• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Faray High OOC chat

I'm going to have to drop out, sadly, this med change hits a lot harder than I was expecting and im all over the place, really sorry everyone. :(
What happens if your roommate drops out does your character just live alone, does your character move out into another dorm, or does a character move out of their current dorm and move into your character's dorm
Oh yeah, Thanks for the reminder!
I'll be starting tomorrow at around 6:60pm! (my time/Eastern)
IF the responses get out in time from other people
Also- I'll be posting a lot of the stuff and memes on there for a while along with the updates about the rps on that link so if you don't get notifications on it please let me know so it can possibly be fixed. I would hate to have to delay the merge because people cant get on it

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