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Realistic or Modern Farveyl High [Mature]

Hana Kim

Hana's anxiety obviously showed, she was fidgeting and barely maintaining meaningful eye contact. And it was clear Jin had noticed when he placed his hands on hers. Hana felt as though she had known Jin for years, the relaxing aura he had about him made Hana instantly calm herself. She unwrapped the rest of her breakfast bar and delicately finished it off, all the while intently listing to Jin talk about his relationship with his brother. "Yes, I have a brother, and though we get along well, out relationship is probably more...cold than you and your brothers. It's for no particular reason, things are just different in Korea. Brothers compete. It might seem strange, but that's how it works." Hana recalled her brother telling her about this. He had multiple Korean friends from his year spent studying there a few years ago, they had similar relationships with their brothers. It intrigued Hana. She couldn't imagine not being close to Lee. Considering she avoids talking to her parents about her problems, Lee was all she had.

After finishing off her breakfast bar, Hana began to feel nauseous. Her anxiety came pounding back and every bone in her body screamed at her to run away and hide.
"Hey, I'm here for you. Don't worry." Hana thoughts stopped immediately and she felt as though her heart had stopped. The only other person who recognised her anxiety as being anxiety was Lee. The simple words Jin had spoken to her made her feel so much admiration and attraction towards him. Hana smiled.

"Thank you." Hana genuinely meant it. Something inside her knew that Jin said it out of compassion, not out of social pressures or because he felt bad. She exhaled, feeling relieved and calm once more, she continued the conversation about their families. Asking him about his parents and more about his brother.

The coffee shop got a lot quieter as the day went on, people came in and out frequently, and yet Jin and Hana kept talking. By the end of the day, Hana and Jin had talked non-stop. Hana had ordered multiple coffees and another breakfast bar, which she ate with out much deliberation. Hana checked the time on her phone.
4:28pm Realising her parents were arriving back from Washington that evening, Hana explained her reason for needing to leave.

"My parent's flight gets in soon, I should probably be at home when they get back." Hana didn't want the day to end, she was enjoying the conversation too much. Though, it was made better when Jin offer to drive Hana home.

The car drive to Hana's house was peaceful, the conversation continued seamlessly. The sun fell lower in the sky, casting a golden hue over everything around. Hana hadn't thought about Jin's attractiveness much, she had been too focused on enjoying the conversation she hadn't stopped to think about it. She sat and held her attention on Jin as he was driving, hoping not to seem creepy or weird him out. Averting her eyes back in front of her every time Jin looked round, Hana smiled and wondered if she had gotten away with the looks.
"I had a great time today. It was really nice." As they got closer to her house, Hana felt the need to tell him how nice the day way. She hoped he enjoyed it as much as she had. Hana had to remind herself that they had only just met earlier that day, something she kept forgetting. "And thank you for the ride home" Hana gathered her things, ready to get out of the car and say goodbye to Jin.




The day passes much too quickly for Jin's liking, but he is glad for every moment he spends with Hana. Every time she gets anxious he seems to be able to put her at ease, and her smile seems almost grateful to him. His only ambition is to make her completely comfortable. Their conversation continues easily throughout the day, and they seem to have much in common. Jin can't ignore his attraction to the girl, but he doesn't make any advances as they have only met today. It seems unbelievable that they just met, their day together felt like many years to Jin in the best way. He can only hope it will continue to be this blissful.

Eventually, Hana announces that she has to go home. "My parent's flight gets in soon, I should probably be at home when they get back." "I understand. Don't worry, I'll take you home." Jin offers, clearing up their table. He has a habit for always tidying up before he leaves a restaurant, and he feels like he owes it to the poor owners of the store for occupying a table for an entire day. Always the gentleman, he opens the passenger door for her before getting in.

Their conversation continues without a hitch on the way home. Jin again makes a conscious effort to drive safely, but he notices Hana's stolen glances at him throughout the drive, and he can't help but smile. To be fair, he also can't help but glance back at her, observing the beauty he has beside him. Eventually, she says
"I had a great time today. It was really nice." "Really? Because I enjoyed myself as well. I'll give you my number so maybe we can do it again sometime." He says, pulling up to Hana's driveway. Parking the car, he scribbles his number on the back of a receipt and hands it to her. Getting out of the car, he opens the passenger door for her. Touching her lightly on the shoulder and making eye contact, he says, "I'm very glad I met you today, and I look forward to seeing you tomorrow." He then walks her up her driveway to the front door of her house. "Have a good night, Hana." He says, gently touching her cheek before walking back down the driveway. He leaves her house with a smile on his face.


Hana Kim

"I'll see you tomorrow," Hana couldn't keep the grin from creeping up on her face. Hana waited as Jin walked back down the drive way, before spinning back around towards the door, fumbling around in her bag for her keys. She put the keys in the lock and realised the door was already open, she frowned as she pushed the heavy door open. "Mom? Dad?" Hana shut the door behind her and heard Jin's car pull away. Mindlessly she touched her hand to her cheek and smiled as she dropped her bag off her shoulder and onto the small wooden table near the door.

"Hana? We're in the kitchen." Hana heard her father's voice and followed it through to the kitchen. "Hey honey, how was your day?" Hana smiled. Her mother wasn't in the kitchen though, which puzzled Hana, but she assumed she had gone upstairs or something.

