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Futuristic Galactic Empires


"Dad." Kiria said. Norian turned around to face his daughter.

"There's an enemy that refuses to leave our border." Kiria paused. "They some how took control of some of the 14th escort vessels."

Norian covered his face with his hand in stress. He turned back around and re connected with Zugarg. "Your highness. Your fleet may pass through U.F.G territory to engage an enemy that somehow took control of some of our ships."


The communications officer looked at the admiral awaiting his orders.

"Tell the high command. 4 of our ships have been hijacked. Initiate VIKI."

The officer nodded.
(("WE. Come. In. Peace." BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS

IlovetanksMBT said:
"Dad." Kiria said. Norian turned around to face his daughter.

"There's an enemy that refuses to leave our border." Kiria paused. "They some how took control of some of the 14th escort vessels."

Norian covered his face with his hand in stress. He turned back around and re connected with Zugarg. "Your highness. Your fleet may pass through U.F.G territory to engage an enemy that somehow took control of some of our ships."


The communications officer looked at the admiral awaiting his orders.

"Tell the high command. 4 of our ships have been hijacked. Initiate VIKI."

The officer nodded.
Zugarg turned, slightly started that Norian responded so fast. "Thank you. May the flowers and fruits of diplomacy blossom and ripen between us, friend," he said, in the traditional Ceratopian manner. "May I ask though, what do you know about these ships? How many are there? What enemy?" he asked. Zugarg wasn't about to charge into this unprepared.

Norian pressed a button and it showed a planet sized starship, four moon sized ships and tons of other ships including U.G.F ships.

"These life forms believe that us. Centrions are primitive when all we want is peace and neutrality. The U.G.F has stood for thousands of years. Ad I am not going to be the leader that could not defend his people."

"You may use any type of force you deem is necessary."
[\Chi Chi/]

Chi Chi received the message, and responded to the operator. "Yes sir.", she'd reply as she pulled back. However, she had managed to bump into her control panel and press another button on accident. Torpedo Launch.

The spiraling purple light flew around the border of the nations. It was in between all of the fleets, and it looked like, to the others, that perhaps the U.G.F may have fired it.

Uh oh.


Chi Chi quickly turned her ship and went full speed ahead on her thrusters. She was panicking, she didn't just do that... I didn't just do that!
IlovetanksMBT said:
Norian pressed a button and it showed a planet sized starship, four moon sized ships and tons of other ships including U.G.F ships.

"These life forms believe that us. Centrions are primitive when all we want is peace and neutrality. The U.G.F has stood for thousands of years. Ad I am not going to be the leader that could not defend his people."

"You may use any type of force you deem is necessary."
Zugarg nodded. "A planet sized starship, four moon sized ships, and many smaller vessels, including some of your own. Do you have any idea of the armaments?" he asked. This was a foe beyond what the Ceratopians had expected, but, planet-sized starships could be VERY useful to their cause. "And will the UGF be present alongside the Ceratopians during this battle?" he continued.
[Primary Collective/John Abraus]

"Your people have given themselves to us. I myself was once human, but now, I will live forever. You can join us. We can join you. We will only help. The decision is yours. If you want every technology in the universe, we will help."

"Did that idiot just fire a missile in our territory?!" The admiral said angrily.

"Yes sir?" The second Lieutenant beside said.

"Extract that ship! Deploy our Star fighter squadron and get that moron pilot in here now!"

"Yes sir." The officer said.

Several star fighters were launched from the cruiser and began to catch up with Chi Chi's vessel. "Unidentified vessel. We request that you come with us. It is not safe."


"The U.G.F ships that they control are equipped with heat seeking missiles, positron blasters, torpedoes, landmines, and railguns." Kiria said reading off of a tablet with the captured ship's armament list.

"You highness. The U.G.F follows a rule. We will never attack unless we are attacked first. We will assist. But only if the enemy fires the first shots."
IlovetanksMBT said:
"Did that idiot just fire a missile in our territory?!" The admiral said angrily.

