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Realistic or Modern Farveyl High [Mature]

Time is unpredictable, a small short second is all it takes for things to change completely.

An empire falls in just one day.

Because had Adrian been on socials just about one minute more he would have read the state which the school's Queen Bee had published, and as soon as she would have entered his vision he'd express his obviously sarcastic concern. But that hadn't happened, and when he saw Thea strolling around the mall with her shopping bags looking as good as ever the only thing he could do was whistle lightly, before eventually calling out for her.

"Princess!" He shouted the name he used for the blonde, ever since he'd firstly ingratiated the royals' group. "Looking beautiful as usual." He commented, struggling with himself to try and keep eye contact instead of letting his eyes sleep below, just where they wanted to look.

The senior glanced between Thea and Octavia, and hoped there were no animosity between the two girls. On plus, Octavia wasn't nearly as popular as the blonde was, yet she still were considered on an high level. Adrian usually hanged and spoke only with the 'cool kids', avoiding those considered on a lower level on the social scale, yet some of those were still interesting to the italian.

Obvious to Thea's break up, may it be with Damien or Mason, Adrian glanced around for her 'boyfriend'. Satisfied with the absence of said male he wore a smirk, while waiting for the blonde to approach.

When Thea came in to view, and Octavia immediately walked slower and dropped back. It would be best if Thea didn't notice her, but of course, Octavia was never that lucky. Adrian seemed to notice also, because a huge grin (or smirk, Octavia could never tell the difference) spread across his face. He let out a whistle before calling her over. Octavia tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, and slid slightly behind Adrian.

She gently slapped Adrian in the biceps warningly, before grabbing her phone, hoping she could completely avoid the conversation at hand. However, Octavia noticed that Thea wasn't as confident as usual. She normally strutted with a walk like she owned the place, but today it was more of a slouch. But before Octavia could think anymore of it, her phone buzzed in her hand, jolting her back in the world of social media.

She hoped Adrian didn't make her introduce herself, her first real encounter with the 'princess' wasn't so good. She had accidentally spilled lemonade all over her at Six Flags, earning a slap to the face. Octavia had ran home crying that day. Not pretty. The only reason The didn't rage at Octavia at the party last night was because they were all drunk and high. The memory left a slight burning on her cheek.

However, she couldn't blame Adrian. He hadn't been on that school field trip.
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"Aw, no, your English is good!" Hana says, evidently trying to convince him that he would somehow make it unscathed through a party like last night's. And while Jin greatly appreciates her effort, he thinks the depth of her kindness is stunning in the best way, he knows it's not true. Foreign kids like him are never truly popular. Sure, they might make friends rapidly when they first arrive in America, but once their novelty wears off, much like a children's toy, they are discarded. It had happened to him before and he had seen it happen to kids many a time. Jin wouldn't dare dwell on such pessimistic thoughts on the day before the start of his senior year, but in the back of his mind he expects it to happen.

"That's only because I'm trying VERY hard not to make a fool of myself in front of you" Jin chuckles but it's clear what he said isn't really a joke. It's true that he is making a conscious effort to make his English pristine, because the last thing he would want is for his words and message to be unclear to Hana. Truthfully, he is not all that good at English. He has been studying all his life, but English and Korean are nearly incompatible and he is sure his English will never be good enough for the majority of Americans.

After Jin saves Hana from collision with the person, they both start blushing madly.
"No, no, it's okay, thank you!" Hana says after he apologizes. She clutches his arm rather tightly, but Jin doesn't mind. Realizing she is still holding him, Hana lets go while saying "Oh, gosh, sorry!" She changes her gaze to the ground, twisting her fingers around. Jin gently lays one of his hands over hers so she will stop fidgeting. "You're welcome. And don't worry, it's okay, I don't mind." He reassures her, holding her gaze and smiling warmly.


Hana Kim

Hana let a little smile out. Jin's hand on hers made her feel safe and calm, he was gentle and kind and Hana adored it. She subtly bit her lip and then turned towards Jin, not rushing to move her hands. Hana paused to take in the moment, not being the one to break it. After a minute of silence, with them both holding each others gaze, Hana felt her breathing stop briefly. Realising this, she decided to speak up.

"So, what do you want to do?" Hana hoped she didn't sound like she was nagging Jin, but she liked the idea of spending time with him. She liked the Korean accent in his voice and the way he seemed different from all the guys she'd come across before. Hana looked around, the mall was still full of people and Octavia and Adrian were still in the food court. Adjusting her posture so she seemed more relaxed, not so hunched over and nervous, Hana pushed her back strap back up onto her shoulder and tucked her hair behind her ear.





Just as he stepped into his house, his phone vibrated in his back pocket. He didn't bother checking it, he had already received his dose of drama today, and it was because of a particular phone call he managed to ruin something. But in the end, he was glad he had picked it up. He was rather confused as to why Bailey had told him instead of his own father, but he didn't run anything past the sad excuse of a man. The phone call had been in regards to the condition of his mother. Bailey had overheard his father talking on the phone about it and decided to give Mason the piece of information. "Mason!" A small body came crashing into his, it's tiny arms wrapping around his legs. He ruffled his sister's curly mane, before picking her up. "Hey squirt, how was dance?" She shrugged, a passive look on her face as he set her down.

"Take this dog Mason!
Perro estúpido." Rosa, in all her wet glory, descends from the stairs, holding a dog that could probably pass as a full grown lab, maybe even a little smaller, in her arms. Rocco barked at the sight of Mason, jumping out of her arms and running around Mason's feet. "Hey buddy!" He smiled, picking up the dog and accepting it's welcoming kisses. Mason didn't bother asking Rosa what the problem was, seeing as their relationship was difficult.

