Other favorite genre to write?

eu plia

trophy girl
honestly!! my favorite genre to write is horror or thriller!! i'm also a poet and most of my poetry tends to be more on the darker side!! what about you guys?
I mainly write casual, slice of life romance stuff. I'm a sucker for that but I will write outside of it.
Fantasy and science fiction for sure. Also have a thing for cyberpunk concepts yet have not done anything proper in terms of worldbuilding there.
I like to write fluff but I mostly write it for fanfiction or certain rp.
Usually I write fantasy with action, adventure and humor.
My favorite genre ever is comedy. Beyond that, I am quite a fan of urban and science fantasy, slice of life, magical girl, game, isekai and battle genres. There are a few others I like as well like mystery and medieval fantasy, they just aren't my favorites. Only genres I can't stand are historical, horror and the punks.
I absolutely LOVE Urban Fantasies. There's just something about fantasy elements incorporated into a modern setting that makes me so invested into writing or even just reading. One point would definitely be the interesting magic x technology interactions that can take place...or the age-old ordinary person by day and hero by night trope.

Humor and Comedy is always nice to write out in 1x1s and (certain) group RP settings. Of course, I don't mind if they have a serious twist at some point, given that they're done properly.

I tend to stay away from any RPs grounded in a completely realistic setting though.
Fantasies and romance are amazing but every genre has good writing so it's kind of hard to decide

Some best ones I've been in have to be fantasy though so that's probably why I like it so much.
I am probably at the most comfort when writing fantasy, mainly because of my investment in the genre thanks to my former obsession with Lord of the Rings and the Tolkienverse. Though since my character-writing is somewhat off-par with my personal ambitions, I used to roleplay a lot in the nation building forum when it was first established a few years ago, and have since roleplayed almost exclusively in a similar setup.
Either ultra-fantasy (high or dark) or period-based (historical, modern, or futuristic) with a fantastic force incorporated into it.

Generally, if it could happen in real life, I'm not interested. Not because roleplay is a method to escape my reality, but I just find my creativity and freedom limited for those plots.
Horror and Mystery. I love dark elements and serious undertones to stories. Though I occasionally adore the humor and fluff that sneaks in. I actually don't mind writing any genres except for Romance because I feel as if the romance I attempt to write is completely awkward. That is exactly why I will try to write it because I have to practice in order to get better.
Grimdark SciFi and Lovecraftian fantasy are my favorites as I favor hopeless futures and terrifying fantastical settings. But I also have a deep love for multiple fandoms.
I'm a big gay nerd so if it's got two girls in love, I'm down. But I'm pretty weak for fantasy - modern or medieval - and slice of life stuff.
I love to write horror. I don't know if I would consider myself "great" at it, but all that gore and fear symbolism just gets to me. I am also into Science Fiction and fantasy.

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