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Fantasy Freelancer Files (Red vs. Blue)

I know the site isn't, but this [post clearly is. It's actually funny. Caboose is smart? There's a joke right there.
Assailant said:
I know the site isn't, but this [post clearly is. It's actually funny. Caboose is smart? There's a joke right there.
It's.. it's sadly not as well.
Huntrey said:
I'd been meaning to for awhile but I hit a lethargic spot and such.

This morning I finally snapped out and got shit done lol
Atom said:
I'd been meaning to for awhile but I hit a lethargic spot and such.
This morning I finally snapped out and got shit done lol
Me too! Finally took out my comp and writing post, it's been days.
Atom said:
Finally gonna do something with this? [emoji14]
The new thread is in the making and should be up tomorrow. But Autumn and I, Autumn more then me (bless her heart), are trying to shape this up to be more fluent then this one.
When you guys get all the info typed up hit me up and I can do you some fancy shmancy coding if you want [emoji14]
AvidElmV2 said:
I'm actually really angry right now.... So, I don't know if any of you know this, but I'm an Atheist. I don't mean to insult anyone who believes in God and I don't care what religion you follow, it's just I don't like Christianity. It's a long story that I'll never get into. But, when I found this on the internet, I wanted to put my fist through my laptop.

Check it out for yourself. I'm gonna go punch a wall.
That is the most retarded thing all day and it actually made me laugh. Great way to wake up.Now, I'm an atheist too and I find this really disgusting, but if you want something truly horrifying check out the westboro baptist church. These guys almost seem like a parody, its that bad.
Also then there is this comment on that post


and yeah, sadly this thing is not a joke, although it may seem like it. I wish it were, but I just find it funny and disgusting at the same time xD
Darkangel666 said:
That is the most retarded thing all day and it actually made me laugh. Great way to wake up.Now, I'm an atheist too and I find this really disgusting, but if you want something truly horrifying check out the westboro baptist church. These guys almost seem like a parody, its that bad.
ryanpk200 said:
The guy called Cabbose smart. Why are you taking this so seriously?

That's the best part.
IT just annoys me. I've been in this agitated state for awhile so as of right now, EVERYTHING annoys me.
AvidElmV2 said:
I'm actually really angry right now.... So, I don't know if any of you know this, but I'm an Atheist. I don't mean to insult anyone who believes in God and I don't care what religion you follow, it's just I don't like Christianity. It's a long story that I'll never get into. But, when I found this on the internet, I wanted to put my fist through my laptop.

Check it out for yourself. I'm gonna go punch a wall.
I've only gotten out the part where he talks about Church, and I am already ticked off. But I know from experience that religious people are absolute freaks about everything, since I went to a damned private Catholic school for the first six years of my schooling. So I know the way religious people can act, and hate religion. That's why I refuse to go to church services and claim myself to be Catholic. Because all religious people are fucking wackjobs.

Part of me is pissed and wishes I could go and chew that fucking dunce out, and then part of me if amused at how fucking stupid and brain dead that fuckwit is. But I am still naturally pissed at how much he is bashing Church. Fuck you, asshole. Not cool.


Assailant said:
That's clearly a joke.

"Tucker is the only nigra character on the show. This is clearly his first strike against him. He can often be heard saying some sort of incomprehensible words or imitating the tribal drum beats of his native land, 'bow chica bow wow'."

I rest my case.
As soon as you said "tribal drum beats" I immediately heard Sarge going "boom chika boom chika boom chika boom chika" in my head. And I haven't watched season 6 in months. What the fuck.
I've found posts from the same website condemning video games and other modern things. Most of (if not all) the website is crazy.
ryanpk200 said:
I've found posts from the same website condemning video games and other modern things. Most of (if not all) the website is crazy.
Like I said, most people who follow religion to the dot are. Sometimes I just want to walk up to them, softly grab their head, whisper, "is your mind okay in there?", and then promptly hit them over the head with a baseball bat as hard as I can.
Lol. I just read that the stupid dumbass on the first link said that Simmons is the "gay lover of Grif." For one, calm the fuck down. That's not a bad thing. And for two, that's not even fucking canon!! Most people just think it because of how they act, but it's not even canon!

Holy shit. It always amazes me how bible thumpers will try to find ANYTHING to make something that they dislike seem like the work of Satan. No matter how miniscule it is.

I wanted to see how stupid this guy got, and upon finishing his "descriptions" of the characters, I'm not even sure which one pisses me off the most. I don't even know.

I hate people. I hate people so much.
He (Tucker) can often be heard saying some sort of incomprehensible words or imitating the tribal drum beats of his native land, “bow chica bow wow”
Guy on Internet

That cracked me up.
Cabbose is the newest member of Blue Team. He is a fine upstanding young man who appears to be the most intelligent of all the blue members. Caboose’s intelligence stems from the fact that he will take almost everything literally. I feel that if Caboose were exposed to the Bible he would be a True Christian™ if there ever was one. In short, I like Caboose.
Fucking idiot that needs to get some sense beat into him

Best part.

On the website the section that the RVB discussion is on is called Satan's entertainment. The section where this is stated always says something along the lines of protecting your children from Disney, Pacman, and Tic-tac-toe. Wut? How can a person be this stupid?
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