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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Han stretched and began to float in the air. A white fluffy cloud appeared and he lied down on it. "Seriously though, don't even worry about it." He smiled and a bag of cotton candy appeared in his hand. He began to pull out the pure sugar and let dissolve in his mouth.
"Okay" Slaxt said finishing his food and putting up the 2 plates in the kitchen
Danny continued to follow her downstairs into the darkness and put up his umbrella "Finally, no light." He found himself in a dark room with her and started to giggle "what is she doing?" He leaned his hand on the wall, accidentally flipping the light switch. The sudden light shocked him as he tripped and fell behind a barrel, the barrels placement allowed shade to cover him.
...†Akira sat in his room, with the lights off. It was a pitch black room, yet only his eyes showed through the darkness. He soon heard the door open and then close. Someone was here. In his room. He heard footsteps and a short giggle. Just then the light switch was flipped, however the lights remained off. This was due to Akira stopping the electrical current. The footsteps became louder and closer. It sounded like this person was limping. Akira then spoke as he opened the curtain with his power, allowing the moonlight to shine upon him and most of the room. His blood red eyes focused on the now visible female as he rested his head on his right hand†...

" Why hello there. You seem to be limping.. Are you hurt perhaps? "

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/Maou-Satan.jpg.99c31f3e4f264d38c9e2a36709ef9529.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="39107" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/Maou-Satan.jpg.99c31f3e4f264d38c9e2a36709ef9529.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Cerin missed a step backwards and fell onto his back against cement. He sighed, a large cloud of an odd colored smoke emitting from his mask. "Blahhhh."
Elizabeth sighed and layed down, deciding to give up on finding an answer. Haiiro goes completely silent for a second before noticing that she was in the wrong place. Haiiro started limping away as quickly as she could.
Danny was confused for a second "why did the lights turn back off?" He got up and began to walk away until he heard footsteps. He looked over to see the girl about to run into him.
Han looked at Elizabeth and decided to have a little bit of cruel fun. He snapped and her lungs disappear, only to return after a few moments. He chuckled and pointed at her arm, breaking it. "Sorry. Archangels have a lot of dark humor." He shrugged and fixed her arm. Michael appeared on her lap began to pur loudly.
...†Akira laughed slightly as he appeared infront of the female. He then spoke†...

" You needn't worry. I am not going to harm you. Here. Let me prove it. "

...†Akira then reverted back to his Human form. His horns disappeared, but his blood red eyes remained. He then continued and he looked down at her†...

" Now. Stand still. I'm going to scan your leg. "

...†Akira's eyes then glowed a brighter red as he focused on her leg†...

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c13f11831_HatarakuMaou-sama-01-Large14.jpg.98c8fe0869ffb0e23214a49c94c10640.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="39109" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c13f11831_HatarakuMaou-sama-01-Large14.jpg.98c8fe0869ffb0e23214a49c94c10640.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Haiiro kept limping, going straight for the stairs as quickly as she could. Elizabeth glared at Han, obviously not a fan of having her lungs temporarily removed. She started lightly petting Michael.
Danny freaked out when the guy suddenly appeared in front of him "who is this guy?" He took a few steps back towards the stairs incase anything crazy went down.
Han laughed and appeared next to Elizabeth. Michael immediately crawled onto his lap and curled into a ball. Han began to pet the small kitten. "So...what do you want to do?"
Haiiro kept limping towards the stairs. She had important work to get back to and wasn't going to be stopped for even a second. Elizabeth shrugged. She knew what she wanted to do but since it would be considered a sin she wasnt going to do it. She also kind of wanted to mess around with her powers a bit, but she had no reson to nor could she think of what she wanted to use them for.
"I wish to..but whatever we will talk about this tommorow i am going to sleep in your dorm when we wake up we can talk win your dorm ok?"Shinji said as he walked outside looking at layla from behind
...†Akira's eyes then returned to normal. He sighed as he watched her go for the stairs. He then spoke†...

" Fine. Go. "

...†Akira then disappeared from the room and returned to his home. He got changed and then sighed. He then looked around. His neighbor had dropped off KFC. Akira then spoke as he pulled the food from the bag and placed it on the table†...

" More fast food. I love it. "

...†Akira then took his chopsticks and picked up one of the popcorn chicken that he placed on the table and eaten it. He then sighed as he looks at his chopsticks. He then rested his head on his left hand. He then spoke†...

" This sucks... "

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/637050-hataraku_maou_sama___02___large_14.jpg.b8a41f241681612a636889e4072e58d2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="39110" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/637050-hataraku_maou_sama___02___large_14.jpg.b8a41f241681612a636889e4072e58d2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Han sighed and sank farther into the couch. "Archangels don't deal with sins, if you didn't know. We can do many things that lesser angels cannot." He laughed and a bottle of whiskey appeared in his hand, which he began to gulp down.
"Fine." Layla watched Shinjii leave, shifting her gaze back towards Slaxt. "Well then."


[QUOTE="The awesome Timby]( Ah, well I return.)

(Christopher is walking in the courtyard)
Danny saw the girl about to run into him "woah, woah, woah, slow down!" He had a shadow hand come out and block her path before she ran into him.
Cerin started to fall asleep on the cement, crossing his hands behind his head. He let out a few puffs of smoke watching the drift into the air before evaporating.
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