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Fandom Fight for Control [closed]

Kylo listened intently to Kos’tel’lanni’s story for any clues on Reveille, or if there was anything he could fault her for. The First Order employed many with unsavory pasts, so he couldn’t comment on the nature of her hire, especially now as she has obviously proved her worth to many people.

“I’m aware of the man and his accomplishments.” He may not know of Grand Admiral Mitth’raw’nuruodo as well as Kos’tel’lanni or even Reveille, but he heard of the naming in passing, in documents, and through various other means.

“Do you have a wish to one day inherit her position?” Kylo didn’t elaborate on what he meant by his question. Whether she wanted to see Reveille gone, or other means more...unfavorable for Kylo. “Surely someone of your skills see yourself even higher.”


“Senate politics are hardly my forte.” Others in her family dealt with that, but she hardly kept up with the exact details of politicians and their stances and issues. So she wasn’t surprised her assumption on Governor Tarkin was incorrect.

Lavinia did agree with Armitage that politicians were snakes. She knew enough of them growing up, and she knew that they never did anything unless they knew they could gain from it. “Indeed they are.”

She didn’t quite know the history behind General Organa and Governor Tarkin though. “So he’s a man with many hidden agendas.” Those were the most dangerous men to get involved with. They don’t hesitate to double cross someone if it meant their gain.

“If only we had a way to distract him long enough to last through the meeting.” Even then, they would need something to last longer than the meeting in case Kylo decided to hunt down Governor Tarkin and had a chat with the man himself, privately. That would certainly push the First Order in a negative light for the Tarkin. Or further into one.
It wasn’t unheard of for people to not know Mitth’raw’nuruodo, even within their own ranks. At least, not by that name. They knew Grand Admiral Thrawn, of course, and so Kos’tel’lanni would admit to some impression that the Supreme Leader not only recognized it, but spoke the entire name himself. The pronunciation could use work, but then again, what chiss name didn’t require some practice by humans?

She would not comment on it. The fact he wasn’t shortening the names was a progressive step.

“No,” Kos’tel’lanni answered, “There is little I would gain in inheriting the position and more to lose. I do not envy you, General Hux, or Admiral Hux, your positions. When things go wrong, all the blame falls onto your shoulders and it is a burden you must bear. My task within the First Order are much the same as Admiral Reveille already, without the risk of being to blame for anything coming crashing down on us.”

She took on additional tasks in regards to the well-being of some of the crew, but that was of her own volition. Any non-human knew they could come to her, if they were fearful of approaching Reveille, and air any issues they were having – and Kos’tel’lanni would see it handled.

“I enjoy being able to work without as much scrutiny, I feel it allows me to do more. I do appreciate your recognition, and if it came to it, I would take her position, but I do not long for it,” rather like Rani did not long to be Commander.

It was a problem among the non-human ranks in general, a certain shunning of stepping up further out of fear, though at least in Kos’tel’lanni’s case, she could more readily admit it wasn’t fear, so much as the fact she would gain nothing from the promotion of value.


On that much, it seemed, Althea and Armitage could agree. Politicians were snakes, and Governor Tarkin’s agenda was a relative unknown, unless he was being honest in the Senate. If that was the case, Armitage wasn’t sure why he would be humoring a conversation with the First Order. He had made his stance fairly clear: he was completely against world-destroying weapons, and all they implied and stood for.

“The only distractions he seems to have are Luke and the Scavenger, and Luke’s dead,” and Armitage had no idea how to contact the Scavenger, tempting as it was to consider. “I doubt he’d be so easy to distract in the presence of someone so closely tied to Darth Vader, anyway.”

It was more than possible that a the Senator who occupied Palpatine’s old quarters on Coruscant even had relics of the Empire tied to Darth Vader or the Emperor, and Kylo seemed to collect those ridiculous things. He knew plenty of Senators in the Centrist ranks loved to show off those kinds of things when they hosted parties. “Unless you have some ideas, it seems we’ll likely be writing off Governor Tarkin and the Imperials as allies.”

And so they’d have to deal with war on Spira and Tepasi, battles that would be costly.
Kylo’s careful deliberation in the little details of their conversation, such as how he spoke Mitth’raw’nuruodo’s name, was fully intentional. He wanted to try and soften Kos’tel’lanni in their conversation. See how much she would be willing to divulge to him if he played agreeable.

“Interesting.” He didn’t really find her answer all that interesting. Many didn’t wish for much in life, just for a simple job to get them through life. He did enjoy her explanation behind her answer interesting.

He was one who always wanted the power. Kylo knew what he wanted, and he knew how to take it. Now, he simply had access to more resources to get to his goal. “Most around here yearn for as much power as they can take.” He knew that the Huxes were exactly that, and yet their positions combined with their ambitions posed a threat for him.

He continued on, his purposeful strides down the corridors sending a message to anyone in the immediate vicinity to duck out of the way. “Do the two of you always see eye-to-eye?”


“And the Scavenger’s far gone,” Lavinia mused, mostly to herself though as her focus alternated between the task on her datapad and the general. What she largely knew of Rey was from whispers and rumors between the First Order officers, which only increased when she defeated Kylo Ren back on Starkiller Base. How she would love to chat with the Scavenger over a cup of caf.

“I guess all we can do for now is hope for the best.” To her, Armitage didn’t seem like the type to merely hope for the best. He’s a man of action, a man of control, so the fact that this situation was beyond his control had to be aggravating.

“But the old Imperial types are fickle ones,” she trailed off, seemingly lost in her own thoughts as her attention, once again, shifted back to the datapad. Her own family could be classified as such, and all too often they spoke with a mask on. Only she ever truly saw them without that mask.

Everyone had an agenda.
Kos’tel’lanni nodded her agreement. She was familiar with plenty of the power-hungry here, and the many masks they wore to try and show why they were ‘better’ and ‘more deserving’ than others. The fact she was content where she was, and had nearly as much power as Reveille herself, likely infuriated plenty who wanted her spot. She wasn’t stepping out of line to chase more.

“I would consider myself a poor lieutenant-admiral, and friend, if Admiral Hux and myself always saw eye-to-eye,” the addition of friend was Kos’tel’lanni’s own way of playing up her relationship to Reveille, aware she was undergoing an interrogation of sorts, no matter how peaceful.

After all, Reveille had upset Kylo.

“Admiral Hux and I still do not see eye-to-eye on the inclusion of ejector seats in TIE fighters, but she has graciously consented to allow them for the time being. There’s also the matter of how often escape pods are checked. I think she has them checked far too frequently, but,” a slight shrug, it was a minor disagreement. “Then there’s the problem of no pets on the Exigency.”

Kos’tel’lanni was fairly certain pets weren’t allowed on any ship, but that was hardly going to stop her from trying. “We have a few philosophical disagreements, as well as more petty opinions on ice cream flavors, but no…we don’t always see eye-to-eye, but we talk it through and come to understand the situation.” She noted the way people did move quickly away from them, her own strides effortlessly matching Kylo Ren’s.


Yes, unfortunately, the Scavenger and their leads on the Resistance in general, were far gone. Armitage knew it was better not to think long on that. It was better to proceed with the plan for the Core, even if it would allow the Resistance to regroup. What they’d gain from it would be more important.

He did scoff at the thought of ‘hoping’ for the best, though. “I will just have to trust Reveille to handle the situation,” which, she did not seem to be doing well right then. No matter. She would handle this, or she would be able to explain what went wrong, and likely add another reason for why he should make Kylo Ren’s actions against Snoke public.

