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Fantasy Finding a Song - Character Creation




Original works created by: Isvoc | Todd Lockwood | Davesrightmind | ShadeofShinon | WLOP

This thread is designed for the placement of character sheets for the upcoming roleplay, "Finding a Song." Please, use the Lore & Worldbuilding thread to better build your individual characters. As characters are accepted, they will be reposted in this top post for ease of access. Plot Bunnies will also be posted here.​

  • WIP
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NOT DONE! Wanted to post to prevent any lost of the draft! Only 2 Personalities left and History.

"Niveus is my name"


"Just by appearance, do i have any feather on me? or fur?, None. only Scales."

Full Body length: 23 Meters
Tail Length alone: 8 Meters
Wings: N/A

"Metallic plates once beautiful, burnt and scorched by my commitment...I don't regret it"
Niv's body is covered in thick metallic plates and row down his body from head to tail. Glimmering in a silver coloration, soft Damascus pattern slowly drifting down his body becoming more visible at the tip of the tail and mostly invisible at his head. But his beauty seems to have been tainted: left side of his body seems to have been heated, with deep shimmering deep blue coloration spanning out from his chest, changing color from blue, red to orange. Caused by an "Accident", its chrome like reflection turn matte all over his left side, especially his face. He is as well wingless.

Niv enjoys decorating his body, in a way to ease sight from his "Damaged" Body. Trimming the edge of his face,plates and scales with molten gold that soon hardens and gives his distinctive look. At times when he wishes to be seen prideful by lower beings or formal by those above him, wasting no time to ignite his body with white/blue flames with his element. Of course the consumption of arcane is something to keep in mind and always just holds this fake appearance for a few minutes just to give best first impressions.

Small details of Niv are more interesting than his whole body. Niv actually has no genuine teeth, but sharp bladed like edge and points that form his mouth made from sharpen plates. Using stone or flint nearby to bite down on and sharpen them. At times they grow blunt and make it difficult to even eat, making maintenance a priority. This same need falls on his claws, needing constant maintenance to maintain sharp and capable of there function.

  • Listener: Niv always keeps kin ears up, when some one speaks he wishes to hear them and see what they must say. Paying close attention to detail as by miss hearing a single word, you never know what might end up of it. Be it a plan, a moral speech or even just common talk, Niv always pays close attention and enjoys talking
  • Truth-full: Niv has never in his long life ever said a lie, for the simple fact he cant. Always shuttering when he tries to lie ,so, he simply never dose. He dose not see it as a negative trait, knowing that those who speak to him can feel safe knowing he has nothing to hide beneath his metaphorical wings.
  • Curious: Niv is infatuated with new things, no matter how big or small he finds satisfaction in exploration of new wonders. But this pulls at his scales, if some one says don't open a box, he might just open it by sheer thought of knowing what is inside. But of course he knows when its best to leave what should be left alone, alone.
  • Arcane Knowledge: Years of research and dozen scrolls passed by his claws, Niv's arcane studies are second to none. Knowing the in and outs of the arcane from memory with no error or miss information. Capable of teaching others in fine detail how to use the arcane and invoke it properly but such task take time, often years of teaching. But one thing is certain: after many test's and experimentation's with the arcane, with his goal set, he knows how much one can pull the tether of the arcane before its snaps in violent ways and with possible consequences. Especially from personal experience.
  • Steel Determination: Niv's determination is like steel, steady and sturdy. Years of his live he has learn not just patience is needed but ones will to do such task as well for the longest periods.
    Never backing down after many fail attempts or mistakes, he keeps marching on with harden strife until he has yielded fruit or until its proven fruitless. No mater the actions, until a result has been seen, Niv will continue until its over.
  • Dull fighter: Niv might be all seeing when it comes to the arcane, like second nature, but with his life spend nothing but training his mind, his body dose not favor as well. Niv might know how to bite or claw but dose not mean he is a true fighter, only fighting from instinct to survive or desperation of magic dose not resolve. He cant even fight correctly, with movements clearly rough, dull, and untrained. But some might say training will fix this, it wont. Niv is so focus on magic that he thinks its "Useless" to learn combat.
  • Tunneled Sight: Niv might be determinate and a dragon with great prowess, but, at the same time its his falling grace. Even if its obvious it might be a a lost cause, he continues still even after being told how it would obviously end. Refusing to back down until seen with his own eyes, thinking maybe there is a alternative or other chance. It dose not matter, until results are in eye, he wont back down unless he is pulled away or just stopped before.

{Arcana Branch}
"The art of healing those come far, not just for my own intention but of course others needs."