"Yes sir?" The second Lieutenant beside said.

"Extract that ship! Deploy our Star fighter squadron and get that moron pilot in here now!"

"Yes sir." The officer said.

Several star fighters were launched from the cruiser and began to catch up with Chi Chi's vessel. "Unidentified vessel. We request that you come with us. It is not safe."


"The U.G.F ships that they control are equipped with heat seeking missiles, positron blasters, torpedoes, landmines, and railguns." Kiria said reading off of a tablet with the captured ship's armament list.

"You highness. The U.G.F follows a rule. We will never attack unless we are attacked first. We will assist. But only if the enemy fires the first shots."
((We did not shoot))

"Deltron, return to Xemoria immediately, it seems this Sigma is hostile, and now there are other empires coming into the mix. We don't want to get involved until we know what we're dealing with, and at the moment, we know nothing about these empires. Got that?" Jason's voice rang through Deltron's coms. Jason had collected enough data from Deltron to know that it was best to turn away from this now before they were involved in any crossfire.

"Understood, the fleet shall be returning immediately." Deltron activated a fleet warp back to Xemoria, as quickly as possible.
IlovetanksMBT said:
"Did that idiot just fire a missile in our territory?!" The admiral said angrily.

"Yes sir?" The second Lieutenant beside said.

"Extract that ship! Deploy our Star fighter squadron and get that moron pilot in here now!"

"Yes sir." The officer said.

Several star fighters were launched from the cruiser and began to catch up with Chi Chi's vessel. "Unidentified vessel. We request that you come with us. It is not safe."


"The U.G.F ships that they control are equipped with heat seeking missiles, positron blasters, torpedoes, landmines, and railguns." Kiria said reading off of a tablet with the captured ship's armament list.

"You highness. The U.G.F follows a rule. We will never attack unless we are attacked first. We will assist. But only if the enemy fires the first shots."
Zagrug nodded. "A logical and honorable rule indeed," he said truthfully. "Alright, 45 ships of the Ceratopian fleet are on their way to assist you."

"This is the admiral speaking. We centrions have lived in peace for thousands of years. We don't wish to join you or gain access to your nations technology because it goes against our beliefs. All we wish for is this conflict to be away from our territorial borders for we are a neutral nation who do not want any troubles."

"The pilot of the ship that just fired a torpedo. Listen to what the star fighter squadrons are telling you. You have not only illegally entered our border, but you have also fired a weapon in our territory."

(I was talking about Chi Chi)

"Attention Xemorian fleet. As the admiral. I wish to speak to your commanding admiral."
[/Primary Collective\]


Suddenly the ships warp away, as if it never happened.

[/John Abraus\]

His cyber-form has implanted itself one of the U.G.F. starships. "I need to stay quiet for now..."
Tarus dreamed like he did a thousand times endlessly witnessing his people's destruction. Millenias had passed since he was first imprisoned here in this wretched tomb. As he twitched in his sleep suddenly his cell turned red filled with warning lights. He awoke eyes wide open as he slowly stood body stiff from years of sleep. The prison vibrated violently as it was hit by a solar flair causing the psionic barrier to fail along with most of the electronics. He closed his eyes breathing steady as he reached out with his mind. Not far away was a cluster of various ships most prepping for battle. He could since the anxiety, fear, anger and harm full intent. He could see his small prison the size of a scout ship De clock it's light bending arrays revealing it's presence. Small explosions ribbed through it causing it engines to malfunction. The engines turned on making his prison head towards a small planet. He knew the other ships would be to busy to chase him so he focused on the small planet. Using his psionic powers he examined the planet.

It was inhabited by a barely space fairing civilization. Planet was lush with vegetation, and filled with life forms " good" He thought. Smiling he opened his eyes the red glow of them brightening" the Revanent shall return." He thought to himself as the prison ship headed towards the planet.