“We’ve been dealing with Old Imperial types for years,” he reminded, and it was true, “Most of the Officers here are that,” and they were so stuck in their old ways. It gave him a headache most days. It was like they couldn’t see how the Empire failed, or understand the need for innovation. “You’ve had your own dealings with them before this, on Coruscant, haven’t you? Did you ever interact with Governor Tarkin or those in his circle?”
Kylo noted that he would have to start easing into the questions he truly wanted to ask Kos’tel’lanni soon. The Exigency may not be his ship, but it was still familiar. It held a familiar layout similar to the Finalizer, and although the Supremacy was much larger, as it served as the Supreme Leader’s ship, even that one still held a similar pattern to the turns of the corridors.

So far the Chiss did not offer much that Kylo could directly use against Reveille, but she did allow him a look into how others perceive the admiral. Unfortunately, it wasn’t exactly what he wanted. He needed something more incriminating.

“How often do you find yourself disagreeing with major decisions she makes that directly affects the First Order?” That he cared about far more than petty disagreements on ice cream flavors or status of pet acquirement on war ships.

“Has she ever said something that made you wonder if she was going to disrupt our overall plans?” Kos’tel’lanni felt more of an open book than Jinah did, but he also didn’t outright ask Kos’tel’lanni just yet if Reveille basically had his death in her immediate plans.


Lavinia did not offer a comment on Armitage’s trust in Reveille. He surely knew about her opinions on that woman by now, if their spectacle in the corridor was any clue. Though, if anyone could reign in Kylo, then maybe it could be her. If he didn’t force choke her first. Or if she just didn’t end him by ripping out a chunk of his throat.

She looked up from her datapad, laying the device flat on her lap as her attention fully shifted towards Armitage. “Governor Tarkin?” She bit her lip, debating on how she wanted to answer his question. If she answered in the affirmative, and if they ever found themselves near the man, then her identity would undoubtedly be revealed. Yet if she answered in the negative, and the same situation occurred, then the end result may be the same.

“I did,” she answered, lightly scoffing at the memory conjured in her mind. “I was quite difficult as a child. My mouth tended to get me into trouble a lot – more so than now.” And often led to her tumultuous relationship with her mother. “I don’t recall the exact event we were at, but apparently I had the gall to tell him how much my mother didn’t like him.”

After that incident, her mother tried even harder to shape her daughter into a docile and obedient child. “But that was so long ago, I doubt even he would remember that.”
Kos’tel’lanni let out a thoughtful hum as Kylo’s questions delved deeper, clearly looking for reasons to get rid of Reveille, to find something as harmful to her reputation as she had found on him. “Forgive me for asking for clarification, I have sometimes found my opinions differ, but would you please tell me what you would consider a major disagreement, or what the overall plan is? It is possible that Admiral Hux has told me something that contradicts your thoughts, or overall plan. I would like to give you an accurate answer, but if I only know her overall plans, I could not accurately tell you if they go against yours. As far as I understand it, the plan is, and has always been, to remove the cancerous New Republic from its position and take over the galaxy, to bring it under a single, manageable rule that will produce order, and thus establish peace, across the galaxy, through this unity.”

Kos’tel’lanni knew that in broad strokes, Reveille’s plans had always fallen in line. Galactic conquest, and bringing Order to the galaxy, but Reveille had stood at odds with old Imperials for a while, as was evident by her choice of crew. “For instance, I still consider our argument over TIE fighter ejector seats to be a major disagreement that concerns the First Order as a whole, as it impacts our equipment and our funds, but that may not be what you consider a notable disagreement.”

And even in that case, Kos’tel’lanni had ‘won’ that argument. Their TIEs had ejector seats and Reveille remained bitter about every credit that went towards it, imagining a better use for the funds but not yet having a need for those funds, so she allowed them to be channeled into seeing that they paid for the ejector seats.

Commander Sienar was also in disagreement with them, but Rani, and a host of others, was not. It was pointless in a space battle, but they tended to forget that plenty of combat occurred in the atmosphere of planets. In those cases, TIE pilots could be saved by ejector seats.


Armitage Hux did some math in his own head, considering the age of the current Governor, and trying to debate if it was the same one that she would have met as a child, before giving it up entirely. It was likely the man had been at plenty of social events, even as a youth himself. “I would put nothing by him – he’s the one who pulled out old Imperial documents recently to explain why having an army in the Seswenna sector was perfectly legal. I do not imagine anyone would truly agree that he needs Destroyers to deal with pirates, though.”

But it was an oversight of the wording, and one he had taken full advantage of when he wanted to show not just the shattered Republic, but the Resistance and the First Order, that he was prepared for war.

Armitage knew he wouldn’t be able to use the remaining Senators and their outrage at what Tarkin had done to his advantage. He wouldn’t be able to use the Resistance. No one was about to come after Tarkin at this moment, and he had known that. “Though I imagine it would not matter much to him now, unless your mother is still causing problems for him?” There, he arched a brow, curious if she knew such activities that could potentially spell a problem for the First Order.

If an alliance was to be made, Armitage would have to call off all slander from those in the organization. And those associated with it. If her mother was continuing to slander or speak ill of Governor Tarkin, that might require silencing, in some fashion.
“The plans are on a need to know basis,” Kylo snapped before taking deep breaths to calm himself. If he wanted, he could give Kos’tel’lanni the same treatment as he did Jinah to find out what Reveille had planned. But to invade the minds of two of her close allies? He imagined someone like her would ensure that he ended up dead by breakfast.

He had to employ more strategy here.

“That is the overall plan, yes.” But any simpleton in the First Order knew that. “Of course someone who has never flown a TIE fighter would fight to not include ejector seats.” Anyone who regularly flew them should know how essential an ejector seat could be for the survival of a pilot caught with damage over a planet. But no, Kos’tel’lanni was right. That didn’t matter at the moment.

“But has she ever said or done anything that even made you question if she truly saw what was best for the First Order? What was best to ensure that the plans, the plans you spoke, would be completed?" Or maybe the Chiss would say nothing. Maybe she would lie to him in the same way Jinah lied to him concerning what Reveille had planned against him.


Lavinia herself wasn’t sure on which Tarkin she had the displeasure of speaking such words to, but that hardly mattered to her. All were the same, weren’t they? Keeper of many secrets, and molded their inner circle to directly benefit their gain. “He must be afraid, then. Maybe he is indeed scared that the First Order would strike for what he has.” He had the privilege of balancing on the line of either side, and maybe he would play both like puppets until he ultimately had to pick one. The winner.

“My mother was the sort to lie sweetly to your face and plot your demise behind closed doors through false rumors and petty actions. She would do anything to increase her own social standing.” Lavinia didn’t fight the bitter tone in her words as she spoke of the woman who birthed her, yet rarely offered a warm moment. “She was exactly like the line of politicians who birthed her. But I haven’t talked to her in over tens years.” Not since she left home to create her own life.

She picked her datapad back up, continuing her work on compiling prices for the doonium and kyber. “For all I know, she’s dead.” Would she mourn if her mother had died several years ago? Lavinia wasn’t even sure herself. A few more taps on the datapad, and she sent a message to General Hux. “I just sent you the report concerning doonium and kyber and predicted future costs based on recent patterns and demands.”
Dare she mention that Admiral Reveille and Commander Sienar were among their best TIE pilots and they disliked the thought of ejector seats? No, of course not, Kos’tel’lanni could see Kylo Ren was not the sort who appreciated disagreement or questioning. At least, not right now. His own position within the First Order was far too fragile.

