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The one who made Aerth
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Weather was warm and sunny on the island of Tapyoka, with the town of Rahull buzzing with activity. The Local fishermen ready the boats or check crab traps up just off the docks, the docks of Rahull like most days are packed with various ships conducting all sorts of business. Merchants unload and buy cargo here just as the pirates steal and sell their own goods. One ship that looked somewhat out of place was The pluck winds, a grand sloop built specifically for Joseph Bostar and his up coming battle with a monster. The captain, Morgan Floot was discussing plans with good sir Bostar...

"Your certain the man will be here? That Waboe fella is said to be the mysterious sort. Not the type to leave a trail much less make arrangements to meet where all manner of bounty hunters reside" Joseph tapped the rolled up scroll in his hand as he made his way off the Pluck to walk onto the docks with his newest companions.
"good captain I am sure Mr Kira is in Rahull, I could feel a presence as I stepped off the boat"
"You mean the ship sir Bostar"
"ah of course, the ship. Sorry captain... please keep safe, we shall return at our earliest convenience."
Joseph searched for any who had a encounter with the bleeding whale. It was most likely pure luck the man had been able to get in touch with two ladies with particular skills. Almost as if those who are cursed seem fated to meet each other.

"Lady Raewin im happy to have your assistance, lady lavender as well. I will admit Its been many years since i had a good explore of Rahull. Im not much a fan of the lifestyle choices but i can understand what drives a man to piracy. I would most likely have done similar to support my family if my life were more unfortunate"
The aged man thought outloud to the two following. Duke of Doge Duke of Doge The Hermit The Hermit

"If we are to believe Mr kira he should be staying at the ragged Dragon under the name of Yohan, I am certain it should be our concern to find this establishment and the good man kira but I understand if you have personal business to attend to yourselves. We have been on the water quite a while."
Jobo looked to the women with a kind smile, empathetic to the fact they had been traveling at sea for two months.
Keeping it somewhat small on the off chance more people rock up to play they can still be recruited before the team leaves the island. Rahull has everything from taverns to blacksmiths to brothels or knomage goods. There are no formal guards but the town is patrolled by pirates and thugs working for the council. The council being four big name pirate captains/criminal leaders who rule the island in a less then fair way. Taxing the locals and visitors as they see fit.
If you have any questions ask me anywhere but here please and thank you
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Despite the fact that she traveled for a living, Lavender felt great relief upon experiencing the sensation of solid ground after her journey with her two new companions. If it weren't for the suspicious, if not enticing premise of her recruitment, she would already be plotting to drop them after what amounted to a free ride to Rahull. Hell, Joseph himself said they were free to attend to their own business - what better opportunity to slip away than that?

Despite the debate going on in her head, Lavender addressed Joseph momentarily before making her way further into town, eager to be rid of the painfully simple clothing she found herself wearing. "As a matter of fact, I do have some things to attend to. Don't go taking off without me." To accomplish this would be quite simple for her, as many people in this bustling center of activity had done business with her before, whether legitimate or not was unimportant. It was quick and easy to find the best tailor in town- one that she's been to often. After all, her size in conjunction with her taste in clothing would only mean that she has a majority of her attire custom made. Fortunately, the man who runs this particular shop has made a point to always have something new ready for her arrival. This time was a primarily blue set with white and crimson complimentary coloring for the under layers. Despite its fanciful look, the outfit did, as per usual, allow for a nearly unrestricted range of movement.

By this point, a good half an hour had passed, leaving Lavender with enough time to wonder why there weren't more people who'd been recruited for this journey. It seemed dangerous enough to warrant at least more people than just herself, that Raewin girl, and the strange Kira figure that they had come to Rahull to retrieve.
"It seems that there are visitors here looking for you down at the docks" He spoke up before taking a drink of wine from his flask. His stand sat perched on the edge of a nearby fishing boat, allowing him to not only see but overhear, the bizarre group's conversation. Honestly, Reginald never expected to find anything of interest at the docks but he was bored out of his mind and so he figured why not just go have a look; and he did not regret it in the slightest. He was curious as to what they could possibly want with Waboe, they didn't necessarily seem like the usual were bounty hunters after his head after all.

"They don't seem to be the run of the mill hunters that Yadrall sends after you either" He commented taking another swig of wine. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't surprised to see the light of day again every time he closed his eyes to sleep, he figured it would only be a matter of time before he dropped dead from his alcohol abuse if he didn't stop soon. His meeting with the man named Waboe was something born out pure of coincidence when he decided to get himself wasted one night and ended up almost becoming the prey to one fairly attractive vampire. He was saved by the hunter and ever since then they've been working together from time to time ever since.

"So... do you intend to pay them a visit, Kira? Or would you rather they come to us?" He asked, turning to face the hooded figure behind him.
Warm sunny days make a man feel safe and lazy, even Waboe is susceptible to such feelings. But a peaceful hobby isn't the reason Waboe Kira was fishing off a small boat looking a bit to much like some drunk locals. He and Reginald were awaiting a ship with blue sails and the bostar crest, for it was the pluck winds that just docked and Sir Bostar is who they were set to meet. Waboe removed his hood to get a better look at what his friend had picked up on, answering the question with the sort of paranoia one might from Mr Kira...

"It's hard to say, while I trust this Bostar dandy I'm not to sure on his hooded friends... they appear to be his traveling companions, one of them at least is cursed like you and me. I can feel that tension in the air almost smell the blood sea on them. Until I see direct sunlight touch their faces I'm not going to approach them."
With some effort and a laugh Waboe pulls a fish into the boat to flop next to his first catch.
"I say we go cook breakfast then follow them, if you can keep track of them while we do so it won't take long to catch up... I fear the only way we can get close enough to our current target is with Joseph Bostar's name."
Waboe placed his rod down and got into position to row back towards the dock, keeping sir Bostar in view til he and his company scattered into the town of Rahull. " If we had to make a choice on who you should fly after I'd say keep an eye on Bostar"
Waboe glanced towards Reginalds flask about to ask why he's drinking so early but after wiping sweat from his forehead the man couldn't help but chuckle before asking
"mind if I have a swig of that?"

Waboe and Reginald have been on the trail of a potential vampire, hunting the notorious bandit chief Big Sakkat. A man on the council of Rahull whose bandits make up a majority of the "guard population"
With Sakkat rarely appearing outside fort Rahull, except the odd night out. It is somewhat impossible for two men to confirm the speculation and rumours that surround the bandit boss...
The Hermit The Hermit dunno if your still keen
Pretty sure Duke of Doge Duke of Doge has dropped this from concern it was dead aha
If you are both still keen please continue or let me know before I write off characters and ask others to take places lol
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