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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Han shrugged. "I don't know about you, but I'm getting lost in your emerald eyes." He smiled and summoned a glass of water, which he began to drink.
i keep my eyes down and my cheeks turn bright red i pull my rose out of my pocket and smell it the color just about matches my cheeks and i look up at him with my bright eyes and they almost glow" you are right you dont know me "
Han nodded. "You don't know much about me either." He laughed. "But I know that you ran away and that you haven't learned your other powers yet." He looked closer at Blue. "Your whole past is written in your aura." He laughed again. "And your feelings are written on your crimson face." He said in a joking tone.

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Haiiro took off the mask and returned to normal, standing back up before doubling over in pain, it felt like she had been stabbed in the gut, and the pain was too much to bear. She looked around to make sure that no one was in her realm so that they wouldn't see her moment of weakness before starting to scream from the pain. Elizabeth smiled, checking her watch. "Perfect, by now the poison in that bullet will have set in." She says to herself cheerfully before wandering around a bit, hiding in a large crowd.
i laugh" im a good learner and if you knew why .... " i shake my head and look down again "so what should i know about you"
Han shrugged. "Nothing much. I'm not that interesting." He smiled as he remembered all the crazy things that he has done. "Anyways, stand up. I wanna try something."
i narrow my eyes at him but none the less i stood " what are you gonna try" i stand a few feet back and smile and notice that he is significantly taller than me but then again who isnt , 17 years old and still only 5 feet tall
Han laughed and walked closer to Blue. He grabbed her chin and tilted her head up. He bent down and kissed her for a few seconds before breaking away. "You can slap me now." He sighed.
i back up " i um i just met you and you you um you just i i why did you do that im" i turn and climb up the nearest tree, as high up as i could go , im tiny so even the small branches hold me and then i shift to a canary im a light blue with the same green eyes and i fly down to the lowest branch and watch him and i chrip
Han sighed and turned around. "I guess I'll catch you later." He smiled and began to walk away. He had fifteen minutes left with Mar's power and he had the perfect plan to do with that time.
Haiiro collapses, going completely limp, the pain too much to bear. She goes completely silent, but is still conscious and forced to stay awake through the agonizing pain. She can't move, but she needs to, she needs to get it. She can't just lay there and let her mind, body, and soul slowly die.
i shift back " im sorry " i sit on the low branch and sigh"you scared me, so whats the plan here you come you help me you befriend me you kiss me, you dont know whats happened to me or where ive been and im scared. why did you do that"
Han shrugged. "Because you're cute." He laughed and disappeared. He reappeared in front of Elizabeth's house. He circled the house in a ring of extreme heat energy, and the house caught on fire. After awhile, it burned to the ground, being under the pressure of thousands of degrees of heat. Han laughed and shadow traveled back to Blue, sitting on the branch next to her.
i smelt the smoke on him and shook my head" and you are trouble " i giggle and roll my eyes" am i going to get in trouble with you?" as i smile my eyes get brighter my hair looks healthier but i dont notice im looking at a little bird that perched on my finger

(im sorry btw it keeps saying that im replying and its not sending )
Elizabeth had just been walking back to her house when she sees everything on fire. She tilts her head a bit, confused but not really angry. "Well at least I managed to get every single thing that belonged to me out of my house weeks before it was set on fire." She says cheerfully, glad that she had anticipated something like this to happen. She glanced at her sniper rifle and made sure it was ready so that when she pulled the trigger it would fire. "Welp, time to torture that poor bastard...I wonder whether Haiiro's dead yet?" She says to herself. Haiiro was almost dead, mind, body, and soul, and she knew that she couldn't last much longer. She managed a weak smile, thinking about all of the good times she'd had with Han, trying to take her mind off of her impending death.
Han shrugged. "Everything I do is trouble." He laughed and jumped from the tree. "Well I best be going. See ya." He waved and disappeared. He reappeared next to Haiiro. "Hey Haiiro did you get the me-" he looked at her on the floor. "Haiiro!" He rushed to her side and kneeled down.
Haiiro weakly looked over at Han, unable to speak and barely clinging to the little bit of life she had left. She couldn't make out what she was seeing though, everything was a weird blur of colors and shapes. She knew that she could save herself, but she couldn't move and she couldn't tell Han what to do to save her. To her, this seemed like the end.
Han used the last bit of Mar's power to remove all death energy in the room, preventing anyone from dying. "I'm sorry if this causes you more pain but I'm not going to lose you." He choked back a sob.
Blue - i shook my head and giggled , i jumped down and wandered to my dorm room and took a nice long shower and threw on a different cloths and some money i had in my bag and found a shuttle back to a city and i went shoping , i bought a whole new wardrobe since the cloths i wore to run away were practical not fashionable , i pass a beautiful little black dress and i smile shake my head and keep walking, no use in buying a dress like that . i go to a book store and buy a bunch of new books and then a laptop on sale before i started to head back on the shuttle with arms full of bags . and then back to the dorm.
Han quickly ran back and forth from the kitchen and to Haiiro. He was making a mixture that should relieve pain as long as it's made without magic. He grabbed a kitchen knife and cut a slit on his arm. He let the blood drip into a bowl and he added half a pound out green tea leaves. He ran over to Haiiro and pricked her finger, allowing a drop of her blood into the bowl. He used the knife to crush up the leaves and mix it with the blood. Once he was done, he put it to Haiiro's mouth. "Drink." He commanded. The potion should share half of the pain with him. He would feel some pain bit it would lift some weight off of the goddess's shoulders.
Haiiro felt her mind slipping to the control of Ragnarok, being filled with power and energy. Her eyes turned a dark red, almost the same color as blood. "I refuse to let her die..." Haiiro mumbles, fully under Ragnarok's control at the moment. Haiiro points at a box in the corner of the room. "Quick...need...bottle..." she says weakly, needing the bottle full of a yellow liquid that was inside the box. (@Han Alister)
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