"It was.. great, actually." Hana got lost in her thoughts for a moment, thinking about the day she just had. Sighing, she corrected her thoughts and focused her attention back onto her father. "Where's mom?" Hana walked over to the fridge and grabbed a strawberry yoghurt, proceeding to get a spoon and jumped up on the kitchen island counter.

"She's still working." Hana's father seemed different, as though he was trying to move the conversation on. "Are you okay to make dinner yourself? I've got to go out." Her father was ready to leave, presumably he was simply waiting for Hana to get home before he left again. She was used to it, still having a close relationship with her parents, she knew they had a habit of upping and leaving as soon as they got in. Hana didn't mind too much.

"Yeah, yeah." Hana jumped off the counter and headed up to her room. It wouldn't be long before her father shouted up to her, letting her know he was leaving. She entered her room and fell onto her bed, face first. Exhausted after the long day but enjoyable day she had, all Hana wanted to do now was to sleep. And that's what she did. About five minutes later, her father shouted up to her and a few minutes after that, Hana had arranged herself under her covers and had fallen asleep, still in her clothes.



"Shit." Hana laid on her back, staring up at the ceiling. Feeling lethargic, she pulled herself out of bed and walked over to her bathroom, switching her shower on. She left the water running as she sorted her jacket out and got undressed.

After a quick shower, she got her pyjamas on and sat on her bed. Hana reached for her jacket, pulling out a crumpled receipt with Jin's phone number written on the back. She haphazardly entered it into her phone before flopping down on her bed. Hana was exhausted. She so badly wanted to text Jin, telling him she had such a good day, but she knew it was too soon. Right now, all Hana wanted was someone to talk to and for someone to be there for her and vice versa. As much as she felt attracted to him, being in a relationship wasn't her priority. With this in mind, she left her phone on her bed and made her way over to her already-splintering, plywood desk.

Hana spent the next two hours doing school work, which wasn't even compulsory, but it felt compulsory to her. She had a work ethic unlike most students, willing to even do work that wasn't requested in the first place. It was often the cause of her bullying, but she didn't care. She sucked it up, and kept the thought of having a good career after college in her mind. After Hana finished up her last essay, she dropped her pen on her desk and walked like a zombie to her bed. She switched the light out and fell asleep within a matter of minutes.

@Vitez mentioned



i opened my eyes to the light to see that i was blinded by it so i then again concealed myself into the darkness


"First of all," she said, as she glared at him. "My status is not going to fall in any way simply because I don't have a boyfriend at my side - if you think that, then you don't know me very well." She shoved grapes into her mouth angrily, making him burst out with short laughter.

"Alright. Whatever you say," he chuckled, as he carefully took a shot. She was getting drunk already, and her words were starting to come out in slurred spurts. Since he'd been drinking for at least an hour before she arrived, he was already starting to feeling the effects of the alcohol as well.

"Mason happened - or rather didn't happen; in the end he chose Bailey over me. It's ridiculous, I mean what does she have that I don't?"

Darius almost choked when he heard Mason's name. The man who was like a loyal dog to Bailey who had her finger tightly wrapped around his head. Even though he had to admit that Mason was certainly desirable, he hadn't expected Thea to be willing to put her energy into coaxing a guy like him into her nest.

Ever since they had been young...around the time he started getting closer to Rachel, he had noticed that she had suddenly started to gain more popularity with the guys and even getting caught up in scandals where she stole boyfriends from poor girls who couldn't even stand a chance. At that time, he couldn't say anything for it was her life that she had control over...but he began to wonder if she had just simply been stuck in a shitty vicious cycle like him and was slowly getting destroyed as well.

What exactly did Bailey have that Thea didn't? The capability to love from the bottom of her heart. What Thea could never understand was that love wasn't the shallow cycle of seduction and taking control of other people's feelings but the act of loyalty and the ability to stand next to a person even during their hardest times. He wasn't the one who could tell her that though for he was even worse than her. They had both been deprived of honest and pure love since they were children, but he had at least had a bitter taste of it when he had been with Rachel before...her death. Thea's mother...and his own actions had damaged Thea to an extent where simple therapy couldn't comfort her loss.

"Answer me Darius, what makes me worse than her?" Her head was beginning to droop as she poured another shot, and he barely managed to catch her head in time before it fell on to the table.

He sighed as he wrapped her arm around his shoulder and lifted her up. "You're drunk. Let's go home."

Darius glanced over at the bartender. "Just put it on my tab for now. I'll pay tomorrow."

The bartender chuckled and waved him away.

Darius gently sat Thea down into the passenger seat, and he started the engine.

They quietly drove down the road, as the blurry scenery raced past him. His eyes could hardly focus on the lights before him, and he could feel himself slipping away.

Somehow, he managed to drive into their high security neighborhood without killing anyone and he drove up into her drive way. The house was dark except for her room like always...

"Get up. We're here," he murmured, as he unbuckled her seat belt. "I'm tired too so I've got to g-..."

He froze when she turned her head and stared at him with the same vulnerable expression that had been on her face when he had first met her as a child.


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Alright, the next scene is beginning now. It's the first day of school. If you need to, merge your ending post and your first day post together. I'll post when I get out of this class.

