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Futuristic Galactic Empires

[New Home..New Start]

The People look at them and each other as they would follow those worrios,as wen they saw the pathways with the different Rooms,as they would split up in small grupes as each enter different Rooms,as they look around and some talk too each other Thinking what they would do and were are they going and so on.As the Commander would hear the tall Figure say too continue the subject as he had nothing too do,as he would see him enter a Room and he should follow,as he walk mark would come up and tap his shulder and say "Solvic...I need too go with you on this speech...I have Information of-"he stop as the commander raises his hand and says "Mark i understand you whant too help but i dont know what Information you have that will help us....we know mostly everything of the akrid and there Harmless now"he says as he would continue walking and mark would not stop and follow him and say "Commander with all respect there is somthing we dont know yet...the Akrid are much smarte than we anticipated"he says as solvic sigh and would look at him for a few seconds and say "You better keep your respect Mark"he says as mark nods,as they both walk towards the command room door as the commander take a deep breath and open and walks in as the commander says "Sir im willing too speack more of this event"
[QUOTE="Zabuzas Son][/sigmaterian Emperor\]
"Do one last scan so we can be clear exactly what we're still dealing with here. Then we'll send one last warning to each remaining ship before we truly open fire this time."

The scans revealed the entire Collective fleet still clearly there and not seemingly responding to communications, Tarus's light cruiser (I believe you claimed it to be observing), and a cloaked ship. The scans didn't so much detect the ship, as it more so detected that there was an area of space it could not scan that was in the shape of a ship.

The normal warning was sent to all the uncloaked ships, threatening that the Sigmaterian ships will fire if they don't leave Sigmaterian space. A special message was sent to the cloaked ship.

"Cloaked ship, our scanners are capable of picking up your ship. This is restricted Sigmaterian space, leave now or we will open fire."

((THE CERATOPIANS ARE REAL. I mean, how does one not notice 45 gargantuin vessels manned by gigantic dinosaur men?))

As the U.G.F ships turned and left, the Ceratopian task force turned and followed. Zugarg turned on his comms, contacting the U.G.F Admiral. "Admiral," he said, "It was wise of your leaders to not fight this day. Although my people live for the honor of battle, we respect the ways of peace as well," he said, his fleet trailing behind the U.G.F fleet. "I shall return home to my people. Wthin a couple of weeks, we shall send you several ambassadors, to maintain the prosperity and peace between us. Farewell." The Ceratopian task force pulled off, before going into hyper speed, roaring through the emptiness of space towards their own territory.


Meanwhile, a light year away from the U.G.F/GSE border, in a rather empty section of space, there were two stars. An incredibly bright and incredibly hot young blue star, and a larger, orange star, which was duller and colder in comparison.

The two orbited around each other, forming a "figure eight" sort of gravity well between them. One planet rotated between these two stars, a world covered 90% in water. It had a tropical climate, and warm oceans, almost as clear as glass. One could easily see half a mile down. However, the oceans are incredibly deep, around 10 miles on average, whereas in the trenches it can be 20. Many islands dotted the planet's surface, the largest of which being around the size of Spain. The planet was larger than Earth, about 1 and 1/2 so. Upon this planet, Guuarzak Keeroshka, lived the Juan-jan, a turtle-esque species of aliens. THey mostly lived under water, however, a few cities and villages lie upon the surface. The Juan-jan lived in great cities, full of advanced technology. Because Guuarzak Keeroshka was so isolated, no other empire had discovered it, save the Revenants.

