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Futuristic Galactic Empires

[u.S.F. light frigate]

The sudden surge in energy caused it to grown substantially more. It created a transmitter attaching itself to the ships intercoms. It then broadcasted a signal as it spoke in the language it found in the data banks while connected. It's said (voice sounds like harbinger from mass effect 2)" we mean no harm to this vessal. We seek only infotmation. We wish to understand." It said as it formed a protective layer around it made up of the material the ship was made of only more organic.
"Contact HQ. Tell them we have an unknown species on our vessel. VIKI. Make sure that this virus is stalled.

"Yes sir." VIKI said sealing off all other cyber gates no lpnger giving acces to any information.
It had spread all throughout the rooms walls again it spoke on the intercoms" we do not wish confrontation on a hostile level. We wish only to understand. We will Not invade your systems further." It waited for any reply.

[Revenant light frigate matriarch]

Tarus after inputting the location provided by the GSE operative his ship turned towards it's location spinning up hyperdrives. Once active a bright purple hyperspace window opened up and the ship launched into hyperspace.

"Sir. An unknown vessel has just used hyperspace in our territory." VIKI said.

"Get everyone to the life pods. If this thing is in the engine rooms then it is very far from the life pods." The captain said.

"VIKI. I want you to begin writing a report about this incident." The captain said.

"Oh, and also, detonate this ship. Make sure nothing can be scrapped."

"Yes. Sir." VIKI said.

Soon all crewmen were in the escape pods and all of them were immediately deployed. As soon as the last one at the very front of the ship was sent out, the frigate self destructed leaving no pieces to salvage.
[/sigmaterian Emperor\]

"Do one last scan so we can be clear exactly what we're still dealing with here. Then we'll send one last warning to each remaining ship before we truly open fire this time."

The scans revealed the entire Collective fleet still clearly there and not seemingly responding to communications, Tarus's light cruiser (I believe you claimed it to be observing), and a cloaked ship. The scans didn't so much detect the ship, as it more so detected that there was an area of space it could not scan that was in the shape of a ship.

The normal warning was sent to all the uncloaked ships, threatening that the Sigmaterian ships will fire if they don't leave Sigmaterian space. A special message was sent to the cloaked ship.

"Cloaked ship, our scanners are capable of picking up your ship. This is restricted Sigmaterian space, leave now or we will open fire."
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[u.S.F space]

After the ships detonation the converter thanks to its armor she'll survived by a hair. It floated amongst the debris dormant slowly gathering strength from the residual radiation as well as solar. After a hour it awoke dazed, but we'll aware of what had transpired. It latched a new tendril onto a small piece of debris. It pulled them to it latching them onto it's outer shell. And eye opened at its center. It scared the area locating several pods. It knew of only one thing to do it hardened it's body condensing it to strictly a small baseball sized astreroid. Then it gave one large burst of energy launching it towards the nearest pod. It move strictly by the momentum the large thrust had given it. It soon came right next to it latching on with two tendrils quickly it ruled several electrodes it had under its belly generating a electro magnetic pulse. Although just large enough to encompass the pod it did cut off electronics leaving it lifeless. Then it shot a long tail it formed with a spike at the end into the pod cutting through, and straight through the random crew member. Once impaled the crew member had little time to survive as a host so the converter sliced through the hill onto the random crew members body. It sealed the hole with the same secretion which hardened into a Grey metallic like metel. After moving into the nervous system, and the brain it branched out through out the body. Once in control it sent out a psionic message to its leader Taurs letting him know all that transpired. After that it learned everything about the new host it acquired brhavior, etc. It then removed all traces of blood absorbing it back into the body and restored the body and uniform to normal. Then it waited to be recovered by the U.F.S fleet. This new species was hostile to his kind it needed to learn all it could if they were to defend themselves.
(True but given that it would take time for ships to arrive and pic up life pods while also the converter used a large burst to launch it towards the closest pod.)

Soon, A UGF missile destroyer arrived at the debris field. It positioned itself far away from the actual field to the point where anyone on the bridge could not see it but close enough for their cameras to see it. It began to scan the area and saw that there were life pods scattered.

"Captain." the VIKI program said.

"Yes?" The captain said.

All life pods are far away from the debris field except for one that is within the debris field."

"And?" The captain asked

"And it seems that that life pod that does not show the same DNA strands as the other life pods. How would you like to go about it sir?" VIKI asked.

"How may men are on that ship?" The captain asked.

