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Realistic or Modern Farveyl High [Mature]

Jaemin made his way through the crowd, heading for the kitchen for a drink. It seemed like there was another small crowd there, and he could only assume that there was some sort of conflict due to the appearance of Darius. He didn't really care for the guy, but he decided that he would not try to intervene. It would just give him a headache anyway. However, it wouldn't stop him from eavesdropping.

He grabbed an unopened beer before hopping up to take a seat on the counter, pretending to be looking out the window as he opened his drink. His eyes shifted back to the tense group of people as he took his first sip, the slightly unfamiliar taste filling his mouth. It seemed like the same old story that usually went around as Darius picked off seemingly every girl in town. However, it was more interesting than the dancing crowd, so he stayed and listened.

Thea Grace Malone


Thea glanced around deciding to not comment on what Darious said, or on the appreciative look he gave her, and was relieved that the two followed her and stopped at the drinks table with them, taking a cocktail into her manicured hand. "It's not a joke - just avoid Darius, he's a bad seed" she said, not wanting to refer to the incident that she knew of.

Out of the corner of her eye, while sipping at her cocktail that was already making her woozy she noticed Bailey, and her inner self glowed at the fact. If Bailey was here, then so was Mason. She looked upon her slightly awkward dancing for a moment before acting. "Excuse me" She muttered to the two girls she had rescued, deciding that her good deed for the day was done and it was time for a bad deed to balance it out. "Bailey" Thea called out, upon reaching the girl, plastering a fake smile on her face. Bailey mirrored her expression perfectly, but there was a slight quiver in her smile - fear and uncertainty. And she was right to feel threatened by her. Bailey was pretty but plain - and if you asked Thea, down right boring, but in the end she had what Thea couldn't have.

"Do you know where Mason is?", Thea called over the music. Bailey at the question dropped her smile, and reluctantly pointed to the kitchen, where Thea immediately headed without a goodbye.


i opened my eyes to the light to see that i was blinded by it so i then again concealed myself into the darkness


"Well, I guess you lost your target," Damien smirked, as he handed Darius another glass.

Darius took a sip sighing. "I hadn't even been planning on doing anything to that girl yet. "

Damien raised an eyebrow.

"Okay I mean...yes I'm an ass...a man whore, whatever you might think I am, but I'm not that much of a bitch to destroy a girl who just got into this school."

Damien laughed. "You don't have to justify yourself. A girl's been staring at you for a while. Why not just go after an easier target?"

He shook his head. "I feel done for tonight. Just going to grab a couple more drinks and head over to the garden."

Damien patted his shoulder, and walked off into the crowd. "I'll see you tomorrow."

Darius sighed as he downed the entire glass, and grabbed two bottles of wine off of the rack.


Due to everyone's busy attempts at intercepting, he barely had a chance to absorb everything. The name filled him with shame and disgust, and reminded him of how much he had hated every single living being at the school. The witch chase that had driven an innocent girl to her death. That was all the name brought back to him. As he looked back on it, even her demeanor was similar. Clouded with innocence, sticking out of the dirty crowd like an eye sore.

He shook his head, popping open a bottle and began to drink as he bitterly stared at the daisies that perfectly lined the walk way. Why was he suddenly remembering the past again.
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Hana Kim

Hana watched Thea walk away. Apparently, according to Thea, Darius was a 'bad seed'. From what Hana saw, she could understand that. But she couldn't get the thought of him out of her mind, she felt bad for leaving him. Hana had to weigh up the decision between being friends with the popular girls or not. It was a difficult decision, one she couldn't make alone.

"So, I'm going to go." Hana awkwardly waved to the girl who was still stood at the drinks counter. Octavia. Hana recalled her photo from the year book. She turned and smiled towards her. "Sorry. I need some air."

Hana put her beer down and swapped it out for a shot of vodka. She downed one shot and poured herself another before downing it as well. She leant both arms on the counter and dropped her head, the smell of pizza floated in through the room. Someone must have ordered it. Seriously. Hana was fed up. She grabbed the bottle of vodka which was about one third full and pushed her way through the crowd of people, eventually reaching a door leading to the outside. Shoving her body against the door, a waft of cold air hit her face, and as her eyes adjusted she realised this wasn't the front porch. I guess this is fine. It was an empty patio area with some garden chairs and a few potted plants, Hana couldn't see much due to the darkness but the light from the house gave her enough light to see around her. She sat on one of the chairs, propped her legs up on another and stared down at her phone, occasionally taking a sip from the bottle of vodka. She hated the taste, but she could already feel the effects of it and it was much better than being confused and feeling like a fool.

