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Futuristic Fate of the Stars of Life (EPISODE 2: Space Piracy)

"It's a risk I'm willing to take," Susan said, determined as always. "The better question is, how are we going to get out of this cell?" Kqidons rightfully points out.
"Well..." Hamele smiled and took her staff out and turned it on. It was still on the 'HURT' side and she precisely melted two of the bars down with what appeared to be a plasma beam and then left them to cool off so it wasn't hot to step on them. "How's that for an exit strategy?" She asked, sounding proud of herself. Bowe excitedly squeaked and leapt around like 'YES', saying nothing.
Kqidons takes a peek outside of the cell, where she sees a Serapis guard, who is standing there in shock. However, his shock quickly turns to dispassion. "Of course T'wain forgot to take the weapons out of the prisoners." The guard said to himself. He then grabs a cutlass and charges at Kqidons. However, Kqidons was able to grab his arm, elbow him to the face, and slaps him down to the ground, defeating him without breaking a sweat.
Hamele chuckled. "Hey, that was easy. If only we could draw out your suffering... But we have bigger fish to fry." She said maliciously. Bowe proceeded to go ahead a little further, sneaking around and holding her blade closely. If someone would walk by, she hopes to ambush them. Thanks to her small stature, she's hard to see. And thanks to her energy and speed in turn, she was pretty quick at it.
"Alright. Let's get out of here." Susan said. She and her crew then leave the prison cells and enter into the halls. "Let's try our best to not get spotted," Susan ordered. As they sneak around for an exit, they hear walking from one of the halls and they immediately hide. They see two Serapis pirates simply roaming around the dark hallways chatting. "Are ye sure we can reclaim Kaylon from the hands of the Krystalline Kingdom? They're near indestructible!" One of the pirates said. "Don't always be so cynical." The other pirate responded, placing her hand onto the other pirate's shoulder. "Like my father said, 'no matter what happens, there's always a spark of hope'."

//Kaylon = the home planet of the Serapis
Bowe nodded. "Bowe understand." She whispers back, preparing her chainsaw blade and when the two passed by, she would sweep across the floor and cut their feet. If anything fell off, like one foot, she'd take it - presumably for taste testing.
The two Serapis arrived and Bowe does as commanded, slicing their legs, guaranteeing a cut in a major artery. The two guards screech in pain, as Kqidons quickly finishes the job by stabbing them both in the hearts, putting them out of their misery. "Well, that's one way to take out some guards," Susan said, looking in slight disgust.
Bowe shrugged as she looked down at the Serapis corpses. "...Food can wait. Bowe isn't hungry. Probably tastes bad anyways." She said, throwing what she salvaged. "Friend come first. Food come second."
Lux is quite annoyed with the chains that keep him bound. He looks around and sees the guards they just killed have a ring of keys. He points it out to the others, and gestures for them to test them on his chains.
Bowe notices and went to sort that out. She grabbed the keys, and used the keys to free Lux from his bindings. Then she tossed the keys back where she found them.
He stretches his arms, and nods, content. He pulls out a knife from within his cloak, activates the plasma battery, making a small aura of plasma surround the blade, then turns it off. He puts the knife away. He looks around, searching for something that could give a clue on the fastest way out of here.
//The team is now breaking out (Hamele melted the bars with her staff's 'hurt' plasma beam), and Susan has asked Hamele to try using her staff to potentially fix Ailema's mental damage, though Hamele herself is unsure if it will work. They have just exited the cell and killed two guards (Bowe and Kqidons teamed up on them), knocking a third out on the way (Kqidons did this one). They intend to find Ailema and find out what will happen if Hamele was to supposedly use her staff's healing beam.
// oh boy. Thanks. I was in class :ghostxnx:

Talia skipped alonge, smiling and humming a song. Unbeknownst to the rest of the team, she had stabbed her staff through the knocked out guard, killing him. She had a bit of blood on her shoes, but shrugged it off. She followed the captian, smiling smugly, and waiting for a opportunity to fight someone and take out her anger.
The crew roam through the halls again and decided to enter a room. The room they decided to enter was revealed to be a small storage area for weapons and spare parts. Susan grabs a plasma rifle and a diamond-tipped shortsword.
Hamele looked to the general haul of weapons and seemed impressed, but shrugged them off. Bowe kept a lookout for anyone passing by while keeping herself hidden.
Lux found more spare parts and looked at it as if it were a gold mine. He quickly grabbed as much as he could, throwing some pieces together that many wouldn't think rational, stowing them into who-knows-where within his cloak.
Kqidons looks up at the ceiling and discovers an overhead ventilation shaft. Then she gets an idea and turns to Bowe. "Hey, little flesh bag! Come here!" She ordered.
Bowe nodded and came on over. "Bowe, reporting for duty! What you want?" She asked eagerly, as eager as ever, yet being quiet as to not draw more attention.
"What are you planning, Kqidons?" Susan asked. "If we're gonna find Ailema, then we're gonna need a sneak attack on them in case she brings back up. Bowe can give us just that..." Kqidons responded before pointing to the ceiling vent. "... Up through that ventilation shaft."
Talia tilted her head. She was slightly confused on how they were going to direct Bowe to where she wanted to go. Don’t get her wrong, she had plenty of faith in the small child like crew member, especially in the sneak attack part. But did she know where she was going?”
Bowe seemed to understand and nodded. Hamele smiles. "Stay safe, Bowe. We're counting on you. Wait for a signal then drop." Hamele explained. Bowe gave her the thumbs up and tries to reach the vent. She can't reach.
"Here, let me help you out," Kqidons said. She then grabs Bowe and throws her into the vent. She breaks through the vent grate and, while hurt, is nonetheless okay.

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