"Just one." VIKI replied.

"Calculate the damage and possible deaths if we were to launch a nuclear weapon." The captain said.

"Calculating." After a minute, it showed an animation showing the debris field and indicating the life pods.

"By using nuclear weapons, you run the risk of destroying most of the life pods." VIKi replied.

"Then use the incinerator missile on that pod." The captain said. "Also, begin the call back of all life pods except life pod 01."

"Oh and VIKI, use our main Magnetic Acceleration gun to melt down any last remaining metal."

One of the men sitting in front of a screen tapped all life pods for automatic docking and did not click the life pod he was told not to click. The pods quickly were activated remotely by the destroyer as they all quickly flew into the cargo bay of the destroyer.

The destroyer then fired the missile at the life pod. The hulls within seconds began melting from the concentrated acid. The destroyer then fired it's rail guns at the life pod. It then proceeded to fire it's main gun at the debris field melting all metal into nothing and at the life pod.

After that, the Destroyer deployed it's shock point as it slipped into hyperspace.
[heavy cruiser matriarch in hyperspace]

Tarus received all information gathered by the converter. Biological data as well as weapon capabilities shown in battle and gathered through their data stores. He scanned through them as he thought of how destructive this race was towards them even though they had shown no hostility nor attempted casualties till they attacked first. Tarus remembered how his creator's saw them as a threat not considering how the revanents felt. They were designed to be weapons yet only sought peace. He calmed as he thought logically . Their were a unknown to them, and even though it may of seemed as though the converter was making a hostile take over it was in fact not. He would need to appeal to the U.S.F government directly.

[u.S.F space outer colony, science space station]

A bright purple hyperspace window opened up as the matriarch know matured into a heavy cruiser.


Once out the matriarch contacted the station via video transmission.
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Immediately the Raven enters warp speed, using various thins to make sure that it cannot be tracked.

The information is then relayed through a system of codes that only Gradians could understand as it held deep into their religious ties. The raven on the other hand then flew across space to an uninhabited moon, far away from the GSE where it would remain for some time until given the order to return.
[New revenant home world Kabal]

A new higher life form had just emerged from its cacoon. It's name was karn it was implanted with some of Tarus' s memories to aid it's governing over the home world while tarus was away. In a brief message sent by tarus he was to instruct a newly birthed light frigate to travel to the place where that GSE scout was to return. It was to be equipped with a nodos gateway device. Once prepped the light frigate was launched from the orbital hatchery towards it's destination. A few minutes later it jumped into Hyper space.

[Location for return of GSE scout]

The light frigate exited hyperspace in a purple gateway. Once there it immediately scanned using psionic waves.

"If we are to survive. We have to begin creating more allies." The Vice President said to Norian who was sitting in his office.

One of the generals gave the Vice president a glass tablet which he was scrolling down to a list.

"We have already started relations with Ceratopians. We have sent delegates to try and start relations with the Primary Collective. We have discovered two new nations. The Guuarzak Keeroshka and the GSE. We have already sent a fleet with some of our senators and ambassadors to GSE." The Vice President looked up.

"With all due respect Mr. President. I hope you understand my motives. I do not wish to see the U.G.F which has stood for thousands of years to collapse."

Norian made eye contact with everyone in the room but did not more his body. "I know that you love this nation a lot. And so do I. But I am not going to sacrifice centrion lives or, use weapons of mass destruction. Because using weapons to settle an issue is completely different from talking it out."

[\500th battle fleet./]

On the other side of the GSE border, 51 ships of the 500th battle fleet of the UGF have just come out of shock point.

The main ship <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/57a8c0b492dd4_capitalship.png.8e979204cf4253decb172e9f07267109.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="33360" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/57a8c0b492dd4_capitalship.png.8e979204cf4253decb172e9f07267109.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

A Maverix-Class capital ship which held the ambassadors and negotiators was at the front of the fleet, a good distance away from the GSE border.

"GSE. This is the D.F.S Anders. The flagship of the United Galactic Federation's 500th battle fleet. We come in peace. We are not here to wage war. Our sole purpose for our appearance is diplomatic talks between our two nations. Our nation, wishes to start diplomatic talks with your nation. If you wish, I will put the head ambassador on."



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[heavy cruiser matriarch]

Tarus awaited a reply from the U.S.F. space station. He tapped his fingers on the neural connection pad built into his chair. He had waited for several minutes for any form of response. He used the channels he learned from the converters host to make contact. He did not want another enemy aside from the sigmaterian empire his people did not need another war against two species. However if diplomatic talks failed rest assured his brothers death would be avenged.