Clearly the lighting hadn't been enough. Hana almost fell out of her chair when she turned her head to see Darius sat not too far from her. She sat in silence, unsure of what to say or if she should even say anything. Clumsily, she took another drink from the bottle and dropped her head.


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i opened my eyes to the light to see that i was blinded by it so i then again concealed myself into the darkness


Darius turned to see who had decided to seek out a quiet haven in the garden as well. The same girl from earlier sat on the bench awkwardly with a bottle of vodka in her hand.

For anyone to see, it was clear that it was her first time drinking and from first hand experience, he knew that vodka was the last thing someone like her would want to deal with.

He snatched the bottle from her and downed it, while handing her his bottle of wine.
Vodka was truly the only drink that he could rely on.

"You really are new to this sort of stuff," he scoffed, as he slumped down on the bench beside her. "If you want to drink, drink that. It's easier on you in the morning."

He glanced at the girl, who looked utterly terrified of him, as she held the bottle tightly.

Darius sighed. "I guess that was a pretty bad first impression. I won't tell you that everything they said were lies, and I'm probably not the nicest guy...so it's completely up to you whether you want to run away now or get trapped in something you'd regret."

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Hana Kim

Hana held onto the new bottle in her hands. She smelt the liquid inside and her eyebrows instinctually raised, the smell was intoxicating itself. Hana tried it, closed her eyes and took a sip and then smiled. She sat on the edge of her seat with the bottle cupped in her hands, secured between her bare knees. The one thing Hana thanked alcohol for was the warmth, she didn't feel cold at all, but her body still shivered embarrassingly.

"This is much nicer." Hana looked over to Darius, she felt drawn to him in a way she knew she shouldn't. Not that she had much experience of feeling like that, so she sunk back into her chair and pushed the thought aside. Blaming her feelings on the alcohol. "Thanks.

"So, why did they say that stuff?" Hana couldn't stop herself. She knew it wasn't really any of her business, but she was a naturally curious person. Her eyes fluttered around, she didn't know whether to look at him or the ground or the bottle in her hands.


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Mason downed the rest of his beer and set it the empty can back on the table. A few of his friends had came by and stuck up a conversation before they were dragged away by girls to the dance floor. Mason declined the girls who had offered to dance with him though, because there was only one girl that'd he hoped to see at this party. Mason felt some kind of relief flood him as Damien was no where in sight, he was glad that he hadn't seen him all night, despite them being best friends. His guilty conscience would never be put to rest as long as they were doing this, but he couldn't help it.

He was tired of waiting, and tired in general. He wasn't a lightweight but for safety precautions, he decided it was best for Bailey to drive home. That is if she had listened to him and stayed away from alcohol. When his eyes found Bailey's familiar brown hair, he quirked an eyebrow as her figure tensed before she pointed towards his direction. A smirked tugged at the corner of his lips as he caught sight of Thea making her way towards him. He glanced back at where Bailey stood, but was surprised to see that she was gone.
I'll call her in a few minutes. He focused his attention on Thea, "Where have you been?"

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Thea Grace Malone


Thea rolled her eyes at him upon his demanding tone, her exterior cool, as opposed to her heart which already started to beat faster. "Why you look lovely Thea, how are you doing?" She said, raising an eyebrow at him. "That's probably how you should greet me - but nevermind, I'll forgive you". She smirked at him, leaning over to whisper in his ear, "Damn I might even be good enough to let you take this dress off me upstairs".

She leaned away, glancing around to see if they were playing it safe, and to check if Damian was nowhere in their sights. A thought flickered across her mind and she "accidentally" spilled her cocktail down his top and pants. "Damn, I'm sorry". She muttered, her eyes sparkling as she got a paper towel from the worktop at her side. "I'm just so clumsy" she continued, lifting his shirt up to reveal his tan skin. Thea put her hand on his bare side, and with the other hand began softly touching his damp skin with the paper towel. Teasingly she moved her arm down, and started drying his pants. "Come with me" she whispered. What she was doing was risky but in her intoxicated state she would do pretty much anything to get with him in the moment.