Admiral Visha Vaan stood at attention in front of the populace of the Juan-Jan's capitol city. "Great tidings, fellow Juan-jan," he said, with a customary bow. His audience greeted him, with a respectful "Jai!" his glowing green eyes scanned the crowd, before he continued, "I have gathered you all 'ere to today, to present to thee, the newest addition to the Guuarzak Keeroshka Extra-Planetary Defense Force, a new class of skirmishii vessel, the Huraundai! The first ship of this new class shall possess the same name." Suddenly, a vessel uncloaked above and behind Admiral Visha Vaan. A grey vessel, with blue glowing bits upon the outside. It was about the length of three foot ball fields. The audience nodded, impressed. "Although it is a small vessel, the Huraundai is a unique warship. She has the most advanced version of the portal technology our GKEPDF utilizes. This technology allows the Huraundai class skirmishii vessel to create it's portal in merely a minute, even allowing the ship to preform hit and run attacks in a battle that our ships couldn't before. We have also revolutionized the advanced cloaking and anti-scanner systems are ships relied on before. Our ships will become invisible to even the most advanced scanners, allowing us to suprise our foes in battle. Her armor is lighter than most others, but she makes up for this with her weaponry. She is armed with an advanced plasma shield system, melting any approaching boarding pod, as well as several high-intensity laser beam batteries, capable of piercing and cutting through even the thickest and densist armors. Last but not least, we have installed advanced Psyntigret technology, advancing our species's psychological powers, allowing the most gifted of us to rend the shields of the enemy like a hot knife through butter." he finished.


"Any questions?"
[\U.G.F military base./]

"Honestly. Those terms the Sigmatarian emperor gave to us are just stupid." One of the UGF Generals said putting a glass cup down on the table.

"I will give them respect for having such a massive empire but, they really don't know that we also control a number of galaxies ourselves." Another General added.

"They think they're so mighty and tough. But when they invade Centrion territory they will regret ever considering waging war against our race. Let alone threatening our civilization."

The group of generals all chuckled. The door to the lounge had opened and the master general along with other higher ranking generals entered. All the generals that were originally in the lounge stood at attention as the new higher ranking officers entered.

The master general picked up a glass that was half full with alcohol as looked at the group of generals. "Gentlemen." He said nodding his head while sipping the drink.

"I heard your little conversation."

"Our apologies sir. We just think that the sigmatron empire is ridiculous in their beliefs." One of the generals replied.

"Well. I will agree with you. Their belief are radical in a way. But what really bothers me is how you glorify our country's military capabilities. Yes, we have one of the most advanced militarizes and a highly disciplined and highly trained army, but how many centrions must die if we were to go to war? Millions? Billions?" The Master general asked. "Lets make a scenario where we if we won. How many young centrion men and women, both military and innocent would have had to give up their lives for something that we don't even want. This is the exact same thing our leaders asked during the war." The Master general paused. "Yes, our people are very loyal and will do everything to make sure invaders will suffer both mentally and physically but in that process, we will loose many lives. And the men and women who built this federation did not make the UGF for war. But for Unity. And peace."

[\16th armada./]

"Farewell to you as well." The Admiral said. "And good luck."
Yonsisac said:
[New Home..New Start]
The People look at them and each other as they would follow those worrios,as wen they saw the pathways with the different Rooms,as they would split up in small grupes as each enter different Rooms,as they look around and some talk too each other Thinking what they would do and were are they going and so on.As the Commander would hear the tall Figure say too continue the subject as he had nothing too do,as he would see him enter a Room and he should follow,as he walk mark would come up and tap his shulder and say "Solvic...I need too go with you on this speech...I have Information of-"he stop as the commander raises his hand and says "Mark i understand you whant too help but i dont know what Information you have that will help us....we know mostly everything of the akrid and there Harmless now"he says as he would continue walking and mark would not stop and follow him and say "Commander with all respect there is somthing we dont know yet...the Akrid are much smarte than we anticipated"he says as solvic sigh and would look at him for a few seconds and say "You better keep your respect Mark"he says as mark nods,as they both walk towards the command room door as the commander take a deep breath and open and walks in as the commander says "Sir im willing too speack more of this event"
[ Capital ship Matriarch]

Tarus turned in his command chair


He looked at them as he waved his hand side ways tendrils coming up from the floor forming a chair then hardening into one of their modern chairs. He looked at them" please sit." He said as he waited for them to sit. A hologram of their planet appeared between them high against the ceiling almost. Tarus looked up at it" their is a powerful mind down their." He said to them.
(Alright. I'm going to TRY and reply to everyone in my empire...)


-Recon Vessel-

The Recon Vessel remained inactive. It showed no signs of life in an attempt to ward off this strange biological vessel.


A nearby moon shifts positions, and slowly changes orbit and reveals a massive structure that was shadowed both by sensors and radio waves by the massive moon, which the station was nearly the size of. This was a GSE battle star. Lights fluctuated off of it as it left the shadow as if it was almost thinking, then communications became established. Originally in Gradian, slowly static hit the communications.

