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Fantasy Game Over

Another downside is her height and bulk though....unless there's a spell that's gonna knock off a few feet, someone who's 8 of them talk isn't gonna fit in many places...
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Ensig said:
After thinking about it, I can't help but think that it would be the most game-like to have Buffs and Debuffs to be split between the Light and Dark elements respectively, with Light having more Buffs and Dark having more Debuffs -- so, in other words, having a buff/debuff Element wouldn't fit very well, seeing as most Buffs would fit better in Light, and Debuffs would fit better in Dark.
Hm, I see where you're going with this and that would make sense, if they were opposites. How about the two elements aren't that different. Just two sides of the same coin?

Hear me out. Light can blind, Darkness can blind...Rays of light, Rays of shadow...and both can technically cause confusion, but slightly different from each other. (This is why I Thunder/lightning, in the FAQ, is a light and darkness magic). Instead of one having debuffs, and the other having buffs, let them have both but effect different stats. Light affect magical attack and def, and Darkness affects Physical attack and defense?

I always viewed light as a magical force That we think is there yet not as Darkness is there, but we ignore it. I always thought of them as something more that the other elements and able to do more, with more to them. Fire burns, Water is formless, Air is light, and Earth is hard/sold. Will Light can burn, and is well light, and darkness is formless and have you ever stepped on a shadow? Ok I'm stretching for that one, but what I'm saying is that unlike the other four elements Light and Dark can be a bit more diverse as magic, than the others and do more than just be one thing.


I might have rambled but hope I got my thoughts across on the 2 elements. any questions please ask.
Kishune said:
Hm, I see where you're going with this and that would make sense, if they were opposites. How about the two elements aren't that different. Just two sides of the same coin?
Hear me out. Light can blind, Darkness can blind...Rays of light, Rays of shadow...and both can technically cause confusion, but slightly different from each other. (This is why I Thunder/lightning, in the FAQ, is a light and darkness magic). Instead of one having debuffs, and the other having buffs, let them have both but effect different stats. Light affect magical attack and def, and Darkness affects Physical attack and defense?

I always viewed light as a magical force That we think is there yet not as Darkness is there, but we ignore it. I always thought of them as something more that the other elements and able to do more, with more to them. Fire burns, Water is formless, Air is light, and Earth is hard/sold. Will Light can burn, and is well light, and darkness is formless and have you ever stepped on a shadow? Ok I'm stretching for that one, but what I'm saying is that unlike the other four elements Light and Dark can be a bit more diverse as magic, than the others and do more than just be one thing.


I might have rambled but hope I got my thoughts across on the 2 elements. any questions please ask.
Makes sense.... -is a bit mind fucked for this late at night-
Yafang would never get a saddle for her. He'd probably just cling onto her back or something simple like that.
StoneWolf18 said:
Another downside is her height and bulk though....unless there's a spell that's gonna knock off a few feet, someone who's 8 of them talk isn't gonna fit in many places...
@Kishune @Isune Thoughts on above? It's gonna suck for her on multiple occasions...

- Can't enter most buildings (E.x Rent a room at an Inn for the night)

- Unable to acess specific areas (E.x Cave is 2 feet shorter, thus not allowing her to complete a quest)

- Ladders...

- Small rafts

- Makeshift bridges

Etc. I really didn't think this through x3
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StoneWolf18 said:
@Kishune @Isune Thoughts on above? It's gonna suck for her on multiple occasions...
- Can't enter most buildings (E.x Rent a room at an Inn for the night)

- Unable to acess specific areas (E.x Cave is 2 feet shorter, thus not allowing her to complete a quest)

- Ladders...

- Small rafts

- Makeshift bridges

Etc. I really didn't think this through x3
sleep in the stables, it's free

guard it as team goes on ahead

nothing I can do there...

You're part horse, you can swim a ocean if you wanted. xD

No the problem is the old rickety ones. xD
They need that money to afford custom boots that make them taller! Also, when Yafang gets that new form will he be able to change in and out of it basically whenever or does it come at a price? @Kishune
StoneWolf18 said:
The person who buys her a saddle is getting a hoof to the face. ;3
Kishune said:
sleep in the stables, it's free
guard it as team goes on ahead

nothing I can do there...

You're part horse, you can swim a ocean if you wanted. xD

No the problem is the old rickety ones. xD
It might be free, though do you know how bad the stench would be? That and all those mares do is gossip all night long...

Jokes aside, I just don't wanna miss out. Sitting there twiddling my thumbs whilst everyone gets to "slay the dragon and save the princess" if you get what I'm saying. I have two ideas actually...

- The program has an auto-size altering mechanic. Keeping track of the participants heights (within reason) and modifying whatever it may be with the necessary adjustment. This wouldn't apply to everything and every race however, and still prone to cause problems.

- An enchanted item, potion, or spell that can be used to alter ones size for a brief period of time. Either making her shorter (which would look hilarious) or give a human-esc appearance and height (dropping the horse ass.)

@Isune @Kishune
Isune said:
They need that money to afford custom boots that make them taller! Also, when Yafang gets that new form will he be able to change in and out of it basically whenever or does it come at a price? @Kishune
MP basically but small about and can last for some time.
Idk, I still need to think about that. I kinda like the humanoid ones, but then again being able to turn to a giant fox sounds pretty cool. So basically it's either this
or this<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/images.jpg.f4c7321f278ed2264c48cfbaa2beef12.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="139303" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/images.jpg.f4c7321f278ed2264c48cfbaa2beef12.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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@Kishune I really don't know. I guess whoever is willing to deal with Yafang. I guess he could actually be a good fighter since he does play competitive fighting games so there's that. That'd probably be his secondary now that I think about it.

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