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Futuristic Fate of the Stars of Life (EPISODE 4: Formic Apocalypse)

Talia laughed, and heard him join on the fight.

“I have three collections. My Chrome, my gold, and my Crystal. My crystal is more precious than you know. My Chrome has over eighty pieces. I have..... five on me now, I think.” She said as she put her disks together and threw it, making it act like a frisbee and come right back to her hand, while also killing a few bots.
He didn't blind himself, unlike Talia, and was almost like a shadow as he flipped and dodged around the holographic simulated soldiers. He sliced and cut, and occasionally just flat out shot the bots when he was feeling like it. Cut, stab, then just stand there and shoot.
Every time the gun rang out, Talia would jump slightly. There was barely any warning to it, and her being blind at that moment didn’t help. She never used guns.

“When do you train? Other than group trainings, ive never seen you train. By yourself, I mean.” Talia partially explained her question.
He looked at her, dodged a few bots, reloaded his pistol and stabbed them. He went over to the main console, and made the announcer say, "I trained for most of my life. I've trained in most human martial arts and even Shewdew dark arts. I don't need any more training. I've gone through one technique that I made myself that allows me to remember all of my other training and techniques, so I don't need to practice." He made it say.
Talia raised an eyebrow. Never train? To her that seemed ridiculous. She had learned four things growing up. The last one was, if she remember correctly, “There will always be something you can learn.” She usually took that to a physical extent, though people like Lux probably took it more mental.

“Odd, but cool.” Was all she said before she got shot in the shoulder. She whipped her head around and slaughtered the bot shamelessly, he shoulder having a small wound on it, but nothing more. This was training, after all.
Lux saw her get shot, and was about to absolutely mutilate the bot, but saw her do it for him. "You alright?" He made the announcer say. Lux doesn't know why, but...he seems to have taken a liking to Talia.
Talia laughed, not a sarcastic laugh, but a genuinely amused one. “Yeah, of course I’m alright. It’s just a little bullet wound. You and I have had much worse than that.” She said, slight sadness in her voice. She didn’t like the fact that they had experienced worse.

“You know what, end the sequence.” Talia took off the blind fold, but her pure black eyes made it look like apart of it was still on. “Random fact time. I know next to nothing about you, and you know next to nothing about me. Considering we’re gonna be on this ship for a looong while, why not.”
He shrugged, and stopped the simulation. He wondered where Kqidons and Rewby were. Maybe they got distracted or something. Anyway, he grabbed his notepad from inside his cloak, and went over to her, happy to talk, or rather, communicate with writing with her.
She sat down criss cross (cough like a child) and turned to him. “Ok, who’s gonna ask the first question?” Without even waiting for a response, she raised her hand, and started speaking again. “Great, it’s me. Can you swim?” She asked, seeming genuinely curious about it.
He nodded.

Yes. I am capable of swimming. I don’t enjoy it, very much, however. I don’t like the sensation of wet clothing, and you understand I don’t like taking off my clothing.

For your question, what are some of your hobbies?
Talia kept her poker face as well as she could when she read he could swim. She couldn’t, her hair was to thick; it would drown her. That, and she was never taught.

“Hobbies...?” She thought about it for a minute. Oh lord, what were some of her hobbies? Hobbies made her think back to when she was nine, before the attack. “Um, I like astrology? And biology, I guess. Though I mostly research that for work.” She admitted.

“How about you? What hobbies do you have?” It was hard for her to see Lux sitting around collecting stones or researching stars like Talia did, but she kept an open mind.

Hobbies I enjoy is research, development, improvement, and overall learning. I made a promise to myself I would amass as much knowledge as I could, about everything I could. I've learned a lot, and I've felt a lot, physically. So that's a plus. Another hobby is reading. Reading is good.

A second question for you, do you know how to swim?

He wrote, and passed her the note, curious as to why she asked him if he knew how to swim.
Talia opened her mouth, and then closed it at his question. Her face went white with embarrassment, her form of a blush, for a moment, and then back to normal.

“No. Next question.” It was way to obvious she was trying to change the subject. “What’s your favorite weapon?”

