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Fandom Fate F/F IC



Amateur Weeb
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

Fate Factum/Fictio

Shining white light,
warmth like a lovers embrace,
a quiet darkness.

You don't remember how you got here.
Your bone's ache deep in the sarcophagus you call a body. Here and there, or maybe everywhere, you ache. A dull, longing ache like a scar from some years-old injury. You can't recall what's causing it. Maybe its in your head, or you heart, maybe it's a portent of what's to come?
As you breathe in the air around you, its crisp, fresh, lively. It's new. You can almost guarantee that you've never tasted air like this before. Its charged. Its charging you. Mana, the wellspring of a mage's power, their veritable engine. The air is thick with it, Od in its most raw form. It's almost tantalizing, like you could reach out and cup it to your mouth.
The ache, whatever it was, recedes.
Wherever you are, the sounds of the outside world creep in, the bustle of a city in the throngs of live. Whatever revelry claimed you, it left you sensitive to the sounds, maybe you clasp your hands over your ears, maybe you ignore it. All that matters now is discerning where you are. Your surroundings don't feel familiar.
No. They feel almost hostile. Like the watchful eye of a homeowner, and you a burglar, the walls and floor feel as if they want you gone. The feeling doesn't pass, the foreign structure you're in seems as if it wants you gone.
Perhaps you should leave? The outside is probably much more welcoming then this place?

(Alright, so the intro on my part is going to be mostly explaining the setting. YOU get to choose where you start in this city, Kakuno Honmachi. It's evenly divided into four sectors, the northwest being a pier and docks with several warehouses. It butts up against the river that flows through the city, cutting the docks into its own little corner and flows into the sea to the west. The Northeast section is all homes and apartments with the occasional convenience store and some small, local business'. The Southwest is all large business, mostly acquainted with similarly owned business at the docks. Obviously the town is mostly a shipping hub. The southwest is more houses and the governmental buildings. Any shops/locations/places you want to make up, feel free.

The city itself seems to be at the end of spring, slipping slowly into fall. The daytime is warm enough to be comfortable, but the night is borderline frigid with the sea breeze blowing in. There's never any clouds in the sky, and almost always a gentle breeze.

The city itself has an air about it like you'll get lost if you so much as turn around while. There are several rules to remember when dealing with the city: you have no memory of arriving here, you have no memory of summoning your servant, if you have a destination in mind you'll reach it with little trouble, almost as if it moves to be more accessible to you. The citizens, when they aren't in your direct line of sight appear normal, but once you look at them, their faces and voices become distorted, as if a censor placed a mosaic over them. They don't seem to react to your servants and if slain simply fall to the floor; other citizens seem to pay it little mind. If buying something from a shop, they do nothing to stop shop lifters and pay little attention to actual paying customers.

Your character wakes up somewhere inside with their servant. Again, you have no memory of summoning them, aside from the obvious mark on your hand. The servants can identify their master with no issue, though they equally have no recollection with being summoned in this war. The locations you wake up can as familiar as your own home or as foreign as a hotel room, take whichever route you want with it; it can be your home base or literally just a strange room in a strange house.
If you're a servant with no master, you don't notice any change in your mana amount, effectively you have no need for a master for the time being.
Both servants and masters wake up with a strange ache on their body, always somewhere that if stabbed with a sword, would lead to death. Though you get to choose where the ache is.

If you have any further questions, feel free to DM me or Cierra or post in the OOC. Obviously this is a little bit different of a start, so let me know if you need anything explained. I'll work on getting a half-decent map of the city made up, but to be honest, it isn't meant to have a strict layout, for story reasons.)
SaberHotel Room
The world seemed to spin and heave. And before he knew it he was somewhere he shouldn't be. Blinking eyes cast away the darkness and into focus came a room. Hardly related to the memories last filling his mind. With the world slowly coming into focus he peered around his surroundings. He was clearly missing something or a lot of things. There was a massive gap yet he still had knowledge he shouldn't possess. Yet it all felt both surreal and normal at the same time. A bed, a tv, some chairs, it was clearly a bedroom he'd found himself in. But as his gaze drifted around his surroundings it was evidently not just any normal bedroom. With a common sense he shouldn't have it was obvious it was a hotel room. It was only at that moment that he registered the ache throughout his body. One particular spot throbbing more than the rest of his clearly abused form. But alongside that revelation came the realization that he was standing. A funny thing to realize but when you open your eyes to an unfamiliar environment you typically expect to not be on your feet.

There was so much to take in, to process, all in an instant. But with his wits collecting nicely it was time to figure out what, exactly, was going on. He made his way slowly around the bed. His eyes roaming over every surface in search of clues. It seemed he was alone for now but he kept his senses sharp all the same. Creeping forward he came to a door and, with caution, peeled it open to reveal the bathroom that was as well empty. He was about to continue his search when a sudden flash of color in the corner of his eye caught his attention. Mid-stride as he was, he was almost yanked back by his desire to know more. Making his way into the bathroom it was there that he saw it. Flawless pale skin with an olive hue giving it life. Large almond-shaped eyes with a fire burning within them. Long flowing mane of crimson cascading down. And an entirely bewildered face of a decidedly feminine make staring right back at him. "W-what...." He stuttered out the word, the first word he'd spoken since awakening. But it was not his face. The commanding voice with which he'd conquered nations and ruled empires. It was several pitches too high, far too maidenly. In shock, his hands slowly made their way up to cup his own face as if ensuring it was truly his own reflection. The sight of those slender fingers just further adding onto the reality he was being forced to face.

But shock could only last so long as his eyes darted down to the shapely form that was his body. "The Gods above have truly cursed me to condemn me to the afterlife in the body of a maiden." The man, or rather, woman, lamented the perceived afterlife she was forced into. Not that she truly believed it to be the afterlife, while memories were absent knowledge was not. Even so, the shock was ever diminishing leaving the woman to take stock of the situation. Here she was in the body of another with nary a trace of why she was there or how she got there. With a breath to expel the negativity, she turned on her heel and strode from the bathroom. A maidenly body or not she was ever still the Emperor and her demeanor wouldn't change over something like this. With nothing in the room to give her clues, she made her way for the exit to figure out what was going on and figure out who was to take responsibility for the embarrassment he would have to swallow down going forward.

Hotel Room
Interactions: Nobody

Kotomine Shirou
Shirou awoke with a cold sweat. He felt as if something had gone wrong and now he was going to pay dearly for it. He looked around, expecting the trouble to start, but he was in a relatively peaceful space. He felt as if he had never been here before, but he then saw the book on the floor in front of him.

"I... think I remember what happened?"
His memory was fragmented. He saw flashes of pictures in his mind, a strange person, a giant beast, a burst of magic.
"Yes, I think I called forth some kind of demon without knowing it!"

"Rude! I'm not a demon!"
Shirou jumped and turned his head to look behind him. He saw a child, with what seemed to be blood splattered all over their face.


"If I was a demon, I wouldn't even be here now. I'd most likely go.... uh...."
The child was now confused. "What would I be doing?"

Shirou got up, and noticed that aside from their differences in clothes, they seem to be the same physical age. "Who are you?" Shirou asked. He had a closed hand over his chest, as if he made a invisible cage to protect him from the others advances.
"First off, don't worry about me. I don't think you look that tasty anyways."
"Second, from what I understand, I'm supposed to serve you."

".... Serve me?" "Yes. I'm either a slave, or a being on equal terms with you. I haven't figured that much out. I know that I go by the name of Assassin though."

Shirou felt the air in the room become ominous. "Assassin... how am I supposed to know you aren't making up shit to get closer to me, then kill me after?"
"For one, you look cute. Second, I have no reason to lie. Besides, I already ate someone else before I came back to talk with you."

"C-Cute?! Uh.... I don't think I am that adorable!" Shirou replied, before making a double take.
"You ate a person?"
"Yes. How else am I supposed to restore energy?"

Shirou shook his head. This is a strange person indeed.