After his welcoming party dispersed, Mason offered to take his sister to the mall. The last time he had spent time with his sister was about a month ago, on a week where her schedule wasn't packed with either dancing, gymnastics, or kumon. The extra activities had been issued by none other than his father, expecting nothing less than the best. Although he was a bit lenient with Cleo, all it took was a toothy smile and a bat of her eyelashes and she could persuade anyone really.

"Can we get ice cream, No can you get me new dance clothes - wait no-" Mason cut her sister off as he walked through the automatic doors of the immensely cooled mall, hand-in-hand with the little girl. "You can get anything." He assured, grinning down at her. For the next thirty minutes, they browsed the store that evokes giddiness through many children's heart, the
Disney store. She had been picking out various types of Mickey mouse merchandise, even picking out some that only differed in color. Mason held all the items in his hand, his gaze zeroing in on a group of familiar faces that stood outside. One he recognized as Adrian, an Italian student that was considered a royal, and Octavia, the short girl who frolicked really anywhere, but was more familiar with the popular crowd. He frowned as his eyes landed on a familiar head of blonde. "What are you looking a- Oh hey, is that Thea?" His eyes snapped down to his sister as if to telling her to cut it out. Instead she did the opposite, she shouted, surely getting the attention of everyone in the mall and surround states as well. She then proceeded to run to her, her arms wide open.

At times like these he regretted having them ever meet, because Cleo had taken a particular liking to Thea over time. He figured that as long as he was in the dim lit store, and watching his sister from inside, he would be safe from any confrontation.
Thea Grace Malone


Thea didn't need to turn around to know that the whistle she heard was meant for her, but she did turn around at the sound of her nickname. "Italian Boy" she said, smirking back at him as she sauntered over. "You don't look half bad yourself" she teased back, glancing around him to where Octavia stood, seemingly terrified. She mused on that for a moment, considering she wasn't cowering the night before when she had seen her, she met Adrian's eyes and shrugged innocently.

"I think it's best I get going, you seemed to be claimed" She said, letting out a small light laugh despite herself, when she noticed how Octavia had her arm around Adrian's bicep. She glanced around surprised as she heard her name called from a kids store further away. She watched on as a small figure ran her way, and she dropped her bags as she crouched down, picking up little Cleo into her arms, suddenly hyper aware of her actions, because she knew Mason was somewhere out there watching them - he would never leave his sister alone. "Little Pea" She said, grinning, holding her steady with one arm and tickling her little stomach with the other, "What are you doing here?". Cleo went on to laugh innocently, as small children did and Thea smiled easily, feeling elated bliss in the attention of the small child as she told her of her day.

"Cleo, this is Adrian and Octavia" She said to her, introducing them, before signalling to the two of them that she would be back in a second. She carried the light weighing little pea across the mall from where she saw her run, as she chattered away, unwilling to let her walk the distance alone. Her heels clicked on the marble floor and she met the gaze of Mason, who stood, as she predicted, inside the store where he would still be able to see everything. "Cleo, I have to go now" she said, setting her down onto the floor and kissing her little forehead, "be good to your brother okay?" she whispered, stroking a the small girl's cheek with her thumb before standing up. She cast one look at Mason, and by reminding herself of the events of earlier that day, she turned around, heading back towards Adrian, Octavia and her shopping bags.


Jin holds eye contact with Hana easily and without a hint of awkwardness. He notices all the small details of her face, which he finds exceedingly beautiful, and he can feel his heartbeat begin to quicken in his chest. He finds it unbelievably lucky that here, within the confines of this mall, he found Hana by chance. They have similar backgrounds, enjoy each other's company, and both will attend Farveyl High starting tomorrow. Jin believes that this meeting, this moment, is the beginning of something new, amazing, and special. She bites her lip and his smile widens. Just before he says something, not wanting the moment to even begin to turn awkward, Hana breaks the silence.

"So, what do you want to do?" She asks. He almost laughs out of sheer nervous and excited energy, but he stops himself. Lightly squeezing her hand, he lets go. "I was thinking, since we're both pretty new to the area, we could tour the city a bit and see what there is to do. If we see something fun, we'll just go from there. We could walk and get some fresh air or drive, it's really up to you." Jin could only see one flaw with his plan: his habit of driving recklessly. It's not really much of an issue, how hard could it be to just pay more attention and obey the speed limits? He feels his phone buzz in his pocket, likely a social media notification, surely it is nothing important. Besides, Jin thinks that it would be rude to check his phone while he's with Hana. He is a bit old-fashioned and uptight, after all.

He hears the shout of a small child behind him and out of the corner of his eye he sees a few people he recognizes from his orientation at Farveyl. Namely, a girl with white-blonde hair he remembers as the Queen of Farveyl. He could never remember her name, it's too hard to pronounce. Jin has always had trouble with remembering and pronouncing names that don't fit neatly into the Korean alphabet, so for the most part he refuses to acknowledge them. It continues to surprise him how far pronouns can take a person in the English language. Nevertheless, none of the people over there are truly his scene. If they want to interact with him, he's here, but he will never actively seek them out. Initiating anything with people on that level of popularity in America has only ever caused him trouble. In South Korea, he was always the most popular one simply because of his academic standing, and perhaps his looks. It was always much simpler in that country. He shrugs inwardly, focusing his attention back on Hana, eagerly awaiting her response.