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i opened my eyes to the light to see that i was blinded by it so i then again concealed myself into the darkness


He laughed at her question, as he tossed her his jacket.

"I sort of had a clash with Thea, the blonde girl that pulled you away earlier, because I hurt her friend. For a while, that friend had been going around and telling the world that I was a piece of trash that dumped girls after sleeping them with once. Unfortunately for her, I don't like messy situations so I had to tidy things up a bit. I guess the way I silenced her...scared people a bit," he chuckled.

Darkness filled his eyes, as he looked down at her. "That's why I'm warning you...if you stay with me, you might get hurt. I guess I'll see you around tomorrow. Try your best to fit in."

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Unfortunately, the room had begun to clear out before he could really make out the whole situation. He shrugged it off, not really caring about the dramatic scene anyway. At the end of it all, he was left in the room with one other person. He was pretty sure her name was Octavia, or something like that. They weren't very closely acquainted, not that it would stop him.

"You might as well have a drink if you're going to stand around in here," He said abruptly, grabbing another beer before holding it out to her, raising an eyebrow. He took another mouthful of his own while waiting, tapping his fingers on the countertop idly. Honestly, he had no idea why he was compelled to talk to her, perhaps it was the fact that she had seemed a little lost throughout the whole thing. He stopped thinking about how reasonable he was, all thoughts like that should be thrown away in these situations. For now, acting on stupid whims would suffice, like they usually did.


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Hana Kim

"Oh. Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow... maybe." Hana didn't know what to make of Darius anymore. What he said confused her and worried her, what did he mean by 'silence'? Smiling, she stood up with the bottle in hand, straightened her skirt out and headed back inside. She took one last look at Darius before pulling the door open and heading through.

The music pounded through her head, it was a loud change from the quiet garden. Hana made her way through to the kitchen, it was still full of the smell of food which only worsened her growing headache. She quickly finished off the rest of the wine and heavily placed the bottle on the counter. Wiping her mouth with her sleeve, she smiled, stood up straight and planned on heading home.

After weaving through the groups of people, Hana made it to the front porch. She walked down the few steps and stood off to the side, pulled her phone out and called her brother. "Lee?" Hana started sobbing.

"Han?" Lee's voice immediately soothed Hana. "What's up?"

"I'm at that party. It was such a mess." Hana started breathing faster. "There was a guy and some girls and another guy and then pizza and wine." Hana's words started getting jumbled.

"Calm down Han, call a cab and go home." Hana sighed and agreed to call a cab. They both said their goodbyes and Hana hung up. She stood for a moment, holding her phone in one hand whilst the other brushed her hair off her face. Hana reached around for her bag, but couldn't find it. It was back in the house somewhere, she must have left it in the garden when she sat down. She debated going back inside, but she couldn't face seeing Darius again or having to wade through the sea of people. Instead, she sat on the grass, dialled up the cab company and waited for the car to arrive.

I'm so going to regret this tomorrow. Hana could feel the alcohol taking a negative effect on her, so she laid on the damp grass and hoped her cab arrived soon. She pictured being at home, in her bed. Unfortunately for her, she had school tomorrow, but since she liked the work, it wasn't too bad. The hangover would be the worst part.

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As the sky became darker and darker, the party began to thin out, people started heading home. When there were only about 20 people left in the room, someone must have turned the music down because now it was just a soft hum in the background. You could hear people chatting amongst themselves and others. As Octavia grew tired and her headache increased, she heard a persons voice. Turning to see the face, she saw it was Min-Jae. He was quite popular within the school, mostly everyone knew him.

The teenager said something, before offering Octavia a beer. Octavia didn't like the taste of beer, in fact, she
hated it. But it was no way to make friends if you rejected them when they tried to do something nice. Octavia grabbed the chilled beer from the guy's hand and popped it open, drinking down the foam and gagging, her eyes tearing at the bitterness. "Thank you." She said, before forcing herself to take another sip.

"Min-Jae, right?"

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The first scene will be ending soon. I ask everyone to wrap up their scene in the most logical way from your situation at the moment.

Thank you.




Mason groaned at her suggestion, his eyes trailed down her alluring body, before staring into her blue eyes. What a tease. He clenched his hands into fists, grasping onto what ever he could to keep his hands to himself. He hated the fact they had to sneak around, but the thrill was something he could never get tired of. Granted if they were to act on what they were thinking right now, he was somewhat sure that no one would pay much attention due to their inebriate state.

