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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Haiiro looks down and nods, fixing the hole in the floor. "Sure, not much to do around here. And please don't change my age like that again." She says, not even noticing the fact that she had said the trigger word.
Han laughed when Haiiro said 'change'. "The cuff prevents your curse from working." He shows the silver cuff, which was glowing a soft purple. "Let's go." He said as he grabbed Haiiro's hand and took them to earth, appearing under a tree. Han sat down against the trunk and closed his eyes. Taking in the energy all around him.
Haiiro sighs in relief, glad that Han had the cuff since it would mean she could start using that word again. "Then it's a good thing that you have that cuff." She says, laying back against the tree with her hands behind her head, relaxing a bit.
i dust my self off and look at my arms and hands that are brusied and bloody i sigh and start t walk to the bathrooms leaveing a trail of blood
Han opened his eyes and glanced at a girl who seemed to be dripping a little bit of blood. "Hey! Are you alright?" Han called out and stood up. He began to walk over to the girl.

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Haiiro looked over at Han and the girl and stood up, but stayed under the tree, just staring at the girl. She could have sworn she heard a bell ringing when Han stood up, and now she was starting to think that she was starting to go insane.
Tao stands there awkwardly. "Um, I guess if you find anything dirty, clean it... And can you tell me if you see Jax. He has a large hat and a staff."
i jump and shift to a cat for about 2 seconds and them shift back to human . damn shyness" um i....i ....i think s-so, i fell out of a tree " i keep my eyes down , too shy to look up i wanted to cry and run away but i stayed put forming puddles on the ground
Han laughed and looked at the scrapes on the girl's body. "It's just a few scrapes. Easy fix." He summoned a vial of red liquid and handed it to the girl. "Drink this. It should start healing immediately." He gave a warm smile.
i took it and looked at it carefully "what will it do" I look up at him with big green eyes " hi Im Blue "
Han nodded. "I'm Han. Nice to meet you." He pointed to the bottle in Blue's hand. "It'll heal all your wounds. Watch." He summoned a knife and pricked his finger. He took the bottle and drank a tiny sip. The cut on his finger immediately stopped bleeding and sealed. "See? Nothing bad."

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i nod and look at him after drinking it " how did you get that knife? where did it come from?" id never seen anything like that in my life
Han smiled and summoned a single rose. He handed it to Blue. "I can summon things from thin air." He laughed. "It's an interesting power, I know." He twirled the knife in the air before dispelling it. "Pretty cool, right?"

"all i know that i can do is change shapes, i haven't explored my powers havent had the chance" i hold the rose and keep my eyes on it " sorry i shifted by the way ,you kinda scared me"
Han nodded. "It's all fine. I've seen plenty of interesting things." He laughed and put his arm around Blue's shoulder. "I've got some time to kill, so do you want to hang out?" He asked with a smile.
Haiiro leans back against the tree, still staring at Han and the girl, deciding to just be an observer for once. She heard what Han said and walked over to Han, quietly asking Han, "Do you mind introducing me?" Little did she know that Elizabeth was still on a nearby rooftop and she wasn't aiming at Han, she was aiming at Haiiro. She had a hunch that Han and Haiiro were friends so she decided to slowly take away Han's will to live before killing Han. She loaded the sniper rifle, checked to make sure there was a bullet in the chamber, and put her finger on the trigger, preparing to fire.
i flinched when he put his hand on me but i nodd "yeh just one sec " i walk over to the trees i fell out of but hesitate " what are the chances you can zap my books out of this tree , there s a lady bug up there"
Han walked over to Blue and looked up at the tree. He saw the ladybug and laughed. He climbed the tree and grabbed the books. He jumped back down and handed them to her. "There you go." He pointed at Haiiro. "That's Haiiro. She's a friend of mine. Now, where do you want to go?"
"hello im Blue" i look at her with a timid smile " i dont know where, i um ive only bee here a day , i got here last night"
Han began to think. "I got a place." He grinned. "Have you ever been to Hell?" He asked with a smile. "Trust me, it's not that bad."
Haiiro smiled. "It's nice to meet you Blue." She says calmly. "And Han's right, there are some places in Hell that aren't all fire and wasteland, it's a pretty amazing place." She says, affirming what Han had suggested.
blue giggles nervously not sure what to do" ok as long as there as there are no ladybugs" i stack my books in my arms neatly and put my rose on top
Han nodded. "Cool." He looked over at Haiiro. "Can you go back to your realm and cook a big meal." He walked over to her and whispered. "Because you know the month is not over." He smiled and walked back to Blue, taking her hand. He shadow traveled both of them to The Forest Of Wonder. The trees were swaying gently because of the wind and the plants were glowing a faint green hue. "Welcome to where I grew up." He said with his arms outstretched.
Haiiro rolls her eyes and gets ready to go back to her realm before being shot in the arm by Elizabeth. She yelped in pain and glared up at the rooftops, trying to find the shooter, but Elizabeth was already gone. She shrugged and went back to her realm, quickly getting the bullet out of her arm and wrapping the wound with a bandage before starting to cook a big meal.
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