A few minutes later, Shirou had finished exploring the house he was in. It seemed to be an accommodation for a married couple. There was a bedroom for 2, a shower with enough space for 2, a kitchen, a fully stocked fridge and cabinet, the library he woke in, and a living room. The Living room had a portrait of himself on the wall above the fireplace.

Assassin had been following him closely while Shirou checked the place out. He soon figured out that perhaps this was his home, but exactly what made him forget was beyond his comprehension. "Alright, something strange is going on, and I don't like it." He said. Assassin nodded their head in agreement. "Then perhaps we should see what's outside?" Assassin asked.
"Good idea! But don't you need to wipe the blood off your face?"

"No one is gonna see me I think. But just in case people start asking," Assassin's Appearance had changed.

Shirou jumped when Assassin went from a child to a well muscled lady that was taller than him.

Shirou felt something drop from his nose and splatter on the floor.

"Something wrong?" Assassin asked. "H-Hot, I mean, How?!"
"How did I change my appearance? This is the body of the person I consumed earlier. If I act like the person, then it's like she didn't dissappear."

Shirou was amazed. He felt as if this would be a great application for something, but it slipped his mind.
"Well, we should go see what's outside." Shirou said, leading Assassin out the front. Meanwhile, Shirou's mind had started to imagine things he wanted Assassin to do to him in this new form of theirs.

Number of Assassin forms: 2
Shirou's current status: Confused, sexually attracted, and somewhat curious.
Current Action: Heading outside.
(Open for interaction)​
A tired, disoriented groan came from Jake's mouth as he rolled over to his side and briefly tried to go back to sleep before he abruptly became aware that not only was did he feel a painful ache in his neck, almost as if he had suffered some old wound there that he could no longer remember, there was also the fact that it did not feel like his bed that he was sleeping in. The man's eyes shot open and as his vision came into focus he found himself looking at a basic nightstand with a lamp and a bottle of water sitting on it. Beyond that he couldn't make out much in the darkness of the room. Giving it a few moments to listen for any sounds of movement or anything else unusual, and not hearing anything, he turned on the lamp and grabbed the bottle of water as he stat up on the edge of the bed.

Surprisingly he was already dressed in a set of darker blue scrubs with his phone and wallet in the pants pockets, almost as if he had just gotten out of work, and his favorite red sneakers sat on the ground next to the bed. But the clothing situation didn't hold his attention for long as he glanced around the room. It appeared to be a tiny one room apartment that didn't even have its own bathroom. What it did have was a single window with a blackout curtain however, a curtain that Jake slowly moved just enough so he could look outside. At first things appeared normal, a city in the morning with people on their way to work, shopping, or whatever else they needed to do, but before long he would start to pick out details that made it rather clear that things were not normal.

First, whenever he looked directly at the face of someone on the street below, their face would suddenly become distorted, a disturbing fact that caused his gut to sink with the realization that magecraft was somehow in play with this situation. Second, compared to what he was used to the air was absolutely loaded with mana, which only reinforced his earlier thoughts about magecraft being involved. Third, despite being on the third story, the sounds of the city seemed to be just as loud as if he was in the middle of it, which made him grimace and pull away from the window. He didn't relish the thought of going outside, but as he glanced around the apartment again he got the distinct feeling that something was off about the place, almost as if it would be bad for him to stay here. A shiver ran down his spine even has Jake pulled out his phone, hoping to be able to make a phone call. However, he was greeted with the message of 'No signal' which caused him to softly curse.

Not seeing any other options but to head outside, especially since a quick search revealed no food in the apartment, he donned the light jacket that was thankfully hanging by the entrance way and started to make his way down to street level. As he walked he gripped the water battle, taking advantage of the abundance of mana to more easily charge the liquid before stuffing the bottle into one of the waist pockets of his scrub top.
HOTD02_0411.pngSebastian Lovato
"The Armchair General."

Unknown Hotel


The command had barely graced Sebastian’s consciousness before his body was already heeding it. Vision a hazy fog — vague smudges of lights spinning, whirling, sending his disoriented mind reeling — he hadn’t the faintest idea why he had scrambled to his feet nor why every inch of him screamed in not only agony but in terror. The very fringes of his being pulsed, a deafening echo of the heart hammering within his ribcage. And nevertheless, his limbs surrendered to instinct, uninterested in permitting his brain the luxury of time to catch up. All the young man could comprehend, as the world was so sluggish to bleed into view, was the garish motif of the floor that stretched beneath his feet, and that it was not the floor of his home, and that he needed to leave.

So, Sebastian ran, like a newborn lamb in fear for its life straight from the womb.

Heavy, labored breaths heralded his distressed sprint down an endless hallway. Doors flanked him and bore witness to the poor, pathetic soul staggering passed, jimmying their handles in futility, banging his achy fist helplessly against the walls. “Hello!? Helloooo!!” Only the ear-splitting whine of the fluorescent bulbs overhead replied. Sebastian yelled again, ragged, “Helloooooo! I, hah… I-I need help, please!?”

His fingers, clammy with worry, fumbled before they took hold of another door handle, and he leaned his full weight into it in some desperate attempt to reach someone, anyone, anything. “Please, I—”

And it opened. With a yelp of surprise, Sebastian took a tumble forward. Were he not clinging to the door for dear life, he’d likely have smacked down face-first into the floor, getting a mouthful of that horrendous carpet. Sharply sucking his teeth, the man gulped, hard, trying to catch his breath as he took in the immediate change of scenery. But then, from behind his skewed glasses, his dark eyes caught sight of the first thing to truly come into focus since he was awoken to blind panic: the face of a young, pale woman. Knifelike, unyielding eyes bored into him for only a moment, yet that was all it took for Sebastian to find his lungs emptied. He gasped, “I, uhm, sorry-sorry-sorry, wrong room!” He was already rearing backward, allowing gravity to whisk him right back out of what he just realized to be a wildly awkward situation. Busting into a lone woman’s room in the middle of the night? What the hell was he thinking? He needed to—

The door nearly shut when his brain switched once more, dancing between flight and wonder. He jerked the door halfway open to gawk once more at the feminine stranger. She was stunning, anyone would admit, but it was her brilliant garments that captivated his confused curiosity. The whole of her was scarlet. From her silken locks down to the hem of her cascading cape. Utterly otherworldly, like something a character from one of his favorite gacha games would sport on their splash art.

Sebastian gave her one swift glance-over and immediately shook his head. No, not today. Whatever madness this was, no, he would have nothing to do with it. “¡Ay mierda…!

And the door slammed shut once again.

Unknown Hotel

Interactions: Xel Xel
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Bolbi had spent another night out and about, completely disregarding sleep once again. It had become too common nowadays for the lonely fool to frollick about in the late hours, making as much use of time as he could.

"Poor fools wouldn't know a decent soundtrack if it hit them in the face." He mused, as a car blaring loud music zoomed by. He was a little annoyed by the peace being broken for a moment, thankfully solace was quickly returning.

It was a lovely night out; a slightly warm temperature and clear skies to view the little bit of stars he could see through the city's light pollution. Sighing, Bolbi noted, "Man, I gotta move."

He was considering checking into a hotel to pass the night, mostly because he didn't entirely feel like walking back home. Instead, he happened upon a cozy looking bus stop to sit at for a while. No active routes meant no passengers, so he could take a seat to chill until boredom or exhaustion relieved him.

Walking toward the bus stop, Bolbi lost his footing on the curb and tumbled forward, catching himself before his face smacked the ground. "That was close." he chuckled, hopping back to his feet.

Alas, the cozy bus stop was gone, so was the sign next to it and the telephone pole, too. In fact, all of outside was missing!

Somehow, Bolbi now found himself indoors, in stark contrast to the prior setting. A single bulbed incandescent light gently swung from the ceiling above him, causing Bolbi to grimace from losing sight of the night sky.

"Have I gone crazy or something?" he pondered, instantly feeling nauseous inexplicably. Twirling around and bracing against the far wall, Bolbi regained his composure.