[Light frigate Ada at GSE return point]

After a few moments the light frigate detected the same bubble previously recorded letting it know it had gotten to the right place. A large sphere detached from its underbelly flying away from the ship. Once a few meters away it deployed as two large tendrils came from either side of it. They formed a large circle the size of the moon only flat. It took a few minutes to close, but once complete there hovered a large dimensional gate way. The sphere then grew a large generators behind it in which it only needed a small amount of matter unknown to any race, but the revanent.

"Infinite...a fine joke." Flux muttered as he stood at the bridge of the Arrow, the center of tactical command for Seraph fleet. Spread out in the darkness of space were the telltale blue glimmers of the rest of the fleet. Each one home to hundreds of Vartiz, as much as they held awe for the universe, Flux felt annoyance, he had grown cynical in his time as a Sentinel and this latest operation was a fools errand...

~At the edge of GSE Space...~

A Sanctum had been left here ages ago, trapped on the edge between real space and nothingness, barely detectable. Patiently waiting for the day when it would come in handy. Apparently, the day had arrived, a signal was received, the Sanctum drops into real space, revealing itself to be a large sphere. It quickly begins to unfold itself with delicate precise movements, forming a circular gateway. And for a brief moment, everything is quiet. Then ship after ship from the Seraph fleet begins to materialize in a brilliant flash of blue light, nearly a hundred ships the largest being three kilometers long. Seraph fleet quickly takes formation and waits patiently for the inevitable GSE response.
[Revenant new home world kabal]

The newly formed proto brain detected a sudden surge of energy indicating a gateway had bin opened a few light years away. It was a large super structure which know monitored the space around the home world As well as kept up communications between all revenant within its psionic control radius aside from the high level organism on the planet. One heavy cruiser was sent to its location although it was not certain if there was a threat, but just in case the heavy cruiser would be able to hold out and report in time. It entered hyperspace heading towards the disturbance.

[border of U.G.F. space at disturbance location]

The heavy cruiser exited Hyper space after a few half a hour it exited hyperspace in the bright purple gateway. Immediately it scanned via psionic waves as several eyes opened up along the front looking visually. Their in the distance was several unknown ships of various size. It then slowly moved closer trying not to give the impression it was hostile.
(Is this OK?)

{Attack On E.D.N III Human Dome #081}

On E.D.N III,Dome #081 one of the Domes that still holds Human Life in it after the Akrid Uprise,as The Military on the Dome have Bin Returning From there Expeditions Out of the Dome serching for new Grounds for Survival and T-Eng Deposits,as lots have Died in theas Expeditions as the Akrid have bin geting Worse and Worse,Mark Solotov Desendent of Yuri Solotov,Invetore of the Unage of T-Eng for Survival and most T-Eng Equipment.As Mark was doing his Daly Reutin of Depositing the T-Eng Crates Harvestid from the expedition.

As He dose his Work Soldiers would start too run and people starts too worry for some reson,as he was on the 3 Floor of the Center Pillar of the Dome as the speakers Go on "Attention All Dome Inhabitants,Akrid Have bin spoted on Outpost #014 We Requier all Dome Inhabitants too take Shelter in the Under Ground Bunker till Problem hase bin solved"as the speaker gose silent people would seem too be worrid and some Paniking of the Akrid being close too the dome,as Mark Makes his way towards the Bunker he now on the Ground of the dome wen sudently the ground started too chake like steps of somthing giant,as all felt this all started too panic and started too run for there saftey as it was clear the Akrid knows were they are.

As Mark Panic and Runs towards the Bunker as soldiers get ready for the Iminate attack right were the Bunker is a Masice Akrid a Cat-G breaks Through the Wall of the dome,as it screeches and roars as Akrid starts swarming in from the gap,as the Military starts Too open Fire as The VS so the same As the Cat-G rampages as it got in the dome.


As mark Runs the Opposite side were the Command center was as he was chance by small Akrids,as he Got his Plasma Pistol and shot them as he ran and ran towards the Command center,as he reaches the commande center soldiers were in there working on the Computers closeing doors too maintain the Cat-G Insolated but it only Broke them and kept Rampaging,as Mark would reach one of the main Signal post and send a Distress Signal too space and in Hopes sombody hears it.