@Koala (Briefly mentioned @Bhlow @ambiguities )
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Hana Kim

The sound of a drive intrigued Hana, she couldn't help but wonder what car Jin drove. Images of various different car models floated through her mind, she hadn't thought about Jin's background much, only that he was from Korea. Regardless of his background, Hana liked him. His smile made her heart skip a beat, she took a deep breath in before replying to Jin.

"A drive sounds nice." Hana loved car rides, it had always been her favourite part of moving countries, getting to drive to and from the numerous airports and going on road trips around the French countryside. She loved every part of it, and she had no doubts she'd love a car ride with Jin. Gently moving her bag back up onto her shoulder, she started walking towards the exit of the mall. "Where are you parked?"

Heading for the exit, Hana noticed a number of Farveyl High students scattered around, Thea Malone had just walked in. She recognised her from a year book she was given plus the vast amount of social media followers she had, she assumed she was the queen bee of the school. A few others near by, all engrossed in conversation. Octavia and Adrian were still there too. Hana wondered if Jin had been popular in Korea, he definitely had the looks for it, but she felt rude asking and so left the question pending in her mind.

So many people.. ugh. Hana hated large crowds and was thankful she was leaving. She felt much safer with someone by her side, less invisible in the sea of people around her. It emptied as they got nearer the exit, but the heat from the sun had drawn a lot of people out, most of which seemed to be relaxing on the small sections of decretive grass in front of the mall. Hana felt the heat from outside radiate towards them, the air conditioning in the mall could only keep so much space cool. Feeling warm, Hana took her jacket off and hung it over her arm. She half exhaled, half sighed at the warmth, and looked back up at Jin wondering where he'd parked his car.


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i opened my eyes to the light to see that i was blinded by it so i then again concealed myself into the darkness


Darius woke up to a sudden urge to regurgitate anything he had consumed within the last 24 hours which was nearly next to nothing other than alcohol and the depressant pills that his grandmother had forced him to take. Probably not the healthiest and safest diet, but he was still alive so there wasn't much point in suddenly trying to attempt to function like a normal human being. His fucked up digestive system could take a couple more years of shit nutrition.

On the other hand, his head was close to exploding into a million pieces. Sharp streaks of pain smashed through as he slowly pushed himself up. He groaned as his fingers brushed against warm flesh, stirring whoever was beside him awake.

Why did he have to keep on living up to the man whore nickname that Damien had given him.

He glanced about the room, suddenly realizing that even though it wasn't his the layout was strangely familiar. It wasn't normal for him to come back to a girl after he dumped them...but he could never trust what his intoxicated self would do next.

Darius glanced back down at the figure beside him, whose backside faced him, and decided that it was for the best that he would just sneak out. He really didn't need to deal with satisfying a girl's emotional needs when he had his own hang over to take care of.

Suddenly, a hand latched on to his wrist and the figure sighed as she got up. Her brown hair slipped away from her face, as she smiled up at him adoringly. "You finally came back." Adriana Langard, the girl he had dumped out of the blue last summer. She had been one of the nicer and less clingy ones...but today was not a day where he could pull his nice boy act.

He grimaced, as he gently tugged his arm away. "A drunken mistake. Don't read in to it too much," he muttered, as he pulled on his shirt. Suddenly his phone began to ring, and Adriana glanced down at it sadly.

"A new one already?"

Darius glanced down at the screen, and almost choked on his own saliva when he saw the caller id. Thea. What the hell did she want.

"Something a bit more problematic," he grimaced, as he quickly ended the call. She was definitely drunk again. "I've got to go."

He slowly walked to his car, and his phone buzzed again. A voice message. Darius eyebrows knitted together, as he stared at the notification with concern. Other than a couple drunken miserable nights where they somehow found themselves together in a bed, he didn't really have a great enough relationship with her for her to go out of the way and call him.

"Darius. What do you do when a girl that you really like - scrap that, I know you're incapable of emotion; if a girl you want to get with turns you down? Don't tell me alcohol because I've already started on that remedy, nor drugs because I'm about to start on that one."

Darius sighed, as he clicked another text message from someone he couldn't even remember.

BIG NEWS! The Queen broke up with the King!

Queen...who the fuck was the Queen and who the hell was the King. He knew the school had some strange hierarchy shit going on, but a queen....ah. He chuckled as he got in to his car. That was a move he certainly hadn't expected Thea out of all people to make...just what sort of shit did Damien pull for Thea to willingly get up from the difficultly-earned throne just like that.

Poor girl. If there was one thing he knew about her out of their former ten-year friendship, she was a train wreck that wouldn't screech to a halt until someone grabbed her when she was pissed or heart broken about something.

"See you at the usual bar if you need 'help,'" he texted her, as he drove to his drinking haven.

For him, the only cure to a hang over was more alcohol and sex. It was a vicious cycle...but that was the only way he had been able to keep his above the water ever since that incident.


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"A drive sounds nice. Where are you parked?" Hana says sweetly. She adjusts her bag and heads toward the exit. Jin watches her and has the urge to tuck her hair behind her ear or hold her hand or something. But he doesn't. Although he knows they have some chemistry, he reminds himself that they just met. Of course, he really likes Hana and at some point he is sure he'll make the first move. But his culture and his upbringing in general makes him hesitant. Hana doesn't strike Jin as the type who would judge him, but in the back of his mind he worries she will. As they walk into the sunshine, she takes off her jacket. "Here, I'll take that for you." Jin says, smiling. Perhaps he's a little old-fashioned, but he believes that going out of his way to be kind to women is always worth it. Not to mention, he thinks she looks absolutely beautiful.

