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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Elizabeth looks around, just now noticing where she is. "Huh, you're right." She says cheerfully. 
"So, umm... let's go get some ice cream."
Elizabeth tried to keep up with Kaylee's pace as she got dragged along.
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Aqua was just walking along the school when she suddenly tripped. She sat up lowering her ears in embarrassment. She notice the big fat turtle slowly walking by her as she stopped the turtle from walking. She held it up with a dark aura surrounding her,"I can't believe I got tripped by a fat turtle..."

The turtle just looked at her blankly as she set it down up side down. The turtle squirmed trying to get back up as Aqua got up, dusting herself off. She stared at the turtle, her ear twitched.
Angelita finally arived at the school standing with a hand on her hip she eyed the school smiling. She quickly fixed her white longsleved croptop that lays under her black glossy leather jacket before making sure her dark washed ripped skinny jeans weren't dirty finally retieing her white vans.She quickly pulled her long jet black hair into a messy high ponytail so that it wasnt in her face.Fixing her glasses that covered her multiple colored eyes that seemed to never just be one solid color for long. She sighed deeply and walked her way through the frount door of the school and made way to the head office with her lugage in her nicely manicured hands ,so she could get her dorm number and finally have a stable place to stay.

Once she made it to the office she smiled at the lady behind the desk and told the lady her name. She left with a map and a small strip of paper that had the 32B written in thick black Inc across it. After a while she found it pulling out the little key the lady gave her she opened the door and went inside laying on the bed she fell asleep forgetting to close her door.
Aqua pouted at Veiko as the turtle poof disappearing. Aqua blinked wondering what was the thing she tripped on.
Aqua suddenly sprinted off looking like a blue blur. The dust kicked up blowing to where he was.
Aqua was in the park hugging her legs tightly. Her ears were lower as her head buried in her arms. She mumbled,"What a embarrassment I am."

//hi hi?
Shoou stepped out of the yellow buss as he stretched his legs almost breaking their human form. he started walking in the direction his GPS showed him.

He arrives at what the GPS says is his destination but it seems to have led him to a park.
As Shoou is about to turn around he hears his stomach growling at him, he then feels the hunger bite his insides. He look back at the park and decides to go and see if there is something to eat.
Jerhico fly's through the sky as a raven and lands on campus. "My first day here has to be interesting" he said with a evil grin
Aero walks soundlessly towards Jerhico them grabs him with both hands "I'll make it as interesting as it can get for you."
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Angelita woke up from her cat-nap slipping off her bed with a big yawn. " What's the point of naps if you just wake up sleepy. " she asked to nobody but her self. She cursed and closed her door. " Somebody could kidnapped lil ol'me." She laughed at her self at her fake southern accent.
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