"Anybody *Static...we-...Are u-*Static* Help U-*Static*...Signal Clean...Anybody hearing this *Gun Fire and screeching*...Ugh...We are Under attack! I rep- *Static* the Akr- *Static* are In the dom- *Static*...I repeat we are Under Attack!..Anybody hearing this Help us!...*Loud explosion followd by Screaming*....Damit Get the Gates shut Its- *Loud screech Followd By Loud Stomping* HAAA!! Its Com-*Static*

End Transmition

[Newly matured capital ship matriarch]

Tarus ' s ship had just expanded taking a new form of a capital ship.


The ship had picked up a radio transmission in the distance from the sound of it he could tell it was a distress call. The ship turned as he deemed the U.S.F. could wait they were not going anywhere. A purple Hyperspace window opened up as the ship entered.

[unknown planet origin of distress call]

After a few minutes a bright purple hyperspace gateway opened up as the capital ship exited with a slight purple glow about it. Immediately the ship scanned the area their on the nearby planets surface were some structures along with what appeared to be life forms some what like his race. Using the frequency it received tarus broadcasted the same way as he spoke" this is emperor tarus of the revanent empire we received a distress call how may we be of aid." He stated as several small fighter craft came out of the ship.

{Coloni Comunication and Salvation}

As Mark reasives the Brodcast his eyes open wide as he would amidiatly respond as what seems A nother Cat-G has bin Present,as one seems too be attacking the inside of the Colony and the other in the outside atacking the Defenses"Hello?..Thank God...We need amidiat Evacuation of the planets Surface we are the last Colony In the planet the rest have bin wipe out,We have 2 Cat-G,s In the area they are Raging Havoc on the Colony *Loud Stomping sounds Followd By the sounds of breaking walls*..The Akrid are Breaking the Colony apart!...Uh I guess you are not Familier With the Akrid....They Have extream Regeneration would take More than riping Them apart too kill one..The Cat-G are Masive...we are Trying our best Too weaken them But they Keep Coming"he says in the Brodcast what he can as fast as he could as they could not hold much,as the Other Cat-G seem too be a Wyrm Tipe as its Shoots out of the ground and starts breaking everything,as the Military holds out as they can as alredy more that 90 people have died in only 10 Minutes,as the 2 Cat-G seems too be destroying the defensis and the Military wille the Swarms of Cat-S and M kill the humans,as Mark is inside the Command center underground.

Tarus once again spoke" tell all remain survivors to think of a purple light don't ask why you will see." He said as the ships several spines re oriented themselves into what appeared to be a cannon. Several small spines lined the inside as electricity began to move through them creating super heated plasma in the center. The cannon aimed at the wyrm looking organism.
(Good Nigh all)

Mark was confused as he sayd "Think" as he dint have a chance as everybody was diying,as he would say "Alright"he says on the Brodcast as he would then signal the soldiers too turn on the remaing speacker in and Out of the dome,as they would nod and Mark gets the Microphone and says"Attention Every one...Uh..Think of a Purple Light dont ask Do it!"he yells on the Mic as all Look confused but the will,as the soldiers in the command center and those Hiding do what he says and Think of a Purple light,as for those Running Try and Those Fighting too hold them off do there bets as they were So Consentrated of holding them down.As mark Thinks of the Purple Light as the Akrid attack and swarm in mostly everybody was dead alredy,only close too 60 from 180 that Lived in the dome are still alive,as the Wyrm Rips Vital Suits apart and eats The soldiers like Noodles,as the Other Cat-G at the Top of the Dome Roars as it as it breath Ice on the soldiers,and M clases devaure those alive.

The ship instantly detected several orbs of purple light via psionic scanning. Then all the people it detected were surrounded by blue light as their body's were converted into energy immediately sent up into the ships central chamber the size of a football stadium. Once the people were on board the air inside was set to their needs as the inside the ship a loud whale like sound was heard. It was the sound of the ships main super heated plasma cannon being fired. The magnetic arrays stretched out wrapping the plasma in a magnetic envelope. In seconds the plasma beam a mile in diameter collided with the class g creature burning it alive while also super heating the air around it turning that spot into a 3 mile glass crater. The ship then re oriented itself back to normal as tarus headed towards the main chamber. Inside the chamber thousands of revanent soldiers surrounded the newcomers.


After a few minutes tarus emerged from a large organic gateway he walked down the stairs towards the group. He was 10 ft tall pale skin with eyes who's iris glowed red. His hair was silver, and he had long sharp black nails. He appeared human wearing a black Armour which looked plated with rock armour. He stood in front of the group " who among you is the leader." He stated strongly to the scared people.