As Thea tipped her drink onto his clothes, his brows furrowed in confusion. The action had been obviously intentional, but only to him. Before He could question her, The vixen's hand found it's way under his shirt. The gesture left him pulsing as the warmth radiated from his hands. The other hand had busied itself by going lower and lower. Sweet baby Jesus. "Come with me," Her silky voice rang through his ears as he hastily grabbed her hand lead her upstairs.
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Jaemin laughed, shaking his head as the beer was taken from his hands.

"It's Jaemin, actually. I can see why you could confuse our names though. Common mistake," He shrugged, sliding off of the counter. His phone buzzed in his pocket as he took another sip of his drink, reminding him of what time it was. It was probably an overly worried text from his mother, or perhaps an alarm he had set to remind himself to get home and in the warm embrace of his bed at what you could still consider a reasonable time. The party had begun to settle down anyway, so it seemed like whatever happened had perfect timing. He cast a glance at Octavia, a somewhat apologetic half-smile appearing on his face.

"While I'd love to stay and chat, I've received my cue to get back home. I'll probably see you tomorrow, if that counts for anything." He took a short breath before half-assing a wave and leaving the room. He set his half-empty drink on a table for some drunk person to take later, and left the house. The ordeal had been as expected, loud and uninteresting, but he stopped thinking about it as he got in his car and drove home.


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Thea Grace Malone


Thea smiled too herself as they slipped upstairs, unnoticed, and before they even reached a room she pushed him against the wall, her hands roaming his body as she pressed her full lips roughly on his. She finally settled on entwining her hands in his dark mane of hair, making every touch count.

In the back of her mind, she registered that the volume of the music has dropped and she wondered whether most people were leaving , which would mean she should be leaving, but she ignored the thoughts that would mean ending this bliss. Instead bit Mason's lip lightly, playfully, and she began pulling up his damp t-shirt, her hands touching the carved muscles she knew so well. She was about to unzip her own dress when she heard footsteps on the stairs and she pulled away, panicked and flushed, glad that they hadn't removed each other's clothing yet.

Thea worked on slowing her breathing in the moments they had as the figure finally reached the top of the stairs. "Fuck" she whispered upon seeing Damian, before rushing towards him, and avoiding looking at Mason. Considered how hot she was, if she looked at him now, her control would snap.

"Honey, we were just looking for you" she spoke up, trying to keep her voice even as she put her arms around his neck. She played the girlfriend, knowing that Damien hadn't told Mason his sexual orientation, or anyone else for that matter - but she had told Mason; nevertheless, Damian would expect her to keep acting in front of his best friend. "I wanted to let you know that I'm going to head out and get a cab, and Mason wanted to say hi because he hasn't seen you all night". She spoke lightly, her heartbeat slowing, as she finally dared to glance back and take a peak at Mason, regret filling her.

"I'll see you both tomorrow" she finally said, kissing Damien's cheek before going down the stairs. She worked hard on not falling in her high heels and her very intoxicated state, it was clear now that she has drunk too much as her balance began to fade. Miraculously, she reached the living room safely and called the number of a cab company she knew, finally deciding to wait outside for the taxi to pull up, as the operator had said "10-15 minutes".


New scene:

You will be waking up, with a horrible hangover. One day until school starts the new year, this time you will just hang out around town. Interact with anyone you please.

Thank you.


Hana Kim


Hana shrugged her jacket off and threw it onto the kitchen island counter. Tired, stressed out and intoxicated, Hana reached for a glass. She filled it to the brim with water and knocked the whole thing back in one go. Placing the glass back onto the marble counter top, she sighed and walked over to the fridge, pulling on the freezer door handle and swiftly locating the vanilla ice cream. She grabbed a spoon from the dishwasher, swivelled the stool around and put her bowl of ice cream down. It had taken Hana half an hour to get home, Lee had been asleep when she rang earlier and so she assumed he'd have fallen back asleep by now. None-the-less, she texted him.

Home now. Having ice cream then off to bed. Night. x

Hana finished her ice cream off and pushed the bowl away from her. She dropped her head into her hands, closed her eyes and wished it to be the morning; with no hangover. Thinking of ways to avoid going to bed, Hana pulled her phone out and checked her social media sights. Unwillingly, Hana started thinking of the party and the events that had unravelled. She thought of Darius and what he had told her, she thought of Thea and Octavia and the guy who grabbed her shoulder; of whom she still didn't know the name of.