It made him tense.


Kos’tel’lanni focused on his query, “Of course she has,” the Lieutenant-Admiral answered, as if it were something she should do, and in her opinion, it was. “Her methods have sometimes been questionable to me, early on, and now, and I have questioned her on them to understand how they still adhere to the First Order agenda, to see if it was stepping into the personal. At times I have been made to understand, and at times I have made her see the error. Her most recent actions in not ridding the First Order of a traitor have been concerning to me,” she did not say his name, but he would know.

How would he not know?

“However, she seemed to have faith that their own reasons were for the greater good of the First Order, at that time,” whether or not her thoughts had changed were questionable, and she wouldn’t put it by Reveille to be plotting Kylo Ren’s demise at this second. “But she has never wanted to see the First Order itself fail, nor its agenda, even if she strongly disagreed with some decisions that were made.” Starkiller base, for one, but she never hindered it.


Armitage wasn’t sure if it would be better if the Governor was afraid, or if it would be better for him to be calm. People who were afraid, could react in unexpected, rash fashions, like animals. Yet the calm would be more aware and capable of clever responses. Neither seemed appealing, really. He just didn’t want to have to deal with it.

It seemed that Althea’s mother was one of the worst sorts. He knew their sort – he employed enough of them, notably Carise Sindian, who had been instrumental in seeing to the downfall of many senators – but it didn’t mean he liked them. Or her. She rather disgusted him, honestly, with her worship of his father as some sort of genius, but so long as he played the sorrowful son who held his father’s ideals, she kept doing her job.

The disgust played on his face, as Althea distracted herself and sent him the information he’d requested earlier. “Ah,” he glanced down to the notification, and brought it up. He’d have to crunch numbers now to see how to manage the best deals for what they needed, considering both time and capabilities. “Perhaps it’s a good thing I didn’t know my own mother,” the idle comment came. He had been taken from her as an infant, and even though he was on Arkanis and could recall it, his father had never introduced them.

She likely wasn’t so horrible, but who knew? He doubted she even wanted to know him; he was half convinced his father had raped her, anyways. She wouldn’t want to be reminded. “I need to begin considering the damages done to the Supremacy and the costs now,” he indicated, some way to cut away from that statement. “I still need information on the cost for plastoid,” the main component of the Stormtrooper armor.
Her words intrigued him at first. He hoped he would finally hear something incriminating about the admiral, but what she offered was less than desirable. “I see.” Of course he knew at what she hinted at. How could he not? It was the very reason he wanted to see Reveille gone or dead.

He fought away the urge to pin Kos’tel’lanni against the nearest wall. He fought away the urge to use the Force and his raw strength to draw answers from her she knew he sought. But he couldn’t. Not to her, Reveille’s most trusted.

His time with Kos’tel’lanni was drawing to a close. They neared the hangar, and Kylo had nothing he wanted. What a damn waste of time. “I thank you for answering my questions. You’ve been a tremendous help.” Although his tone was dry in speaking to her. “I hope the rest of your evening is well, and please, do let Admiral Hux know that I eagerly await seeing her again tomorrow.”


Lavinia looked at Armitage, a contemplative look on her own face when he mentioned his lack of knowledge concerning his mother. She said nothing on that matter. Did she die young? Did her and his father separate? A matter she simply couldn’t think of at the moment? Nevertheless, it was one she knew not to pester him about unless he spoke further.

Which he did not. If only she had the privilege of never meeting her mother.

She accepted their change in topic. “I actually think I have that information somewhere,” she mused, voice softening as she searched her datapad for the requested information. “Here we go. They reflect cost from a few weeks ago, so if you want up-to-date information, just tell me. But their prices rarely change drastically.” Plastoid was almost a steady supply and demand, though recent losses had the potential of changing those trends.

She stifled a yawn as she sent her old report to Armitage. What time was it? It had to be early in the morning. Maybe early shift were even beginning their morning routines. And she still had an entire day to survive. There wasn’t enough caf in the galaxy for this.
It had all timed perfectly. Kos’tel’lanni could tell by Kylo’s curt response that her answer had not been his desire. It was sad, of course, but perhaps one day he would consider it. One day, before it was too late, he might see that Admiral Reveille was not his enemy. That she had been advised otherwise, and gave Kylo the benefit of the doubt, anyway.

They made it to the hangar without incident, and there was, indeed, a ship already prepared with pilots stationed.

Kylo didn’t sound pleased as he thanked her, but Kos’tel’lanni wouldn’t call him on it. She inclined herself forward a bit, hand moving over her heart, “I will certainly let Admiral Hux know,” she would, of course. She would be going back to her to see what the woman had done in her spare time.

She just hoped not to find Schaeffer there.

Or Terex. Not that Terex would actually be there, but his hologram was annoying enough. ‘Slaver.’ That was a major disagreement. “I shall hope that all goes well tomorrow with Governor Tarkin,” she said as she righted herself. She wouldn’t turn away, of course. That would be saved until Kylo was out of sight.


Plastoid didn’t often change prices much. Armitage knew that, but people were also likely aware of the battles that had taken place. “An updated one would be best. I doubt the sellers are unaware of the recent battles. Many will likely try to raise the prices simply for that,” and he’d have to talk them down or find the best deals.

A hassle, but one he had to deal with, all the same.

He did note the stifled yawn, though. He managed to hide his smirk, but he took a glance at the time, “In a couple of hours, we’ll head to the Bridge,” he indicated. There would be some oversight to do, and learn more about the mission to Spira. It wouldn’t be done, but he imagined Reveille would have at least set off by then.

He could assess what needed to be done without Kylo Ren and Reveille fucking everything up. Likely a quick trip to get some of the materials. He hoped it could all be done nearby, but he had a sinking feeling he’d need to go to Canto Bight.
Tomorrow was another day. Tomorrow he will be reunited with Admiral Hux once again, and he will continue to watch her closely and attempt even further to gain an upper-hand on the cunning woman. If Kos’tel’lanni hadn’t stopped him in the training room, he just wondered if the match would’ve ended in blood.

He nodded once more at Kos’tel’lanni as a gesture of goodwill. More so politics than anything else. Without another word, Kylo ascended into the shuttle that was prepared for him, and for the evening, he decided to return to the Supremacy.

He needed a quiet evening where he could think. He needed an evening away from that annoying general...which reminded him of the officer he placed with the general. A face to face chat of an update wasn’t feasible that evening. Not when she relocated to the Finalizer to play the role to which he assigned her. So he sent her a message, a message demanding a detailed write-up on everything General Hux has done while he was distracted with Reveille.

The crew of the shuttle worked tirelessly around him to ensure a swift arrival to his ship. He paid them no mind. Not when the meeting the next day between himself, Governor Tarkin, and Admiral Hux was on the forefront of his mind.


“I’m sure the sellers have advisors whose sole job is to inform them of any battles.” It was all business for them. They didn’t care to whom they sold, as long as they made money. Resistance. First Order. All were the same for them.

Lavinia noticed an unread message on her datapad from some time ago. Wonder how I missed that. For the time being, she left the message alone. Whoever it was was probably asleep at the moment, and therefore the message could wait. She pushed the thought aside to focus on compiling the information on plastoid for Armitage.

She wasn’t sure if she wanted to groan because they still had a few hours to go until left for the Bridge, or because Armitage was true to his word in that she would be receiving no sleep until the end of the next day. A naive part of her had hoped it was a scare tactic, and yet the opposite proved to be true.

