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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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LonelyAssassin said:
Mahiro rolls his eyes and looks away, "Americans." He lets out a yawn and doesn't reply to his return comment about the smell, even though he picked the fight, he realised he was too tired.
Cerin sat up and mimicked Mahiro, rolling his eyes and looking away,"English."

"Shut up." Vex called from the kitchen, the sound being followed by the rustling and clanking of dishes.
"Nice to meet you Roman! I'm moriko" she smiled and gave a small nod.

(( brb dinner))
“ I nullified it. ”

...♅Akira said as he looked around, observing the rest of the school♅...

Eshne made her way to the gates of the school with a duffel bag slung over her shoulder. She had been dropped off at the wrong place, but decided to walk to the school instead of bothering the driver again. She stopped once she got to the entrance and looked at the school with wide eyes. It was bigger than most of buildings she'd seen, even the rather large shrine at her village. "Woah."
“ No, I don't. Care to enlighten me? ”

...♅Akira said as he returned his gaze to the male♅...
Lumina noticed the Al guy talking to yet another imposing looking person. She was gonna stay over here for now.
Roman heard a gate open. "You guys, do that, I wanna see something." Roman said running to the gate he heard open. He knew he was new and felt he should meet someone new also. When he made it to the gate he saw a girl walking through the gates. "Hello are you new?"
Al had a mischievous look on his face "Heh watch out" Almost instantly Al punched the man in the balls
...♅Akira didn't flinch. Instead, he gripped the male's wrist as it was still going towards his groin and spun it around, causing the male to be flipped onto the ground. He then spoke as he looked down at him♅...

“ Is that so? Well, I only nullified your power, I didn't remove it. Now, I must take my leave. ”

...♅Akira turned around and left the male. He walked over to Lumina and sat beside her. He gave off a relaxing presence, causing Lumina to be calm and not freak out. He soon spoke♅...

“ Are you new here also? ”
Eshne blinked when she saw other people at the entrance. She smiled heartily when one of them came up and greeted her," Hi, and yes I am."
Asphyxiated said:
Cerin sat up and mimicked Mahiro, rolling his eyes and looking away,"English."
"Shut up." Vex called from the kitchen, the sound being followed by the rustling and clanking of dishes.
Mahiro nudged Cerin playfully and then looked towards the kitchen, "Yes Mum!"
Roman was about to manifest a pistol to shoot at Al fot calling him a dick, but he quickly changed his mind.
Lumina glances over as the new girl entered the gate. Some other kid she had never seen before approached her. This place was weird.
Thantos had walked into the school yard and looked around "look at all of them" he said as he stared out over every one "I can't wait" he said happily as he walked in
"So am I." Roman smiled as Akira walked over. He reached out his hand to shake Ehsne's hand. He then felt as if someone was lurking.
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