Jin leads her out of the mall and to his 2016 Mercedes-Benz C-Class. He is fortunate his parents have been able to do well in both Korea and America. His mother, a teacher, was far more respected in South Korea, but luckily his father is a physician which is respected in both the US and South Korea. His family is not as well off as most of the families of the students attending Farveyl, but his parents would never allow him to have a lesser education because of the cost. It is because education is so revered in South Korea and has been since ancient times that Jin's parents don't have to be a CEO of a Fortune 500 company to ensure Jin the best education money can buy.

He opens the passenger door for her, saying
"Ladies first," Turning on the car, he eases it out of the parking space, making a conscious effort to be careful. He pulls out of the parking lot and heads downtown. "If you see anything interesting, let me know," He pauses for a minute to concentrate on his driving. Seoul, and honestly, South Korea in general, is known for reckless driving. It takes wicked fast reflexes and insane control to stay alive on the streets of the bigger cities in Korea, and unfortunately reckless driving comes second nature to Jin. While he risks his own life without thinking twice every time he drives, he would not dare risk Hana's life. Thus, he spends extra time thinking about the traffic rules at every intersection. After a few minutes of concentrating, he decides to make some conversation. "I noticed that you recognized some of the people at the mall when we were leaving. What do you know about the people of Farveyl?" He asks casually while maneuvering through downtown.


Hana Kim

"Here, I'll take that for you." Jin reached to take Hana's jacket from her, she appreciated it. It wasn't very often she met a genuinely kind person, let alone a full-blown gentleman. "Thank you." Hana passed him her jacket and continued walking, for the first time in a few days she was able to feel herself. She didn't have to act like a popular girl and she wasn't thinking about school work, it was freeing for her.

After a few minutes of walking Jin stopped at his Mercedes-Benz. Damn. Hana didn't even drive, so her knowledge of cars was extremely limited, but she smiled in appreciation of it none-the-less. Jin had walked around to the passenger side and opened the door for Hana, shocking her slightly. With a thankful nod, she gracefully sat inside and placed her bag down at her feet. As Jin exits the parking lot, Hana pulls her phone out and sends Lee a quick text.

Where was that coffee shop? It wasn't in the mall.

Hoping to not seem rude, Hana explained. "Sorry, my brother told me about this nice coffee shop in town, I thought we could try find it." She smiled but kept her eyes focused in front of her. Only knowing him for less than an hour, Hana started to feel attracted to Jin. She could't help herself and kept sneaking looks in as he was driving, he seemed to be concentrating on the road thankfully. Hana's phone buzzed, Lee had replied with directions to the coffee shop.

When the car halted to a stop at a red traffic light, Hana showed Jin her phone with the directions on. "I think the street is just over there." She told him, pointing towards a small street with a few local shops scattered around. As the car continued moving, Jin asked Hana about Farveyl High and it's student.

"I recognised them from the year book I found online." Hana sighed, trying to recall the few people she could actually remember. "There is Thea, she's the queen bee I think, pretty sure she broke up with her boyfriend. Not sure who that is." Hana tried her best to not sound stupid, she had no clue about anything at Farveyl High other than what she knew from the previous night. Thinking about it brought her headache back. "I also met Adrian, Octavia and Darius. I can't figure out what their whole popularity status is though." Hana twirled her phone in her hands and readjusted herself in her seat, crossing her legs over one an other. She rested her jacket over her bare legs, trying not to show too much skin. The popularity ladder crossed her mind, she played with the thought of who was at the top and who was at the bottom. She assumed that she'd be at the bottom, what with being new and all, but she pegged Jin as being somewhere in the middle. He was attractive enough to fit in and mesh with the other students. Stopping her thoughts from getting carried away, she put her phone back in her pocket after memorising the address Lee sent her once more.

"In all honesty, I never really cared for the popularity stuff. I focus too much on school work." Hana knew she sounded like a nerd, but she wasn't too bothered. She was proud of her work ethic, feeling as though it made her stand out against the backdrop of potential college drop outs and the like. "What about you? What do you know about the other students?"


(I'm trying something new with the colours/dialogue. Also, her hair is now pink because finding the person with blue/pink hair got too scarce.)
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"Sorry, my brother told me about this nice coffee shop in town, I thought we could try find it." Hana says after checking her phone briefly. Jin can feel her smiling and can't help smiling as well. Her aura of kindness and sweetness is contagious. He tries his best to stay focused on the road but he can feel Hana stealing looks at him. How could he stay completely focused when he has a beautiful girl in his passenger seat? She shows him a set of directions on her phone. Luckily, the skills he's picked up from driving like a kamikaze pilot come in handy in a situation like this, as he is extremely good at finding where he needs to go. It helps that the place isn't particularly hard to find, and it is simple for him to quickly memorize the pattern of streets he needs to follow. With his course set, he focuses on paying attention to Hana's voice.

"I recognized them from the year book I found online. There is Thea, she's the queen bee I think, pretty sure she broke up with her boyfriend. Not sure who that is. I also met Adrian, Octavia and Darius. I can't figure out what their whole popularity status is though." She explains, fidgeting a little. If he wasn't so worried about getting Hana, and himself, by extension, to the coffee shop safely, he would definitely place his hand over hers to stop her from fidgeting. It's not that the fidgety behavior bothers or annoys him, in fact he has many fidgety habits himself, including rolling up scrap bits of paper. He just doesn't want Hana to feel uncomfortable or anxious.