"I fear I am the one losing his mind." An unknown male voice responded without warning. Bolbi felt the collar of his shirt be grabbed, follwed by being pulled right through the wall. Looking back at the Bolbi sized hole left behind in the wall, he realized he might be in danger.

Turning around to discover the identity of the one responsible, his haw dropped at the state of it.

Holding onto him was a tall, elderly man dressed in what seemed to be 1500s era seafaring garb. The scowl on the man's face spoke plenty on how he was feeling at the moment, though Bolbi was clueless as to why.

"A lucky catch." the old man joked, forcefully dropping Bolbi to the ground. His lack of restraint was immediately noted.

Now scowling himself, Bolbi stood up to brush dust of his clothes. Surely he could argue with the old captain looking guy into footing him the drycleaning bill.

At least, Bolbi wouldn't have to put up with him alone. "Can't you find it in yourself to maintain some level of human decency?" another male voice asked, revealing another old man standing beside the first one. Although, much shorter and dressed akin to a conquistador perhaps; a taller, pink haired woman accompanied this much less rude dwarf.

"I'll have some if people pay me for it." the tall man retorted, heartily laughing by himself at his joke.

Shaking his head, Bolbi surprisingly snapped back quickly, "What would be the point? It'd be cheap and barely worth more than your attitude right now."

This was not met kindly, leading to the tall man pulling out his sword and pointing it at Bolbi. "Put that thing away!" the dwarf shouted. This led to no change, so Bolbi looked at the sword and spat on it.

A mistake. Frowning, the tall man rushed forward and grabbed Bolbi by the neck, tossing him aside through another thin wall. Thankfully, this led to the outside again, albeit still not at all where Bolbi had started this night at.

"You're not making me hate you any less." Bolbi groaned, standing up as the trio inside stepped out. The old captain was cracking his knuckles, clearly itching for a fight.

For Bolbi's sake, one did not occur. "Maybe now you know your place, dog." the captain hissed, drawing Bolbi's ire. The dwarf placed a hand to his forehead, perhaps getting a headache from them.

Bolbi had no immediate idea what was going on, yet he knew they would have a hard time getting along. Strangely enough, it started coming to him; the familarity of these three people. No, not people: Servants.

Interactions: None
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Just outside the Docks
Mihara Yuriko did everything in her power to keep her heavy combat boots from making any noise on the sea breeze slick concrete of the docks. Every movement was precise and measured, aware of where her arms and legs were at all times. She was already deep inside of a warehouse on cusp of the docks outskirts, the salty smell of the ocean mingling with the sweet fresh water from the nearby river. It would have been rejuvenating if it hadn't been what felt like the millionth time she had smelt it. She paused every other step to listen, her ears straining to listen past the waves in the distance crashing against the shore, the wind whistling softly through the holes in the metal shell of the warehouse. It was dark and damp, with what little light was present peeking out from between several ceiling high shipping container stacks. She poked a head from around one, squinting as a thin sliver of daylight pierced straight into her eye.

The outside world was currently a hellscape for her.

Looking out, she could a single white 55 Gallon shipping drum, resting in the center of a much larger shipping yard. It was full to the brim with magical gems, made in painstaking work over the several last hours. Burning mana while being actively hunted wasn't something Yuriko had ever thought she would have to do, but now she could scratch it off her bucker list. The gems had been easy to acquire, sneaking out into the city proper and taking them from the stores that didn't seem to mind her presence. Of course, her hunters had noticed these events eventually. It been a game of cat and mouse since the start, every time she was cornered she was killed. Only to wake back up in the city like nothing had ever happened.

She was pulled from her thoughts as a blur of motion happened outside. Something moved faster then a human eye could reliably track. A blur of red and black, darting from between one building to another, never keeping in direct line of sight. On the lip of the drum, visible around some of the lip of the body, was a thin layer of her own blood. Her hunters had come for it, smelling it like a shark smells blood in the ocean. Pulling away from the shaft of light and her view of the outside world, Yuriko moved slowly, hunching down into a runners stance. She was athletic enough. Not out-run a servant level athletic but she had to try and fight back. Once the servant so much as touched the drum, it would detonate the gems inside. She could feel her breath catching in her lungs in anticipation.

The hunter outside didn't bother to open the drum. The sound of metal cutting through metal, a heinous hiss that made her mind reel from the sheer disgusting noise, her teeth vibrated in her mouth from the shrill and sharp sound. She took a deep breathe and lurched forward, aiming for a weakness in the metal wall of the warehouse. She had made it two full strides when the explosion happened. Even through the metal wall of the warehouse, she felt the sheer force. She stumbled for a second as it felt the very earth was about to give way. Across the river, car and building alarms began to blare to life. She recovered and continued, well aware that the explosion would be felt all over Kakuno Honmachi. She couldn't hear either of her hunters from outside, and could only hope that they had been damaged enough in the blast to discontinue their chase for the time being. Her legs pumped her towards the wall, her red eyes transfixed on one tiny imperfection in said wall.

Stitched into the inside of her gloves were several runes. She fed mana to one, knowing the hunters outside could see it but having very little other choice, feeling it flare to life in the palm of her hand. She didn't come to full stop at the wall, instead reaching it and slamming a Ansuz powered hand into it. The wall combusted, jagged metal jutting out in every direction to make way for Yuriko as she crashed through, beelining for the bridge and across the river. It wasn't until she was behind several building that she stopped, slamming her back into a nearby wall and covering her mouth as she tried to calm her breathing.

She was sure masters for the Grail War had seen and heard the explosion. She just needed to lure them in now.
“Hey son, are you o-?”.

Daisuke woke up with those words from an unusual deep dream, with his eyes still blurry and his head still dizzy, he found himself sat on the floor of a dark alley, while he stood up he noticed the body of a police officer without the head next to him and then saw his right hand covered in blood. He cleaned the blood as he could, thinking that he had killed that unfortunate cop by mere instinct as he felt threatened when he woke up.

“Sam! You son of a …!”

Yelled other cop after seeing his partner beheaded by the boy, immediately took his gun and shoot Daisuke, the six bullets of his handgun reached its target, but Daisuke remained unharmed as all the bullets bounced from his body. The cop took a few steps back and unconsciously keep pulling the trigger though there were no more bullets to shoot.

“What the hell are you?”

The man was frustrated, confused and scared, but all that would end in an instant, before his eyelids close the boy was standing there with the caskets of the bullets at his feet, when his eyelids opened again he was looking at the sky unable to move, all that has taken a couple of seconds and another couple of seconds both cops would be dead in the alley, one beheaded and the other with his neck open.

While the corpse of the cop was still bleeding, Daisuke left the alley not worried by the man he just killed but why he was unconscious, the fighting instincts of his family were strong enough as to react half sleep and murdering someone, and even more to avoid a deep sleep that could have left him vulnerable to an attacker.

Needless to say he didn't like to kill people, but he didn0t feel remorse if he had to, what really bothered was the lack of memory, what just happened? Besides a few confusing flashbacks there were some words that came to his mind, ‘servant’, ‘grail’, ‘master’, he felt those words had some important meaning in this context, but trying to remember it caused him a headache.

As he walked he noticed his body was weaker than usual, he knew this sensation, he knew that something has depleted his energy, he was by no means weak, but he was more vulnerable at this state, therefore he decided to go a safe place in the old part of the city to seek refuge until feeling better.
SaberHotel Room
She hadn't even made it more than a foot before a shout echoed throughout the hall. A moment later the door to the room burst open and in stumbled a portly man the kind of which gave off an air of scholarly administrative work given his physique. Those piercing, inhumanly crimson eyes were locked firmly upon the intruder. But save for the rather unimpressed look she had no reaction to the sudden spectacle. Those crimson orbs silently following the man's movements as he fled the scene with the slamming of the door. The woman was about to take some kind of action only to be met with the door slipping open so the man could get one last look upon her before again, and with finality, fleeing.

