph (5 sentences). And please be a little bit descriptive.

~Don't post one post and Leave...It leads to RP Death. and we don't want that... *sniffs* T^T

~ no god modding...PLEASE. You are not the one who made this RP and you do not control everything that happens. I do...I made the RP...and what I say, goes! I AM GOD!!!...sorry got carried away there...^^;

God modding: When you control something in the story that the Leader of the RP didn't allow you to.

Which means ask me if you can do anything big, or want to suggest something.

~ no Auto-Hitting on member characters with out their permission.

Auto hit: When you hit something Automatically with out explaining or giving the other person a chance to react to it.

~Include Tag or whatever everyone involved in post please. If you don't listen or care...then you'll be lost and won't fit in. (More of a request than a rule...^^ ;)

~ I'm always open to suggestions. So PM me (@Kishune ) or post in OOC tagging me.

~ Most Important is to have FUN!!!

~please use "" and a color for your character dialog. And '' italicize for your character's thoughts (Optional: a different color too) and use ()){}[] for Out Of Character to talk to fellow members in a In-character Post. Also please Quote people you are interacting with, and one more thing have HP and Mana from below in your post layout, and edit it thoroughly please. (You don't have to, it's mainly a suggestion.)






Question: Can the players be a different gender than their avatar?

Answer: Yes.

Do the players feel all the sensations of their avatar?

Answer: Yes. To the players, the world is completely real and they can feel everything.

Do the races need to look like anything specific?

Answer: They can look how you want as long as there is something to tell what race they are. like elves have long(ish) ears.

What all weapons can each class wield?

Answer: Each class wields their own set of weapons. A character can have up to two weapons. A primary and a secondary, but either one can be primary. (i.e. Archer can mainly fight with a sword.)

list for what weapon for each class will be in the spoiler.

Fighter: can use almost any combat melee weapon.

Archer: Primary-Bow, and Crossbow. Secondary-Swords and Daggers

Thief: Primary-Daggers, Swords, and Scythes. Secondary-Gauntlets (bare fist), and Claws

Mage: Primary-Staffs and wands. Secondary-swords, and magical artifacts

Will characters know how to use their weapon when they enter the game, like a pre-made move set?

Answer: No, they will learn how to use their weapons as they fight. Creating their own methods.

Question: What all magic is preset in the beginning?

Answer: The answer will be in the spoilers below:

Basic/Low level:

Fire: Low Fire Damage

Water/Blizard: Low Water Damage

Earth: Low Earth Damage

Air: Low Air Damage

Thunder: Low Light/Dark Damage (Depends on Element affinity)

Blackness: Harden - Darkness formed around the body or weapon to increase it's defense or attack respectfully. (More it covers the more MP it takes up.)

Advanced/Medium Level:

Fira: Medium Fire Damage

Watera/Blizzara: Medium Water Damage

Terra: Medium earth Damage

Aero: Medium Air Damage

Thundara: Medium Light/Dark Damage (Depends on Element affinity)

Bio: Causes a Random Negative Status Effects, but low accuracy

Drain: Steals little HP

Osmose: Steals some MP

Flare: Medium light/Dark Damage (Depends on affinity)

Master/High Level:

Firaga: High Fire Damage

Waterga/Blizzaga: High Water Damage

Terraga: High Earth Damage

Aeroga: High Air Damage

Thundaga: High Light/Dark Damage (Depends on Affinity)

Demi: Reduces target's HP by 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, or 1/2 (Mages only)

Ultima(Spell): High Dark Damage

Holy (Spell): High Light Damage

Basic/Low Level:

Cure: Restores Minor Amount of Health

Ensuna: Removes Negative status Ailments

Null-Blaze: Weakens Fire Damage, Nulls Burn

Null-Tide/Null-Frost: Weakens Water Damage, Nulls Water Weight/Frozen

Null-Shake: Weakens Earth Damage, Nulls Petrify

Null-Gust: Weakens Air Damage

Null-Shock: Weakens Light Damage, Nulls Thunder Paralysis

Null-Shade: Weakens Dark Damage, Nulls Thunder Paralysis

Advanced/Medium Level:

Cura: Restores Moderate Amount of Health

Haste: Speeds Up a Ally

Slow: Slows Down a Enemy

Protect: Reduces Physical Damage

Shell: Reduces Magical Damage

Dispel: Removes positive Status Effects

Life: Restores 50% HP, if below 10%

Master.High Level:

Curaga: Restores Major Amount of HP

Hastega: Speeds Up Whole Party

Slowga: Slows Down Multiple Enemies

Regen: Restores a fraction on HP continuously for a short while

Reflect: Bounces Magic back at caster

Full-Life (Spell): Restores 100% HP, if below 10%

Question: Can Non-magical classes use magic?

Answer: Yes, but what the class can? do depends on the race. Description are in the spoiler.

(If a race is not available in the spoiler, just ask and I'll add it)

Refer to the links to understand the examples. (Wht mag. & Blk mag.)

Also these are all the magic that are available for the specific race at the beginning.