“What is next on your agenda?” With Phasma’s replacement largely taken care of, and the prices of material nearly done, and her inability to read the general’s mind, she wondered what their day held for them.
On the other line of the comm, Terex was laughing his ass off, as Admiral Reveille Hux sat in her office with her head in her hand. “So, let me get this straight,” Terex finally said, as the laughter died off, “besides the brilliant opportunity that Chiss of yours gave you to fuck Kylo Ren,” a groan followed that, “which certainly would have helped the Jedi freak out – non-attachment is a bitch, isn’t it?” Reveille’s gaze cut to the comm, even if Terex couldn’t see, “you want me, and correct me if I’m wrong, you want me to go spy on Tarkin for you?”

“Is it something you cannot do, Terex?”

“I think you’ve forgotten the vendetta he has against me for stealing the Carrion Spike.”

“I have not,” she answered, “there’s no need to confront him. I simply want all of his communications tapped, and to have him monitored. You have a system. You cannot tell me that Governor Tarkin is better at this.”

“Oh, he’s not. His little asshole followers are – you know they can find most stealth craft now?”

“Most.” She emphasized, “Not yours. Not mine.”

“Not yet. And Revy,” she winced, “you ain’t paying me enough for this kind of work. Now, maybe if you want to tell me where Csilla is—”


“And I thought we were friends.”

“Are you seriously talking to him?” Kos’tel’lanni asked, walking into the office.


Reveille disconnected the call, and crossed one leg over the other as she leaned back in her chair to fix Kos’tel’lanni with a look, one eyebrow raised. “I need Tarkin monitored. No one knows the Tarkins like Terex. Correct me if I am wrong.”

“You are not incorrect,” Kos’tel’lanni answered, stepping forward and taking a seat. Reveille’s quarters were not so bland as many would have expected. As they used to be. Exploration and visiting more worlds, learning about more cultures, had started to show in bits and pieces. The desk was wood, for one, not metal. “That does not change the fact Terex deserves only death.”

“His so-called slaves were hostages he used to feed his spy network, Kos’tel’lanni.” She knew the issue Kos’tel’lanni had. And Rani.

“It does not change the fact they were all non-human, nor that he himself is a disgusting xenophobe who is infatuated with the Empire.”

“No…but he’s a useful one.”

“He did not sound so useful there.”

“And I did not give him what he wanted, nor will I ever give him that.” Reveille kept her gaze and tone even. “Now why don’t you explain to me just why you dared to suggest Kylo Ren could come here?”

Kos’tel’lanni gave a nod, “It seemed a decent way for him to have you in a vulnerable position that did not involve violence, a way for him to see more without seeing much. Your overreaction to it would certainly make him believe he was winning something grand, that he would have something to hold over you. And you, of course, would learn his sleeping patterns, which I presume could have been useful to recognize when he was in a deep sleep, as well as see him at his most vulnerable, even if he would be unlikely to recognize that until later.”

Reveille’s gaze remained the same, before Kos’tel’lanni broke into a laugh and added, “And he seems your type, physically.”

“And yet you won’t let me sleep with strangers at clubs.”

“You’re drunk then. If you were sober, I’d let you.”

Reveille sighed, but it turned into a chuckle, and a shake of her head, “So,” she gestured out, palm up.

“He’s a horribly insecure and frightened man and we should have had his command shuttle shot down when it was going to Crait, like I told you.” Kos’tel’lanni stated, “However, as that opportunity is now lost, it seems we either tolerate him until Schaeffer can move, or we try to figure out how to mold him into something useful. I am inclined to believe it is possible, but it would be difficult. He seems to think any question to his authority is a direct challenge to it, and he clearly has it out for you.”

“And yet he likes you,” and Kos’tel’lanni wanted him dead.

Kos’tel’lanni shrugged, “I have always been good at my job, have I not?”

“You have,” she agreed. “And we’ll get through this. We survived Snoke.” Whether by figuring out how to deal with Kylo, or getting rid of him…it was yet to be seen.

Kos’tel’lanni nodded. It was tempting to tell her of Hux’s call. Tempting to let her know of a few things, but they were best kept on a need-to-know basis. The less Reveille knew, the better, but when it was time to act…they would. She would let Reveille determine it. “Is there anything you need done before departing?”

Reveille shook her head, “Just be sure to call Tarkin and make him aware.”

“Of course,” Kos’tel’lanni rose, “I will see you in a few hours.”

“Thank you,” Reveille also rose. No point staying in her office, she needed sleep. “Good night, Tel.”

“Good night, Reveille.”

Early morning arrived, and Reveille was in her ship, with Schaeffer, Jinah, and Rani, right on schedule. She felt like she’d gotten enough sleep, but that didn’t stop her from proceeding to pick up a cup of iced caf before she left the Exigency for Spira.

She wasn’t dressed in standard attire, nor was Schaeffer, who had been briefed that he would accompany her as something of a guard. Given the way this situation could explode, she felt she might have to trust him for the moment – at least over Tarkin and Kylo. The pair of them were still in whites, but his was more of a suit than a uniform, and she donned a white dress. No weapons were obvious, save one, perhaps – a golden lightwhip coiled around one arm like a wrap-bracelet. Golden jewelry helped to offset the obvious nature of it.

Schaeffer had his own hidden weapons, too.

Eventually, they reached Spira, and the towering, spiral hotel that so many came to meet at. Rani eased their ship into the hangar, “Any sign of the Supreme Leader’s ship?” Reveille asked, glancing about.

Schaeffer was the one checking the scanner. “No. I believe we have time.” Ideally they would meet Tarkin first.

“Let’s not waste it.” Reveille moved out of her seat just as soon as the ship stopped. “Stay with the ship.”

“Oh come on! The one time we get to go on planet—” Rani started.

She shut up with a glare from Reveille. “Kay!” And out the door went Reveille, and Schaeffer.


The ginger let out a snort at the assessment, though he was certain that Althea was right. It was good business to be aware of battles, and try to figure how much desperation would follow them, to obtain the best price. They also had to monitor their competitors to make sure they were not going too high, or too low. “I’ve little doubt of that.”

The following day was likely to be interesting. Or, well – later today by this hour. He would see how well his new aide managed without much sleep, for one. Secondly, part of the day he wouldn’t have to worry about Kylo Ren.

“When we go to the Bridge, I will send the Supreme Leader the information about who I have selected. Presuming he responds quickly,” which he may, or may not, depending on where he was and how distracted he was by his business. “we will then go speak to the new Captain and introduce them to their new tasks. If he does not, or if that finishes up quickly enough, we will arrange meetings for the materials and ships, and acquire them. Some of this may be dependent on how the meeting with Governor Tarkin goes.”

If that went south, he may have to adjust things to acquire more ready-made ships, instead of plan to build some from scratch. Or speak with Commander Sienar about payment plans, anyways, loathed as he was to deal with his subordinate in a fashion that gave him power of determination over how well the First Order handled their next battles.

But material did cost.

Armitage could at least respect that if he wanted to continue doing business with them, then they had to turn a profit.
The rest of the evening proved fruitless. One Stormtrooper did note how the Supreme Leader took his frustration out on an innocent panel in a deserted room, but no one would dare approach him for his destructive act. Not when it’s been done before. Not when they could just as easily find themselves at the end of his crossguard lightsaber.

The next morning arrived after a sleepless night. That lieutenant he stuck with the general had messaged him back sometime during the night, when he had tossed his datapad aside in an attempt for some semblance of rest. Unfortunately there was nothing of interest in the message. Just a quick update on everything General Hux had done: picked a replacement for Phasma, and sort out what needed to be bought to help the First Order recover their losses. Hardly the stuff he cared about, but he had no reason to doubt her just yet.