"Oh, so that's the queen bee's name. I remember her from my orientation but I can't remember her name for the life of me, it's too hard for me to pronounce." He explains. "In all honesty, I never really cared for the popularity stuff. I focus too much on school work." She adds. "I feel the same way, and I don't think focusing on school work is much of a bad thing. In Korea I suppose I would have been considered "popular" but that was pretty much only because of my academic standing there. Things were so much different..." He lets his voice trail off. Popularity truly does not matter to him, but if he had to hazard a guess he would say Hana is more popular than him. She had showed up at the party, met some of the most popular people in the school, and she radiates beauty without even trying. He saw the way she covered her legs with her jacket when she sat down. In Jin's opinion, she could be wearing a nun's habit and scores of guys would still fall at her feet. She doesn't need to do anything but be herself, and she would still be popular, unlike most girls.

Luckily, before he can get too lost in his thoughts, Hana asks him some questions.
"What about you? What do you know about the other students?" "If I'm being honest, you know more than me," He chuckles a little bit, nearing the coffee shop. "All that I know is from my orientation, and I can barely remember it. I remember meeting that girl, Thea," His pronunciation of 'Thea' is noticeably wrong, and Jin is embarrassed but he continues speaking anyway. "Besides that, I've just heard that people can be cruel there. I don't think I'll do too terrible as long as I have someone by my side," Parking the car, he meets her eyes and smiles, letting only a moment pass. He gets out of the car and once again opens the door for her, leading her into the coffee shop.


(I like the changes you made it was a great rp post. Also I think my writer's block is letting up haha)

Hana Kim

Hana couldn't help but smile at his pronunciation of Thea's name, she found his accent cute and admired the effort his was putting in. It made her feel worth it, for a change. "Besides that, I've just heard that people can be cruel there. I don't think I'll do too terrible as long as I have someone by my side," Hana nodded. "I definitely second that." She gave Jin and cheeky smile before turning her attention back onto the road, keeping the smile on her face.

As the car halted to a stop, Hana gathered her bag and jacket into her hands and attempted to get out of the car as gracefully as she could. She always found it tricky getting out of cars without her skirt or dress, or whatever she chose to wear, malfunctioning and embarrassing herself. Managing to stay decent, Hana sorted her clothes out, placed her bag strap on her shoulder and followed Jin into the coffee shop. She could smell the coffee, even before they walked through the door. It was the one smell Hana loved, she disliked the bitter taste of the coffee itself, but it's smell and the ability it had to keep her awake was what kept her addicted. She had other reasons for liking it so much, but they were the kind of reasons that took her back to her time in Sweden.

She sighed and took in the smell, approaching the counter. Ordering her drink with ease, a latte with a shot of hazelnut in, she looked towards the shelves of pastries and cakes. Hana immediately felt anxious, wanting to order something from the shelves so badly but she couldn't shake the thoughts in her mind. Instead, since she hadn't eaten today except for a few fries at the mall, she picked up a breakfast bar and placed it on the counter. Looking back towards Jin, she hoped he hadn't notice her internal debate and proceeded to pull her purse out to pay.

"How long have you lived in the US? Did you just move here?" After they got their order, Hana found a small two person table near the inner wall of the coffee shop. Intrigued about Jin and his background, she couldn't help but ask questions. Hana was always fascinated by people and their histories, maybe it was the way she was brought up or the many countries she had visited, but something in her made her curious. She cupped her coffee with both hands and kept a genuine smile on her face, waiting for Jin's response.






Jin watches as Hana takes in the coffee shop as a small child would marvel at a candy store. He finds her enjoyment of the smell and overall aura of the shop adorable. Behind her in line, he orders a simple black coffee. He almost always orders black coffee when he is in America, because the Korean coffee scene is rather bland in comparison. Though cute cat cafés may be rather popular in his homeland, the coffee itself leaves much to be desired. Since Jin loves the bold flavorful roasts America is proud of advertising, he leaves no room for cream or sugar in his cup. The bitter taste reminds him of rich dark chocolate and sometimes even his own beloved Korean foods, which can be bitter at times.

Although he's hungry, he doesn't opt for any of the sugary pastries the coffee shop offers. The only food he craves at the moment is something Korean like 김치찌개 or 비빔밥 or maybe even some snack foods. He knows from experience that American pastries are typically overloaded with sugar and coat his tongue in an artificial, unfamiliar aftertaste that never fails to make his stomach turn. He follows Hana to their table, where she asks him more questions. "How long have you lived in the US? Did you just move here?" The genuine curiosity in her eyes delights him. He is used to being treated as a novelty by people who have likely never left the United States, but Hana seems to understand and be interested in his history as a person, not just a cool foreign toy.

"My family and I have been back and forth to the United States many times, mainly to make sure we would be set up to live here. Sometimes we would stay for a few months at a time, but we essentially just moved here a few months ago. It's difficult adjusting to life in the United States, especially going to school. That's when I miss Korea the most, because everything was infinitely less complicated and dramatic there. I know you're new around here as well. What brought your family here?" Conversation seems to be flowing naturally between the two and Jin couldn't be happier. He would be content to sit here, sip coffee, and talk to Hana all day. As he talks, he smiles and makes eye contact, in awe that such a beautiful girl is sitting before him. He can't ignore the attraction he feels for her, but for now he is content to just talk and get to know one another, there is no need to rush anything. Jin ponders the fact that people, especially people his age, are so quick to rush relationships as he waits for her reply.



