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Nation Building Galactic Empires Reborn I: Residual Chaos

By all means, feel free to jump into the thread at anytime.

Maybe you won't get instantly pulverized to dust.


It should still be entertaining to see what new galactic species joins us regardless. Also, if you've read through the thread so far then feel free to have one of your main characters have participated in the story event that happened at the beginning.
@tims run do you wanna edit your post so you can tag along? It'd be interesting to reveal who the "Festers" are.
SirDerpingtonIV said:

Your names familiar. You were apart of my initial attempt of the GE series here on RPNation that failed. Miserably.
[QUOTE="Zabuzas Son]...
Your names familiar. You were apart of my initial attempt of the GE series here on RPNation that failed. Miserably.

we all start somewhere

My original Mars RP had to shut down after 2 days because it became a shit fest of warfare.

my fault as the plot was geared towards warfare too much and I let In newb roleolayers.

whole plot revolved around Martian colonies fighting.for precious recourses. Not a goof setting for character building
SirDerpingtonIV said:
I've just come up with an idea....
Prepare yourselves for the Hunters.
[QUOTE="Zabuzas Son]

That is not what I meant.

What I had meant, was a species with incredibly powerful abilities, but little technology. This species would dedicate themselves to hunting down the deadliest beasts in the galaxy, and if at all possible, taming them. The "Hunters" would have little to no interest in war, unless they really had to. Most of the time, they would just plop down dangerous animals on random planets for shits and giggles, and see how the natives handle it. They recruit those who are able to slay the creatures into their own ranks, so the "Hunters" consist of the original species, as well as all others who prove themselves dedicated to the hunt.
SirDerpingtonIV said:
That is not what I meant.
What I had meant, was a species with incredibly powerful abilities, but little technology. This species would dedicate themselves to hunting down the deadliest beasts in the galaxy, and if at all possible, taming them. The "Hunters" would have little to no interest in war, unless they really had to. Most of the time, they would just plop down dangerous animals on random planets for shits and giggles, and see how the natives handle it. They recruit those who are able to slay the creatures into their own ranks, so the "Hunters" consist of the original species, as well as all others who prove themselves dedicated to the hunt.
Whether that was what you meant or not I couldn't help myself from making the joke when that was the first idea that popped into my head.

Also, you're idea seems to be akin to the Predators species from Aliens v. Predators.

I don't have a problem with your idea, or you joining the thread, as long as there are not any hard feelings from the last thread. Clearly I didn't handle the situation correctly and there were... issues with all sides involved.

I'm more than willing to let this thread be the fresh start I always hoped it would be.
They are similar. I will admit it. And I hold no hard feelings towards you. I drifted into AFKness before anything got too hostile anyways.
[QUOTE="General Deth Glitch]

The former was referring to my post in the OOC, the latter refers to IC. Sorry if that's confusing.
@Otakuyaki I just took the time to read through your CS myself and damn... that diplomatic facade is really gonna get Max, I'll tell you what.

Let me finish up with the Festers, then I'll have Max do whatever with your guys.
@Otakuyaki First off: What's the deal with the fog? How am I supposed to react to that? What was the point? I'm sorry, I just don't understand what happened in that scene. She... came down and made fog?

Second: God dangit you just HAPPENED to come when Max was away.
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Assailant said:
@Otakuyaki First off: What's the deal with the fog? How am I supposed to react to that? What was the point? I'm sorry, I just don't understand what happened in that scene. She... came down and made fog?
Second: God dangit you just HAPPENED to come when Max was away.
@Otakuyaki Seriously, I can't respond. I'm not sure what just happened.
[QUOTE="Jarkov Malachai]Assailant.... that would happen to be you I see here with a Goat Mom avatar now would I?

[QUOTE="Jarkov Malachai]If he doesn't reply man, use DREDGE.

Dredge are weak

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