"Flames always burn bright, and its the element i favor"

{Breath Weapon}
Niv's Breath is not so functional its start, requiring time to prepare and charge as he takes deep breaths in-between. Resembling pressurized white flames, having thin shape at its start and slowly spreading out the farther off it is. (Think of a blowtorch)

  • Arcane Journeyman: As stated before, Niv has a rather long arcane training yet still greatly imperfect. But with current skills he is capable of working easily, casting spells slightly faster and knowing exactly what he wishes to cast. His mind capable of forging the exact image of what he desires and not lose focus after many practices.
  • Strategist: Niv is a smart dragon and he dose not put it to waste, in order to save lives or predict success in combat, one must formulate a strategy in order for it to be successful. Niv has worked consistently in the hierarchy, as even strategies are needed just to move something: witch is the fastest path?, witch is the less flight needed to preserve energy? and so on.
  • Feeble body: Niv is not the strongest of dragons, quite feeble and weak. He is self aware of his rather fragile and thin body, knowing that a dragon with just even more weight can cause him harm. With this always looming, he backs down quite easily and dose not dare try go up against ones of larger stature or worse, of greater shine than him. This includes even in normal interactions like talking.
  • Slow thoughts: Niv is not the fastest of thinkers, always with excuses of needing more time or that this would take longer. As such when time require near mere seconds to react, Niv might be on the low end and suffer consequences. Always fearing the negative outcomes, relying on a plan more than anything. After his accident, he refuses to go "Willy Nilly" most of the time as he calls it, always wishing to formulate first. Might be a good idea, but not always.

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LIFE, MAN!! T_T She's coming along, though...Just gonna keep this here for now.


Original art can be found here and here. Done by the wonderfully talented Ashley Atkins aka AshesDrawn.
22 | Female | Feathered Dragon Diplomat​

Tip to Base of Tail | 20' 4" (7.01 m)
Base of Tail to Tail Tip | 17' 10" (5.43 m)
Wingspan | 38' 4" (11.68 m)

Sharp violet eyes that shine like pure gemstones stare out above a long, elegant snout that starts with deep, glittering scales of black and gray as deep as the night sky. These dark scales fade into a shining silver that catches the light in little rivulets of shimmering beauty before casting back to deep black horns, three pairs stretching back in jagged rows. From between her horns extends a thin, fleshy webbing of brilliant amaranthine and cerulean sheens, which is at its longest between her crown of horns and diminishes by the time it reaches halfway down her long, curving neck.

Her silvery scales give way to shimmering feathers of the same gleaming silver colors at her shoulders, intermixing with bursts of violet and blue, which stretch across her body like streamlets of color. While her silvery scales do stretch along her belly and most of her sides, fading in and out of silver, gray, and black with veins of bright color fading in and out of view, depending on the angle she's seen from, she has a brilliant array of feathers that stretch from her haunches between her webbed wings all the way down to the tip of her tail. At the base of her tail, she has a fan of flight feathers, long and strong and as bright as a summer sky just before twilight with more streams of violet.

She is a lithe creature, serpentine in build with a longer neck and body and long, nimble limbs. Her talons are small, long and narrow, but sharper and harder than any blade, able to cut through stone. Her entire body gleams and shimmers like a beacon in the night, even the darkest parts of her shining like gemstones. She holds herself with an air of dignity, but never shrewd in composure or stature. Around her, there is an air of peace and tranquility, but every now and then, those brilliant eyes of amethyst may glaze with other feelings, entirely.

Deferential || Polite || Respectful
Having been raised by politicians, Nerahn'ya learned from even her hatchling years what it means to be considerate of the emotions of others. Understanding that dragons are especially prone to extreme emotion, she has learned to temper hers, almost to the point of stamping it out. She often defers to the views and opinions of others, only holding her ground when the views of those she is most loyal to come into question. Even when conversing on particularly touchy subjects, Nera gives the utmost respect to those she is conversing with, granting ample time for everyone to speak and always going last.

Straightforward || Honest || Candid
When it is her turn to speak, Nerahn'ya is not one to beat around the bush. While she may state things with a certain eloquence that only befits a diplomatic figure, she goes straight for the point and spares no one in the process. She prefers to get right at the problem and save everyone time and patience. She hates liars and cheats, feeling that they are the true scum of the world. Secrets being kept, especially when her people are at stake, are a particular issue for her.

Inquisitive || Adventurous || Intrepid
From even a very young age, Nerahn'ya has seen the world as a magical and wonderful place to explore. She is keen on asking questions - especially those involving her own situation, and she is surprisingly perceptive when it comes to spotting someone keeping something from her. Her daring attitude and desire to live outside the means which her parents have set for her consistently pushes her to find the answers to all of her questions, even if these answers are not the ones her inner hatchling desires to hear. With all her life has brought her, she is willing to brave any storm if it means learning more about herself.

