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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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"Of course" he said with a smile as he let his wings out and streched them. He wanted to go back to blue but he wanted to make sure angel was ok so he stayed "you sure your ok" he asked

"yeah iv got your number and blues and you will be able to check on me if you want. Or you can have someone watch over me to make sure im safe if you would like" she said.
Daniel reaver]"Well I have no one like that and if your in trouble when we're gone I won't make it in time" he said as he rubbed the back of his neck thinking [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/15002-sweetone/ said:
(( I could help with that ))
"Maybe I could get han to watch over you.....no he's busy with dylan you could come with" he said while deep in though "but would blue be ok with it"
[QUOTE="Daniel reaver]"Maybe I could get han to watch over you.....no he's busy with dylan you could come with" he said while deep in though "but would blue be ok with it"

(( Aaaaw fudge. Han could have made time :< ))
(Hey he doesn't want to interfere with hans love life now but maybe he will invite angel and han and dylan if he gets the ok from blue)
Daniel smiled at angel "ok well if you change your mind it's open" he said as he walked to the door and opened it "bye" he said as he started to walk out
Daniel smiled as he looked back "ok Tomorow then" he said as his wings went back into his back and he walked out "bye" he said as he closed the door
Daniel walked over to his dorm and walked in quietly then into the bed room to find blue asleep "silly girl" he said quietly as he layed down and put his arm around her waist and kissed the back of her head before closing his eyes

Angel woke up in the middle of the night and emailed her family about a trip she was going on with her friends and that she would send pictures
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