Besides, a face-to-face conversation will happen one day soon. Then he can determine her truthfulness.

He wasted no time in departing for Spira. He didn’t need a reason for Reveille to chastise him in any way, especially if Governor Tarkin was in the room. The only difference in his appearance was the lack of the heavy cowl that was normally wrapped around his body. He still wore the black tunic and black pants that he was accustomed to, with his lightsaber securely fastened to his belt.

Anyone would be a fool to demand him to leave his treasured weapon behind.

Soon enough his command shuttle reached Spira, and the towering spiral of a hotel glistened in the sunlight, a symbol of the opulence shared on the resort planet. Right when the planet first entered the atmosphere, Kylo sent a message to Reveille, alerting her of his own arrival. Should she not be there, or should she be off somewhere on the planet.

As he disembarked, he noticed the admiral’s shuttle in the hangar, and he briefly wondered how much longer she had a chance to scan the surrounding area. It didn't matter. He would easily track her down.


“Good.” The sellers were some of the slimiest in the galaxy. They didn’t care who they sold to. They didn’t care who won, who lost, who died, or who survived. At the end of the day, all they cared about were the credits in their account and spending them as fast as they could on Canto Bight. “They’re as much of snakes as politicians.” Her father and his family were the prime example.

Lavinia continued on the report, but Armitage’s answer did not go ignored. So it seemed that it would be quite a busy day ahead. She did muse on his use of the word ‘we.’ Did he trust her to be smart enough to remain quiet, or obedient enough, for when they met Phasma’s replacement?

“I’m curious,” she started, her speech a bit slow, cautioned, from hesitancy for how Armitage may react to her words, “why don’t you place some of these tasks on someone else? For example, someone else could acquire those materials for you.” Surely the general thought himself above doing something so menial?

Her index finger lightly tapped the edge of her datapad as she finished up the hurried report on plastoid. Once sent to the man before her, her fingers brushed through her hair before realizing it was still held at the nape of her neck in a regulated bun. Several strands fell loose, but she hardly paid them attention at the moment. It would be fixed before they left for the Bridge. "I just sent the information concerning plastoid."
It was too early for most to be roaming the halls, which was advantageous to Reveille and Schaeffer. The lifts were easy to call, and it did not take them long to rise up to the heights of Spira, to the floor where they were supposed to meet Governor Tarkin. Public. A ‘quaint’ café on a balcony overlooking the waves.

“Scout,” Reveille said as she stepped off the lift with Schaeffer. “Stay out of sight until given directive otherwise. I have an earpiece in, use it sparingly,” it would be muted on her side, but she would be able to hear what he said.

He gave a curt nod, “Of course,” and with that, he shifted away, moving into the morning crowds that seemed more populace up here, likely because of the many open areas and balconies, as well as the delicious smells of caf and breakfast foods all around.

Reveille felt her datapad vibrate in her purse and she drew it out, noting the message. She sent one back.

I’m just outside the Crystal Song.​

Not that she stayed outside; Reveille stepped in and skimmed the area, before letting her eyes lock on the hostess who approached, “Governor Tarkin’s party?”

“Oh! Right this way, miss.” The hostess gestured her forward, and soon enough, she was able to see the Governor overlooking the ocean from his balcony seat. Laughing.

He wasn’t alone, and when Reveille saw who he was with, she immediately wanted to abort the mission.

Count Alessander Demici was with him, hair green now. Last time it had been nearly white. He had on that usual, lazy smirk of his. Both of them had an orange shimmer around them, however faint, the rays of the morning sun still caught it – and Governor Tarkin noticed her all too soon. He rose, dressed well in a navy suit.

“Admiral Hux,” he said, stepping forward to clasp her hand in both of his as the hostess stepped aside. He looked then to the hostess, “A mocoa, please. That is one of your preferences, is it not?”

There was no denying it, so Reveille didn’t, smiling, “Yes, it is.” And with that, the hostess stepped away.

“Where is the Supreme Leader?” Alessander was the one to ask, shifting a bit in his own seat.

“He is on his way,” Reveille indicated, reclaiming her hand and moving to a seat closer to Alessander. Best to keep Kylo further from him. “I was not informed you would be here, Count.”

“No, it was intended as a surprise, given our common interests,” the Governor noted, “I suppose that will be a conversation for another day.” They could hardly speak freely with the Supreme Leader soon to show up, about their mutual dislike of Force sensitives.


Armitage considered denying that the merchants were as snakey as the politicians. At least the merchants were honest in their greed, and their selfishness. So long as they were well-paid, they were useful. Politicians were rarely so straightforward, and he’d prefer not to have to deal with them himself.

Sellers such as these? Not so complicated.

Althea’s query seemed to come from that assumption, and that this was far beneath him. He arched a brow at that, “A General’s duties is to plan battle strategy. Part of that involves resource management. I could ask someone else to do this, but they would not have the authority to alter the plans if other deals or complications came up.”

The First Order funds were not so easy to access. Not even Phasma had such access to them. “When I go myself, it takes out the middle man. Too many sellers like to think they can bargain with my subordinates, or offer deals to my subordinates, wasting all of our time by sending them back to me to try and determine if they can accept the deal. If I were to send subordinates, I would be fielding messages all day.”

When they saw it was him, there was no question. He was where it all stopped. Only a fool would want to get Kylo Ren, or before that, Snoke, involved.

The information about the plastoid arrived, and he glanced down to it, bringing it up, “I do not enjoy going to bargain with these individuals, but it is more time efficient.” And it got him off the ship. He didn’t usually like to leave the ship, but with Kylo Ren as Supreme Leader…

Perhaps he’d just time it for when Ren would be returning.

He nodded a bit at the information, “Prices do not seem to have changed much. Good.”
It didn’t take Reveille long to message him back, though he wished it was sooner. He aimlessly wondered around the ground level as he awaited her answer, and the few patrons and workers who were awake gave him a quick stare before adverting their gaze. He was a tall, imposing figure dressed in black. There were going to be a few curious gazes.

When he read the message, he turned to the nearest worker. A young man whose round face and nervous expression indicated a boy not quite into adulthood. “Where’s The Crystal Song?”

Stammering, the young man answered, and Kylo stalked off to the nearest elevator without another word to the man. The lift carried him high above Spira and the famous beaches of the planet.

His footsteps were lackadaisical. Dark eyes swept across the area until he found the cafe in question. Walking over, he was gently stopped by the hostess. “Do you have a reservation?”

“I’m here to see Governor Tarkin,” he replied with a bit more gruff than intended. That seemed to silence her, as she merely motioned him towards the table Governor Tarkin occupied, as well as someone unknown to him and Admiral Reveille Hux. He had seen the other man before...in Reveille’s thoughts. Someone to not trust.

“Governor Tarkin,” he spoke as he stopped in front of their table. “Admiral Hux,” he nodded to her, before pausing on Count Demici. “And I believe we haven’t met yet?”


Lavinia accepted Armitage’s answers. Allocating such a task on someone else involves a level of trust that no one seemed to hold in the First Order, and she could understand why. Any slip-up, any alterations of resource amounts could spell disastrous if the officer in negotiations weren’t prepared with every little plan and detail of the First Order. “That is understandable.”

When the general didn’t immediately task her with something else, she turned her attention towards the unread message on her datapad. “Do you believe there’s any risk in a sudden inflation due to the recent battles? If so, then we should probably secure them as soon as possible.” She glanced up at him as she spoke, but her gaze shifted back down at the datapad as soon as she finished her inquiry.