Human: Basic healing, and protection

List: Cure, Esuna, and Null-elements (all at beginning, but 1 'Null-')

Dragonborn: Basic black magic

List: Fire, Water/Blizzard, Earth, Aero, and Thunder. (1 at beginning.)

Demon: Basic black magic

List: Fire, Water/Blizzard, Earth, Aero, and Thunder. (1 at beginning)

Demihumans: Will be based off what animal they are based off of.

Example: A fox can learn the basic of Fire, Dark, and Light. Ask for specific DemiHumans for their magic at the beginning.

Elf: Basic to Advance white magic, and summoning.

List: Cura, Haste, Slow, Shell, and Protect. (2 at beginning)

Drow: Basic to Advance black magic.

List: Fira, Watera/Blizzara, Terra, Aero, Thundara, Bio, Drain, Osmose. (1 at beginning)

Dwarf: Basic to Advanced Earth magic, and basic White Magic.

List: Earth, Terra, Cure, Esuna, and Null-elements (1 white magic, and 1 'Null-' at beginning.)
Question: How many magics does a Mage/Necromancer start out with?

Answer: 2 black magic, and 2 white magic. It's the RPer's choice from the basics.

Question: How would magic be used?

Answer: they would pick an element or two (Depending on Race) and manipulate it almost freely to make their own techniques from there.

Question: How is mana used?

Answer: there are three ways to use mana. check in the spoiler below.

1. Magic, are primarily elemental (Light and dark are included). It can be used by all classes and varies depending on the race. the more intense the magic the more mana it consumes.

2. Spells, are powerful magic that take up a lot of Mana and some time to perform. It's like advance magic, but only Mages can use them. This is also used for non elemental magic such as time, space, and gravity which are not part of regular magic.

3. Skills, are combination of magic/ability to a move/movement. (i.e. -Fires off an arrow of pure light that penetrates through targets- That is a basic attack mixed with light magic.) It usually won't consume much mana, but like magic the more intense the magic is in the combination, the more mana consumed. Only Mages can't us skills.
Question: How do players get new skills?

Answer: You create them using your imagination. (think of how it's done in the Manga/comic "The Gamer") Oh and please name them. ^^

(Any big skills such as summoning a hail storm of swords or a meteor, please run by @Kishune.)

Question: What are summons?

Answer: They are Creatures, Warriors, God, or Demons that can be summoned to help fight along the one who summoned it

Question: How do you attain a Summon?

Answer: They can attain it through a special finds in missions and/or form a contract. They can also be a reward from a mission.

Question: How do you summon?

Answer: To summon a being, you have to concentrate on the one you are trying to summon and call out their actual name and the summon will be brought to there side to aid. Summons will have their own HP and MP bars, and their own set of magic and Skills/Spells. If the Summon HP or MP run low the Owner can sacrifice their own to give to the Summon, or Dismiss then to rest/recharge on their own.

Question: Can players get upgraded classes?

Answer: Yes, there will be a 'Class tree' that I will describe on a later date.

Question: Are there special weapons or artifacts?

Answer: Yes but they have to be something I come up with for a quest or approved of. So don't hesitate offering suggestions!^^

Question: Does the world have real world physics?

Answer: Yes it does. The world will follow some game physics, and it will depend on the race. (i.e. Demons will be stronger, elves can jump higher and animal like beings like Kitsunes can move better due to their animal-like traits.)

Question: Are there special weapons or artifacts?

Answer: Yes but they have to be something @Kishune decides to make, though I am also up for suggestions!

Question: What are Status Effects?

Answer: Status Effects are the things that effect Characters and Enemies alike, and have both positive and negative effects.

Read the Spoilers below for the types of Status effects.

(Coming soon...)

Blind: Temporarily darken's a Character/Enemy's sight.

Poison: Character/Enemies gradually loses health over a period of time. Cured by Antidote.

Deadly Poison: A stronger version of Poison that reduces health at a faster rate. Cured by Antidote.

Paralysis: immobilizes Character/Enemy for a certain period of time, leaving the victim helpless.

Stun: Temporarily immobilizes character/enemy with a blunt attack on the head.

Silence: Prevents Characters/Enemies from using Magic, Spells and Skills.

Sleep: It is similar to Paralysis in that it leaves the character/Enemy unable to do anything. However, damage taken when asleep is greatly increased and will end the status after one hit.

Confuse: Characters will see things that aren't really there or will confuse a ally for an enemy. Lasts for a short period.

Threaten/Fear: Immobilizes Beast like Enemies.

Berserk: Increases the attack of Enemy/Character, but also lowers defense. Enemies will attack randomly and seem out of control, while Character is still in control, the effects aren't as potent.

Curse: Prohibits only Characters from using Skills/Spells.

Zombify: Causes healing effects to cause damage instead. Lasts till cured by Holy Water and can spread to Party.

Defense Down: Lowers defense for a short time.

Attack Down: Lowers Attack for short time.

Slow: Lowers Speed for a short time.

Cold: Can slow down movement of Characters in cold areas.