Adrian frowned in confusion as Octavia practically used his form as a shelter, but didn't have time to think it over since Thea called him back, and started walking over.

He grinned at her before answering in a chilled tone "Nah, we were just taking a walk. It seems like the day before school nobody has anything better to do than stay here." The senior chuckled lightly, a statement of his actually being very true for once.

"So how have you been-?" But before he could finish his phrasing a shriek scream and then a little figure made it's way toward them. A small smile took over Adrian's features as he observed the interaction between Thea and Cleo. It amused him how the school's Queen was so sweet with children. As soon as said girl presented him the italian gave a little wave, lowering his chin to meet the kid's eyes "Hey Cleo."

Cleo had something extremely familiar about her, but he couldn't recognize exactly what that was, so he resigned to following Thea's path with his eyes and whisper to Octavia as soon as the blonde was out of ear reach.

"Who would have imagined the Queen Bee was as sweet as honey?" He wiggled his eyebrows a little in sarcasm, before turning his face back to neutral as soon as Thea made her way back.

"That was very cute, was it all a set up to impress us with your kindness?" Adrian asked jokingly, running an hand down on his jacket's arms to smooth it's wrinkles, "Back to serious princess, how have you been? Haven't seen you in a while."

They had actually met at Damien's party, but he'd been there for not long enough to stoo and talk, and he seriously couldn't recall if he'd met her anyway in between summer parties and the holiday in Italy and then in Cuba. His usually perfect memory was weakened when it came to alcohol.

@Ecstasyia @Bhlow

Thea Grace Malone


"That was very cute, was it all a set up to impress us with your kindness?". Thea raised her eyebrow up at the comment and place her hand lightly on his chest, "I don't need to impress people with my kindness, I can do that in other ways" She whispered seductively, looking up from under her eyelashes, before taking a step back and laughing at him.

"If you want to see more of me Adrian, next time invite me to Italy - I'll even let you see me in a swimsuit" she said winking "Or just drink less when you're at parties and you're remember seeing me there - though I can't phantom how you could even begin to forget". Her comment prompting an idea on throwing a pool party. Her eyes glittered for a moment as she thought of it, immediately planning the event ahead - it would definitely serve to re-assert that no matter if she was with Damien or not, she was still the Queen Bee. "But as I said, I need to get going - after all today is the last day of my freedom", she said, leaning over to kiss his cheek before turning around to head over to Tiffany's and wiggling her perky butt in the walk. She didn't look behind her as she walked away, nor to the right where she knew Mason was. Mason.

She bought a pair of Tiffany's earrings and an extravagant necklace, leaving the shop a couple of thousand dollars poorer, not that that managed to change the number of zeros on her account. She finally pulled out the phone from her backpocket which she had ignored, going through the notifications until she came upon the text message. "See you at the usual bar if you need 'help,'". She snorted, go figure, her drinking buddy had offered to go drinking, because that was the best way to deal with emotions. She popped the phone back in her pocket, and continued her shopping until her hands were full, and she could not carry anymore, and still whenever she thought of Mason she still felt a pang in her chest.

She walked to her car, glad that she had not ran into anyone else from a school, and her mind wandered back to Darius. She hated the bastard but he made a fair point considering that her method of therapy hadn't worked as she had worked, and drinking always helped - in the short term. Thea stuffed her shopping bags in the trunk, slipping into the front seat and driving towards her house, only at the last second turning away form the highway, and towards the "Two Sirens", where no doubt Darius would already be starting his drinking.

After 20 minutes she reached her destination, and slammed her car door behind her, at the last second turning to her trunk and getting a long cardigan to cover herself up to some extent. She liked being provocative, but contrary to popular beliefs, she knew her limits, and she wasn't going to go to a pub where the men could be the age of her father's. She searched for a mess of black hair in the pub, and found it in the usual place, a booth in the corner, and she slipped in, wrapping the cardigan around her tighter as she passed through the the rioting crowds. "Just so we're clear" she started, slipping onto a booth next to him, "I'm here because I need a drinking buddy who won't remember anything I say tomorrow"

Directed to: @Atsuko @Couldyoustfu

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Hana Kim

Hana took a sip of her coffee and focused her eyes on Jin as he spoke about his family and moving to the US. "My family and I have been back and forth to the United States many times, mainly to make sure we would be set up to live here. Sometimes we would stay for a few months at a time, but we essentially just moved here a few months ago. It's difficult adjusting to life in the United States, especially going to school. That's when I miss Korea the most, because everything was infinitely less complicated and dramatic there." Hana felt slightly jealous, she wished she had the chance to study in Korea. She'd heard so many wonderful stories about the country and about it's education system. Being one to value her education, Hana always persuaded her parents to pay for the best. Jin continued, "I know you're new around here as well. What brought your family here?" She listened intently to everything he had to say, almost having on his every word. Fascinated by his accent, she very nearly forgot to reply.

"My parents were born here, they lived here for the beginning of their life and then moved around a lot for their careers." Hana hoped she wasn't boring Jin, talking about her family was often complicated and long and most people got bored fairly quickly. "They moved to Korea for about three years, when I was born, then back to the states and then to Europe. We've never stayed anywhere for longer than five years." Hana looked over to the window and mindlessly watched the people passing by. "My brother is at college here, in the US, so we came back for me to go to school too. I wish I could study in Korea though." She sighed and drew her eyes back to Jin, who seemed quite content listening to her and sipping on his coffee. It made her smile.