Adrian nodded and smiled at Octavia as she too departed, leaving him alone in the large and packed mall. The Italian bit his lip, unsure of what to do next, and then randomly headed for a few shops.

Bought a new suit from Armani and a few clothes the senior was now finally satisfied with himself. He'd also managed to catch the attention of a few tourists, with who he 'chatted' for a while before leaving for his home. Adrian's phone read 7PM, his father would be home already.

With a bored sigh the tall teen resigned himself to driving home, showering and then going through Twitter on his bed.

He checked his alerts for awhile, which were a large amount since he'd posted a lot that summer, before his mind swam back to Thea. The feisty blonde surely was something else, and soon enough the eighteen year old found himself on her profile. His attention fell on a post which read "We're over".

So she and Damien had finally broke up?

A smirk covered the Italian's features at the new. Before he'd always held back a little with her, not really wanting to get in trouble with the school's king, but now he knew no such thing would have happened. So moving to the 'Message' section of his phone he searched for Thea's name, or however he'd called her in his phone, and wrote. He wasn't sorry in the least for the couple breaking up.

To: Princess Thea @Bhlow

From: Adrian

"Hey read just now about you and Damien, else I would have told you something before. Know that if you need help with anything I'm there."

Satisfied the teen went down stairs and had, as usual, an extremely silent dinner with his father. After having glared in exasperation at the man for half the dinner and having unsuccessfully tried to strike a conversation, Adrian left the table and reached his room again. The dark haired teen sighed deeply, his eyes moving to the picture that held both his deceased mother and brother. He sat in silence for a few long minutes on the king sized back, occasionally running his hand through his hair, before eventually putting some music on and watching a random movie.

It wasn't that late, only about 11:32PM, when he moved to the bathroom and prepared for bed. The previous day's events had deprived him of all energies, and Adrian truly wished to look good the following day. He swallowed his pills and soon enough he managed to close his eyes and drift off.

About eight hours after they softly hopened again at the annoying buzz of his clock. For a few moments Adrian was extremely confused.

An alarm? Why the fuck did I put an alarm-?

But then the realization came and the teen groaned deeply, stuffing his face in the soft pillow.

"Fucking school." But he truly wasn't that sad at the idea. This was his
last year, then he'd be free. So he genuinely smiled while preparing himself, spraying an acceptable amount of male perfume on his neck and wearing a stylish outfit that exalted his tall and muscular body.

Gotta impress. He had told himself so every first day of school since he'd been in Farveyl, and this day was no exception.
Thea Grace Malone


Thea leant against Darius as he led her to his car and closer her eyes in the seat, wanting to lose herself in the oblivion of her drunken state. Darius didn't answer her, which could only mean that something was wrong with her, and the thought bounced around in her head, hell, maybe she was more damaged than him for all she knew. The damaged Queen Bee.

She finally flickered her eyes open as his hand's snaked around her waist and unbuttoned her seatbelt and she turned towards him as he started speaking "I'm tired too so I've got to g-". Her panic most of shown for a second as he stopped and she grabbed the departing hand from her waist. "Don't, please stay". She watched him consider her words for a moment, and afraid or rejection she moved towards him in the small space and managed to manoeuvre herself into his lap, leaning down to kiss him slowly. "Don't go" she whispered, the taste of vodka from him intoxicating her further. She knew that offering him sex could be the only thing that would keep him, but she wasn't even sure if that would work after Mason.

She couldn't tell if he was reluctant or if wanted to go with her, but she led him to her house, walking up to the only room where the lights were on and they both explored each other's bodies slowly on her bed, trailing kisses down each other's bodies until they were just a mess of limbs intertwined together, finishing and falling asleep in each other's arms.

Nevertheless, the strangest experience was when her phone started ringing- a phone call from Leah in the morning, and she was still tangled up in an embrace with Darius. She looked at the scene in front of her shocked and recalled the events of the night before to the best of her ability. She wasn't sure what was was, the fact that she had begged Darius to sleep with her or the fact that he had stayed the night and not sneaked out in the morning. "Fuck", Thea whispered as she escaped his embrace, feeling disgusted at herself for sinking so low and for a moment she perched on the edge of the bed with her head in her hands as she analysed the bad life choices that had let her to this situation. Finally she got up, off the bed, leaving her phone next to Darius as she headed for the shower, hoping she could wash away the dirty feeling inside her. On the way to her private bathroom she checked the clock - they had an hour and a half until school started. That would be enough time, she decided, as she scrubbed at her skin under the scalding water.

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Finally ready Adrian made his way downstair, satisfied by the absence of his male parent.

"Good morning" He said instead to the waitress, in a tone so untypically cheery from him that she looked almost frightened.

After having drank his usual coffee he finally made his way to his car, throwing his school's bag in the passenger seat and starting the engine.

The seventeen minutes it usually took to get to school seemed to last forever, but when the gate finally came into view Adrian relaxed.

A few impressed glances were sent the way of his car, which turned into stares when he parked and excited the mobile. The newfound senior sent a few 'hey's' in the way of those he hadn't seen in a while, grinning instead at a group of giggling girls he'd either never seen or noticed before.

This year is going to be great. Adrian kept repeating this phrase in his head like a mantra, most likely trying to convince himself, even while passing two guys stuffing a freshman in a locker.