With the door closing a second time the woman perked a brow and a small smirk pulled at her lips. Her entire form seemed to evaporate, dissipating into a blue mist leaving not a trace of her existence. But on the other side of the door, barring the man's path, her form re-materialized. In the blink of an eye she was suddenly standing directly before him, her right hand upon her hip as her left hung free. Those crimson eyes again piercing through him with silent judgment. But after a few moments to let the poor man stew and sputter she simply gave a nod of approval. "Judging by your demeanor and appearance I can only surmise the Gods have seen fit to lend me a Master of intellect. As well they should acknowledge my might that I need not a Master of strength, but of wit." Her voice was elegant and soft, cheerful but with a current of command and dominance lurking beneath the surface. A power wrapped in the veneer of a cordial young woman.

"You may relax, Master." She waved her hand as if to dismiss the very panic that plagued the man. "I may be missing a few memories, but I know well enough that you are my Master in this conflict and that I am your Servant. Per the rules, I should have you address me as Saber. But given that none alive nor dead can rightly challenge me I see it only fitting that I grace you with my true name. I am Gaius Julius Caesar." The woman hardly looked the part, a fact the mirror made her well aware of which prompted her to, perhaps a bit too quickly, continue. "Though my form has been changed I am every bit the Emperor of Rome. Though given the circumstances, you need not encumber yourself with flattery. From this moment on we are the only ones we can truly rely on." The woman let her left hand like-wise rest upon her hip as she allowed but a moment's pause to hang between them. "That said, while I know full well you are my Master I don't know your name. To what should I address you as?"

Hotel Hallway
Interactions: o.Rinn o.Rinn
He was almost out. By sheer luck Jake had picked the right direction to leave the city and now the buildings were starting to give away to suburbs and beyond them wilderness. Thankfully there was also less of the strange 'people' with the distorted faces, something that brought him comfort. Taking a quick look again at his phone, the mage was annoyed to see that he still had no service before the sounds of obnoxious alarms caused him to look back up. The sight that greeted him was not what he expected and he froze in shock before a glance around him showed that he was no longer near the edges of the city. Instead he had somehow moved to a part of the city that had warehouses and between them he caught a glimpse of some kind of dock in the distance. "How...?" he quietly whispered as he felt a cold shiver run down his spine.

The smoke rising into the sky from somewhere near the dock was a clear indicator that something had happened there and he wanted no part of it. Problem was, it didn't seem like whatever was going on with the city was inclined to let him leave and he had no idea where a safe spot would be or if there was any normal people around. As far as Jake could tell, he could either head back to the city proper, or attempt to hide here. Either way he needed to find food, but being near the water would be better for his magecraft. Giving the smoke a wary eye, the mage-turned-medical worker decided to try to find a warehouse with a supply of food he could hold up in. Potentially risky, but if he could find such a building it would be easier to lay low and survive, or at least that was his hope.

Caster watched as Saber was sent flying back from the explosion. The barrel detonated with far more force then either of them had anticipated. Which of course meant that their prey was finally starting to catch on to the idea of how to fight back. Their hunt had more or less been rather one sided thus far. Caster watched as Saber slammed into one of the metal warehouse walls, slumping to the ground in a bloody mess. Caster let out a quiet sigh as she moved to the edge of the warehouse she had been waiting on. Surveying the area below her, she let out a low whistle at the destruction caused by the gem filled drum. Saber, in her extreme impatience, has cut into the drum with such speed that she didn't have a chance to react to the explosion. In a way, it was almost comical to Caster.

Caster could already feel the buildup of mana as their master focused their will to healing her fellow servant. The air itself was already charged with mana and now with their Master directing it, Saber would be healed in only a matter of minutes. Caster watched her ally for a moment more, watching as her hands twitched, barely discernable from the rest of the gore that made up her broken form. Caster directed her golden eyes to the rest of the docks, scanning for their target. It didn't matter which one of them killed her. Which one tore her limb from limb, poisoned her, crushed her. Only that it was done. She continued to scan the ground below, straining to peer past the thick smoke created by the explosion. The excess foreign mana in the air, from the explosion, made it almost impossible to track their target using anything aside from her own sight.

Still, she did what she could to try and locate any source of condensed mana, expanding her net as much as she could. She felt a slight response, someone still in the dock area in the distance. Too far away to accurately detect with the copious amount of mana in the air, instead only being able to detect the slight . Caster looked down at Saber again, noting that she was in no condition to assist. Caster was more even-tempered then her ally, she didn't imagine that one lone human would be able

She moved, leaping from one roof to the next, making her way towards whatever she was detecting. Her long flowing black dress waving behind her with each jump, matching the wild movements of her blue hair as well.

(Caster servant moving towards YsFanatic YsFanatic )
S172_Stage1 (1).png
"Despite your lack of respect, Master, I will graciously overlook this transgression." the sea captain declared. "We are all in the same boat now and you would do wise to listen to your Captain."

Like Bolbi would even consider it. This deranged sea dog and his habit of dragging Bolbi through walls already lowered the Master's impression of him. This attempt to take charge did little to improve that. "Hold up. I'm the Master? Sounds like I'd be the one calling the shots around here." Bolbi smugly taunted.

"It is more than just a title, Rider." the pink haired woman informed the captain, who's wrinkled face soured at her affirmation of Bolbi's thought.

Sighing, he had no choice but to relent in this instance. "Just don't get too full of yourself, Master." he said shrewdly, wiping his sword clean with Bolbi's shirt. "As Servants, we do have an inkling of duty to uphold what you tell us to do, though some of us have more independence than others. Remember that."

Bolbi felt like he couldn't give a damn. Servants and Masters; sounded like the setting for one of those Holy Grail wars he was taught about as a child, before being disowned. And if these people call themselves his Servants, then surely...Yup, that it was. A familiar red marking on his right hand, signifying he was indeed their Master. "Well, this is not how I thought this night would go. Now, tell me, who are you three?" he asked.

This short man, speaking in a much more respectful tone, seemed much more inclined to introduce themselves. "Servant, Lancer, Don Quixote, at your service, my liege." Lancer saluted. "This beautiful gal beside me is the most important person in my life, Sancha. Can't go anywhere without her." Sancha blushed at Lancer's affectionate words. It made Bolbi feel a little melancholy.

"Christopher Columbus, Rider. Maybe you've heard of me?" the captain butted in, ruining the mood and putting a hand on Bolbi's shoulder. "I like three things: riches, lovely ladies, and crewmates that do as they're told." He bore a disgusting grin that just oozed self importance.

Brushing the captain's hand off, Bolbi sneered back. "If I find anyone guillible enough to wish that, I'll send them your way." The two seemed completely at odds witj each other; Quixote worried for their safety.

"Can we have some minor modicum of understanding to establish that we have all been put here together? Bicker all you want once you find a way out of this city." Quixote suggested, jamming his lance into the dirt and leaning against it.

That seemed enough to drag Bolbi away from combatting Columbus. "I don't follow. Are we not in a normal city?" he inquired.

Columbus couldn't help but laugh at the uninformed Master of his. "Hardly! Escape attempts loop bakc into the city and the denizens are not people. At least you can steal whatever you want from them. " he explained.

Bolbin needed to know more, when the echo of a loud boom shook the nearby building they had been in before. This prospect made Columbus slightly giddy. "Someone's having fun over there. Let's go join them. Maybe it will help pull that stick out of your rear end, Master."

Bearing with the insult, Bolbi put teo and two together. "I guess it could be useful in seeing if any allies or enemies have joined us in this city." he agreed.

Sancha sighed now that this team was finally getting things on track. She may still not trust Columbus or their Master, but at the very least their experience was sure to cover them.

Now that pleasantries had finally been exchanged, the Servant's and Master sprinted off toward the sound of the explosion, which Columbus knew would either be an opportunity, or an ill omen of bad times ahead.

Interactions: None
Sebastian Lovato
"The Armchair General."