Hana rarely spoke to her parents about their careers and the effect moving country so often had on her. She knew their careers were important to them and she didn't feel the need to burden them with her issues with it. Instead, she spoke to Lee and talked about her feelings with him. He was Hana's rock, all throughout the difficult years, Lee stayed by Hana and kept her feeling positive. So, when Lee moved away to college a year ago, Hana was distraught and failed to see how senior year at a new school could possibly go well when Lee was in another state. Fortunately, Hana had met Jin, someone she could become close with.

She adjusted herself and waited for Jin's response, hoping she hadn't bored him to sleep. Siping her coffee and listening to the background noise of the numerous coffee machines and clattering of cups, Hana kept eye contact with Jin and gave him a warm smile.



Adrian had never understood how Thea could go from 'normal' to flirtatious in the blink of an eye, but he wasn't complaining, so when he answered his tone matched hers.

"Then consider yourself invited the next time the occasion comes." His signature grin made it's way on his mouth as her hand met with his muscular chest, but he managed not to glance down at it in spite of keeping eye contact.

He laughed at her following statement, lightly scratching his well cut hair at it's base. "Well, I did recognize you here, that's at least ten points." After all the mall was packed and he'd managed to make out her form in between the large crowd.

She's hard to miss. Adrian thought to himself with a slight smirk, not thinking over the change in her gaze long enough to question it.

He nodded as she announced her department, and when her lips connected with his cheek he instinctively put an arm around her waist. Every summer he went to visit his homecountry he always returned with a few obvious momentary changes: his pigment took on a pleasantly tan edge, his accent strengthened, and he adopted a few 'traditions' of theirs. He'd resisted kissing her on both cheecks, like he'd done practically everyday in his house in Rimini, but the hand on the waist simply couldn't be avoided.

"See you in hell." He commented, referring to school, while she left and finally let his gaze fall and observe her backside. Finally turning his focuses back on Octavia, clearing his throat before speaking, Adrian raised a brow.

"So you wanna tell me what all the fuss was about?"

@Bhlow @Ecstasyia


"My parents were born here, they lived here for the beginning of their life and then moved around a lot for their careers. They moved to Korea for about three years, when I was born, then back to the states and then to Europe. We've never stayed anywhere for longer than five years. My brother is at college here, in the US, so we came back for me to go to school too. I wish I could study in Korea though." Jin listens intently as Hana speaks. "Wow, you are truly from a family of world travelers. I would say that I'm jealous, because certainly Europe must be beautiful, but it was hard enough for me to learn English and adjust to the United States much less multiple different countries,"

Besides, Jin can't attribute his English skills to his own drive and hard work. Since the Korean War, South Korea has become extremely Americanized, and now English is seen as the most important skill for Korean students to learn if they wish to be successful. He had been introduced to English as soon as he began school, and has been studying it ever since. Jin finds learning English exhausting, as it is an ongoing process. He knows that there will never be a point where the world recognizes him as "fluent in English". That is just not how English-speaking countries work. It's a fact of life for everyone who speaks English as a second language, especially for those whose native languages are nearly incompatible with it.

"It's true that I loved studying in Korea because every student is respectful, hardworking, and determined to succeed. But there were bad things about the educational system too. For instance, education is everything there, and what university you go to determines your whole life. On the day that students take the college entrance examination, the whole country essentially shuts down. Almost every business is closed so people can stay home and pray for the students, and planes aren't even allowed to fly above the test site. It's madness. I'm not too upset that I never had to take that test." He chuckles. Even if he misses Korea, he's glad for the more moderate educational system of America. In Korea he would have never had time to do any sort of extracurricular activities or have more friends or even a romantic interest. His sole priority was school. This year he knows he will have a little, or a lot, of time to relax and have fun. "Are you close to your brother?" He asks. The way Hana speaks about him makes it seem like they're close. After all, he did give them directions to the coffee shop. He sips his coffee and smiles at her, just glad to be with her in this moment.


Hana Kim

Hana loved listening to Jin. She was fascinated by Korea and his background. If the rest of the day involved sitting and talking to Jin in the quaint, little coffee shop they had been in for close to half an hour, Hana would be happy. Fidgeting mindlessly with her breakfast bar, she had yet to open, Hana listened to Jin talk about Korea.

"It's true that I loved studying in Korea because every student is respectful, hardworking, and determined to succeed. But there were bad things about the educational system too. For instance, education is everything there, and what university you go to determines your whole life. On the day that students take the college entrance examination, the whole country essentially shuts down. Almost every business is closed so people can stay home and pray for the students, and planes aren't even allowed to fly above the test site. It's madness. I'm not too upset that I never had to take that test." Hana frowned. "Wow, really? That's insane." She was surprised by what he told her. In America, and in every other place she lived in, school and exams weren't considered important above all else. Merely a tool to get to college/university and then onto a well paying job. Sweden was by far the best educational system she had experiences, she missed it everyday. The place of her darkest times but also the place of her happiest.

"Are you close to your brother?" Jin continued. "Yes, my brother and I are very close. He's been there for me through everything." Hana lost herself in thought for a few moments, thinking about her travels. She quickly snapped out of it and focused her attention back onto Jin. She sipped more of her coffee, realising that it was already two-thirds empty. Picking up her breakfast bar she unwrapped it and took a bite. She laughed when a few crumbs fell onto her top, she brushed them off quickly and put the breakfast bar on her napkin. Nervous she'd made a bit of a fool of her self, she decided to ask Jin about his family.

