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Futuristic Fate of the Stars of Life (EPISODE 2: Space Piracy)

Talia smirked. She hadn’t really done anything except kill a few unconscious people out of spite, but hey, they got the mission done. If the freakaziod had died, that would have been a massive inconvenience.

“Great, so now that we’re done here,” Talia said with a smile on her face.

“Can we get off this BLASTED SHIP!” She whisper yelled, not wanting to attract any unwanted attention from anyone not unconscious, but tired of feeling like a prisoner. She was also still kind of upset about being thrown into space. Again.
Lux put his gun away in his cloak, but kept his knife out. He then grabbed his pad and pen, writing "Do you know how many more hostile personnel we'll have to dispatch?" and showing it to Ailema.
"Yeah. There would likely be some other Serapis pirates, but don't worry," Ailema assured her, unsheathing her armblades again. "All Freakazoids are slithering weapons. And Goldbeard 'raised' me to fight like a tank! Alright, follow my lead. Pretend you're all my prisoners." She then follows the crew out of the cafeteria and back to the halls. "We're 'prisoners', again. What joy." Kqidons whispered to herself.
Lux shakes his head in a, "Shut up" manner at Kqidons. He looks around and finds nothing that could serve as fake handcuffs. He moves around within the cloak, and a long, bendable rod comes out. He breaks it into segments, and hands them around, gesturing for them to put them around their wrists like cuffs. He then demonstrates they can be broken easily and follows Ailema.
Talia snarled, and almost dropped the cuffs. She reluctantly put them on, but if anyone else besides the captian, Lux, or Kokoro had told her to put them on, she would’ve thrown them to the ground.

“Of course, when I become a prisoner for the first time it’s working with others. Go figure.” She muttered under her breath, dragging her feet, as he staff was on her back again. She slowly followed the others, muttering in her language under her breath.
He goes over next to her and looks at her apologetically. "Only...for now..." he says through the mask quiet enough where only she heard his voice.
Talia looked at Lux, a bit suprised. She smiled slightly, and sighed, defeated.

“Yeah. Yeah ok.” She stood a bit straighter, and shook of the jitters. Then she turned to the others, smiling widly.

“Well? We have a ship to take over, and this ‘ Massacre Monday’ lunch special isn’t gonna stay secret for long.”
Bowe and Hamele just shrugged and rolled with it. Gotta do what you gotta do. So, for now, they played 'prisoner'. Hamele turned her staff's dial to 'HURT' just in case she needed it later.
//Crap! I'm sorry.

While they were on the hallway, she was encountered by two Serapis guards. "Good day, Naidraud." One of the Serapis guards said. "Good day to you, too," Ailema responded. "Whatcha doin' with the prisoners?" One of the guards asked. "I'm, uh... Taking them to the interrogation room." Ailema responded again. The guards look at her skeptically. "I thought this ship has no interrogation room." "Uh... Right. Which is why I'm taking them to a separate room." At this point, the Serapis guards knew that something is not right with 'Naidraud' and Ailema quickly stopped trying. "Oh, screw it." She then stabs both of them in the brains, killing them instantly. Then, with her armblades covered in pinkish blood, she licks them off for a taste. "Y'know, I just realized that Serapis blood is really sugary," Ailema adds.

//Yes, I just now confirmed that Serapis blood is pink. Sue me.
Talia smiled widly as Ailema stabs them, blood going all over the place.

“I like this one. Can we keep her?” She asked, giddy from a bit of adrenaline. As the girl licked the blood, Talia tilted her head. Sugary blood. Never heard of that. She skipped up to the alien, leaning on her shoulder with her elbow.

“You know, your interesting. And very murdery.”
"It's natural to their personality," Susan states to Talia. "The Freakazoid race tend to act rather psychotic. Thankfully, they're perfectly capable to curb their psychopathic traits. Also, they're absolute carnivores; they eat meat, whether they're cooked or not." Ailema tilts her head towards Talia and tries to smile despite her visible sharp teeth. "Ah, stap it." She said to Talia.
Lux goes over to the bodies, takes off his 'cuffs' and puts the bodies out of the way. In fact, he looks at Kqidons to find a way to stow the bodies away and out of sight. Then he grabs the little suction gun-thing that he used on the one chemical spill in the cafeteria out of his cloak to collect the Serapis blood. Once the canister is full, and the hallway is pristine, he puts his gun away, re-cuffs himself, and looks to the others, nodding that his excellent cleaning skills have covered their tracks for now.
Talia deadpanned at shoving the body’s in a vent. The whole place was gonna reek of rotting flesh after a few hours. Oh well. They’ll be long gone by then.

“No, seriously, Ailema. Your cool!” Talia flashed a fanged smile, before stepping back into the line, fiddling with the cuffs. The suit she had on separated her skin from the cuffs, so it didn’t rub. However, the cracks on her skin and half of her face had just started to fade, showing that her wounds weren’t fatal, nor did she have a concussion. (Somehow)
"Well, aren't all Freakazoids?!" Ailema stated, making a crazy looking grin. she then slithers closer to Talia, giving her a creepy vibe. "Y'know, I never really got to meet a Lunarim such as yourself... Makes me wonder what your blood tastes like..." However, before she can set off any more red flags on Talia's head, she slithers back. "However, I should know better than to randomly take a person's life. Especially a Lunarim's life." She clarifies, sounding genuine to her vow.
Talia just smiled.

“I mean, I can cut my skin enough to bleed if you want. I already have a ton of cracks, so it’s no biggie.”

Talia was partly tired, partly going stir crazy, and partly Just flat out exhausted from the events of the day. And she may have a concussion. She had no idea at this point. But she was willing to let her taste her blood. Die, probably not.
Bowe tried to paint as much of a 'I hate this' look on her face as possible as she followed along with the others, you know, still being 'captured' and all. She didn't say a word for now, neither did Hamele, though the latter had a surprisingly calm look on her face.
//Sheesh, I spend too much time on Mortal Kombat 11.

Talia just smiled.

“I mean, I can cut my skin enough to bleed if you want. I already have a ton of cracks, so it’s no biggie.”

Talia was partly tired, partly going stir crazy, and partly Just flat out exhausted from the events of the day. And she may have a concussion. She had no idea at this point. But she was willing to let her taste her blood. Die, probably not.
"I don't recommend it, Talia," Susan said. "You have enough cracks and bruises on you. I don't want you to attempt self-harm." "She's right, y'know." Ailema said, supporting Susan's command. "I would definitely taste your blood, but now is not the time."
"Plus, unneeded damages - granted it'll recover naturally, but still." Hamele added onto that. "Plus - we weren't really damaged while in captivity, and if we are, that was to be supposedly escaped and captured again... But, that's not the case here... Or so we want them to think..." She further expanded, saying the last two lines silently.
Talia shrugged, and rubbed her wrists against each other. She then looked to the captian, and Ailema.

“Well, maybe we should take over and leave the ship before the corpses start to rot uncontrollably. I don’t want space rats nibbling at my feet.”
Ailema nods and follows the crew further into the hallways. Eventually, they find another’s doorway with a sign that reads ‘Comm. Room’. When Susan takes a peak, she saw a small group of Serapis in the communication room, doing whatever people do in a communication room. “There’s more Serapis guards here.” Susan warned. “Any suggestions on how to take them down?”
Talia giggles, and pressed a button on her suit. A small glowing ball came out, with a black circle on the side.

“Smoke bomb. Won’t knock them out, but it’ll distract them enough for us to take them down. Simply press the black button, and throw it in.” She smiled ‘innocently’ at the captian, and raised a eyebrow.

“Unless we want a more.......... violent or poisonous distraction.”

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