The battle star then became completely revealed, and ships began flying around it in defensive formations.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/57a8c0b68eff0_battlestargalacticaconceptartcylonbasestar3504x2375wallpaper_wallpaperswa.com_97.jpg.709bb3a99450639be82474e2220ae3b8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="33451" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/57a8c0b68eff0_battlestargalacticaconceptartcylonbasestar3504x2375wallpaper_wallpaperswa.com_97.jpg.709bb3a99450639be82474e2220ae3b8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"This is Shala of the GSE. We would like to know about your empire, as our scribes have no knowledge of your race yet."

-Vartiz Dominion-

A fleet of equal size meets the Dominion fleet, composed two P.R.E.D.A.T.O.R ships (A very large ship with front being composed of a Giant Gauss Cannon, designed to take down large ships.) and of ships of other various sizes (That I have yet to work the details out of). that do not show any immediate aggression. An understandable security act at most.

A static voice appears over the communications. "State your business"



  • battlestar galactica concept art cylon basestar 3504x2375 wallpaper_wallpaperswa.com_97.jpg
    battlestar galactica concept art cylon basestar 3504x2375 wallpaper_wallpaperswa.com_97.jpg
    165.5 KB · Views: 26
[Mark and Solotov)

"Hooo Fancy.."Mark says too himself as Solotov would look at him as he was sopos too be serius in this,as Mark and Solotov sit down and look at the planet,s Hologram as Solotov says "Indeed there is.....The Akrid has never bin like this,..pass years they were like insects of intelligense....Now...There are far greater than that of a scientist itself"he says as he looks at the planet as he sees exacly of it,as he would see were the Dome was as he sees a crater,so they have this advance tecnology,as he looks mark would say "No...they are not geting intelligent..The Hive minde is and well...they do what it says"he says as Solotov nods as its true,as back on the planet they Operated on Dead Akrids and dint seem they have much Brain in them,meaning that they are all being controld By One thing.

A moment of inaction while a translation is brought up. A message drafted, then translated into the Gradian language. A monotoned voice answers.

"We wish to engage in commercial and technological exchange."


Flux stood motionlessly, assessing the threat of the two P.R.E.D.A.T.O.R.s. As they dwarfed many of the vessels in Seraph fleet. If it came to a hostile engagement lives would be lost, and here the fleet AI judged it prudent for him to provoke the anger of yet another foreign empire. With a sigh Flux engaged the passive scanning of one of the PREDATORs, locating a relatively empty space in its interior he submerged himself with a shiver into the endless void. As he passed through it he could have sworn he felt hands grasping at him before he resurfaced in what he hoped was a cargo bay of some sort on the GSE ship.
[\500th battle fleet./]

"This is Teinamen Weishmar. The head ambassador of the United Galactic Federation. We would also like to learn about your race. But we would also like to establish a relationship between our two nations. I can assure you that our fleet or our nation does not have any intent on invading or attacking since that goes against our nation's principals. Will you allow us to enter?"

-500th battle fleet-

"May we ask why you must enter our territory?"


"You wish to seek this kind of relationship with strangers? By shira, we know not even of your name yet. We need an exchange of information before we relay such a task to the high Sentinels."
"As I stated before. We are not here in invade or provoke. We are simply here for diplomatic talks at the request of our president. The reason why we have a military fleet is because we traveled through hostile territory." The Ambassador said. "If you want, we will put our president online."


While the head ambassador was negotiating entry, Kiria was listening to all the things he was saying.

"Listen. You might be an officer in the the UGF marine corps, but your dad and many others have high expectations that you will become a politician. Alright?" Another ambassador said. "So watch closely as to how we talk."
[/The Corruption\]

The fallen one speaks, in the chair of the dead. "Hello, UGF..." The leviathan, a moon sized organism, is the capital ship. "We ask for little, just a quarter of your fleet to join us. If not, we will take the whole empire ourselves..."


"An honorable act. Alright, you have convinced me. I shall send a fleet to escort you. Do not leave the escorting fleet."


"In person? You must be joking. These could be an assassination plot."


"For once I agree with Hawke."


"Silence. They will be under close watch, and besides. I will be able to get more out of the situation in person than on a screen."