"Do you have any siblings?" Hana asked, wiping her mouth gently with another napkin and biting the inside of her lip nervously as she waited with curiosity. Hana felt anxious, but the last thing she was going to let herself do was look it.




i opened my eyes to the light to see that i was blinded by it so i then again concealed myself into the darkness


Darius raised an eyebrow as the burly bartender walked over again with another bottle of vodka, two shot glasses, and a plate of fruit. He had came here alone to drink, and the bartender knew his usual order of just simple cheap vodka and his hatred towards food.

"The blonde one that came with you last time is here." The man chuckled, as he set down the items. "I really don't know what to make of you Simakov."

Darius laughed. "You can take the fruit back. Not really much of an eate-"

"For the lady. Eating fruit with alcohol gets them drunk faster, and I have a feeling that you want that."

"Nah...she's a strong one like me. Going to take a while," Darius chuckled. "She might be hungry. Just leave it."

The bar tender winked as he walked away. Darius sighed as he watched Thea approach him from the entrance with a bitter smile.

"Just so we're clear," she started, slipping onto a booth next to him, "I'm here because I need a drinking buddy who won't remember anything I say tomorrow."

Darius quietly smirked as he slid a glass over and poured her a shot.

"So what happened for the mighty queen to throw away her crown for all to see?"

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This scene is ending soon,

the next one that we have will be the first day of school. Please end your post in the most logical way possible.

Thea Grace Malone


Thea took the shot that was offered to her, and swallowed the spirit in one go, wincing slightly at the burn of the cheap vodka before she decided to welcome it. Upon swallowing, Thea took the bottle from his hand and poured herself another shot, drinking it in quick succession.

"First of all" she said, feeling the need to point it out as she glared at him - "My status is not going to fall in any way simply because I don't have a boyfriend at my side - if you think that, then you don't know me very well". She tried to speak in a calm tone, but she could feel some anger seep into it, and instead of focusing on it, she started picking at the grapes in front of her, popping them into her mouth.

"And for your information" she continued, betting on the fact that he would be getting as drunk as her "Mason happened - or rather didn't happen; in the end he chose Bailey over me" she said, trying to keep her voice emotionless at the fact as she said it out loud.

She filled her shot glass again, and threw the liquid to hit the back of her throat. "It's ridiculous, I mean what does she have that I don't?". She turned the question over in her mind again, going back to picking at the grapes, as she suddenly felt a flush creep up her body and she stripped the cardigan she has held so tightly around herself off, trying to understand why she had exaggerated it so much when she felt the need to put it on in the first.

"Answer me Darius, what makes me worse than her?" She said as she finished filling the shot glass again. Her mind subconsciously knew that she was already drunk, after all, she had started in the morning, but nevertheless, she looked at Darius, awaiting his reply, as she picked up the shot to down again.

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As it neared 3:56, Octavia realized she had almost spent 3 hours out. "Shit. Bell's gonna kill me." Octavia looked up apologetically at Adrian. "Sorryto cut this short but, I have to go home. It's almost 4:00." She hugged him goodbye, before heading towards the mall doors.

They were up one floor, so if she went down the escalator and through Macy's she should see outside. As Octavia made the trek, sure enough. She saw the light. She numbly pushed open a door before hopping in her car, and starting it up. Sighing, she pulled out of the driveway to begin the 35 minute drive home.


Sorry this is so short. I am currently at a place where there is a very weak wifi signal, and I want to get this out before it cuts off. I promise, the next post will be much longer.
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As their conversation continues, Jin notices Hana fidgeting with her breakfast bar. Although he knows, as a fellow human plagued with a tendency to fidget, that it is a force of habit, he places his hand over hers to quiet her busy hands. He watches her think after he tells her about Korea with a smile on his face.

As Hana says, "Yes, my brother and I are very close. He's been there for me through everything." Jin notices her demeanor change for a moment. It suddenly hits him that he just met Hana today. Judging by the ease of their conversation, people passing through the café would think that they are lifelong friends, maybe even lovers. In reality, they only know the basics of each other. Honestly, Jin eventually wants to know everything about Hana, the good, the bad, and the ugly. He knows there are things about her, secrets, that she might not tell him for years, everyone has those qualities about them or history that they think is too messy for anyone save their closest friends to know. But no matter how long it takes, Jin wants to know it about Hana. One might think he was naive for falling for a girl so fast. Maybe even creepy. But Hana is different, and Jin knows it. Perhaps even she feels it too.

He watches her with a smile as she brushes some crumbs off her shirt. It's crazy to him that a girl could be so imperfectly perfect.
"Do you have any siblings?" Hana asks him. "Yes, I have a brother, and though we get along well, out relationship is probably more...cold than you and your brothers. It's for no particular reason, things are just different in Korea. Brothers compete. It might seem strange, but that's how it works." Jin gets a little embarrassed and worries that she might think that is weird, since her and her brother are close. He hopes she won't. He notices her picking at her breakfast bar and recognizes an emotional state that he knows personally. Anxiety. He looks into her eyes with concern and touches the side of her cheek gently. "Hey, I'm here for you. Don't worry." He knows statements like that don't truly help, but he hopes it will provide some comfort to her.

At this point, it's likely they will continue talking for the rest of the day and continue their blossoming relationship. Whether it becomes romantic or just a friendship is yet to be determined. Regardless, at the end of their day long adventure it is certain he will take her home and walk her to her door like a gentleman. That's just the kind of old-fashioned person Jin is.


Haha I just noticed this is the 100th post wow
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