Frustrated and wound up, Hana launched herself off the chair and soon found herself in her bed. She plugged her earphones in to her phone and played some music whilst she laid in bed. Soon enough, she fell asleep.


The next morning - 11:21am

The earphones she had put in her ears the previous night had fallen out, Hana could hear the music faintly as she opened her eyes. Hana laid in her bed, ignoring the music, and just stared at the ceiling. She hadn't changed out of her clothes and started to feel how uncomfortable sleeping in a skirt was. After a few minutes laying still, Hana looked over towards her bedroom window, the sun was blaring through her curtains, blinding Hana. She lifted her hand to her eyes and frowned. The hangover had started.

"Ugh." Hana lifted herself out of bed and made her way over to the plywood desk, she looked at herself in the mirror. "Oh god." Disgusted at the makeup halfway down her face, smudged with tears and sweat from the party, Hana headed towards her bathroom. In an effort to sort her self out, she got a quick shower - most of which was spent staring at the wall and enjoying the heat - and got changed into her outfit for the day. She opted for a more comfortable style today, feeling a need to just be herself for one day before school started.

She eventually found herself in the kitchen, had a glass of orange juice, holding the cold glass to her forehead in an attempt to stop her pounding headache. When that didn't work as intended, she reached up and grabbed some painkillers. Ever since her admission to the therapy program, back in Sweden, her parents hid any form of medication up on the top shelf of the kitchen cupboard. They didn't know that she knew, however. Hana swollen the painkillers, took another large gulp of orange juice and shoved her shoes on. Her plan for today was to go into town, she wanted a coffee from what was apparently the best place to go for coffee, located inside a fairly large mall. Hana didn't know the names of any places, she was still relatively new to the place and her main focus was following the map on her phone correctly.


The mall was full of people. It was the day before school, so everyone was out, enjoying the sunshine and their last day of freedom. A lot of parents were out with their young children, presumably buying last bits and pieces for their first day back at school. Hana sighed and made her way through the crowd of people, she tried to follow the vaguely worded signs pointing to the food court and various other hughstreet stores. After going around in circles roughly three times, Hana gave up and perched herself on the stone edge of a water fountain. The breeze from the nearby exit was nice and the water fountain gave her a nice relaxing sound backdrop. She pulled out her phone and checked her social media, updating her statuses and sending various cheesy Snapchat's to her brother. She decided not to bug him with calls and texts today, after barely being able to remember what she'd spoken to him about last night, she thought it was best to try and deal with today on her own.

Tired of feeling hopeless, Hana got up to look for the coffee shop she had set out to find earlier. Pushing her earphones into her ears and her phone back into her jacket pocket, she slowly started to walk in the general direction of the food court. She was hesitant to go into the food court itself, she imagined the smell of McDonalds and KFC would only frustrated her and make her anxious again. So she stayed towards the edges of the numerous restaurants and fast food areas, walking around the fabric barriers that separated themselves from the rest of the mall. Hana could feel herself getting stressed out, she paced back and forth. Had Lee got the wrong mall when he told her about the coffee shop?

Hana made a quick decision to get a coffee from one of the fast food places, she picked KFC; she hated chicken and so opted for some fries and her drink. After paying for it and collecting it from the little side counter, she found herself a seat and poked at her fries. Hana's phone buzzed, it was an update from one of her many social media accounts. Ignoring the notification, Hana sat flicking through the large selection of music and occasionally taking sips of her coffee. I wonder if anyone from last night is here.


It was 2:49 when Octavia arrived home, partly because her brother refused to come pick her up this late at night. She had fallen asleep in the taxi while she was heading home, and woke up sleepy, but with a pounding headache. As soon as she got home she peeked in on Bellamy, and, as she expected, he was fast asleep. His curly brown hair covering the pillow. She next headed to the bathroom, throwing her purse on the bathroom counter and standing in her tippy toes, then opened the medicine cabinet. She grabbed the Asprin, right before her toes gave out. She heading back to the kitchen, grabbed a glass, and poured herself a big serving of orange juice. She place the tablet under her tongue, then took a sip of orange juice, letting the tablet travel down her throat. She drank the rest of the orange juice, then proceeded to pass out on the couch.


