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Fantasy Fantastical Fantasy Questing: OOC

Just doing admin stuff (filing, photocopying and eventually taking calls) at my local Doctor's surgery, it's really more of an optional Work Experience/volunteering thing

But they still interviewed me...
Thanks!! I really appreciate it :)

And yeah I kinda assumed Blaire would basically be taking in every detail about Aru and things associated with him and like you said Hides can't particularly see well right now so I guessed the rat would be close enough to spot.
I love how a zombie rat doesn't raise questions though xD

Is legit giving me some giggles like...

Oh no, bubbles the dog died, tiny tim gonna be so upset! Welp... i guess we going to the necrovet to bring him back, its half off this weekend right?
Well I was gonna go on a bit of a tangent of how she was secretly judging it in her mind but I didn't

HOWEVER I did question it on this post!! And that was before I read your OOC comment so- I guess Bubbles the dead dog is a big deal kinda
Basically yeah! Imagine how riches they'd get from exploring that. Who needs to fight the Lord of Evil anyway!

Pokos is the currency by the way guys, I was about to use £ but I figured it wasn't fantastically fantasy enough XD
Yes!! Didn't think of that but you made it sound super cool

That'll probably be my last post of the night guys- sorry I'm not on here much. We'll tackle the quest and more tomorrow definitely

Hope you're both having fun with this though!!

(If either of you plan to move the whole party to the cave in a subsequent post while I'm gone then I'm okay with you moving Blaire to the cave with the party)
Don't worry buddy i am, trying to figure out Hides words is a new challenge though.

Sorry the IC post took me so long, been doing snippets between work haha
I'll post in just a bit, are you guys okay with me just moving us all to the outside of the cave in my post or did one of you two want to make something happen before we got there?
Well, there's a nice slice of action for you both, sorry it took a while- had a few drafts for that post XD

Feel free to start killing a swarm of progressing bats now...
Ah finally he reveals the necromancy, You know I've realised our team lacks a solid tank. Maybe that'll be a weakness later but who knows

It'll work for bats though XD
When you put it that way XD
I was thinking more entirely tank based because necromancy can be used in both defensive and offensive ways to great extent Imo

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