Not really feeling like starting the day by himself the italian walked to the usual Royal meet up place, the space just outside of the bar, and lit himself a cigarette while waiting for someone to show up.


Hana Kim

Hana's phone vibrated ferociously on her bedside table. In an effort to stop the noise, Hana stretched her arm out from under her covers, knocking her phone onto the floor. Seriously. She opened her eyes, and leant over the side of her bed, picking her phone up clumsily trying to stop the noise. Hana sighed, pushed her face into her pillow one last time before dragging herself into a sitting position. Leaning against her headboard, Hana checked her social media accounts. They were all full of comments about the first day back at school, a lot of her friends were foreign so most of her social media was in a multitude of languages with the main being Korean. She tweeted a few times, telling the world she was still alive, and then put her phone back on top of her bedside table.

After a few minutes of deliberation, Hana got out of bed and headed over towards her bathroom. Staring at her reflection in the mirror for a while, Hana brushed her teeth and got into her shower. Hana loved showers. It was her time to stare at a wall and it allowed her to feel as though time stopped long enough for her to gather her thoughts and get back on with the day. About ten minutes later, Hana emerged from the steaming bathroom and sat on her bed, procrastinating by flicking through her messages, debating sending one to Lee. She was dreading her first day at Farveyl High, her anxiety was at an all time high and she was terrified about not fitting in. The only thought that made it better was that she had already met a few of the people she'd be attending school with. She met Octavia and Darius at the party, and briefly met Thea. Not to mention the fact she spent the day with Jin. Sighing, Hana got up and picked an outfit out for the day; a paid of black skinny jeans and an oversized jumper. She felt comfortable.

Hana grabbed her bag, stuffed her books and laptop into it and hauled it over her shoulder. Making her way downstairs, she pulled her phone down and texted Lee.

You up? I'm off to school. She sent the message and then paused on the step, scrolling down her list of contacts, stopping at Jin's number. Debating whether to message him or not, she decided against it, reminding herself to not seem desperate. Hana smiled, made her way to the kitchen and saw her father sat eating his breakfast. "Morning." She grabbed an apple out of the fruit bowl and picked her jacket up off the counter. "I'm going now, see you later?" When she didn't get a reply, she left the house. Her father too engrossed in his newspaper to hear her leave.


The taxi dropped Hana off outside a bar. She'd asked to go to the school, so she assumed this bar must be close to the school. Hana recognised a man stood outside, smoking a cigarette. He looked fairly dressed up considering it was the first day of school, she expected most people to be in sweatpants and flip-flops. Taking a deep breath in, Hana pushed her bag up onto her shoulder and walked over to him.

"Adrian, right?" Hana smiled, hoping she got his name right. "We met yesterday, briefly." Hana walked over to where he was stood and leant up against the wall, letting her bag fall at her feet, she watched as he smoked his cigarette and tried not to choke on the smoke.

@Couldyoustfu (mentioned @Atsuko, @Ecstasyia, @Vitez and @Bhlow).

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As time passed, and Jaemin finished his food, he decided that roaming the mall wouldn't be something that his head would agree with. His headache had only gotten worse since he had arrived, and upon coming to this realization, he went back home. For a while, he had lazed around his house, doing nothing of relative importance. It was a hobby of his. He actually kept this up until he went to sleep, not wanting to feel like garbage for school the next morning.

When he woke up, he wasn't happy, but he was better. Of course, it would be a bit abnormal for him to be happy when his alarm was set so early in the morning, but he didn't brush of the feeling. From what he could remember, his mother would not return from her trip until the afternoon, so he currently had the house to himself, not like he'd do anything anyway. It was a common trope for one to throw parties and misbehave when left alone in the house, but it honestly was not his thing. It was something of a curse, to be relatively popular yet have no drive to do anything with it.

Once done with a too-hot shower, he sifted through his dresser, looking for something that wasn't too formal nor too casual. It was a goal of his to look like he cared on the first day of school. The other days, he didn't care nearly as much about how others perceived him. If he thought he looked fine, that was all the really cared about. After some thought, he settled on a loose-fitting grey sweater and a black pair of jeans. It wasn't anything too extravagant, but it worked.

Once he took care of his basic needs and went to school, he wasn't as tired and was definitely in a better mood. The waves of somewhat familiar faces in the building calmed him in a way. He wasn't exactly sure why, but he didn't think too much of it. It was the beginning of his last year of high school, and the thought of being so close to leaving was bittersweet. If he confronted the feeling head on, he knew it was because he didn't wanting to grow out of not caring, but again, he didn't do this. It was not the time to think about that. In the meantime, he had decided to stay at his locker after arriving to it, scanning the hallway for familiar faces.


Adrian let the smoke invade his lungs, exhaling through his nose. He noticed someone approaching but feigned obviousness, until the korean's familiar features came into view.

"Oh good morning," He said with a light smile at the girl "And your name is...Hana?" The senior took another drag from the cigarette, glancing at her as she approached the wall.

He wondered where everyone else was, but supposed he'd have to go with Hana's presence for now. So flashing a supposedly charming grin and raising one of his eyebrows, Adrian spoke to the attractive asian girl with ease. "First day in a new school huh? This is the best spot if you're looking for popularity."