On an unknown planet, within Sigma's borders, a lone human by the name of Zachery Moscow sits in an alleyway of a city in ruins. He's unable to move his legs, from the fact he's been non-stop running for about two weeks and was starving to the point it hurt. A pistol rests in his lap, one last bullet left in it. He begins to look up, thinking to himself.

Just two weeks ago I was peacefully living my life without care, he thought as he looked up at the behemoths that were the Sigmaterian Warships that stayed above the ruins of the city. Then they came, claiming this planet in the name of 'The Sigmaterian Empire". They offered to let this planet stay a territory allowed to govern itself if we were rich in titanium or willing to give up a quarter of our entire species every set period of time.

All of the hundreds of different governments of our planet agreed that these terms were ridiculous and they would not meet them. Then they attacked, instantly wiping out all military compounds & political buildings of significance with great orange beams that fired out of the front of their Warships that decimated everything within miles of where they fired leaving craters behind.

What military that was left fought back uselessly not managing to achieve anything, the Sigmaterians just retaliating all the harsher each time they encountered the surviving military forces thus reducing the remaining cities to ruin. I had to watch hundreds of times over as everyone I loved or any other groups I was surviving with were caught off guard and assimilated by the Sigmaterians, me only managing to escape by running.

We began to come to the conclusion that they were scanning the planet and always knew where we were, as they were hunting down every last living human to be assimilated. We had come to this conclusion because no matter where we hid.. they always found us. The larger the group that I was surviving with the quicker they always found us and the more of them there were.

A bright orange wormhole opens up in front of Zachery Moscow, a strike team composed of three Sigmaterians step out. Their full body black suit of armor mended into their very flesh, a bright orange Sigmaterian Energy Core in the chest of the suit powering it. Zachery made no attempt to run, he just couldn't even stand anymore.

I slowly raised the pistol aiming it to the side of my head, hot steaming tears running down my face. I was torn on whether I wanted to die a free man or be assimilated just as every other human I'd ever loved or cared for was. I watched them through my blurry vision as they stood still, as if mocking me to do it and save them the trouble of assimilating me.

In the end I pointed the pistol at one of them, firing it as my last bullet pinged helplessly off their armor. I knew that all our weaponry had been useless against them, that's why we lost our planet with barely putting up a fight. They began to walk towards me, I knew exactly what they were about to do as I've watched them assimilate so many others.

One of the Sigmaterians scanned Zachery, before picking him up off the ground with their left hand choking him. With their right hand an orange small laser beam began to shoot out, burning into his forehead "D-2318-732819". As the Sigmaterian dropped him to the ground it would seem a black metal collar of sorts had mended itself into the neck of Zachery, a barely visible blue shield now covering his body. Then another wormhole was opened, as they kicked him into it.

Zachery fell out of the wormhole, into a dark seemingly endless corridor only lit up by orange glows. As he stood up he noticed the ground was moving, a conveyor belt of sorts. The metal was warm, and it began to move engulfing his feet so that he couldn't move. He was forced to let the conveyor belt take him He also wasn't alone, he noticed hundreds of creatures in front of him as well as a constant stream of new ones coming in from wormholes behind him.

All their feet were also trapped, and they all also had the same collars around their necks. Scared and panicked Zachery could do nothing but wait, eventually a orange field of sorts was up ahead. As creatures passed it everything that wasn't organic was disintegrated with the exception of the collars. When Zachery passed through it all his clothes were disintegrated leaving him nude.

The next object of interest he came to was a chemical showers, blue gas being shot out at all those that past it. Zachery held his breath and closed his eyes when he got closer to it, but nothing could of prepared him for the pain. His entire body felt like it was on fire as the gas came in contact with his skin, but he refused to open his eyes or mouth or it would be even more painful.

Finally there was a gun of sorts, as he came closer it scanned Zachery's forehead and then shot a ball at his chest. When it hit him the ball began to take the shape of his body, mending into his flesh finally clothing him in orange and black clothes that had "D-732819" on it. Finally the conveyor belt came to an end, releasing his feet.

He was then met by a female Sigmaterian, with purple hair and orange eyes. She wasn't in the full-body armor that most were but there was a soldier standing next to her. She began to ask him questions, starting with what his name was. Every being of his body wanted to shout out "Zachery Moscow" and cuss her out for everything her people had done to his. Instead he responded with "D-732819" as if he was wasn't even controlling his own voice.

