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five nights at freddy's-The new night watch

(... no..not me... xD )

Vallery would drop down to the ground, glad that they wore long pants for uniforms, otherwise, it would've hurt alot.

( @the-lich @Yonsisac )
bruce head went through a wall. "ugh..huh" he sees skeees and the other teen. "gday maate" the two boys ran into the two girls.

skeeves yells "watch where your going!!"
Ntalia would grab the teens arms and starts Running with them as she would say "Come on we need too get out of the Open!"she says as she was Running towards the Meat Locker as that was there best chance as the door was made of metal.

Fready would schreech once more as he whants those humans on a Pizza plate!
Vallery saw the meat locker up ahead, and she was losing her balance by the second. Those teens seemed to pop out of nowhere, but she didn't want to think about that now. All she had to do now was RUN.

Bonnie would see the humans running for the meat locker, but he knew he wouldn't be able to get there in time.
bruce head was soon free, as one teen turns his front face including the...frontal lobe, gets chomped. the teens body fell lifeless.

skeeves ran to the locker "What the hell man!! whats with those guys!!! why are they in suits!!"
Vallery's eyes widened in horror as she looked back at the body. She slowed down, but the locker was only a few feet away.... Vallery wanted to run back to the guy, to help him in some way. But it was to late, he was dead by now. Vallery saw Freddy running at them, and Bonnie running for them from a distance, safety was right there. "WHY DID YOU DO THAT??!?!!!" She screamed, backing up, soon inside the Meat room. Someone had to close the door, she defenitly wasn't the one who will do that, though.
As the enter Natalia would AMIDIATLY shut the metal door closed and would back away,as they Killd one of the teens,as she was shock as theas things really whanted them dead,"Those are Robots..*Pating*...they are Trying too kill us"she says as she would go agains a wall and lied down,as she would sit agains the wall taking her breth as they were safe fornow

Fready would see they have taken one out,as he would aproche it and place his Foot on his Lifless corps head and press down,squishing its head,as he would look at the locker....as they cant stay there forever
skeeves looked "what..you serious...there not robots! there crazy people in suits"

bruce begins to rip the teens stomich open, chewing on organs as he did. blood and pieces of bone was everywhere.
Vallery looked around the room for weapons, the rules changed at night. And she just witnessed the death of someone.

Vallery didn't plan on playing nice for as long as she remembered the teen's death.

Spotting a large metal crowbar in the corner, she went over to it and picked it up. There was an axe encased in a glass case, ad she opened the glass case, taking the axe and setting it down next to Natalia.

"Then we won't let them." she growled, then turned to skeeves. "What kind of human on Earth would mentally handle trying to kill other people? let's be realistic here for a moment. Robots= they can kill things, they don't feel bad. Humans= Guilt builds up on them after only killing one person, and soon they shoot themselves."
skeeves saw the horror "Oi what the f*** are they doing to my bro" he ran out, throwing a drumbstick at bruce. "oi clear off freak....uh oh..." he rushes back closing the door, as bruce headbutted the meat locker.
".....we better wait till day light....there 4 of them...we are only 3"she says Still siting down sliding the axe near her as she face palms as she sees the Teen go out and back in as she would say "lets wait.....we will die if we go out"
bruce looked at a little box, reading it "tem-pretu-re....contril.....unot??" he realizes, looking through the window, he smiled evily, pressing a down arrow making it 30 degrees cooler.
Vallery suddenly starts shaking. She looked through the window, and saw Bruce. Vallery's body couldn't handle the sheer stress anymore, and she passed out, her head hitting the wall slightly hard.
skeeves catches her "s-s-shit...we gotta get out" he heard a clock, as it sayed 6 am. bruce didnt follow rules, but the others did. "yessss die die diiie~"
Natalia would starts too shiver and see Bruce on the other side,as she would be chaking but she was not gona die here,as she would pick the axe up and would raise it and yell as she swings towards the window as it starts too shater,as she would fall too her knees but she would get up once more and get ready for a nother swing
bruce looks at the clock "hm...6 oclock...whatever..not like they can stop me anyway, little piii~gs...little piiii~gs let me iiiin"
"Im gona let you in Mother F******"she says as she would yell and swing again breaking the glass as she would let go of the axe in the proses Hurling it towards Bruce

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