When Octavia woke up, she was in her bedroom. She was sure that she didn't fall asleep here, so Bell must've moved her. Octavia walked to her bathroom, going to the shower. She twisters do the knob to cold (she needed a wake up call) then removed her makeup from the night before from her face. She peeled her clothes off, then stepped into the cold water. She quickly washed her hair and body, then shut off the water and proceeded to dry herself off. She picked out her clothes for the day, before heading out in the kitchen. There was a note on the fridge that read:

Had to head out to Taylor's. There's nothing in the fridge so you might want to go out.

Octavia opened the fridge, and sure enough, their fridge was almost empty. Her eyes flickered over towards the clock on the oven. It was 1:23 p.m, time for lunch. She grabbed her purse form the couch, and unplugged her phone from the charger in the coffee table.

When Octavia arrived at the mall for lunch, it was as packed as always. She swiftly made her way to the food court (she'd been there a thousand times), and went to her favorite fast food restaurant, subway. She ordered a 6 inch deli sandwich with her usual topping then went to sit down. She needed something to pass the time, so she pulled out her phone and went to Twitter to interact with her followers, and check her notifications. After a while, the Subway employee called her order number, she sent out a quick tweet, then went to get her food.

Hana Kim

Hana sat, shuffling through her playlist on her phone, listening to a song for five seconds before skipping onto the next one. Her fries hand't moved, the cardboard box still held the exact same amount, but her coffee had gone down considerably. She'd been sat for about two hours and in that time, she'd replied to a number of messages she'd received on her Tumblr, sent out a few Snapchats and listened to a French podcast in an attempt to improve her language skills. Hana started to feel bored. She fidgeted in her seat and looked around at the many people in the food court.

Accross the food court, Hana noticed Octavia sitting at one of the Subway tables. Hana debated going over to her. She felt bad about last night, how she'd just left Octavia on her own after all the drama went on. I should probably say sorry. Hana plucked up the courage and gathered her things. She shoved her phone into her pocket, took her earphones out and shuffled them into her pocket too, and picked her coffee and fries up. She went over to the bin and chucked both of them into the bin, and walked over to Subway.

"Hi! We met last night, I'm Hana." Hana smiled and gave Octavia a little wave as she approached her table. She looked just as hungover as Hana felt, but that was understandable. "Sorry about leaving you last night."


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Octavia was miserable. This was her first hangover in a while and she had completely forgot how to cure one. She she taken one bite out of her sandwich, and hadn't even touched her sour cream and onion chips. She pulled out her phone and texted her brother, telling him about her hangover and asking him how to cure it. He set her phone down beside her, and forced herself to take a bite of her sandwich, which was torture. As she tried to swallow, her throat hurt because it was so raw and irritated from the drinks last night. She plugged in her earphones and turned on Melanie Martinez's album.

However, she was quickly interrupted when the girl from last night (Hana?) came over. Her under-eyes were just a dark as Octavia's, and she looked just as drowsy and bored. Hana's hair was ruffled, fly away's tickling her cheekbones. Octavia smoothed down her dark brown hair selfconsciously before waving weakly. She was never very confident during the day, and often had panic attacks. She wasn't exactly a socialist. So she sat there, making a fool of herself. Opening and closer her mouth, trying to find something to say.

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Adrian had waken up with no real purpose that day, raising from his bed only because of the displeasing grumble that had set in his stomach. Yesterday he'd been smashed from a club to another until his tired body had been dragged back home.

His father's weak 'good morning' only made Adrian's mood take on a more surly edge, and the teen didn't bother excusing himself before raising from the table and leaving the house.

Outside he made a pleased noise in the back of his troath upon feeling the rays of sun hitting his pigment and warming him up, so much that he decided to take his jacket off.

The senior mounted in his car and with the music totally blasted, enough so to receive a few frowns from the neighbors outside, and started drowning. The italian let his shades fall atop his nose, the sun's light actually blinding him, and then he extracted his phone from his pocket.

63 Messages from 18 Conversations

"Can't bother." The teen muttered under his breath, keeping an eye on the read, and decided to text one of his friends to force him to go out.

The answer was something along the lines of 'can't right now', but Adrian couldn't really tell with the darkened screen and his shades. The eighteen year old slowed the car along with his thinking, unsure of what to do. He only had a couple of options: he could either return home or find a place to hang out at.

