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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Haiiro glared at Danny, becoming very impatient. "Excuse me, but do you mind getting out of my way?" She asks, sounding a bit irritated.. Elizabeth rolls her eyes. "I get that, but I've done way too many bad things, I just want to make things more bearable for me when I die and go to hell."
"That was interesting?" Slaxt said while laying down on the couch
(I am.)

Layla nodded her head, slowly walking over to the back of the couch, rolling herself to flip over to the other side of the couch, landing upside down. "Yes. It was."
Han scoffed. "Hell? Nonono. I put in a good word with the big man above." He laughed and finished the whiskey. He wrapped his arm around her. "You already have a house waiting for you past the golden gates." He smiled and kisser her. "Perks of dating an angel, right?"
The demon had probably ran off last night, she had to go do a few things though she took the raw meat with her though. Today she decided she'd go visit the male again today, she crouched down to the ground and took a large wiff of the air before she started trotting outside to the courtyard, she saw the male once again then stood up properly as she began to approach him
Danny was getting irritated with this girl "You almost crashed right into me! If I hadn't of stopped you, we would have collided at any point!"
Elizabeth was shocked, she had done too many bad things in her life to deserve going to heaven though. "Han...after all of the things I've done Hell is what I deserve..." She says, knowing that if she did go to heaven her conscience would bother her forever. "Sometime you just have to accept punishment for your past mistakes. That way you dont make any more mistakes." Haiiro shrugs. "I have something important to do, get out of my way."
Slaxt looks at Layla with a mischievous smile "so you really like mortal food don't you."
Christopher yawned, extending his folded arms behind his head in a cheap stretch without changing his form. Carefully shifting his gaze sideways, he caught sight of the approaching girl from last night. At the thought of her, he began contemplating her name. He was entirely too lazy to pronounce her entire name, and decided he would just call her Ess. Without shifting his gaze, he addressed her. "Ello Ess."
Han sighed. "Heaven isn't much better than Hell. They are both pretty much the same except Heaven has neighbors that are actually nice." He chuckled and kissed Elizabeth's neck.
Elizabeth smiles, but she knew that she had to accept punishment for her actions when the time came. She stared straight at the wall for a few seconds, thinking of something to do.
Slaxt sighs "never mind. I'll make you some mortal food whenever you want"
Once Cerin fell asleep, Vex took over. His body changed, increasing in height and shifting a bit. Even his hair faded black, followed by a pair of blue eyes instead of red.

Vex stretched against the cement, grinning behind the mask. "It's been a while~" he exclaimed, standing up with a swift movement. Popping his joints before beginning to walk towards the dorms, he let out a small yawn.
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Danny didn't like the way the firl spoke to him, he could tell that even Fluffy was getting tired of this crap "What exactly is so important?"
"Promise?!" Layla immediately twisted her positioning, jumping onto Slaxt with pure excitement, careless about the fact her strands of hair were becoming tangled in her face.
Han picked up the still sleeping cat and set him on Elizabeth's face. He chuckled and stood up. "I need to go back to Earth for awhile. Genesis doesn't provide a good connection with Heaven. If you'd like to leave, the ring will take you to my dorm....or was it The Void?" He shrugged and disappeared.
Haiiro sighs, starting to get very pissed off. "Get out of my damn way, NOW!" She yells. Elizabeth smiles and gives Han a thumbs up, not wanting to wake the cat up. She hadn't heard Han say that it might take her to the void.
Danny simply crossed his arms and stood there looking at her "Not until I get an answer from you. What the hell is so important and what the fuck is going on?"
Considering since the male didn't say her whole name she returned the favor as a smirk appeared on her lips ''Hello Chris. It's rather nice to see you again."
Vex looked around once he was inside, trying to remember which room was Cerin's. He sauntered down the hall, ignoring the sound of his ribs shifting to finish shaping his form. The pain that would usually be there was absent, and he sighed.
Han appeared in the courtyard of the school. He looked around and frowned at all the other people. "Ew." He muttered and a bright beam of light shot down from the sky, putting everyone in the area to sleep. Han chuckled and sat down on the bench. A bird landed on his head and began to chirp.
A broadsword made of pure light appears in Haiiro's hand. "It is nothing you need to know. Now unless you want a fight let me leave." She says angrily, getting into a defensive stancce.
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