Freezing Cold: Greatly slows down movement in freezing areas.

Heat: gradually loses health in hot areas.

Blistering Heat: Quickly loses health in very hot areas.

Frenzy: A sickly virus that lowers both attack and defense over time and last till the character rests or is put to sleep. Can be trained through to revers the effect to increase attack instead. Only monsters can cause this.

Bleeding: Razor sharp weapons to an Characters/Enemies will cause them to take damage when performing certain actions. Running, dodging, and attacking will all cause the affected Character/Enemy to take damage due to bleeding. Character/Enemies won't take damage when walking. Cured by First-Aid, resting a short period, or Cura

Burn: Seldomly, Characters/Enemies will gradually loses health over a period of time from a fire attack. Dealt with by rolling on the ground few times or go into water.

Severe Burn: A stronger version of Fire Damage that reduces health at a faster rate if weak to fire. Caused by a strong fire attack. Dealt with by rolling on the ground few times or go into water.

Water Weight: Seldomly, water based attacks will soak a Character/Enemy and weigh them down and slow them down. Lasts for a short period of time.

Heavy Water Weight: A stronger version of Water Weight that slows the Character/Enemy even more if weak to water based attacks. Lasts for a period of time.

Frozen: Seldomly, Ice based attacks can form a layer of ice over a part of a Character's body, preventing them from moving that part tilled thawed. Only enemies can cause this.

Deeply Frozen: A stronger version of Frozen that can form a layer of ice over the Character's body keeping them in place, preventing use of any items and attacks. Only Ice type enemies can cause this. Is freed if character is hit once.

Petrify: Seldomly, Earth based Magic can turn a part of a Character's body to stone, preventing them from moving that part. Only Enemies can cause this.

Petrification: A stronger version of Petrify that can turn a whole character to stone, preventing use of any items and attacks or even move. Only Enemies can cause this. Cured by an Remedy by party member.

Thunder Paralysis: Seldomly, thunder based attacks may or may not cause Paralysis soon after the attack. Only Enemies can cause this.

Instant Thunder Paralysis: A stronger version of Thunder Paralysis that can instantly paralysis Characters after a attack, if they are weak to Thunder based attacks. Only Enemies can cause this.

Question: Have any more questions?

Answer: Send a PM to @Kishune, or join the Skype conversation. (<-Coming soon)
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[QUOTE="Sugar Honey Iced Tea]Yo. Let me know when the character sign-up information is up.

Sorry I already have the amount of people I wanted to join at the moment.

I do hope to open back up to accept more in the future though. ^^
[QUOTE="Sugar Honey Iced Tea]May I play a fighter, the archer, and perhaps a boss character later on? :D

We'll see when the time comes. ^^;

also no posting in the Sign up tab plz
@Kishune What basic magic do you think a Centaur would have? I plan on making a fighter although I thought I would ask just in case. ^^
I plan on archer or mage depends on my elf :'3

Archer it is :P
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My character is up! :D

Also, I wanna note that I am posting it at around 1:24 AM so if anything needs fixing or looks off, please let me know.
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I am not quite good with bbcoding however so yeah ill try mah best xD

archer wood elf ;p

Finished the App

Made a 'lewd humor' character

Got BBCode to stop being a dinkus whenever I use it

Hypnotized myself into liking pink
StoneWolf18 said:
@Kishune What basic magic do you think a Centaur would have? I plan on making a fighter although I thought I would ask just in case. ^^
Think of where a goat would live. In the mountains, plains, in winter areas (Earth, Air, and Blizzard). So depend it on that. (idk much about them in the first place so. ^^ ;)
(slowly hops fence) I made it! Also a centaur is half man, half horse. Not goat. That's a saytr. I want to make a really spunky or hyper pro gamer but I'm not sure what race would fit that.
Isune said:
(slowly hops fence) I made it! Also a centaur is half man, half horse. Not goat. That's a saytr. I want to make a really spunky or hyper pro gamer but I'm not sure what race would fit that.
Hmmmm, maybe some sort of elf or fey?
Isune said:
(slowly hops fence) I made it! Also a centaur is half man, half horse. Not goat. That's a saytr. I want to make a really spunky or hyper pro gamer but I'm not sure what race would fit that.
You're right your right! DX

My screw up~

as for the race you don't have to choose a race that fit the personality. personally something that seems odd with that personality would seem fun to play as. xD
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and here I was thorn between a high elf or wood elf ;p but wood elf for an archer deemed fit ^^
Isune said:
I know, I know @Kishune but I still wanna do it. I don't know what that race would be. Maybe a kitsune? Hmmm...
a Kitsune wouldn't be so bad, just one thing you wanting it to be the ears and tail type, or a beast in human form?
Isune said:
I know, I know @Kishune but I still wanna do it. I don't know what that race would be. Maybe a kitsune? Hmmm...
You could always go with another Centaur, I know you are quite fond of them. ^^

Kishune said:
This seems like a joke for the character Riley (@Ensig )
Not really, and Dear Lord definitely not in a sexually, kinky way... 0-0

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