[\local planet/]

The ship arched across the blue sky in a red ball of fire as it entered the atmosphere. It crashed just outside a small native town. Tarus staggered back up from the floor of his cell after the ship crashed a small hole appeared in his cell wall as a sharp rock punctured through. Tarus walked up to hole placing his hands around the rock breaking it. Throwing the stone aside he reached through slowly pulling the metal frame apart stretching it to allow him through. He slowly stepped out onto the side of a mountain base feet touching the cool dirt beneath. He breathed the air deeply into his lungs savoring fresh air. As he held his head high eyes closed engrossed in the moment a large bear like animal approached him. His head snapped instantly looking in its direction wings outstreched. His eyes locked with its and he projected his will onto it's own. He commanded it to come closer , and so it did. Once within reach he outstretched his hand as his fingers changed into dark black tendrils wrapping around the creatures face. They plunged into the creatures mouth moving deep within. He implanted a small tumor made up of the viral strain he possesed it instantly beginning to alter and change the creature. Tentacles withdrew turning back into fingers as the bear like animal fell on its side stomach bulging, and expanding. It lost its hair then slowly withered away as the tumor grew a batch of 4 eggs inside it's body feeding off it. In mere minutes the stomach ruptured as 4 low levels emerged crawling amongst the ground.

They stilled as tarus took control. He instructed them to head to the town and infect more host, as they were bred for the sole purpose of producing more of their species. They instantly headed towards the small town catching those in alleyways between buildings, and causing the same process with the bear on those human like life forms. Meanwhile tarus took to the sky flying above the town searching for any head intelligence there he could absorbe. He needed resources to build a space fairing ship.
[/sigmaterian Empire\]

The Sigmaterian Emperor watched as the original ship that had first been observing the Sigmaterian unification of this galaxy took off. Giving the order, the Sigmaterian Warship attempted to trace where the ship was headed based on it's trajectory and speed. The trajectory giving the direction and the speed possibly giving an indicator of how far away it's empire was if it was headed back.

The Sigmaterian Emperor also watched as a small fighter opened fire with a missile, attempting to instigate war it would seem, before trying to flee. For now Zabuza waited to see how it would all play out, if Sigma was attacked they would retaliate. If they continued to stay in restricted Sigmaterian space he would have to attack.

Zabuza's personal fleet was with him, thirty-two Warships including his own personal Warship. Along with the fact that there was already a fleet in this galaxy that was unifying it under Sigma. Twelve of the Warships were in the process of assimilating two inhabited planets within the galaxy, leaving twenty Warships of that fleet to help fight.

This meant there was a total of fifty-two Sigmaterian Warships to fight, more than enough to easily decimate the visible enemy ships.
[/Primary Collective\]

"Stand down."

The entire Collective fleet warps in, with several guardians, and the four pillars of desolation. As soon as they came, some ships stopped opperating.

"This is Admiral Haggert of the 4th tactical fleet of the UGF space navy. Sigmatron ships. You are close to our territorial border. We do not want to be bothered with your war. Please change your course and we wwon't have to waste lives."
[/John Abraus\]

His entity is inside the hardware of a U.G.F. starship

"Please don't find me..."
[/sigmaterian Empire\]

The Sigmaterian Emperor replied back to Admiral Haggert 4th tactical fleet of the U.G.F. space navy, as an image finally shows up of what the Zabuza looks like. He sits upon his throne, his red crimson eyes

"This is none other than Emperor Zabuza of the Sigmaterian Empire, currently leading my personal fleet. How lucky you are to be bordered next to a constantly expanding empire," Zabuza sarcastically said, "but don't worry there are agreements we can come to."

"For instance, what's the youngest age your species can physically work? For instance if you say seven years of age, then every seven years you give up 25% of your entire empire's population to be assimilated as D-class personnel. Or is your empire extremely rich in Titanium? We can work out shipments of hundreds of tons each month as payment.