Unknown Hotel

Adjusting his glasses with a quivering hand, Sebastian stole a seldom moment to plan his next course of action, eyes darting down the endless stretch of hallway in search of an exit sign, before his view was swallowed whole by a brilliant flash, then the confident visage of the redheaded stranger. He sputtered in surprise. Backward he nearly stumbled, and a horrible thought abruptly entered his mind: Was that magecraft? God, he had not seen the art since… It had been half a decade, he realized. And frankly, he had no desire to see it ever again. Aversion swelled in the back of his throat, breathed fire into his lungs, and threatened to lash his tongue to drive her and her magic far, far away from him. But it was her assuredness that gave him pause. So confident and cordial, and in a world that didn’t quite make sense. Despite Sebastian’s misgivings, he would swallow back down that revulsion and steal a moment to consider this newfound companion’s words. He threw out his palms with a tense, bewildered chortle to bar her approach as if he were fending off a beast as opposed to some diminutive girl. “Master, huh? Listen, lady, I don’t judge — if you’re into that kind of thing, good for you, just don’t…!”

His mind still raced to piece things together all the while. Why couldn’t he remember how he had gotten here? Where was here? They were in the middle of what appeared to be the narrow passage of a hotel, judging by the offensive choice of carpeting. Who was she, though? The Emperor of Rome was her answer to his unspoken query. Sebastian couldn’t help but give her yet another study. And, last but not least: Why on earth was he talking to him? Girls didn’t talk to him, not by choice, and they especially did not compliment him — at least, her remark about wit felt like a compliment. His cheeks were slightly tinged with embarrassment. Yet, finally, Sebastian settled on a logical explanation. “Okay, clearly, I am… I’m at some hotel at a convention. I am dreaming that, uhm, I am at an anime con.”

The hinges of a nearby door groaned. From one of the rooms stepped out a couple with their luggage tailing them. It struck Sebastian through with a jolt of alarm when he noticed their faces. Or, well, lackthereof. But the dread passed immediately. “Yeah, see? Can’t make out any of their faces because I’m asleep.” He pointed them out as they shouldered by, countenances marred, blackened pits of nothingness, illegible in all but their complete disregard for his very existence. It was the only conclusion that made sense, and in that purchase of reason he decidedly clung to, Sebastian calmed down.

As his composure was restored, Sebastian himself came into view. He was a stout young man cursed with a baby face that did him no favors. Round, full cheeks, a plain and unremarkable attire, and dark hair that he had a habit of absentmindedly brushing from his often avoidant gaze. He carried himself with all the conviction of a dormouse, perpetually slouching as if he believed he could curl into himself, as if he could maybe disappear altogether, or perhaps wished to. Quietly, he shrugged and mumbled to himself, nearing the outlandish figment of his overactive imagination, “None of this is really real. It only feels really real, that’s all.” He had fully accepted it. And thus, without any forewarning, he took a handful of her chest into both his palms. Wow, they were exactly what he had always imagined boobs to feel like. Firm, yet yielding to his groping fingers. Squeeze. Squeeze. The boy grinned. “Man, this dream feels really, really real! Aaah, Sebastian, you smart bastard, thinking up such a cute little gender-bent Caesar cosplayer…! But why Caesar, c'mon, Hadrian was always so much cooler!"

Unknown Hotel

Interactions: Xel Xel
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SaberHotel Hallway
The refutation by the man left the crimson-haired beauty to perk a brow. Despite the rather wordy introduction she gave, it seemed she was just as apt at listening as she was speaking. For it was a silence she now carried, those red hues locked on her Master as it was abundantly clear the man didn't fully grasp what was going on. Memory problems seemed to be a staple of this war. It wasn't until another door opened that drew her Master's attention and, subsequently, her own as she peered over her shoulder. "Hmm..." A discontented hum slid free from her full lips, her eyes narrowing at the sight that befell her. Normal people as one would expect save for the blackness of their face. It was the first time she'd seen any civilians and it served to only add to the discomfort she felt over this entire situation. The Grail had gifted her immense knowledge so she might perform, but it was clear this was no ordinary war.

With the strangers passing a hand drifted from her hip to delicately place itself upon her belly. "True, we can't make out their features. But that is not due to a dream but rather whatever ill magic is at play." The woman turned her attention back upon her Master as he seemed to both simultaneously calm himself down and ignore her words. The longer their encounter went on the more insight she was given and the more she realized that for whatever intellect her Master must assuredly possess, his convictions were clearly lacking. "I can assure you, Master, that this is all quite re-" She was cut off by the sudden hands upon her chest. It took her a few moments to fully process what the man had just done. Those groping hands being given free rein as the woman was left stunned. It was no maidenly indignation that left her cheeks turning as red as her flowing mane. It was the fact that it was such a staunch reminder of the form she was now in. To be humiliated so, to be treated as some common harlot rather than the greatest of Emperors. The redness of her cheeks soon flashed from embarrassment to anger. Only compounded by the man's remarks.

A hand swiftly came up to slap his own away. "To think I offer you the right to stand as my equal and you would shame me so! Should you ever touch me again without due permission, I shall render you a eunuch so that you might better control your urges." The flash of anger subsided, her voice returning to the calm it held before. Albeit with an icy undercurrent to her every word. "This is all very real. This is no dream. I am no figment of your imagination that you might sate your lust with. I have been summoned as your servant and it is surely a great fortune for you that I was the one to come to your side. There is none more powerful than I, especially not your beloved Hadrian." She shook her head at the mention of the name, the Grail had afforded her knowledge of all great figures, even those that came after her own death. To be held second to such a man, one who merely followed along the path she forged, did well to wound her pride.

It was in that moment that she took a step forward, all but assuredly startling the meek man. But before he could recoil her hand shot out once more to take hold of his shirt's collar and with an inhuman strength pulled him closer. "I will forgive your foolishness this once as you were under the mistaken impression this was all but a fanciful dream. I am not one to cast aside my allies over a simple mistake." That hand clutching his collar left just as quickly as it snatched him up, but it did not return to her side. Instead, it offered a vicious slap across his cheek. The sound echoed throughout the corridor leaving his flesh as red as hers had previously been. "No dream would afford you such a biting sting." Was all she gave to explain her action. Only then did her hand return to rest upon her shapely hip. Those red eyes still narrowed with an expectant and demanding stare. Had her words not already made it clear, the air about her and the look upon her face would dispel any doubt as to whether she would tolerate any more inane refutations of reality from her Master.

Hotel Hallway
Interactions: o.Rinn o.Rinn
It was a fortunate stroke of luck that a side door to the first warehouse was unlocked. However once he was inside Jake realized the flaws of his plan. First, he didn't have anything that could cut open the various boxes laying on the shelves, and even if he found something that would do the job his ability to read Japanese was sorely lacking. Thus he would have open each box one at a time and hope he found food or anything else useful. With a tired groan, he resigned himself to looking for something that would help with opening the boxes before abruptly realizing that he did have something. It had been so long since he actually had a reason to practice his magecraft that it hadn't initially occurred to him to use it despite the oddity of the situation he was in.

Dipping a hand into the pocket the bottle was kept, Jake quickly took the cap off the container which allowed a small part of the water infused with his mana to flow out and into his other hand. Out of practice as he was, it took a few minutes for him to get the water to form into a blade of ice and stay that way. Once he got the water to stay in its frozen shape however, he was able to use to easily cut apart the various boxes in his hunt for supplies, a task that would likely keep him occupied for some time. As he worked, it occurred to him that it might be prudent to find more containers to store extra water in as he might need that extra bit of protection in the future.
Sebastian Lovato
"The Armchair General."

Unknown Hotel

The solid slap erased the bliss right off of Sebastian’s face, echoed through the hallway, and it certainly did well to ring some sense into the discombobulated young man. Dumbfounded, a hand fled to clap protectively over his cheek, stained with a deepening hue. It stung. A lot. He frowned as blood rushed to flood his frowning features. With a renewed, albeit more grounded confusion, Sebastian considered the stranger’s clarification of the situation in awkward silence. As lackluster and awfully vague as said explanation was.