Not intentioned at all in returning to the vision of his ghost of a father, Adrian turned for the mall. He'd probably meet someone there anyway, or make some new...consciences.

As the large building came in view the brunette swiftly cut the way at a passing Jeep and stole it's parking spot, smirking as the other driver honked, before nonchalantly coming out of his drive and making his way to the shopping section.

Adrian passes all the major fast food's with the intention of entering the Armani shop, after all he had ruined his suit just yesterday even if he had no idea how it happened between the drinking, dancing and the blonde that had been glued to him the whole night, but his steps came to a stop as he spotted a familiar figure at a Subway table.

"Octavia?" He called, walking toward her and the other girl. They both looked a little tired, probably thanks to whatever crazy party there had been yesterday, but he supposed his eyes didn't look that better. Consciously fixing the dark glasses on top of his straight nose he approached the table.

His eyes studied Hana's form, he'd heard and seen her before, but as usual the italian feigned obviousness as he extended his large hand.

"Adrian, I don't think I've seen you before."

He then turned his focuses on Octavia, a mocking grin on his face.

"You look beautiful this morning."

Thea Grace Malone


Thea went in between states of sleeping and being awake as she made the drive home in the taxi, the bumpy roads every so often jerking her fully awake. When she reached the mansion it was silent, she figured that Chikelu and her mother were both asleep - that was if her mother had ever come back home for the night. Groggily, she prepared an Alka-Seltzer to help her with the impending hangover, deciding it would be best to start earlier - and in addition, she shouldn't be too bad, she had learnt how to keep her liquor down.

She walked up to her room and once there, undressed systematically, and took off the little makeup she had, before crashing on her king sized bed tiredly.

When she awoke it was almost midday, and she groaned at the fact that she had slept in so late. There was already a tray of food by her bed and she smiled at the fact that Chikelu had also prepared an Alka-Seltzer for her, the woman had an uncanny sixth sense about what was up, and as predicted Thea only had a light buzz of a headache, the hangover minor. Thea moved around on the bed, eating her toast while checking her phone. Unlike usual she didn't receive a goodnight text from Mason to wake up to, instead her phone was blowing up with notifications from her social media and texts from people who wished they could breathe the same air as her.. It comes from being a Royal. She refrained from groaning, and instead dialled Mason's number, waiting for him to pick up, until it went to voicemail. Frowning slightly, she recorded her message. "Come over to my place to finish what we started last night, don't leave me to take care of things alone" She said, making her voice seductive at the end before hanging up. She sighed, and brushed her teeth, cleansed her face, but avoided putting on make up, or changing from the sheer night gown for now, deciding that if she didn't hear from Mason in the next half and hour, she would indeed take her of her sexual frustration by herself, and plan a day without his company.
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Octavia was thankful when another teenager from Farveyl showed up. It was getting quite awkward between her and Hana. Turns out it was Adrian. After he made his usual witty remark and growled and snapped her teeth. It was just fun play. It was true, Octavia was nervous around people she's never seen before (like Hana), but she had known Adrian for quite sometime now. Ever since she was a junior at Farveyl.

She scooted over towards the inner side of the booth to let Adrian sit down beside her. Her phone let out a vibration- she must've forgot to turn it of vibrate. She reached in her back pocket and checker her Instagram. Her best friend just sent her a picture of something
not so appropriate. She giggled, then turned her phone off. She turned back to Adrian.

"So.. What have you been up to?"
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Hana Kim

"Can I sit?" Hana gestured to the chair at Octavia's table. She could tell Octavia was either anxious or just unwilling to talk, so Hana tried her best to act calm and chilled out. Hana smiled and brushed her hair off her face, tucking it behind her ears. She looked at Octavia, hoping she'd say something. But when she didn't, Hana tried to ease her into a conversation.

Octavia didn't had a chance to reply before a guy approached. He introduced himself as Adrian and seemed to know Octavia. Hana's newness came rushing back to her and she suddenly felt alone and clueless again. She dismissed these feelings and looked up at Adrian.

"I'm Hana. I'm new here." Hana introduced herself. She could hear a slight Italian accent in his voice, the sound took her back to her year in Italy. Hana sat in silence after that. Octavia had spoken now and it was clear that she and Adrian knew each other. So Hana thought it was best to just stay quiet.

@Ecstasyia @Couldyoustfu

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