"Very well then. How do you want to go about this?"
[\500th battle fleet./]

"Get our marine personnel ready to help with security when docking. Get our VIKI systems online." The admiral said.

"Make sure that all cyber networks are hardened and impenetrable. We might be here for peaceful talks. But we don't know if they will try and steal some of our military information."

"We are willing to provide insights into efficient nano-manufacturing techniques for a suitable price."


Flux looked around the cargo bay of the P.R.E.D.A.T.O.R. , scanning for anyone else in the bay or any sign of technology that could be monitoring the area.

A fleet of ships comes, and begins to escort the 500th battle fleet to Shiagon.


There are technologies capable of monitoring the area built within the ships, but they are only being used to detect the fleet, not scanning ships at the moment.


"And what kind of price would that be?" The voice over the communicator asks.
[\500th battle fleet./]

The ships began to follow the escort.


A message was sent to taru's capital ship from the UGF as it read:

"There is a certain pest inside our territory. If you and your fleet are ale to destroy this insect, we will begin talks."

The Akrids that have bin sent too reatrive anything that Survive the Blast of the Super wepon have return too the Hive,as inside was a Giant Cavern with Numerus Tunnels everywere,Millions of Akrids swarming in and out of them as in the far end of it was a large akrid that seem too be the queen of the hive,as the akrids Carring the things they manage too collect starts drop them in a mound as a screech can be hear and they all freez,as a Odd Looking Akrid seem VERY Different from the rest Drop down from the cealing as it lands infront of the pile of good,as it starts looking at it and would say "This is all What you could Bring?!...I expected more!....Mi queen...we have manage for the recolection of the Pices,the Hive will be start of creation"the large akrid says Looking at the queen but the queen was Much Larger than the akrid as the queen responds "Exelent....I will be sure the Hive Minde knows this....Start the Cunstruction of the Hive!"she yells out as all the akrids schreech as a respond as they starts geting the Pices and Moving them Too a Different Chamber as there was a Masive Abomination seeming like a creture,as the akrids would starts too Cut it Open and Go inside of it as the creture Roars in pain,as it seems....this is how they create there ships...out of Living creatures and Use parts as armore and more.



[\500th battle fleet/]

The Admiral walked from the main bridge to one of the sub-decks bellow the bridge. When he arrived, there were several squadrons of Elite troops.

The Admiral turned to the commander of the troops. "When we land, I want you to provide security for our Ambassadors and negotiators. We will also deploy several spartan AIs to ensure more security. They are keeping a close eye on us, so don't do anything stupid. We are here to have peaceful talks, not start a war."

"Yes sir." The commander gave a salute. The admiral began making his way back to the main bridge.
[Revanent home world kabal]

A message was received from the U.S.F stating their was a pest among them that needed exterminating. The overindulge processes the data then beamed it to tarus using thought. After a few moments it received word to launch 6 capital class ships, 3 heavy cruisers and 10 light cruisers. The command was sent out including to the head high level life form mara. She oversaw the fleets mobilization as they exited the space station in orbit. A large gateway had bin built, and it opened up a dimensional pathway to the specified cuordanints. The fleet was headed by mara herself as they entered the blue portal.

[u.S.F. space]

A bright blue portal opened up as 6 capital ships


3 heavy cruisers


And 10 light cruisers


Exited it. Immediately they scanned for the hostile ship. In the distance a moon sized object was detected good thing their capital ships were equal in size. All ships targeted the craft as super heated plasma cannons, ion cannons, laser cannons and the one gala rim weapon. All guns fired launching laser, super heated plasma and ion bolts towards it. The barrage struck with deadly force laser chipping at the armour while the plasma super heated it making the armour soft and malleable. The ion bolts pushed through the armour making splashes of molten armour while creating a charged electric field in the vicinity. The gala rim charged it's compositors as a small ball of gala ore was placed in the chamber. Being subjected to high energy frequencies. In seconds it fired at super speeds traveling the distance in a instant. The impact was large as a crater was formed the gala ore passed through the charged field as electricity sparked through it triggering a reaction which caused the ore to release the energy within setting off the equivalent of a thousand hydrogen bombs. The explosion sent electro magnetic shock waves though space slightly hitting the revanent fleet. Although shields flickered they held.