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry, I really thought… But, ah, a… servant? A servant for what?” There was so much to go over. But a realization flashed within his mind, suddenly. His dark eyes thinned as suspicion seeped its way to replace the tinge of humiliation earned from being manhandled by a girl a fraction of his size. “Did my parents put you up to this…? Is that what this is!?” Sebastian seethed, taking a step back and squaring off. He wasn’t going to take this, not from his mother and father, and especially not some complete outsider butting her nose into family affairs. Perhaps it was the overwhelming rush of adrenaline still pounding through his veins, but for what was possibly the first time in his life, Sebastian raised his voice, angered, “No, you can go back and tell them I want nothing to do with them, you hear that! They can’t just kidnap me like psychos and pin some freak on me to babysit—!”

As if a reprimand from God, a boom interrupted Sebastian’s attempt to stand up for himself. The man ducked, half expecting another whack from the insanely strong woman across the other side of his face. The hotel doors trembled in their frames. Beneath the pair’s feet, the very ground reverberated from the unknown blast. What the hell was that? Sebastian partly took that as a sign that, alright, maybe taking a forward role just wasn’t meant to be. Here and now, there were no handles or proxies to shield him when he confronted others face-to-face, like the girl and her disapproving, crimson gaze, and he was soon choked by a swell of shame again. But he hadn’t the time to be so concerned about that now. Whatever just racked the hotel walls was loud enough to earn all of Sebastian’s attention. He started to run down the hallway before he thought wiser of it, doubled back to grab the woman’s hand, and took her along with him. “I don’t know what that was, but if the building is going to collapse, the stairwell is the safest place to be! C’mon, and you can explain yourself on the way!”

He'd drag her along if he had to. There was no way he would let her just remain vulnerable in the hallways if there was some sort of terrorist attack happening, weird, meddling, cosplaying stranger or not. They'd rush past the elevator doors to bolt through the emergency exit instead, their feet pounding the concrete steps as they fled to the ground floor.

Unknown Hotel

Interactions: Xel Xel
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As expected, Caster thought to herself as she set down on a roof across from the lone Master, her feet touching without making any sound, One of the others has come back.

She watched as one of the Masters, servantless as he was, entered into one of the many warehouses. She studied him from a distance, noting his lack of anything resembling stealth. Or perhaps it was like that idiom, if you want to blend in; act like you belong. He entered one of the warehouses closest to the edge of the city and only a few scant seconds later was using magecraft. Drawing from the copious amount of Od in the air to power it. It didn't surprise her that they were using it, you would have to be a braindead tart to refuse such a bountiful resource when its directly in your face. She and Saber were using it with wild abandon, after all. Any minor injury was met with their masters will repairing them. It was a blessing, so long as they didn't rely on it to the point it would become a crutch.

The sound of shipping boxes being cut open echoed from the building and into the empty dock. The natural direction of the air from the sea causing the sound to travel further then it normally would. From a scientific stand point, Caster wondered if she should have just blanketed the area in her magical field. It would kill the master and poison the supplies for any other human or servant that tried to make use of them. But then again, Saber would complain tirelessly if their actual target died from the poison instead of some other method.

What a bother, dealing with that woman. She thought, briefly before thinking about the fact that their shared master was putting masters and enemy servants almost on the same playing field with how much Od was in the air, ready to be converted so easily into mana. She wished these fools would just lie down and accept their deaths. She smirked at how futile that would be. They would never agree and its not like it would matter in the grand scheme of things. These walking talking distractions were nothing more then a fun little side show to the main event. No, they were the audience thrown into the ring and told to fight the circus cast. What a perfect moniker for them, audience. They all danced to the tune their master played, and even worse was how little they understood the stage. She almost felt sorry for them. Almost.

"Little rat. What do you think you're doing in there? Have we given you leave to take what you want?" She called out to the building, knowing full well that the master inside could hear her.

(Interaction YsFanatic YsFanatic )
SaberHotel Hallway
A stern nod followed the man's abrupt and stammering apology. "Apology accepted. As for me-..." She was cut off as the man went on about his parents colluding with her. Such a brief moment it was, her softening features that is. But as the man took an aggressive stance that same disappointed piercing gaze drew upon him. But the man's fury was swept aside as a shockwave shook the building. Her own attention drew off to the direction the blast came from though she was far, far less addled by the sudden attack. It was clearly not aimed at them nor the building they currently resided. It wasn't until her Master started running away that she turned her crimson hues back upon him. But alas she needn't make a move as, for all his cowardice, he came back to fetch her hand and pull her along after him. She offered no resistance as she allowed her Master to pull her along. Sure she could have handled the situation far better than merely running but it was always wise to see how your companions would handle themselves in a crisis.

Even as they reached the stairwell and began sprinting down the steps she decided to take him up on his offer to continue her explanation. "I know nothing of your parents or their intentions. Nor do I know anything of your past. My only concern is the war in which we now find ourselves." Despite the frantic pace they made she spoke as if she were still standing still. "This is a ritual we find ourselves, Master. Seven Masters summon seven servants and with them do battle until only one pair remains. The winners are granted any wish they desire.... Though it does feel as if there is something amiss with this war..." She shook her head, their pace down the flights of stairs entirely too slow for her to go along with it any further. She, without a bit of warning, rushed forward. Her arm pulled free of his grip as she scooped him into a princess carry before he could even realize what was going on. "Hold on tight, Master." And, ignoring what was sure to be words of protest, she suddenly flung herself over the railing into the bottomless chasm that adorned the center of the stairwell. It was a towering structure and they were easily a dozen stories up. Such an act was surely pure suicide.

Their descent lasted only a few terrifying moments before she slammed into the ground. Her form crumpling to take a knee to ease her Master's landing along with whatever mana manipulation she used. But after the shock wore off it was clear they were now on the ground floor as the woman nonchalantly set her Master back upon his feet and rose back to her own. Saber offered a cheeky grin at her Master as a hand came to rest upon her hip. "I am no cosplayer, nor am I in the employ of your parents as I have stated. If you need a demonstration of my sincerity then I am more than willing to give you one. But for that, we would have to make our way northwest to the source of that explosion."
Hotel Lobby
Interactions: o.Rinn o.Rinn
Mentions: Cierra Cierra (Explosion)
Team Assassin (Shiori's team)
"I don't understand...."
Shiori was very concerned about the outside he was now witnessing.
Bustling traffic, large skyscrapers, and wandering pedestrians were out before him, like a mundane record, moving as normal.

"I don't recall moving to a city at all."


"If I can understand correctly, this might be the work of something or someone." Assassin replied.
Shiori pondered for a moment. "If I did indeed get relocated to here without consent, it must be the work of a powerful magius or something."

His head pulsed on the inside as he bent over, from the pain. "What is it that I'm forgetting?" It was something important, he knew that much. That was when they heard it.

"That was an explosion!" Shiori exclaimed. "What the hell is going on?!"
"Master, you want me to go look?" Assassin asked.
"... Not sure to be honest. I feel like this might be a trap." He replied.
"How so?" Assassin asked.
"I really can't explain aside from gamers intuition."
"Gamers intuition?"

"Yes. I remember being skilled at playing games of some kind. That much is certain." Assassin stood there to think for a sec, before nodding. "I understand. What do we do then?"
"Perhaps we stand here and wait ..." Shiori replied.

And thus they stood around, waiting.​
Jake instantly froze when he heard the voice call out to him, the ice blade he held forgotten for the moment, the magic coming undone due to his lapse in concentration and allowing it to revert to its liquid form. The splashing sound of the water hitting the ground as well the feeling of his hand becoming soaked pulled him out of his shock. Going by the speaker's tone and wording, he was willing to assume they meant him harm. Knowing that he was unlikely to be able to survive, much less win, a battle with another mage, he decided the best choice was to run. Taking a brief moment to put the cap back on the water bottle, he then bolted for the back of the warehouse.