If you agree to either of those terms your empire will be considered a territory of Sigma allowed to govern itself. Where as we will expand around you, then as long as you keep to the agreement you will have nothing to worry about."

Zabuza waited for the shock to leave Admiral Haggert's face, as he no doubt was in shock like all those who hear what the only two options to come to an agreement with Sigma is.

"If you can't agree to either of those conditions, then you face the inevitable conclusion that Sigma will one day soon expand into your Empire."
[/Primary Collective\]

"We stand by you Haggart! We are ready at your orders."

The entire fleet is ready to attack.

[/Primary Collective\]

"We have every mothership colonyship, battlestar, everything at you disposal."

There is an array of ships, hundreds, thousands.
[\ unknown planet in ugf border space/]

Within 3 hrs the town was fully assimilated and Tarus had found the information he needed. Their were 50 fighters among his new army along with one large incubation unite the size of a small building in the center of town. As it was guarded by 30 worriers tarus ordered the other 20 to begin construction of a small ship using salvage from his prison as well as the metal of buildings, vehicles, etc. It was constructed within 3 hours a strong study ship tarus designed he loaded the incubator unite housing 100 parasite forms witch would infest and mutate more revanents. Using the plasma generator from the prison ship he powered up the ship sub light engines checked light plasma cannons checked he looked at the main monitor as he linked with the organic system. It lifted off the ground accelerating into the sky. As the ship cruised In the sky he scanned the planet. Several cities popped up on scans as well as some military bases. Hacking into a local network he found one base housed plenty of materials to construct a larger ship as well as materials for a spire launcher. Setting their destination the ship headed towards said military base. After a few minutes they arrived above the base. Arms blazed as several personal manned their stations. Taurs' s ship targeted missile batteries as well as aa guns blasting them with the plasma cannons. They erupted in bright purple flame as the incubator was dropped into the center of the base amongst most of the personal. It's tendrils dug deep into the planet as several pores opened up unleashing the 100 spores. Each one found a host more then 2 attaching to each host. Quickly they mutated creating more worriers. Soon the base was over run with no servivors. However one soldier did manage to send out a radio distress signal. The ship was landed, and Tarus headed towards the bases central com and to access it's data banks. The soldiers were quickly ordered to begin added construction on the small vessel using the dead incubated host bodies as bio mass to grow the main organism which controlled the ship. As that was underway tarus found the central command station quickly accessing it's data. Some native air forces tried to invade, and strick but we're shot down by two small plasma turrets.

"Prepare our nuclear weapons." The admiral said to one of the men manning a computer. "Send a message back to Seriane as well. If we do go to war. We will make sure that this sigmatron empire has the worst time of their lives."


"Dad. The sigmatron empire's leader just spoke to admiral Haggert." Kiria said.

"What did he say?" Norian asked.

For instance, what's the youngest age your species can physically work? For instance if you say seven years of age, then every seven years you give up 25% of your entire empire's population to be assimilated as D-class personnel. Or is your empire extremely rich in Titanium? We can work out shipments of hundreds of tons each month as payment.

If you agree to either of those terms your empire will be considered a territory of Sigma allowed to govern itself. Where as we will expand around you, then as long as you keep to the agreement you will have nothing to worry about."
Kiria read the exact words that the emperor said.

Norian stood up and walked over to the table where be pressed a button. A hologram screen of the same man in a suite appeared.

"Yes Mr. President?" The man asked.

"Mr head secretary of defense, I want you to contact all of our military commanders and generals. Debrief them on the situation."

"Yes sir. Anything else?" The man asked.

"Activate all of our active duty troops. Tell them to be ready. Get the planetary defence systems online. Begin assembling all fleets and activate our AI machines. Get our VIKI program ready as well. Ready all nuclear weapons, Magnetic Acceleration gun platforms, and armoured divisions."

"Kiria." Norian turned to his daughter.

"Yes?" She looked up.

"Contact the U.G.F parliament. Get my emergency team and tell them to debrief all senators and politicians. Get the congress ready for a high profile meeting. Get my security team ready as well." Norian said picking up a phone on the table.