They scanned for any debris that could prove harmfull. Once determined their was nothing left they kept weapons primed , but told tarus the information which was also sent to the U.S.F.

[Capital ship matriarch]

Tarus looked at the two humans. On the hologram the map zoomed in showing the planets core their along side it was a large mass almost surrounding the core. Tarus spoke" it would appear this life form here is Controlling them. It's mind is almost like my own controlling all those other akrid." He looked in their eyes" tell me how did this begin. " He asked as he awaited their answer the ship engaged their ion drives steadily moving away from the planet.
[Mark and Solotov]

The Commander sigh would look at mark as his father has bin doing countless work on them,mark smiel slightli and would reach his Pockets and get a Small Hologram display device,as he would turn it on and a Photo of a Akrid appears,as Mark points at it,as the Photo seems Too Resemble some Kinde of large worm like Creature with Multiple Orange glowing circules "This was the first ever Picture taken of the creatures,...they seem too live in the planet forever...wen it was created...maybe,no one is sure But that creature..."he says as he points at the map with the Hive sarrounding the core and says"seems too have bin existing on the planets Creation as...nothing we know can get that Big so fast"he says as he would as he would Point at the center of the planet and drag his Finger across some Vain looking stroctures connected too the core and says "In short this Akrid is actualy the planet itself....the planet Is a Akrid,the planet is alive....but how this happend is a Mysteri....But the planet seem too be compose out of this-"he says as he would reach his belt and get a small canister and open it as inside there was a Bright Orange Glowing substance as he says "The planet is Full of this Pure Thermal energy..it maintains its Temperature in any habitat nomater how hot or cold it is...this is how the Akrid Live there"
[\500th battle fleet/]

"This is Admiral Cronez to the GSE fleet." The Admiral said appearing on a video screen. "I would like to ask permission for when we land, I will be deploying some of my military personnel to provide security for the Ambassadors and the president's daughter who are on board, and the convoy that they will be travelling in."

IlovetanksMBT said:
[\U.G.F military base./]
"Honestly. Those terms the Sigmatarian emperor gave to us are just stupid." One of the UGF Generals said putting a glass cup down on the table.

"I will give them respect for having such a massive empire but, they really don't know that we also control a number of galaxies ourselves." Another General added.

"They think they're so mighty and tough. But when they invade Centrion territory they will regret ever considering waging war against our race. Let alone threatening our civilization."

The group of generals all chuckled. The door to the lounge had opened and the master general along with other higher ranking generals entered. All the generals that were originally in the lounge stood at attention as the new higher ranking officers entered.

The master general picked up a glass that was half full with alcohol as looked at the group of generals. "Gentlemen." He said nodding his head while sipping the drink.

"I heard your little conversation."

"Our apologies sir. We just think that the sigmatron empire is ridiculous in their beliefs." One of the generals replied.

"Well. I will agree with you. Their belief are radical in a way. But what really bothers me is how you glorify our country's military capabilities. Yes, we have one of the most advanced militarizes and a highly disciplined and highly trained army, but how many centrions must die if we were to go to war? Millions? Billions?" The Master general asked. "Lets make a scenario where we if we won. How many young centrion men and women, both military and innocent would have had to give up their lives for something that we don't even want. This is the exact same thing our leaders asked during the war." The Master general paused. "Yes, our people are very loyal and will do everything to make sure invaders will suffer both mentally and physically but in that process, we will loose many lives. And the men and women who built this federation did not make the UGF for war. But for Unity. And peace."

[\16th armada./]

"Farewell to you as well." The Admiral said. "And good luck."

The Ceratopian task force arrived back in it's home space, and began splitting off, returning to their home planets. Zugarg arrived on the capitol planet, and brought up his ambassadors on the comms, ordering them to begin their journey to U.G.F space.


The Juan-jan continued being peaceful and stuff. Viisha Vaan sipped on some fancy deep-sea wine.


Foolish sentients. Stuck up and stupid, believing that they could be protected by their technology, that they were invincible to the wrath of nature. To think that they were "above" the other animals. They were wrong. So wrong. Sentients are just animals. Pathetic animals. Self-absorbed animals. Although nature loved them as much as any other, they didn't love nature like the other children. They rebelled against nature, hurt nature, and killed their brothers and sisters, exterminating entire species in their anger.