At the rear of the warehouse he found another door, a lucky find as far as he was concerned. Or at least that was his thinking until Jake found to his dismay that this one seemed to be stuck as simply turning the handle and pulling did nothing. Putting a foot on the wall to give himself more force for his next attempt, Jake attempted to pull the door open a second time, and then a third upon which it was finally yanked open with the sound of metal scraping against metal. He almost bolted through the now open doorway, but instead found himself pausing for a moment realizing that the noise likely would indicate what he had been doing to escape. Instead Jake bolted down an aisle and took cover behind some large boxes that had apparently fallen from the shelving. Perhaps it was a stupid idea, but it seemed better than doing what was expected of him. Or at least he hoped it was better.

Interaction: CatJones CatJones
Sebastian Lovato
"The Armchair General."

City Sidewalk

‘Too slow’ was likely an understatement. After years sequestered in a blacked-out room, sitting in a flimsy old chair and hunched into a cooked shrimp’s posture for ten hours a day, Sebastian wasn’t set at the apex of youthful athleticism. Sure, he started at a full sprint and kept pace. Come the second, the third, and especially the fourth flight of stairs — needless to say, Sebastian didn’t put up much of a fight beyond an awkward squawk when the woman swooped him up like a petite princess. It was only when she whisked them both over the railing that he screamed. Loud. A hug came to wind tightly about her shoulders, and though perhaps the neet's initial thought was to squeeze shut his lids, he couldn’t resist the morbid desire to helplessly watch the floor hurdling to greet them until the very last second, the anticipated end, when Sebastian whined through his gritted teeth and tucked his face away into the stranger.

Nothing came. He remained rigid, refusing to budge, clinging to his lifeline (see: Julius). Death was oddly… Well, it was a lot like living. Reluctantly, one eye cracked open.

Oh, he was on his feet. His knees were knocking, yes, but his soles were flat on the ground. The solid floor earned a dubious stare, then too did the alleged Julius Caesar once Sebastian was certain his own corpse wasn’t a mass of mush at what he thought could be his ghost feet.

“R-Right…” A short, stiff cough. He untangled his arms from about her, blushing bright red at his own repeated foolishness. But that had been magecraft. Sebastian, having dabbled at his family's behest in the past, was sure of it now. After giving a tug to the end of his shirt, he straightened up and peered over his shoulders to find the exit door. No more embarrassing himself. “Northwest… What’s northwest?”

Already his stomach was in his chest. When he was greeted by the sight of a pillar of blackened smoke rising over the cityscape, he worried that his stomach was just going to flee his body altogether. That was Northwest. "Oh, Hell no. No, no." The denizens of this damned, unknown downtown, scratched out and featureless by foul magicks, continued about their set paths without even a glance spared to the mayhem brewing only blocks away. "Hello? Hey!" Sebastian grabbed the nearest person by the sleeve in an attempt to jostle some awareness into them. "C'mon, man, we gotta get outta here, can't you see that!? Huh?" But the man shrugged him off. An NPC with his preprogrammed path. Sebastian forced an inhale.

Gears began to click into place. To grind awake. To spin with a concentrated analysis. So it was a war, then…

"No," he ultimately shook his head. A declaration meant for Julius. God, 'no' had slipped his lips quite a lot in the last half hour, but it was really the only word to sum his thoughts on the situation up. "No, we'd best not run into that without knowing what 'that' is. And by 'that', I mean 'where'... Ideally 'who', too, but that'll have to come second." If that explosion had something to do with this conflict she mentioned, then remaining out of the fray to instead gain a strategy for moving forward could pay off in the long term. Other sides could pick each other off, and they would have a proper lay of the land to possibly use to their advantage. Sebastian stalked down the sidewalk, away from the beckoning beacon, and waved Julius along to follow. Any argument or contrary pleas would be wordlessly dismissed. He felt he knew best. For now, the more distance they could gain, the better. Besides, all he had on him was — he patted beneath his jacket — right, his gun. That was it. They just needed a place to roost, take an inventory, and gain some information on where they were. Learning who the Hell this Julius Caesar truly was and what she was capable of wouldn't hurt either. Along the way, Sebastian asked Julius in a lowered mutter, "You said seven masters summoned servants... But are you sure I'm your master? Because I don't remember summoning you at all. I wouldn't summon you even if I knew how. Shit, I don't even know..." He slowed, something momentarily drawing him to give the street a wary survey. "How..."

That was when his bespectacled eyes settled on a young girl in the distance. She stood beyond the threshold of a mansion of all things, flanked by two towering skyscrapers, lone and silent guardians that framed her amidst the urban bustle. Something about her didn't seem to blend quite right... Maybe the fact that he never expected to see a well-to-do mansion alongside highrises was drawing her into passive scrutiny as well. A tension formed in Sebastian's brow, but he swiftly looked away, continuing in a whisper, "I don't know how I even got here." With all that had happened, it was perhaps paranoia singling out an otherwise innocent bystander.

City Sidewalk

Interactions: Xel Xel Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27
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SaberHotel Lobby
Saber didn't seem to even take note of the way he clung to her form or the blushing crimson sprawling out across his cheeks. She followed alongside her Master to the exit of the Hotel but before she could answer his question it seemed he figured it out for himself upon seeing the tell-tale aftermath such an explosion would surely cause. His adamant refusal did bring a small smirk to her lips. She watched as her Master tried to interact with the faceless denizens. Her own curiosity keeping her ever-engrossed in his attempts. But it was all too clear they had no interest in them or their actions. Her left hand slowly moved to softly caress the hilt of her blade. Her crimson eyes darting down to the weapon at her side. Alas, she made no move to draw it from its sheath. Whatever thoughts passed through her head remained solidly there. Her Master's sharp inhale drew her back to the moment. His words again pleasing to the ears.

She was not opposed to go and make her presence known, but she did not become the General she was by being reckless. To see that her Master likewise understood the need for caution did well to keep her in high spirits. "Well if you've no need for a demonstration of my power, then I agree we would do well to gather some information before we dive into the fray." With their destination set, she contently followed alongside him. Never one to merely follow behind she would maintain her position by his side even if it entailed forcing those faceless figures to part around them. Such earlier examples of her falling behind were merely exceptions to be sure. "In truth, I remember nothing of being summoned. I know full well you are my Master. Even the Gods themselves could do little to convince me otherwise. Even were it not for the mana I feel flowing from you to me, I would still know you to be my Master. But it would seem whatever magic is at play did well to ensure our memories were stripped from us."

As he slowed, so did she, though even before they slowed she took notice of the pair that momentarily drew her Master's eye. Even as he continued speaking it was clear her attention was entirely focused on the pair outside the mansion. "Nor do I, Master. But it is the simple truth that we are here." Even as she spoke her vibrant scarlet hues never wavered from the pair. "And it would seem we are not the only ones. I don't sense the presence of a servant, but it would be wise to remain vigilant." With the deep saturation of mana in the air, she couldn't even sense if the pair were even magi. But there was one single fact that tipped her off. One so obvious all should readily notice it. Even her Master, where he not preoccupied with coming to terms with everything. The very fact that she could see their faces told her everything she needed to know. And she was all but certain they would come to the same conclusion, were her attire not already enough to give her away.

"So, Master. It would seem we fled the fire into the pan. What do you suggest we do?" She left the question distinctly open offering no suggestion of her own. She needed her Master to start thinking properly, to get into the correct mindset. And coming face to face with fellow combatants in this war was as good a time as any to help shake him out of his confusion.

Street Outside Mansion
Interactions: o.Rinn o.Rinn Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27
Really. Caster was amazed how idiotic some humans could behave. She understood that there would be some trepidation in responding to someone calling out to you the way she did, but to try and run away? How foolish could this mortal be? In one graceful leap she crossed over to the roof of the building that the errant master had been in. The sound of the metal scraping against metal had told her that he was trying to escape, either prying open the walls or the metal doors of the warehouse. Either way, there was little chance he was fast enough to outrun her, not without some magic. Which, she had hadn't detected any more of. Which meant the empty lot behind the warehouse and undisturbed woods beyond it indicated that he was still inside. She let out a quiet huff and leaned down, activating her own magic.