He still was unsure of the year she was in, and ignored her intentions with the 'Royalty', but better talk to her than stay on his one.

His eyes drifted to the almost finished cigarette and Adrian threw it down with an huff, stomping down on his it with his boot.

@Koala sorry for shortness

Hana Kim

Hana watched the street in front of her as Adrian spoke. "Oh good morning," he continued, "And your name is...Hana?" Hana smiled, at least he remembered her name. She picked her bag up and rifled through looking for the timetable she was emailed a few days ago, it had the details of her classes and what time they started.

"Yes, I'm Hana." She gave Adrian a half-hearted smile as she carried on looking through her bag. Adrian smiled at her and raised an eyebrow, "First day in a new school huh? This is the best spot if you're looking for popularity." Hana stopped looking and looked over at Adrian, and then glanced around at her surroundings. She wasn't focused on being popular, all she wanted to was to start the day and get to class on time. Speaking of which, she didn't even know what time it was. Pulling out her phone, she quickly checked the time before sliding it into her back pocket once more. Still holding her bag, she mumbled a reply to Adrian.

"Oh, no, I'm not bothered about that kind of thing." Hana knew she might as well have ended her school life there, saying things like that often got her on the bad side of the popular people. "I just mean, uh, it's my first day." Hana struggled to recover her words. "Is school far from here? Can I walk it?" Hana finally found her timetable, pulling out a crumpled piece of paper with her class information on, she folded it up neatly and slid it into her jacket pocket and swung her bag back onto her shoulder. She looked up at Adrian and smiled, hoping she didn't seem like a complete nerd.


Adrian couldn't hold back a smile at her attitude. Hana seemed so innocent, she'd have to fight to stay that way in a school such as this one.

"That's new, and yeah it's like..." He pointed toward a turn "Right behind that. There's a gate and then all the cars are parked, it's probably crazy right now so I'd wait a while if I were you." Truly people tended to go a little out of control on the first day back, and it wasn't usual for him to skip a couple of periods especially in this time of the year, but perhaps he just wanted to convince her so that he wouldn't be by himself again.

Better someone than no one.

The italian scratched his chin, his stubble neatly cut from the morning prior. Keeping his expression pacific Adrian glanced down at the petite girl. "You said you're from Korea? I think there's like...three or two other dudes from there. But if I were you I'd stick with the italians, they're the best." He commented ironically, suspecting that Hana had detected his accent.

"Seriously though, if you feel lonely in that jungle I'm always up for a chat, or whatever." He resisted smirking as the whatever sounded just a little too generical. This summer had gotten him a little too used to sexualized girls, and he realized Hana probably wasn't that type. Hoping the brunette interpreted the word as simple as it really was Adrian let his hands rest in his pockets.

As Octavia heard the alarm clock beeping, she immediately sprang up, hitting her head against the head board.

"Ow." She croaked, reaching up to rub her head. Thankfully, there was no blood. She switched off her blaring alarm clock before placing her feet in the soft carpet. She scratched her head, before breathing into her hand and smelling it. She immediately gagged. She must've forgotten to brush her teeth last night.

She hopped in the shower, conditioning her hair and soaping up her body. She rinsed everything out before turning off the shower and stepping out into the memory foam grabbed her towel, drying off her body, then wrapping it around her as she went to go find something to put on. She decided on this outfit before slipping it on. She pulled her phone from the charger, grabbed her bag, then headed downstairs.

She kissed her maid's cheek. "I woke up late, I won't have time for your famous French toast today. Save some for me later, okay?"

"Sure, liebling." The maid said before giving Octavia subtle hug.

Octavia grabbed her keys of the counter before heading to school.


Once she arrived, she decided to go to the pub about a block from the school. She had actually arrived earlier than expected, then frowned at the thought of missing out on French toast. Anyway, she pushed the door open, hearing the sound of the familiar bell ringing. Surprisingly, when her eyes adjusted to the dark, she saw Adrian and Hana. After she abruptly left yesterday, she was suprised to see her talking to Adrian.


Hana Kim

Adrian pointed over towards the school, which was apparently around the corner and not very far. Thankful, Hana smiled as she saw Octavia approach. Hana left so suddenly the yesterday and she knew that it was odd. But Hana was determined to not make the mistake of leaving people mid conversation, so she stayed and listened to Adrian. Despite his humour, she knew Adrian was right. Sticking with people she knew, especially on the first day of school, was the best option she had.

As Octavia approached, Hana waved.
"Hey Octavia!" Hana wasn't sure if Octavia had seen her and Adrian, but since she was walking in the general direction, Hana assumed she had. Hana pulled her phone out and stood, flicking through her messages and social media notifications, as she waited for Octavia, all the while hoping she didn't hold grudges or take offence to Hana's disappearing act yesterday.

Whilst scrolling through her notifications, she happened upon Thea's status.

We're over. Hana wondered what it meant, she didn't know much about the school yet or it's students. But it was safe to say it was some kind of break up. Hana thought to ask Adrian or Octavia, they were sure to know.

@Couldyoustfu and @Ecstasyia

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Jin drives home with a smile across his face. Moving to the US was harder than he anticipated, and he's glad he has found someone he has a connection with. Not to mention, Hana is beautiful and amazing and understands him more than he thinks any person in the United States can. Of course, they both have Korean backgrounds which helps, but it goes much further than that. Hana just seems to be truly interested with him for who he is as a person because she's compassionate.