Kiria nodded and began to link and contact the people her father told her to contact.

"Yes. Yes senator I know. Get the evacuation order sent out to the outer colonies. Whatever happens from this point on will be important. We can not have wide spread panic." Norian said putting the phone down.

He then tapped a screen on the table and the screen appeared with another admiral.

"Admiral. I want you to take the 16th armada under the flagship D.F.S Sakrina and make your way to Admiral Haggert to provide additional support. Do your best to stall them if it has to be done."

"Yes sir." The Admiral gave a salute and the screen disappeared.
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[\planet maria/]

After 12 hrs the ship was complete it was attached to a umbilical cord connecting to a large organic structure which was know the base. Four spires had bin completed prepped for launch as well as a large mass accelerator cannon. As tarus boarded his new light cruiser he left his new commander xarian at the base to begin assimilation of the planet. Tarus however was going to another world to be assimilated as well. As his ship detached from the umbilical tarus sent a psychic message to xarian " Once you are done begin construction of a brood mother as well as any fighters, and light cruisers you can muster." He said. Once said the ship rose into the heavens leaving the planet called Maria to the natives.

Once out of the atmosphere the ships Hyper drive spun up in moments a bright purple gateway opened as the ship accelerated into it vanishing in a instant. The gateway disappeared as they entered hyperspace. Tarus reached out with his mind into the vast void of space. He could see the ships from when he first was able to see outside his prison were still there. He wondered what they could of bin up to. So he psychicly told a low level drone to pre pair a small satellite the size and shape of a small asteroid.

[\outer rim of solar system a few light years from planet maria further in ugf space/]

A gateway opened up as the ship exited hyperspace. Scans were immediately sent out as the satellite probe was put in a launch tube. Once placed tarus sent the command through the organic interface which his hand was in. A side mass accelerator cannon aimed it's barrel towards the group of ships a few light years away. Once aligned it fired launching the satellite at great speeds. While it made its coats the ship had picked up a vessels near a pre space civilized planet. He slowly headed towards them.

\[unknown location border unf space/]

The satellite arrived a few hrs after launch igniting engines to slow it's speed. Once at a cruising speed a small opening opened revealing a bright purple eye no iris. It watched the vessels from afar cutting off all power only using psionic energy. After a few moments it formed a psychic link with tarus.
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[QUOTE="Lord Anubis][\ unknown planet in ugf border space/]
Within 3 hrs the town was fully assimilated and Tarus had found the information he needed. Their were 50 fighters among his new army along with one large incubation unite the size of a small building in the center of town. As it was guarded by 30 worriers tarus ordered the other 20 to begin construction of a small ship using salvage from his prison as well as the metal of buildings, vehicles, etc. It was constructed within 3 hours a strong study ship tarus designed he loaded the incubator unite housing 100 parasite forms witch would infest and mutate more revanents. Using the plasma generator from the prison ship he powered up the ship sub light engines checked light plasma cannons checked he looked at the main monitor as he linked with the organic system. It lifted off the ground accelerating into the sky. As the ship cruised In the sky he scanned the planet. Several cities popped up on scans as well as some military bases. Hacking into a local network he found one base housed plenty of materials to construct a larger ship as well as materials for a spire launcher. Setting their destination the ship headed towards said military base. After a few minutes they arrived above the base. Arms blazed as several personal manned their stations. Taurs' s ship targeted missile batteries as well as aa guns blasting them with the plasma cannons. They erupted in bright purple flame as the incubator was dropped into the center of the base amongst most of the personal. It's tendrils dug deep into the planet as several pores opened up unleashing the 100 spores. Each one found a host more then 2 attaching to each host. Quickly they mutated creating more worriers. Soon the base was over run with no servivors. However one soldier did manage to send out a radio distress signal. The ship was landed, and Tarus headed towards the bases central com and to access it's data banks. The soldiers were quickly ordered to begin added construction on the small vessel using the dead incubated host bodies as bio mass to grow the main organism which controlled the ship. As that was underway tarus found the central command station quickly accessing it's data. Some native air forces tried to invade, and strick but we're shot down by two small plasma turrets.