I see. Perhaps I could teach you. Regardless, my favorite weapon is my plasma knife. Versatile, ranged or close-quarters, efficient, can't be EMP'd. Traditional, and my own.

3rd question. Do you know what it is like to love?
Talia laughed again, but this one was nervous. “Uh, no. You can’t teach me to swim. Along with never having been taught, I physically can’t.” She pulled her hair in front of herself and ran a hand on the braid. “It’s too thick. I could drown.”

At the Plasma knife part she nodded appreciatively. Her favorite was from her crystal collection, though it was more sentimental than anything.

The third question, however, took her by surprise. She narrowed her eyes for a moment, and thought about it. “Not romantic, I guess. But family. Friends. My brother, Kokoro, Ick, Hamele. Examples. So, not real ‘love’, but attachment.”

She thought about it for a moment longer. To be honest, she really hadn’t had the time to worry about that; she was to focused on staying alive. Plus, age 11-13 was filled with way more negative comments and down put than she should’ve had.

“Why do you ask?”

Hair thickness shouldn't be a problem. I can probably do something about it.

I see. Romanticism has always fascinated me. I never had the time to harbor, "feelings" for someone as they call it, but...I never know what that would be like even if I did. I've been around the galaxy, and between almost every species I've met, love is a commonality between them. I wish to experience it, but...I've never met anyone whom would reciprocate any "feelings" I may or may not have for them. It's a sadder thought, but sadness is not a stranger to me.

Sorry for the pessimistic words on this note. Anyway, do you have another question for me?
Talia tilted her head to the side. That was sad. Though, she guessed she was in a similar boat. She decided to voice it.

“That, is actually kinda sad. It’s sad that you think you can’t find it.” She said. She used to not believe in love. Then she met Bunny. A woman who raised after Talia was dumbed on a backwater run low citiy part of a planet. That woman and her husband loved each other more than anything, which was weird at first for her, but she slowly got used to it.

“Never took you for a romantic though. You’d love the Princess Bride.” Talia explained, giving him a smile. It was sweet, honestly, when people were romantics. It showed how much hope they had. And Talia was the type of person to cry after watching The Notebook for the eightieth time.

She was so lost in her thoughts, she almost didn’t respond to the last part of the note. “Oh! Um.... biggest fear?” She asked hesitantly. She didn’t know if it would be some massive philosophical answer, or something as simple as ‘bees’.

My biggest fear...2 things. Watching everything I've ever done become worthless, and having all of my secrets revealed without wanting them too. Overall, having my life fall apart.

My question for you would be...what is your current goal in life?

He adjusted his seat positon as he showed her his note.
Talia nodded. It made sense. And of course, he would have one of those complicated answers. “That seems reasonable. Not that’s its going to fall apart, but that it’s your biggest fear.”

The second question made her stop. What was her goal? Did she have a goal? “I...... I don’t know. I mean, I guess just get enough money to buy a house, or something. I mean, I probably have enough now, but not the type I have in mind.” She said quietly. She didn’t have much before she came to Susans ship. Her life was complicated to say the least, and while she had connections, she also made quick enemy’s. Her species wasn’t exactly the most common; AKA she was valued in the black market.
Talia nodded. She had one question that had burned in her mind, and she really wanted to ask him.

“Can you fix a motorcycle?” It seemed so weird, but she seemed so hopeful. Like if he could she would jump for freaking joy.

I studied lots of machines. I can fix a motorcycle, yes. I can see that you probably want me to fix a cycle.

My question for you, if you don't mind my, "romantic" curiousity, have you ever tried to romantically love someone?
Talia seemed to get really excited for a moment, taking a deep breath in to calm herself, but still smiling like a freaking idiot. It faltered, however, when she read the last part.

“No. No, I haven’t. I guess..... I never thought about it.” That was honest. She hadn’t found someone like that. But it made her curious. Why was he asking? “And.... you?” For some reason, a part of her really wanted him to say that, no, he hadn’t met anyone before. Not because she didn’t want him to...... not like her, though. She wasn’t sure.

I see. And...I don’t know. I think I may have. Or I may not have. I don’t know what feeling you get when you do start loving someone.

Do you know that feeling?

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