He arrives home hungry, considering he hadn't eaten much besides coffee all day. Luckily, he checks the fridge to find some ? ??, also known as "cold buckwheat noodles in a chilled broth", the perfect dinner for the last day of summer. He eats the rest of the pot, which will probably upset his mother but he isn't concerned with that at the moment. After his delicious dinner, he eats some ?? just like he would at every other meal with his family. He feels slightly guilty that he hasn't seen them all day, but he wouldn't take back a moment that he had with Hana. As he eats he watched his phone screen, hoping it will light up but expecting that it won't.

Heading upstairs, he ensures that everything is set up for the morning. Exhausted from the long day and his stomach full, he rolls into bed. The rest of his family is undoubtedly sleeping off the jetlag still, and it wouldn't hurt for him to get some extra sleep anyway. Even though it's early, it's blissfully easy for him to fall asleep...

The next morning


Jin wakes up extra early, partly because he wants to ensure he's ready for the first day and partly because he fell asleep uncharacteristically early. He checks his phone but to his dismay Hana still hasn't texted him. He brushes it off, they had just met and she is under no obligation to text him or even talk to him. Who was he to think she would?

Shrugging it off, he heads to the bathroom and jumps in the shower. He would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous for the day, so he uses his shower to give himself a silent pep talk in his thoughts. He dries his hair and examines himself in the mirror. Will he fit in at the school? Probably not. But will he survive? It's almost certain. Next, he heads to the closet. In South Korea, he was required to wear a uniform every day. He has absolutely no clue what American kids wear to school besides the very few people he saw at his orientation. Deciding it would be a good idea to dress to impress anyway, he wears a white dress shirt, a black tie, black dress slacks, and black dress shoes. Simple but classy. He checks his bag again to make sure he has everything, including a pair of chopsticks for meals. It will be incredibly embarrassing to use chopsticks, but he would look like a caveman eating with a fork. It's simple too clumsy and foreign to him.


He heads downstairs and greets his family with bows and conversation in Korean. Since the concept of "breakfast foods" doesn't exactly exist in Korean culture, his mother is serving seaweed soup with fish and ??. He dines briefly with his brother, telling his parents about his day yesterday in Korean. His mother is beautiful by Korean and American standards, but most Koreans of an older generation didn't marry for love or beauty, they married for status, much like a business deal. His father is a tall, powerful looking man who towers over his mother. His brother looks much like him but their relationship is distant and respectful at best. After some conversation, Jin gets in his car and begins the drive to school.

He makes it to the front gate, but the traffic is nightmarish. After circling, using the skills he obtained from learning how to drive in a city known for it's insane drivers, and nearly causing no less than two accidents, he gives up. Trying to find a spot somewhere somewhat near the school, he notices a small group of students standing in front of a bar. And Hana is one of them.

Parking somewhat nearby, he walks up to the group of students. "Hi guys. I'm Jin, I'm new here. Mind if I join you? I tried to park closer to the school but the traffic is horrendous." He waves and tries to be as friendly as possible, not addressing Hana specifically because he doesn't want to make the others feel awkward.

@Couldyoustfu @Ecstasyia
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Hana Kim

Hana scrolled down her Twitter feed, favouriting and retweeting multiple things purely out of boredom. She also managed to sneak a few Snapchats in, without the others noticing, and sent them to her brother. One of her favourite things to do was to be fun and crazy and pose in whacky ways, it brightened her mood almost instantly. Keeping her attention on her phone, her manicured nails tapping away at the screen, she lost track of who was around. She saw Octavia, who appeared to be joining her and Adrian and the rest of the world seemed a blur. Her anxiety was picking up again as she started thinking about school, so she pulled her messaging app up and sent a few texts to Lee, trying to pass the time. The only way she knew to stop feeling anxious was to just do whatever she felt anxious about, and that meant going to school.

Abroad, Hana barely ever felt anxious about school. Maybe it was the fact all her schools were foreign, to her anyway. Everyone in the school spoke French, or Swedish, or Danish. So when Hana was upset or annoyed, she could mutter whatever she wanted in English or Korean and barely anyone would be able to understand her. It worked the same way in the sense that the other students could comment on Hana, they could laugh or joke about her and she would be none the wiser. Not being fluent in any language other than English and Korean, Hana was blissfully unaware to any kind of mockery that went on in her previous schools.

The fact everyone in this school spoke English, and she could understand their every word, it made Hana nervous. The last thing she wanted was to be the outsider student who gets bullied and doesn't make it through the year. She needed to make it through the year. Hana reassured herself, telling her mind that she'd made a connection with Jin and he seemed like someone to stick around this year with. Plus the fact he was Korean and they could speak in Korean together, though her Korean was undoubtably flawed and rusty.

Hana picked her bag up from her feet and looked up from her phone, slipping it into her jacket pocket. Looking up towards the street, she saw none other than Jin walking towards them. Unable to stop the smile appearing on her face, her eyes darted all over the place before looking down at the group. Instead of saying 'hello', Hana stayed quiet. She didn't want anyone else to feel weird, so she simply waited until they spoke up in response to Jin's greeting. Hana tried to hide her smile, but it was near impossible, even biting her inner lip couldn't stop her grinning like an idiot.