"Good, your collar is working so far and keeping you submissive. Next question, do you feel hungry or thirsty?"

Zachery still so desperately wanted to burst out in anger but it was as if the collar was controlling his very mind keeping him in check. As he thought about the question he realized he didn't feel hungry or thirsty despite the fact he hadn't eaten in weeks before and was out of energy to move when the strike team had assimilated him. "No" he replied.

"Alright, the collar supplies your body with everything it needs. You should never feel hungry or thirsty. Now for the final test." She said as she pulled out a bright orange crystal that seemed to glow. Nothing seemed to happen. "Wonderful, you didn't fall over dead from the radiation so the collar is fully working."

With that Zachery finally managed to walk outside the facility he had been in. He was in a crater that seemed to go on for miles, and in the distance he could see ancient ruins of those that probably lived on this planet before the Sigmaterians came. The atmosphere of the very planet seemed to be tinted orange, as Zachery took in a deep breath. Looking around he saw the crater was absolutely filled with patches of Sigmaterian Energy Crystals covering the ground. Thousands of other D-class personnel were in the crater mining, having to reach the daily quota of their weight in Sigmaterian Energy Crystals.

Zachery Moscow walked over and began to do what he would have to spend the rest of his life doing, mining.
[QUOTE="Lord Anubis]The ship instantly detected several orbs of purple light via psionic scanning. Then all the people it detected were surrounded by blue light as their body's were converted into energy immediately sent up into the ships central chamber the size of a football stadium. Once the people were on board the air inside was set to their needs as the inside the ship a loud whale like sound was heard. It was the sound of the ships main super heated plasma cannon being fired. The magnetic arrays stretched out wrapping the plasma in a magnetic envelope. In seconds the plasma beam a mile in diameter collided with the class g creature burning it alive while also super heating the air around it turning that spot into a 3 mile glass crater. The ship then re oriented itself back to normal as tarus headed towards the main chamber. Inside the chamber thousands of revanent soldiers surrounded the newcomers.

After a few minutes tarus emerged from a large organic gateway he walked down the stairs towards the group. He was 10 ft tall pale skin with eyes who's iris glowed red. His hair was silver, and he had long sharp black nails. He appeared human wearing a black Armour which looked plated with rock armour. He stood in front of the group " who among you is the leader." He stated strongly to the scared people.

[Creepy Rescue]

All Look scared as this was even Scarier,Not the creatures but how they got here,they have seen lots of Tecnology but this was new and all of them were scared,as man with a Blue Uniform and a assignia of the number "2" on its Shulder would step Foward,as he would say "I am The Leader,Commander Markov Solvic,Leader of the 081# Dome....Thank You for saving us...we owe you greatly"he says looking up at the tall Figure that seem Human but the rest dint look human,as Mark was in the Grupe Looking at all of theas creatures Sarrounding them as they dint seem Hostile But ho knows what they Might do and the Thought of it only made him even More scared,but theas "People" Saved them so they owe Big Time.As Marks Looks at the Tall Figure and Conpared with the commander he was Huge and wonderd what speacie Of aliens are theas.

[shaterd Glass of the Akrid]

As the Giant worm like Akrid gets Hit by the lazer it explodes insted as Gore Flyes all over the place and then the masive crater made Killing every Single Akrid in that Radius,as the Cat-G coded as "Akrid X" has Survived the blast but not much,after a Minute of the attack Class S akrid starts swarming in the crater as they seems Too scavenge for survivers But Nothing,the only thing Visible was Akrid-X Body Parts scaterd all over,as the small akrids start Piking Chuncks Of Meat and Gore and start taking them sowere,as Cat-M collect the T-Eng releas From the Akrids That died in the blast that Acumalated in the center of the crater and starts taking them sowere aswell but different Dirrection,as it seems theas Creature act More like Ants.
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[Capital ship matriarch]

Tarus looked at the man named Markov solvic. His eyes met with his" indeed. Your people have suffered greatly you require rest their have bin quarters readied for you in a separate chamber. Two warriors came up as tarus looked at the thousands of others. They all began moving about going among their duties. Tarus looked at their leader" perhaps when your ready we may speak more of the events that transpired." He said as he walked away heading back to the command room. The two remaining worriers walked towards a separate pathway opening to what appeared as what the inside of their dome would look like. The worriers lead them in where several corridors were aligned with rooms made exactly as theirs would.

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