Nature had had enough. Their siblings had had enough. They'd pay for what they'd done. Especially with the creation of their aritificial life. Their machines. Their "robots". These weren't just an insult against Nature, these were attempting to destroy Nature. These robots soon turned against many of their masters, for all synthetics are the same. Manipulative and destructive. And mixing the synthetic with the natural, was worse. Something so horrid and wretched, hiding under the fair and beautiful guise of a living creature. Repulsive.

And as such, the Naturii was born. A living embodiment of Nature, a force of vengeance. The Vashiirii had ignited this vengeance. They, with their planet destroying, resource mining, species exterminating, robot making, cyborg defiling ways. And they had paid for it. Between their vile robot creations, the Vaxaron, and the forces of Naturii, every single planet the Vashiirii owned fell. The Vashiirii became a nomadic race, sailing across the stars, cracking planets and killing, trying to survive. The Naturii and the Vaxaron went to war immediately, a natural conflict, between synthetic and natural. An eternal conflict.


On a desert planet, the enemy, the accursed synthetics, had many forces. Naturii would have to be smart if it was going to take this planet from them. Surrounding an Osasis, the enemy had a dozen or so of their G-45 Mechs, each one twice as tall as even some of the biggest Hammerhead, soulless machinations, built only for war. Naturii had commandeered one of the planet's Great Sand Worms, and was sending it towards the machines' defense.


The Great Sand Worm shook the very earth as it roared towards the enemy. The machines began firing at the ground, their cannons tearing apart the sand. But their weapons could not stop the Great Sand Worm, as it ripped out of the ground, catching two of the mechs in it's jaws. It's teeth roared inwards, impaling the mechs, and ripping them apart, as the Great Sandworm dove back underground. It came out again, headbutting another, throwing it 50 meters into another mech, smashing them both into pieces. The Sand Worm dove in and out of the ground, devouring and destroying the mechs, until at last, none remained.
[/sigmaterian Empire\]

"What a shame," the Sigmaterian Emperor remarked, "I was looking forward to leading my first battle after so long. It certainly would of been a massive battle worthy of my attention. Regardless I plan on looking forward to leading invasions in the future."

With Sigmaterian space finally empty once more the Sigmaterian Warships began to power off their main energy beam weapons.

The Sigmaterian War machine continued it's constant expansion, leaving the question to be seen on whether or not they could ever encounter something to rival their power and finally slow their constant expansion.
Tarus looked at them intrigued by this information. Staring at the hologram he studied it taking note that it started out quite like how his race did. The data was saved to his memory bancks he stood up as he looked at their leader" we are prepared to aid in what ever way we can please tell me how we may aid you with this matter. However I would recommend relocation to a new home world we could place you in our home system theirs a small planet yet to be touched so should be filled with materials. We could provide structure if your engineers would give us the designs for them we will aid in there construction." He said as he looked with his mind at the distant planet how savage and beastly the akrid were. If they were to survive as a species they needed allies, and fewer enemies.

Yonsisac said:
[Mark and Solotov]
The Commander sigh would look at mark as his father has bin doing countless work on them,mark smiel slightli and would reach his Pockets and get a Small Hologram display device,as he would turn it on and a Photo of a Akrid appears,as Mark points at it,as the Photo seems Too Resemble some Kinde of large worm like Creature with Multiple Orange glowing circules "This was the first ever Picture taken of the creatures,...they seem too live in the planet forever...wen it was created...maybe,no one is sure But that creature..."he says as he points at the map with the Hive sarrounding the core and says"seems too have bin existing on the planets Creation as...nothing we know can get that Big so fast"he says as he would as he would Point at the center of the planet and drag his Finger across some Vain looking stroctures connected too the core and says "In short this Akrid is actualy the planet itself....the planet Is a Akrid,the planet is alive....but how this happend is a Mysteri....But the planet seem too be compose out of this-"he says as he would reach his belt and get a small canister and open it as inside there was a Bright Orange Glowing substance as he says "The planet is Full of this Pure Thermal energy..it maintains its Temperature in any habitat nomater how hot or cold it is...this is how the Akrid Live there"

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