Mentioned @Couldyoustfu, @Vitez and @Ecstasyia

Sorry for the lack of dialogue with Jin, need one of the others to reply really.
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i opened my eyes to the light to see that i was blinded by it so i then again concealed myself into the darkness


Darius awoke from his slumber to the sound of an unfamiliar ringtone. Dazed, he glanced about the room and groaned as he heard the sound of the shower running and recognized his surroundings. The spot beside him was still warm, and her scent lingered in the room. Hungover and irritated, he threw himself back down on to the bed, unwilling to move since he had already failed to sneak out before she had woken up.

Drinking two days in a row without a break in between had really knocked him out. He glanced down at the phone when a text notification popped up.


A smirk crept on to his face as he picked up the phone. So this was the boy who had chosen a plain girl over Thea and had caused Thea to drink herself unconscious. Whoever this was...he was an interesting person. Darius shuffled through his pants pocket, as he pulled them on, and grabbed a box of cigarettes. Chuckling, he lit one and got up as the doorbell rang.

Passing by the bathroom door, he said, "I think Mason's here to say something. Going to leave now."

He laughed as he heard the water shut off, and he walked down the long flight of stairs quickly with his shirt in his arm. Darius blew out a puff of smoke as he opened the door to face a shocked looking boy.

"Well. You must be the guy who Thea was crying about. She's still in the show-"

@ambiguities @Bhlow
Adrian slid his eyes to Octavia's form as she approached, smirking lightly at the brunette.

"Good morning to you too." He commented ironically, still not extracting his hands from his pockets.

Refocusing his attentions of Hana he noticed her on some sort of social, he wouldn't have understood which without breaking into her personal space, so he acted nonchalant.

"Hana, you got Instagram or something? I'll add you." His smile was bright, but it turned upside down only for a moment as a male and foreign voice reached his ears.

The italian wasn't usually friendly with other guys without knowing them, and Jin would be no exception. But, he also noticed Hana's reaction to the shorter guy, so pulled it off with a simple smirk. Lowering his voice so that only Octavia and Hana could hear he whispered "You know him?"

Before eventually raising his chin and looking the Korean young man up and down, giving a simple "Hey" in greeting.

Supposing Hana knew him would be somehow racist and the senior didn't want to make a bad impression, he'd have asked if they were brother and sister but that would have also resulted in awkwardness had the answer been no. Judging by Hana's silence he mustn't have been someone that important, but he couldn't be sure.

@Koala @Vitez
Thea Grace Malone


Thea was jerked out of her disgust at herself and Darius by his voice. "I think Mason's here to say something. Going to leave now." She considered his words for a moment over the rush of the water. Did he mean here as in outside her house, and he was going to meet him. As the news seeped in and shocked her to the core she shut the water of and grabbed her towel - not drying herself, but simply wrapping it around her slim body.

"Darius don't you dare!" She shouted, as she heard his footsteps pound on the stairs. "Darius!" She shouted, holding the towel with her one hand and holding the banister as she ran down the stairs with the other. She almost ran into the shirtless figure as he flung open the door to reveal a shocked Mason. She looked at him horrified, knowing how it looked. It was morning she was wet and dressed in a towel that wasn't exactly aimed to cover her and Darius was next to her shirtless, puffing out smoke at Mason.

She looked down, for a moment embarrassed, not trusting herself to speak until she focused her feelings on Darius. She still hadn't learned - he was toxic to her, always aiming to ruin any chances and possibilities of happiness that were in her reach.

"Get out Darius" and come back when you're not trying to drag me down with you.

She finally lifted her eyes to look at Mason.

@Atsuko @ambiguities



As Mason's day with Cleo drew to a close his attitude towards the idea of school the next day made his face scrunch up in disgust. He wasn't looking forward to another year at that school, but fortunately, it'd be his last. Just before he settled in for the night, he had finally turned his phone back on, ready to face whatever had the school buzzing all day. He had been tagged, tweeted, sub-tweeted in the same thing. The two words that rendered him shocked and speechless. We're over. He couldn't tell who she was referring to at first, but since what they had been doing was sure as hell not in the knowledge of the public, he knew her intention. The descision seemed irrational and impulsive, because not only did it affect Mason, it would also affect Damian.

As he awoke, he dreaded what the day had in store for him. Nonetheless, he pulled himself off of his bed and sluggishly made his way into the bathroom. It took him about 45 minutes to freshen up and look as presentable as the students of Farevyl High remembered him. Whether he liked it or not, he had a record to uphold. Before he left his room, he grabbed his phone, sending a quick text Thea. We need to talk. Before grabbing his leather jacket and leaving his room.

Mason managed to sneak out of the house fast enough to miss breakfast. Rosa would certainly Give him an earful when he came back from school but he wanted answers. He jumped into his car, driving in the direction to Thea's house which he was glad wasn't too far from his. When he arrived he was pleased to see that a car was in the driveway, but confused as to why it wasn't her car. He didn't question it, instead he went to the door and pressed the doorbell. He didn't know for sure if she had seen the message but he hoped that she could spare some time.

