• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Free Skate OOC


1.No God Modding

2. If You Don't Have A Board Put 'None' On Board's Looks

3.Keep It To 10 Boards Or Less

4.Girls Can Skateboard Too!

5.Swearing is allowed

6.I Do Allow Some Bad Stuff

Ex:Rolanda perpously bounces her boobs to get juan's attention

7.Try And Include Everyone!

8.Age Range Is 15-60 (some exeptions can be made)

9.There Will Be Drama! You Where Warned...

10.Have Fun!

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I'm in your list of people to mention! :o

I'm so touched

Sorry though, I'm not interested in this
[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]how do you know meh o-o;;

Remember in the RP surging sea?
[QUOTE="Himeragi Seiker]oh the RP shorty brought me to? yeah i remember that xD he hella fucked up

Lol he did. But I just pretty much invited everyone who is following me, or all the people I'm following.
Spotine said:
Lol he did. But I just pretty much invited everyone who is following me, or all the people I'm following.
*did not even realized i followed you*

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