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Fandom Fandom Interest Check [Closed]


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hey-a. I'm new around here and am looking into some fandom roleplays. I've got a small list of fandoms I'm interested in and we could work from there. I'll probably add more as I go on but off the top of my head:

  • DC
  • Dota 2
  • Halloween
  • League of Legends
  • Marvel
  • Mortal Kombat
  • OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes
  • Power Rangers
  • Professional Wrestling
  • Resident Evil
  • Scream
  • Silent Hill
  • Ultraman
I typically play as males but can also do some female roles as I settle into the story. Second, I am in my twenties and would prefer to RP with someone in that range. Third, I am a mix if casual to advanced. The length really depends on what is required, like establishing the setting and such.

If anything catches your eye, feel free to comment or PM!
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Hey-a. I'm new around here and am looking into some fandom roleplays. I've got a small list of fandoms I'm interested in and we could work from there. I'll probably add more as I go on but off the top of my head:

  • DC
  • Dota 2
  • League of Legends
  • Marvel
  • Mortal Kombat
  • OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes
  • Power Rangers
  • Professional Wrestling
  • Resident Evil
  • Silent Hill
  • Ultraman
I typically play as males but can also do some female roles as I settle into the story. Second, I am in my twenties and would prefer to RP with someone in that range. Third, I am a mix if casual to advanced. The length really depends on what is required, like establishing the setting and such.

If anything catches your eye, feel free to comment or PM!
Who do you roleplay as for dc and marvel?
I can play a variety of characters, really. I love playing villains, for instance. But in terms of certain franchises, I like Spider-Man, Superman/Supergirl, Batman, Wonder Woman, Justice League... it depends on what you're looking for.
I can play a variety of characters, really. I love playing villains, for instance. But in terms of certain franchises, I like Spider-Man, Superman/Supergirl, Batman, Wonder Woman, Justice League... it depends on what you're looking for.
Hmm well i have some ideas i need characters for like spidey, daredevil, superman, and etc.
I will send a pm
I've been a Thresh main for a good while but have also played Malphite on occasion.
I mean roleplay, not main in game :closed eyes open smile: (unless you do rp Thresh and Malphite? Which in that case...interesting haha.)
I mean roleplay, not main in game :closed eyes open smile: (unless you do rp Thresh and Malphite? Which in that case...interesting haha.)
Yeah, my suggestions still stand, because they're the only two I really know about, lol. :P
Something based off the first film maybe (that was really the only one Iliked lol) but I don't mind too much so whatever you wanna do
Well, I am more into canon and such, but what kind of OCs do you have? PM if you want.
Hi! I'd love to do a League roleplay with you, I can learn just about anybody, but I know the most about Talon out of all of the legends.
I'd love to do a mortal kombat role play with you, could I ask a few things out of curiosity?
I'd love to do a mortal kombat role play with you, could I ask a few things out of curiosity?
I'm afraid this is a pretty old thread and I'm bot really looking for an MK roleplay anymore at this moment. Sorry! 😅
Would you potentially be down for a Batman or Spider-Man roleplay?
I'm sorry, I'm not looking for a Marvel or DC roleplay at this time. This was an older thread and doesn't reflect my current interests anymore. Sorry about that. 😔

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