The door opened, revealing a shirtless boy. The boy looked familiar and Mason was sure he went to their school. Before he could open his mouth, a huff off smoke was aimed at his face. His irritation spiked as his fists clenched in anger. Cry? I made her cry? She kicked me out of her house. He glared at the boy. So is this how she gets back at me? Sleeping with him?

He could hear Thea's voice in the background as well as thumping footsteps. Darius. The guy she loathed ended up being the guy she screws. When she came into view, her appearance confirmed his suspicions. Her hair was soaking wet and her small body was wrapped in a towel. "Get out." She spoke to Darius, although it sounded more like a growl. When Darius walked passed Maspn, he couldn't help but eye him in disgust. He had nothing against him before, but now it was different.

"You slept with him?"

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Thea Grace Malone


"What can I say, he could actually give me the time of the day to sleep with me" Thea snapped sarcastically "And I don't see why you care". Thea, turned around and headed upstairs, "Close the door behind you", she called as she went up the stairs knowing he would follow. Her intolerable headache and hungover made it hard for her to understand what Mason was doing here in the first place.

"Mason", she said after moments of silence between them upstairs "If you get your priorities right then we can start talking, but instead you've come here to criticise my sex life, which is ironic considering I have never commented on your sex life with Bailey". She finished by dropping her towel infront of him and revealing her naked frame. Considering that he already knew what her body looked like, it didn't bother her, especially as she had 45 minutes left to get ready and she was still in pieces, and she had to order a cab since she was too hungover to drive.

Thea passed Mason and took out the dress that had waited for today, a blue maxi floral dress that was cut out on her sides and slit down her right leg, giving a teasing view of her skin and thighs as she walked. She slipped the dress on, allowing the chiffon to caress her skin. She crossed the room again to sit at her dresser, picking up her phone from the bed along the way. She started applying her make up, which was heavier than usual to cover up the dark circles under her eyes from drinking last night, and distractedly looked in the mirror at the same time, observing Mason. He looked good, as he always did, and her stomach did a somersault of envy, before she wondered if he still wanted to make love to her, even right now.

She stopped her thoughts escalating any further, and turned to look as Mason. "Can you call for a taxi?" she asked before turning back and moving onto applying lipstick onto her luscious lips.
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As Mason followed her upstairs, he refrained from looking anywhere that wasn't from her shoulder to her head. She made it almost unbearable though, openly changing infront of him wasn't something he had a problem with. In fact it was the opposite, but the compromising situation left a a
big problem for him.

"The fact that my sex life with Bailey is non-existent, there really would be nothing to comment on, would there?" He replied. He admired the long blue dress on her. It complimented her body and as bad as it was right now, he wanted nothing more than to rip the dress off her. "Before you kicked me out, I got a call from Bailey about my mother." He paused, "I have my priorities straight and one them is my mom, you should know that." Especially because he couldn't visit her anymore. His father had revoked his visitation privileges so he could focus on school more. Although he's tried to find a way out of it, it was no use. His father had that power and he didn't.

"I'll give you a ride." He sighed, "But all of that aside, Why'd you break up with Damian?"

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"Hey" A male Jin doesn't recognize responds, looking him over with a clear lack of friendliness. Never good at telling strangers apart, he knows he likely won't be able to distinguish him from any other white male in the school until he knows him a little better. Many people say Asians look exactly alike, but Jin has no problem telling Asians apart. He would even be able to tell a Chinese person from a Japanese, Vietnamese, Korean, or any number of Asian nationalities if he needed to. However, he always has trouble telling white people apart. He believes he read somewhere that people always have difficulty telling apart those that are outside their race.

Intimidated, Jin decides to stand by Hana, just because he is familiar with her. He notices her smile and he can't help but smile too. But there's another reason why he chooses to stand by her. Looking down at her, in a low voice that he hopes the others won't hear, he asks
"??? ? ? ????" Which means "Do you speak Korean?" He knows it is somewhat rude to speak in different languages around people who don't speak them, but he feels a little isolated so he has to reach out in some way. Additionally, it would be helpful to know if she can speak his native language so he has a reprieve from English once in awhile, and it would be easier for them to survive in the school of they can communicate without anyone else understanding.

Adrian had been considering smoking another cigarette, his distraction unnoticed since Jin seemed too intent on getting close to the Korean girl, yet as soon as the foreign words reached his ears the italian sneered. ''You know,'' He started, a sarcastic smirk on his features ''It's not very polite to speak other languages around others.'' The senior glanced at Hana only for a second, wishing to see her reaction, he was only teasing and testing her a little to see her
true nature. After all Jin probably felt out of place, and Adrian was giving him no easy time. ''Adrian, by the way.'' Had the other teen shaken his offered hand, the eighteen year old would have put a little more force than needed. Just the smallest amount. Letting the cigarette that had been trapped into his fingers fall back in it's pocket, Adrian twisted his neck left and right until a satisfying 'crack' noise was heard. The year hadn't even started yet he was already getting a reputation with the new students, great. Turning his attention back to Hana he raised an eyebrow to the petite girl, an amused smile taking over his features. ''I suppose you know him, want me to leave you two alone?'' He took a step back while saying so, as though he was about to leave, sending a sharp glance into the male Korean's direction.
@Koala Sorry but drama is what actually keeps RP's alive xD

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