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Futuristic Fate of the Stars of Life (EPISODE 4: Formic Apocalypse)

Kqidons IV saw Lux's surprise and makes a smug grin. "What? Hamele's healing staff does wonders for my wounds!" Kqidons said to Lux before turning her attention to Susan. "So, what can I help you?" "I've been informed that you've challenged Lux in a sparring match that quickly turned into a bloody beatdown because you attempted to rip off Lux's mask," Susan told Kqidons in a stern tone. "In my defense, Lux never explicitly told me to not rip off his mask. In Vagrok combat, even in a sparring match, we aim to win at all costs, even if it means exploiting ANY and ALL weakness." Kqidons told Susan, tapping her finger to emphasize this.

I would have thought you had the sense not to do that. However, I don’t want to hold a grudge. I don’t want any hard feelings, Kqidons.
Talia had decided to go train some more instead of wait. She wasn’t very patient. But she kept an eye out for Kokoro should she want to spar with her. She wouldn’t get overly angry like Lux.

I would have thought you had the sense not to do that. However, I don’t want to hold a grudge. I don’t want any hard feelings, Kqidons.
"Oh, no. I got no hard feelings about our battle, Lux." Kqidons IV assured Lux with an honest grin. "In fact, even if the battle took a nasty turn, I had a helluva lotta fun!" She then points directly to Lux's face. "And, judging from the scars I saw, your training must've involved going through literal hell and back!" Kqidons point out in a near-excited tone. Susan, meanwhile, looked a little surprised when Kqidons casually mentioned his scars like it's no problem.
"In Vagrok tradition, our scars serve as the cicatrixes of our journey to greatness; the battle scars that serve as proof of our endurance of the gritty training and the hard times," Kqidons said to Lux before she points to the singular scar on her left eye. "This scar I receive from a one-on-one battle against a wild Purpur Beasthon is nothing compared to whatever you've endured." She then pats Lux on the shoulder, her smile fading from smug to sincere. "So, I really don't care whether or not you embrace your scars; you forever have my admiration."
The last traces of red from anger in his eye faded as he received the praise.

Thank you, Kqidons. That is...pleasant to hear. And if scars indirectly mean greatness in your culture, I think that if you saw what I hide under my normal clothing, I would be a king.

He wrote. And if Kqidons read into the note a little, she might be able to see a little attempt at humor in the last sentence.
Kqidons laughed a little when he mentioned that he might be crowned king if she saw what was underneath his clothing. "Well, not exactly. But you will be one of the most respected non-Vagrok warrior in all of Purpur, should you step on the surface of my homeworld." Kqidons responds, grinning. Susan then clears her throat to catch both their attention.
Lux made a noise similar to a snicker under his mask, and nodded. He planned to maybe go to their homeworld someday if he ever comes to terms with what’s under his mask. Susan cleared her throat, and he gave her his attention.
"As I was saying..." Susan said as she looks at Lux. "Though I understand your frustrations, you must know that you have to adapt to the new circumstances. Based on my assumptions, you have lived a solitary life for most of your time." Susan told Lux matter-of-factly, clearing trying to help.
Susan nods and slides the note back to him. "I suggest that if you want to ensure your physical secrets don't go out by the public by my nosy soldiers, you should get more secure armor and mask," Susan said. She then stands up from her seat. "I should be on my way to prepare for the Formic cleansing." She turns her eyes on Kqidons. "Kqidons IV. I'm sure you know this already, but don't remove his mask again. Or any piece of his clothing, for that matter." Susan told the Vagrok soldier, who nods. She turns her eyes to Lux. "As for you, Lux. Like all of your previous incidents, don't pull a stunt like that again." She then leaves the Meeting Room.
He nods. He had been considering making a new mask and cloak, considering his first one got blown up in the Roborg attack, and he made this one with some extra parts, it wasn't his best work. What he wanted was a good manufacturing area to make quality things. He'll probably start on that soon. He turned to Kqidons.

I'm in the mood for combat. Do you want to come with me to the training room again? Maybe run some hard sims?
Talia happened to be in the training room, fighting the sims...... blindfolded. A piece of pure black cloth covered her eyes, and she seemed to be relying completely on her ears, and the vibrations around her. She had a weapon that looked like a disk, but separated into two parts. It looked similar to the Yin and Yang symbol, except the entire inside was gold, and the outside was black.

She was doing flips in perfect time, and attacking the sims fluidly, with zero tension in her entire body. She seemed a little tired, but she didn’t stop.
He nods. He had been considering making a new mask and cloak, considering his first one got blown up in the Roborg attack, and he made this one with some extra parts, it wasn't his best work. What he wanted was a good manufacturing area to make quality things. He'll probably start on that soon. He turned to Kqidons.

I'm in the mood for combat. Do you want to come with me to the training room again? Maybe run some hard sims?
"Oh-ho-ho! HELL YEAH!" Kqidons IV yelled, clapping her fist while her smug grin returns. She then jumps up from the ground and proceeds to rush out of the room. "C'mon, Lux! To the Training Room, we go!"
He stood up, and quickly followed the Vagrok warrior. He kept pace with her, running low beside her, and dodged crew members for the second time.
One of the crewmembers Kqidons IV and Lux Ormidial dodged was Rewby, who was wearing a more battle-suitable uniform and was carrying a Krystalline-model Plasma Rifle on her back. Initially whistling a friendly tune, she quickly pauses as she saw Kqidons and Lux rush pass her. "H-Hey, where are you all going?" She asked curiously. Assuming that Lux didn't hear her, she attempts to catch up to the duo.
Talia was way to in the zone to care about what was happening around her, other than the fight. She was bearing down on all and every robot, simulation, or whatever she was fighting to the basic wiring. She had no idea what it was; she couldn’t see. So if or when they came in, she would more than likely think they were part of it and try to hurt them too.
Lux sprinted past Kqidons, and entered the room with only a quiet huff to show any sort of exertion. He didn't see if Rewby decided to follow him and Kqidons or not, but saw Talia was working hard without her sight. He decided to use his stealthy habits to sneak around the wall to the main console to slow down the simulation.
Talia felt and heard the system slowing down, and growled almost gutturally.

“Who’s slowing down my system?!” She yelled, as she flawlessly, did a flip over one of the bots before decapitating it. “Cause I swear to whatever god you believe in and then my own I will end you if you don’t stop.” Her threat was loud, and very stressed.
He raised a brow, and made a series of tapping noises. When she didn't react immediately, he made the announcer say, "It's Lux. Kqidons and maybe Rewby will be here shortly. We also want to train. You seem stressed. Perhaps you should take a break, Talia."
Talia heard the tapping, and considered throwing her knifes to hit the person, but decided murder on board would stress the captain out. She then relized, at the announcers voice, she probably soundly have gotten that far since it’s Lux.

“I’ll just train with you.” She said casually, and she slid underneath another one and sliced it open. “I don’t think I’ve been training enough while I’ve been here.”

That was a lie, and she subconsciously picked at her nails slightly. Not to much, because she was holding something, but still. She had been training only a few hours before; her hands were still hard and cracked from hitting the punching bag and breaking it.
"Sounds good. Please don't throw knives at me either. I saw in your stance you were going to throw one of your chrome knives. You have quite a few on you, don't you? Clever hiding places." Said the announcer Lux is using, then joined her in the simulation using two of his modified electrified knives.

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