She hated calling it that but most people, unaware as they were, saw it as that. She touched the single tip of one of her fingers against the metal, injecting it with 'magic'. In reality, on the atomic level, she had injected the metal's several million nucleus with several hundred neutrons, each. Their was no visual or notable change to the naked eye. For her, she felt a familiar and welcome warmth from the steel shell. As if it was now resonating with her own soul. With the proper instrumentation some people could easily discern how much raw energy was now in the metal shell, seeping out into the air. Unfelt. Unnoticed. The inside of the warehouse was now being bombarded by millions of rays of nuclear energy. Enough to kill a man in only a few hours if left exposed.

"Little rat, I dearly hope you're not still inside. I merely wish to speak to you and I would prefer to do that while your body is still in one piece, not sloughing off onto the concrete as your very cells begin to wither and die. I promise you, speak with me and I'll let you live a while longer." She spoke aloud, walking around the roof, looking for anywhere she could look down into the warehouse. Regardless if he believed that she was being sincere in her willingness to talk, if he remained inside the warehouse for to long, it would begin to negatively impact his health.

( YsFanatic YsFanatic )

The last sliver of flesh mended and repaired on Sabers face, a fissure of skin closing across exposed bone beneath. She shook to life as she took a deep raspy, gasping breath. Dying wasn't something most living creatures would enjoy but it was preferable to being trapped in your body as it knit itself back to health. Feeling every inch of flesh knit itself close, every pound of muscle reposition itself to where it was originally places, bones reforming back into their natural shape. Even with her life restored, aching pains dominated her form. Reaching behind herself, she pulled her katana and its sheath to her front, using it to help her stand. Once back at full height, she pulled the blade from its home, holding it in shaky hands as she made her way towards the other side of the river.

She avoided the bridge, instead jumping from one side to the other and focusing on a set of twin skyscrapers in the distance. She had fought enough battles in her waking life to know that terrain advantage was a massive boon for whichever side claimed it first. The range of vision those towers would give was appealing. Her body protested as she continued to move forward, still sore and battered from the explosion. A few of those nameless, faceless things meandered about, heeding her no mind. Walking past them and several buildings that meant nothing to her, she gripped her blade tighter. A quick movement of the arm and wrist. One of the faceless things erupting into blood and matter as it was cut down. Killing them did little to improve her mood, but she wasn't about to move aside for inhuman creatures, instead moving them aside from her path.

It would take her a few minutes to reach the towers, walking as slowly as she was, nursing the constant thrum of pain that wracked her body.
Yuriko had finally caught her breath, stilted and tiring as it was. She knew that it would only be minutes at best before those two servants would try and find her again and she hadn't put that much distance between the three of them. She estimated that at best she had given herself ten minutes and four of them were used up just trying to get her breathing under control. A state it wouldn't be in for long, she decided as she set off in a light jog, trying to maintain her pace this time. She had figured out some of the intricacies of the city at this point and was hoping she could use them to her advantage. As she moved past several of the cities inhabitants, she tired to stay close the buildings to make it harder to be noticed for anyone looking from a vantage point. That caster had a fixation with being on top of buildings.

She focused her mind, thinking of some of the other Masters in the War, trying to remember what any of the looked like. The image of a blond man entered her mind, though she couldn't remember his name. He had two or three servants, another little trick of the War that she still didn't understand. She rounded a corner and was surprised that the efficacy of the city was greater then she had expected. She ran face first into the man, knocking herself over.

The man with three servants. She recognized them, though she still wasn't sure of their names. The tall man in the tricorn hat, the midget in armor and his adoring follower in resplendent dress. They were quite the crowd and hopefully would be more then a meager barrier from her attackers. From her position on the ground, she put her arms up defensively, waiting for a possible first strike from them.

BlightGiver BlightGiver
Bolbi had no mental truck of making heads or tails of this absurd situation. How was he to explain away how he ended up in some twisted version of a foreign city? And finding himself to be a Master of Servants, no less.

Perhaps, however, that may be asking the wrong question. Instead of asking how, he should be asking why. It hardly seemed likely he was just an unfortunate victim of some naturally occuring incident. Something about all this felt deliberate; that heard explosion pointing towards this being the case.

Passing by the city's inhabitants proved two things, as well. The first being that Columbus was right; these monsters were not people. Their vague shape may appear humanoid in nature, yet their facial features were non existence at best. Partially smooth, crinkled, jaggy surfaces of skin were the most common appearances, and some Bolbi simply couldn't bear himself to look at. It resonated within his human instincts to try avoiding these gross human facsimiles.

Regardless, the second aspect of this city was that, despite the inhabitants not being humans, they appeared to lead similar lives. They moved around on sidewalks, as if having places to be that they had planned out in advance. Explosions and Servants running around weren't even noticed by them, meaning they were not part of these humanoid's daily lives. There must be other humans or Servants roaming this city. Which could not be a good thing. In most scenarios, Servants and Masters only came around when a Holy Grail War was about to occur, or was already in progress. With that hypothetically being the case, Bolbi would have to worry about other mages and Heroic Spirits coming for his life. He wasn't much for conflict, yet he would have no qualms pulling out all stops to keep himself safe.

Servant companions of his own would help make that reality, too. Like most people in human history, Bolbi was not familiar with Servant combat. How much damage they could take, evasive maneuvers and other combat tactics were quite different than human to human combat. At most, he only had an inkling of class proficiencies against others and the strength a Servant's skills could truly dish out.

"I should just be glad I made sure to eat before being trapped here." Bolbi told himself, unaware if any food they may find in this city was edible for humans or not.

Bolbi's three travelling companions kept on moving slightly ahead of their Master. Despite their apparent age, two of them bring elderly men, they had substantially more stamina than their easily left behind Master. Bolbi figured it to be the benefit of being a Heroic Spirit, briefly wondering what it would be like if he was one. Snapping back to reality, he continued running.

Quixote turned to look at the heavily breathing Master of his. "We should consider a course of action, Master. Rushing into the fray like this won't be good for your health." he suggested, Sancha nodding in agreement.

"Pay that no mind, Master." Columbus dissented. "Going off of gut feeling has been a valid tactic for thousands of years. Why, I did it all the time during my lifetime and look where it got me!" Columbus' words of encouragement, if you could call them that, fell on deaf ears. Bolbi knew about as much as his Servants did, unless they hid classified info that regarded their manifestation.

Pushing his sunglasses up his face, Bolbi provided the best plan he could come up with on the fly. "My plan is to find someone, anyone, human or otherwise, and ask them what the hell is going on here. You three will be primed for defense, in case anything starts to go sideways. Last thing we need is to make someone into an enemy when they weren't planning on being one." he explained.

Bolbi didn't notice, but Columbus had a look of minor disappointment on his face. Master's plan was acceptable, given how in the dark they were. Yet, that didn't mean he couldn't have a little fun in the meantime. Slowing down his pace, Columbus let Bolbi get further ahead.

"Well, Master, if we are in such a rush," he started, adding in a chuckle. "kick the lead out and get a move on!" Columbus put a hand on Bolbi's back and shoved him forward pretty forcefully.

"What is the matter with-?" Bolbi turned back to retort, inadvertently running right into someone. The impact left him standing, yet the other party was knocked to the ground. It would be basic kindess to help someone up, but Bolbi had to throw that away, simply because of the circumstances. On the ground sat a younger woman, holding her arms up as a makeshift shield. This immediately showed she was not an inhabitant of the city. The faceless humanoids made no attempts to defend themselves, or even respond to physical attack from them. Columbus knocking plenty of them over proved to be useful after all.

Disregarding that, Bolbi made an attempt at diplomacy with this stranger. "Sincerest apologies. I looked away for a brief moment due to a rude individual." he explained, leering back at Columbus, who was whistling nonchalantly. "I seriously request you identify yourself and spill whatever you might know of this damnable city." Bolbi felt this was an acceptable tone. Apologetic, non-aggressive, yet stern, should display he was not here to play games, but to get to the bottom of this as soon as possible.

Interactions: Cierra Cierra

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