Wary || Vigilant || Guarded
When it comes to her own personal feelings and views, Nerahn'ya has a very tight lock on things. She is not one to share how she is doing with others, even some who would deem themselves her closest peers or family. She keeps a watchful eye on everyone around her, as though someone is going to explode at any second when in actuality, she might just be the next one to do so. While she accepts emotions as an extreme for others of her race, she holds herself to such high standing that she has yet to accept this fact about herself. Due to this, she lets no one in on how she is doing as just Nera.

Adaptable || Versatile || Astute
Being raised in a political household, where everything is always changing with the times and the tension between the two races of dragons, Nerahn'ya has learned when to change her responses to things and adapt to the situation at hand. She is clever and quick-witted, often seeming to know when to make a remark and when to hold her tongue. However, this can sometimes give off a monotonous air about her, as though she almost doesn't care about the world she is responding to.

Perceptive || Observant || Intuitive - Nerahn'ya is particularly perceptive when it comes to the reactions of others, especially other dragons. Due to her long exposure in the world of politics, she is especially observant with the responses that are common with liars, cheats, and those who hold secrets. She is one to trust her gut and act on these perceptions.

Flexible || Resourceful || Enterprising - When it comes to creating relationships between other dragons and herself, Nerahn'ya has a vast set of skills born of being raised by politicians. She is happy to use any means necessary to gain the trust of another creature she knows she needs on her side, even if it takes her as low as being shamelessly narcissistic or begging. She loves to carve her own path to new access points in the long maze of politics and create innovative diplomatic solutions to problems she often feels shouldn't be.

Uptight || Anxious || Edgy - Nerahn'ya, in many ways, is a ticking time bomb. Because she is not willing - or perhaps not able - to accept her past or the emotions that boil up from it, she locks them away in a drawer in her mind and keeps it locked tight all of the time. In many cases, this makes her appear as though she has a cold shoulder - like she wears her heart on her sleeve, per se. However, these emotions never truly leave Nera, and because she keeps all of the negative energy in her head, she sometimes seems to vibrate with anxiety and nerves. It's only a matter of time before those emotions start to boil over.

Rash || Imptetuous || Abrupt - Due to Nerahn'ya's inquisitive and adventurous nature, mixed with her youth and misunderstanding of the world around her, she can sometimes act on an idea or thought without fully thinking it through. She may perceive something - the twitch of an eye or the flaring of a nostril - and act on it without waiting to get a full picture. Because of some of the pent-up anger that she isn't willing to accept, she can be known to pick fights at times when she's had a bad day.

Protective Air User
"Dance like the wind on a summer's song...sing like the world needs your lullaby..."

Breath Weapon
Sonic Scream - While Nera does not produce the typical flame, cold, or acidic breath of most dragons, she has the power of the wind on her side. She can fill her lungs to an incredible extreme and blast it all out in one scream that can boom so loudly around her that it causes temporary blindness and ringing in the ears. As she gains more control over the scream, she will be able to direct it to a certain point, even allowing it to shatter glass and - later - crystal.

Melodious Voice - Nerahn'ya is well-known for her twinkling, gentle voice that reminds most of the natural melodies played on the wind. From even a young age, she has pursued this part of herself, feeling it is not only her passion but her duty to everyone to focus on this natural talent. Due to this, she has a great deal of control over the range of her voice, from pitch to tone and everything that her music could involve. She's even been known to sing for the festivals of mortals from time to time.

Arcane Studies - Being the adopted child of diplomats born with the natural capabilities of protective arcana, Nera has been raised with tutors from all over to help hone her skills in the realms of all things magic. She has a particular insight for her own branch of Arcana, and she's even been able to dabble more in Illusion than others who are naturals with the protective branch. However, because she focuses mostly on protective, illusion, and even healing, she has almost no knowledge of offensive arcana.

Reliant on Element - Being a friend to Air, itself, Nera has grown to rely very heavily on the Element to always be around, not only for its Arcane power but also for its friendship to her. Air was always by her side, gifting her with the music that always pushed her to sing. And it always knew just what she needed to protect herself and those she loved. Without Air, Nera feels completely helpless.

Smaller Stature - By almost all accounts, Nerahn'ya is quite a small dragon. Being only the length of four or five horses, she is small enough for a mortal to ride comfortably. Not only would this give her a disadvantage in a physical fight, but it also makes her look weak and not worth the effort. While she doesn't let her size get in the way of doing her duty to her people, it does often get in the way of other, more physical tasks that would normally require a full-grown dragon to take care of.

Coming Soon
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