It seem that their Supreme Leader had messaged her a few hours ago. Exactly what she thought, demanding a detailed report on everything General Hux had done that day. The man may be volatile, but he was predictable.

So she began her carefully crafted report, detailing the more monotonous tasks such as painstakingly selecting a replacement for Phasma and deciding which resources they needed to immediately buy. Anything related to possible treason against Kylo Ren was purposefully left out.
Of course, Matja Tarkin rose again to greet Kylo Ren, offering his hand, “Supreme Leader Ren,” he idly wondered if Kylo would notice on touch, that the Force around him had stopped flowing. He noticed it himself, something that Alessander had waved off and just suggested he not wear the shields often; disconnecting from what literally gave life to all things wasn’t the best idea for the long-term. “This is Count Demici of Serenno, one of my advisors,” he gestured out with his other hand to introduce him.

Alessander just lifted a hand in a lazy hybrid of a wave and a salute, “Yo.” It was fairly clear he’d rather be elsewhere, even if he might be interested in seeing the results of his shield in action.

“I am pleased you were able to make time in your schedule to meet, Supreme Leader. I had hardly hoped to meet the leader of the First Order themselves.” Whoever it was at any particular time.

Governor Tarkin was expecting quite a few more coups.

“Is there anything I can see ordered for you?”

Reveille remained silent, for the moment, but her drink was brought over – iced, thankfully, though it hadn’t been mentioned. She nodded as she took and used it as an excuse to stay silent.


Armitage recalled why he worked alone – interruptions.

He could hardly start to chart out how many of each ship he could buy, and how much doonium, or plastoid, with the questions that came. His gaze didn’t lift to Althea as she inquired further, he just sighed. “There is always a risk, but that is why I had you send me the information. If it was going to happen, it would have already,” or at least, he believed it would have.

It would have happened shortly after the battle, and hung on for a week or so, at least. He may have waited it out, but he didn’t notice any drastic changes.

It seemed after that, Althea managed to distract herself with her own business. He glanced up a couple of times to see her typing, but he did not question it. It gave him time to start to construct ideas, based on the needs of the Supremacy, and what he suspected would be necessary, if they didn’t come to blows with Governor Tarkin immediately.

As it slipped into morning – or what most would call morning, anyway, he did finally send a message to Kylo Ren, indicating who he had selected, and included a spreadsheet of the others so Kylo could see why PA-0244 was the best option, before he rose, “I need to get dressed for the day,” even if he hadn’t undressed, he still needed to put on clean clothes and go through his routine. “You may return to your room if you like to prepare. I’ll expect you in the Bridge in at least fifteen minutes, Lieutenant.”
Kylo firmly grasped Tarkin’s outstretched hand in his own gloved one, and in an almost instantaneous thought, he knew something was off. Then the realization struck him like subsequent dominos. The Force bypassed him. Reveille had research in gadgets that could do just that.

Oh, well this will be interesting.

As soon as his hand pulled away, he elected to sit in a chair next to the woman. He made no further sign of acknowledgement to Alessander, but he still remained on guard. As of right now, Kylo had no reason to trust any of them, and Governor Tarkin was their leader.

“You must have low ambitions, Governor.” Never mind the fact that Kylo wouldn’t even bother with a meeting with the governor if it weren’t for Reveille. “Ah, and no, I don’t care for anything at the moment.”

He wondered how long the three of them had been there before he arrived, and if they discussed anything of importance concerning either him or the First Order. But there was no far to know for sure without digging into some heads, and he had a strong feeling that Governor Tarkin’s would be a struggle to get through. “I hope I didn’t miss too much before I arrived.”


Lavinia remained silent after Armitage provided her an answer. She had nothing else to add to the conversation, and she enjoyed having a break from the tasks he previously assigned her.

After she finished up her message to Kylo Ren, she fiddled around with various reports and files of the First Order she had access to. Made sure she knew of vital information. Made sure her own file had no holes. Made herself look busy so she could relax some before the day shift started.

And she didn’t even realize when time neared for their presence on the Bridge. Not until Armitage spoke up, breaking the silence she grew use to. She rose from her chair, several body parts popping as she stretched from being in one position for so long. “Thank you, General. I will see you in a little bit.” With a slight nod of her head, she turned around and left his office and his quarters.

Once she returned to her own quarters, she immediately headed to the washroom. While she didn’t have time to fully shower, she did have time to wash her face with cold water to help her wake up, followed by fixing her hair back into a tight uniform-regulated bun. In only a minute she stripped off her day-old uniform and proceeded to put on a fresh one.

Despite her lack of rest, Lavinia at least felt somewhat normal again.

With a huff, she let off for the Bridge, which she miraculously found with no issue. Ah, made it in thirteen minutes. Someone give me a fucking medal.
Matja Tarkin did not so much as react to Kylo’s off-hand statement about his ambitions. It was better not to fuel such things with a response, and so he paid attention only to his declining of anything to drink, and glanced to the waitress to see her off with a simple inclination of his head, before moving to the obviously leading statement.

He kept an amiable smile on his lips as he shook his head, “No, we were waiting for you,” he said, “we only discussed our similar interests in stealth craft, and how far along they’ve come since the days of Wilhuff Tarkin – which, sadly, is not far at all, but then again, he was always ahead of his time.”

Matja himself took up his water, only a bit of citrus added to it, “My arrangements with Admiral Hux, and Lieutenant-Admiral Kos’tel’lanni, were to discuss the potential of an alliance with the First Order. I had hoped to have this conversation even before now, but that Hosnian Cataclysm did make me reconsider. Mass planetary destruction isn’t a good look – I should know.”

He dealt with that over his head. It was the Tarkin legacy, and in the aftermath of the cataclysm he had to field quite a bit of issues and questions that came his way. Armitage Hux and the First Order may have destroyed more planets than Wilhuff, but still, they would never become so eponymous as Tarkin with it. “Still, I thought I owed it to my people and this galaxy to learn the goals of the First Order, and to see if they align with the good of the galaxy. Now that you are in charge instead of Snoke,” he tilted his empty hand towards Kylo, “I would hear more from you. Sell me on joining with the First Order.”

Despite his words, there was something in the tilt of his grin, and the look in his eyes, that said he had already made his decision. Reveille could recognize it – a man looking for a weapon, for his enemy to hang themselves.

“Governor Tarkin, if I may—”

“You may not. I apologize, Admiral, but with the Supreme Leader here, I prefer to speak directly with him.” The woman seethed, but gave a nod. Fine then. She would stay quiet, for appearance’s sake. If they had any hope, it remained in appearing unified, even if Matja knew the truth. Or thought he knew the truth.

Those things were meant for Snoke, not Kylo…if she could twist it to that understanding, that Kylo was somehow better….


Althea took her dismissal, and Armitage was able to leave soon after he’d changed into his own clean clothes and tidied up, for the Bridge. He was there before her, of course, and able to check the status of things.

Both Supreme Leader Ren and Admiral Hux were gone – with Hux, Schaeffer, Rani, and Jinah gone with Reveille. All of this information came directly from Lieutenant-Admiral Kos’tel’lanni, who was far too cheery for the morning.

Then again, she always was.

At least it wasn’t so bad as Rani.

She was providing additional details on the damage to the Supremacy, after its transport to the Core, and he was adjusting figures on his datapad so far as what raw material was needed when Althea entered the Bridge. Some attention shifted to her, including Kos’tel’lanni’s hologram.