(I am unsure about this. Is this planet within U.G.F territory or close to the territory?)
nd th

IlovetanksMBT said:
"Prepare our nuclear weapons." The admiral said to one of the men manning a computer. "Send a message back to Seriane as well. If we do go to war. We will make sure that this sigmatron empire has the worst time of their lives."


"Dad. The sigmatron empire's leader just spoke to admiral Haggert." Kiria said.

"What did he say?" Norian asked.

For instance, what's the youngest age your species can physically work? For instance if you say seven years of age, then every seven years you give up 25% of your entire empire's population to be assimilated as D-class personnel. Or is your empire extremely rich in Titanium? We can work out shipments of hundreds of tons each month as payment.

If you agree to either of those terms your empire will be considered a territory of Sigma allowed to govern itself. Where as we will expand around you, then as long as you keep to the agreement you will have nothing to worry about."
Kiria read the exact words that the emperor said.

Norian stood up and walked over to the table where be pressed a button. A hologram screen of the same man in a suite appeared.

"Yes Mr. President?" The man asked.

"Mr head secretary of defense, I want you to contact all of our military commanders and generals. Debrief them on the situation."

"Yes sir. Anything else?" The man asked.

"Activate all of our active duty troops. Tell them to be ready. Get the planetary defence systems online. Begin assembling all fleets and activate our AI machines. Get our VIKI program ready as well. Ready all nuclear weapons, Magnetic Acceleration gun platforms, and armoured divisions."

"Kiria." Norian turned to his daughter.

"Yes?" She looked up.

"Contact the U.G.F parliament. Get my emergency team and tell them to debrief all senators and politicians. Get the congress ready for a high profile meeting. Get my security team ready as well." Norian said picking up a phone on the table.

Kiria nodded and began to link and contact the people her father told her to contact.

"Yes. Yes senator I know. Get the evacuation order sent out to the outer colonies. Whatever happens from this point on will be important. We can not have wide spread panic." Norian said putting the phone down.

He then tapped a screen on the table and the screen appeared with another admiral.

"Admiral. I want you to take the 16th armada under the flagship D.F.S Sakrina and make your way to Admiral Haggert to provide additional support. Do your best to stall them if it has to be done."

"Yes sir." The Admiral gave a salute and the screen disappeared.
((Are you going to inform the Ceratopians of this new development?)

Suddenly, a large warship appeared, about as long as the state of Massachusetts. It was a bulky ship, covered in mile almost a mile thick. This made it rather difficult for it's 7 plasma engines to move it, making it slower than most other vessels. However, the ship also carried an extensive array of main cannon batteries, laser stations, boarding drill launchers, and it would appear as if several compartment like things had the ability to rotate out from the ship, like the doors on a fancy car, (The ones that go up instead of out.)

(Main Ceratopian Dreadnought)


And suddenly, another ship appeared, almost as twice as long as the smaller one. This vessel appeared to have the same armaments, and even heavier armor, except that this's front looked a bit like a.... door, like it could slide open, revealing what lies inside. The door was closed now.

((Zugarg's Flagship))


Suddenly, a holographic image of Zugarg in Ceratopian power armor without his helmet appeared infront of Admiral Haggert. "By order of United Galactic Federation President Norian Maverik, 45 ships of the Ceratopian Monarchy have been sent to assist the 16th Armada." Suddenly, 43 more of the Ceratopian Dreadnoughts arrived, floating alongside the 16th Armada, weapons ready.
IlovetanksMBT said:
(I am unsure about this. Is this planet within U.G.F territory or close to the territory?)
(It's on the border of ugf space the planet he is at know is further in ugf space although he doesn't know that.)

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