“I believe I will need to speak with Commander Sienar about acquiring ships,” Armitage hated to say it, but it was true.

“Of course,” Kos’tel’lanni had expected that. “He is currently running drills with the Silencer squadron, but I can alert him to report to the Finalizer when he has finished to speak with you.”

“Please do,” he indicated, “I believe that was all the information I needed, Lieutenant-Admiral.”

Kos’tel’lanni nodded, “Then might I ask a favor?” Armitage arched a brow, but let her continue, “Have you selected a new captain?”

“I have, but I have not yet heard from our Supreme Leader about his approval.” Given, he only sent the message a few minutes ago.

“I understand. When you have received approval, I would like to speak with them. Though I know Captain Phasma was only that, it had always felt like she was your second-hand, and I would like to meet the one stepping into her place to better facilitate relationships. I would also like to meet your aide,” Reveille seemed to want her dead, so it seemed important to meet her to discern why.

Armitage wasn’t in the least bit surprised. “I will inform you when I hear from the Supreme Leader.” Until then, it looked like he couldn’t go break the news to PA-0244 prematurely, “How long do you suspect Commander Sienar will be?”

“A bit, unfortunately. I would go ahead and acquire what you can for the Supremacy. I imagine that is priority, and then the excess can be more properly divided.”

It was what Armitage was thinking, and his gaze narrowed a bit to hear it spoken, but he bit back a comment. “Yes, that is what I will be doing,” there was still a sharpness to his tone. “I shall inform you when I need Sienar, then.” With that, the communications were disconnected.
“Such an...egregious action, the Hosnian System destruction, was not one I was pleased about. It’s not right to simply extinguish all those lives, all those resources without hesitation.” The Hosnian Cataclysm was one he never agreed with. The immediate snuff of all those lives...he felt it too harshly with the Force. Many voices suddenly silenced.

But Snoke would’ve seen that as a weakness in Kylo. A continued pull to the light. So he hid his thoughts on the event, buried it behind with the destruction of Starkiller Base.

Yet now he had to shift his focus back on Governor Tarkin and his request. Convince him to join the First Order. If only he could obtain a peek inside the man’s mind, but it was as if the Force simply surpassed him. Kylo resisted the urge to glance at Reveille, even after she was silenced by Tarkin.

“It’s simple...bring order to our chaotic galaxy.” His own lie, for Kylo had his own ambitions, but he copied the wishes of others. “Disorder has long reigned supreme since the Republic rose to power, but now we see a chance to bring a stop to that, to bring some semblance of organization to the galaxy. But in order to do so, we will need some help. Some powerful allies to aid us in our goal.”


Lavinia didn’t recognize the Chiss in the hologram that General Hux was talking to. She remained silent behind him as he discussed matters concerning allocating new resources to the woman, though an eye rose when she mentioned wishing to meet her

When the two disconnected, Lavinia paused a second before commenting, “She seems a bit chipper.” Should she be worried that she wanted to meet?

She wondered if she should ask who that was, but she had a feeling that either Armitage would tell her, or she would find out soon enough when they went to meet her. And Commander Sienar? Another name she wasn’t terribly familiar with, but with the aforementioned Chiss, she had the feeling she would learn soon enough.

“What do you need me to do?” was her simple question. Based on the conversation she heard, enough was planned for the day.
Matja gave a solemn nod as Kylo Ren expressed his distaste for what Starkiller had done. It was possible it was true, he had no grounds to question it on, but Kylo would have been a fool to defend it regardless of his opinions. Matja had made his stance clear: only a coward destroyed entire worlds. It was a way of admitting defeat, of admitting they were wrong, because they could not convince a majority to join their side.

Matja did scoff at Kylo’s assertion, though. “Those are pretty words. Did you steal them from the Senator of Lonera?” Tarkin couldn’t help the snide comment.

After all, he knew all about pretty words and lies.

“Your statements mean nothing. The Resistance wants the same. The New Republic sought the same. The Galactic Empire, the Jedi Order, the Old Republic, the Sith – every government and every militia that has come before, and that will come after you, desires that, Supreme Leader Ren.”

His blue eyes never left Kylo, bright as they were fierce.

“What I need to know is how you will strive to obtain it. All I have seen from the First Order thus far is a pale imitation of the Galactic Empire – and not even the good aspects of the Empire. How do you envision the future? How is your Order more certain than what we have seen in the past?”

Reveille could have answered. But she’d been told to be silent, so she kept her mouth shut, still wanting this to go well. She idly glanced over at Alessander, who was toying with his datapad. He didn’t bother shifting it out of her sight, but it was nothing notable; just some numbers game that Reveille found hard to keep up with, much to her own surprise.


“Lieutenant-Admiral Kos’tel’lanni,” Armitage said after the statement of her seeming ‘chipper’, “Admiral Reveille seems to insist on hiring chipper people,” he could think only of Rani with that, and a few others. How she tolerated it, Armitage did not know.

At her query, he sighed, “Since I have not yet heard back from Supreme Leader Ren,” he suspected he was caught up in dealing with Governor Tarkin, “We need to acquire the remaining supplies to repair the Supremacy.” Then they could move on to excess supplies, and hopefully, inform PA-0244 of their promotion.

“I need you to reach out to some of the sellers of doonium,” he instructed, “find out which ones can meet us within the next couple of hours, and set the appointments.”

He would, then, turn to one of the officers in the room, “See that my ship is fueled and prepared to leave in fifteen, with a pilot,” he instructed.

He was sure that his ship was in fine condition and already fueled, but just in case.

“Immediately, sir.” The officer said, and turned back to a monitor and pressed a comm button to start giving out the directions in hangar 1. Obviously, he couldn’t use the Finalizer, so he’d need to use his smaller starship. The Finalizer would stay here in the Core.
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One hand tensed at Tarkin’s uncouth comment. If the governor wanted a civil conversation, then he had to do better to hold his own tongue. But politicians weren’t the sort to do just that. They would cut through skin with just their words.

“What is it that you wish to see?” Kylo didn’t held the same eloquence or silver tongue as other high-ranked officers that worked beneath him. Tarkin’s ability to be unaffected by the Force irked him, and it seemed he wasn’t keen on Reveille speaking up for Kylo.

“It seems as if you already have an idea on how to accomplish this very goal.” He could very well make Tarkin’s accomplice sing their plans, but that would no doubt ruin any chances of an alliance with Tarkin and company. “So, please, tell me what you have envisioned for the future?”


Lavinia stopped herself from snorting at the thought of Admiral Hux purposefully hiring chipper people. She just couldn’t imagine it. The woman seemed to be the embodiment of spite. She left that thought behind. She can worry about Lieutenant-Admiral Kos’tel’lanni later.

Without another word, Lavinia turned to her datapad to send several messages, all detailing the same thing, to several of the doonium sellers they held information on. As she sent off the messages, she briefly mused if any of them would know her father, someone who was once heavily involved in the buying and trading world of greatly sought after materials. Anything to make a pretty penny.

She didn’t have to wait very long for the first seller to respond. “We have our first seller. Anolo Atar. Said he’s able to meet us as soon as possible on Canto Bight.”
Matja let Kylo ask his question. It was what he expected, in truth, from someone so unlearned in the game. His mother didn’t do much better. It was why she could not hold onto her position after it was revealed her father was Darth Vader. Not the father that mattered, not Bail Organa, but the only one the Senate cared to think about when it came to things, because bloodlines mattered more than choices.

He gave Kylo a grin that was entirely false, before his gaze shifted to Reveille, “Admiral, a hypothetical for you,” she arched a brow, apparently not expecting to be addressed any further. “If someone asked you, what you were looking for in a companion, would you tell them?”


“And why is that?” His voice lilted, just a bit.

“They would pretend to be that.”

“Precisely.” The word came like a hiss as his attention returned to Kylo Ren. “Now how am I supposed to think of you, Supreme Leader, when you evade my question, and instead look for insight from me? I could tell you, but I would hate to hear my own words parroted back as you try to buy me by pretending we share the same ideals or methods,” the glint in his blue eyes was both amused, and utterly exasperated. “I understand this transition to leadership is new to you, and if you would prefer, I can always speak instead to Admiral Hux. She, I know, at least has some Imperial grooming to try to formulate an answer that would be a siren’s call to those lost in the battered waves of chaos in this galaxy.”

Though he acknowledged Reveille, he did not break his gaze to her. It was steady on Kylo, a challenge.


Of course it was Canto Bight.

Armitage hated Canto Bight. It was a festering pool of all sorts of vile people with no loyalties, and though he acquired much there, he still looked forward to the day he could destroy that world, and let people know what their lack of loyalties had bought them. “Then we shall go to Canto Bight. Let him know we will be there shortly.” Lightspeed from the Core still took its time.

Though Armitage was familiar with Canto Bight to know his military wasn’t appreciated there, he had little intention of changing. It was formal enough for his tastes, and no one was going to be kicking him out. He had far too many credits for that.

So, he said simply, “By the time we get to the hangar, the ship should be ready to leave,” he wasn’t planning on a stop for breakfast, either, apparently. Or another cup of tea, as he walked to the door and exited the Bridge, expecting Althea to follow just as easily.

He didn’t consider her own attire was too informal.
Had Kylo been more experienced in hard politics, he would’ve seen Tarkin’s response from a parsec away. The man knew that the Supreme Leader was inept in this game. His cheshire grin spoke of that knowledge. And he would proceed to play Kylo like his own little chess piece.

His jaw tensed as he considered his options and fought off the urge to impale the man on his lightsaber. Kylo didn’t spare Reveille a glance as he mentioned her, although he did briefly toyed with the idea of allowing her to take over. Briefly.

But he was unlearned in the art of leadership. He was always taught to follow, to obey rules, to do what others commanded of him. And now he yearned for something greater. For his own destiny to rule. But now he was a part of a much larger game that he failed to know how to navigate.

And hell if he were to ask for help.

“But you already have your answer, don’t you? Something you decided before I arrived.” Kylo had no way to be confident of his assumption, which frustrated him to no end. What the hell did Tarkin do? “And you just wish to watch me dance like some damn marionette.”


Lavinia was quick to send a response and alert them that they’ll arrive in a little while. Her own opinion on Canto Bight was neutral. She neither cared nor was bothered by the city, despite knowing the type of people who ran the city, and who they ‘employed.’

She was quick to follow the general, yet she pondered on their destination. It was a lavish city, with only the richest in the galaxy serving at the patrons. She was sure her own parents visited a few times.

Surely she and Armitage would stick out like a sore thumb in that crowd? Like the obvious outsiders who were only there because they wanted something. Not that most on Canto Bight cared about affiliations...but could the risk be taken so lightly?

“Sir, if I may,” Lavinia interjected once they were in the corridors, “wouldn’t it be advantageous to not wear the First Order uniform in the city?” She also didn’t want to risk someone she knew seeing her in a First Order uniform. That was a possibility.
Matja’s brows knit together a bit as Kylo lashed out, still providing him with no answers whatsoever, and clearly unwilling to let someone more qualified take over. His position was, indeed, not secure. ‘Well, of course not.’ Given Reveille was already plotting a coup. She didn’t need to say it.

Their mutual interest had given Matja enough insight into her designs. It was only a pity they had been unable to meet without Kylo Ren present.

“While numerous peers of mine certainly waste their time by going into meetings and the like when they already know the outcome, I would ask that you not lump me into that group. I will not deny arriving with my own assumptions on your character based on your reputation – I am certain you have arrived with your own assumptions about me, just as well,” he spoke in an almost placating way. Indulgent. A mother trying to explain something simple to a child, rather than an adult speaking to another. “However, I have come with an open mind, given the fresh leadership change and turbulence your organization must be undergoing. I know how this went with the Empire.”

It became a multi-headed hydra. The First Order was only one head of that beast. Most of the others had been slain by the New Republic in the early years, when Mon Mothma was at the helm. The Tarkins had known to bow their own head to avoid having it sliced off. “If you have nothing to say, however, then neither of us should continue wasting each other’s time.”


Armitage kept his steps brisk, wanting to get this done and over with. However, they slowed a bit as Althea came up to him, inquiring about his attire. He had been to Canto Bight before, dressed just as he was. He had seen no issue with it. Perhaps a few people stared overlong, but who wasn’t going to recognize him?

Still, he opted to humor Althea, coming to a halt, “What advantages to you perceive existing, if I were to change?”

He knew his attire was not the norm seen there; even the Resistance didn’t show up in their unwashed mechanic suits. Well…most of them didn’t. He heard a bit about the fiasco of Rose and Finn by now. They hadn’t gotten in trouble for attire, but instead for parking their craft where it should not have been.

He wasn’t going to get into any actual trouble for wearing his uniform. He knew to respect the rules of parking and going to one of the public hangars, even if he loathed doing so. It was far too tedious, and hardly secure, but it was better than the beach, at least.
Kylo was fucking up. Even this he knew. He was not well experienced in various forms of public speaking needed to persuade and communicate the goals of the First Order on its exterior. Reveille Hux and her brother held that skill. Kylo knew how to intimidate the weak.

Tarkin was not.

And yet, the Force flowed away from him. If what he saw in Reveille’s mind, the research into the weapons to disable his Force abilities, were already made into weapons that could effectively stop the Force from effecting them...Tarkin had to have one. Maybe a part of him was scared.

“I do have one question, Governor.” He continued to fight the wave of ire the man in front of him provoked, but he could only hold it back for so long. Any more and the dam will crack. “Are you afraid of the Force?”

Kylo glanced over at Reveille, her attempted research into such weapons flickering across his mind, and his gaze swept back over to Tarkin as he spoke. “It doesn’t flow around you. I know there is research into devices that can manipulate the Force in various ways, such as preventing me from using it.”

He paused for a second, leaning sightly forward in his chair. “So, are you afraid? Are you afraid of what I can do?”


Lavinia momentarily questioned herself as to why she bothered trying to help Armitage blend in with the Canto Bight patrons. Why aid the First Order in securing their completion of the doonium transaction?

But if she is successful in her persuasion and prove that she’s not competent, then maybe she could sway Armitage to see her worth in the First Order as Lieutenant Althea Storax. Entrust in her different projects in the future.

She paused in her steps as Armitage came to a halt. “First of all, in a place such as Canto Bight, our wearing the First Order uniform could be considered a faux pas to the patrons of the city. These are people of their own class, upper elite who don’t conform to any particular side in this war, and they probably wish to only associate with their own, unless a transaction is involved.” They preferred their own kind. If the two of them blended in, then perhaps a better deal could be made with Anolo Atar.

“Second, despite Canto Bight largely being neutral, there’s the possibility of some there not being such. Maybe a Resistance sympathizer decides to eavesdrop on us after seeing our uniform and alerts them as to what we are doing.” Not that she hasn’t already attempted such a thing.

“Overall, I think an outfit change could help us land a better deal with this man.”

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