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Fandom Fallout: East Coast {OOC} {M}

Would she be interested in teaming up with Donny if he constructs a robot beast for her to tame? Donny doesn't have any particular aversion to animals this time since I didn't write in the old raider boss dogs.
She likely would team up if he asks anyways she goes with odd things like the ants and their war over mining rights
Dope. Ought to help him against the Gunners and other wild critters as he tries to establish himself in the wasteland. Btw, going to be making a second character from his gang. Got me an idea for em.
Dope. Ought to help him against the Gunners and other wild critters as he tries to establish himself in the wasteland. Btw, going to be making a second character from his gang. Got me an idea for em.
Yep another adventure towards the gaint apple of sky wounders
Name: Shanks Furosa
Age: 248 (Was 17 years old when she became a ghoul)
Race: Ghoul
Gender: Female

Her main form of armor is a leather coat that has Ballistic Weave built into it. While all her clothes has Ballistic weave, her jacket has the thickest amount.

Combat Knives - Shanks favors using a pair of combat knives in battle, one for stabbing and the other for throwing. She's a good shot with a knife and isn't afraid to take on the likes of Super Mutants and Death Claws with just her knives.

Sling - This deceptively simple weapon is much more dangerous than it appears. Not only can it be used to cast stones and other round objects with enough power to pierce a human skull, but Shank typically uses the sling to deliver grenades and other hand held explosives far further than one could by hand. In a pinch, she can also use the sling as a garrote to choke and silence enemies she sneaks up on.

Stealth Boy - Shank keeps a supply of stealth boys on her for sneaking around, and makes sure to resupply whenever she has the opportunity.

Plasma Thrower - A highly advanced plasma Gun that Shanks received as payment for working with Donny. While she isn't really much of a fan of firearms in general, she keeps this bulky plasma blaster with her for both intimidation, and to deal with large crowds. Customized to functionally act as a plasma based flamethrower.

Wigs - Being a ghoul, Shanks has lost all of her hair and thus wears various wigs to keep a semblance of femininity. She's even considered hair implants, though has never found them cheap or available whenever she goes looking.

Biography: Shanks Furosa, formerly known as Alice Lissa, was a delinquent in New York. Abandoned by her father and her mother dying shortly after, she's had a rough life constantly jumping between foster homes, dealing with poor education, as well as the negative influence of the community around her. It's telling that when the bombs dropped, things didn't get much worse for her. In fact, they went slightly better than expected. Shanks was at a border school on the outskirts of New York when the bombs dropped and thus avoided being caught at ground zero where most of the major cities were, though she was ghoulified in the process. Most of the other students and teachers didn't make it, and those who did scattered. Shanks herself wasn't sure what to do with herself, but figured that she wouldn't have to stick with the system anymore. She began to wander, and already accustomed to the rough life on the streets, when people started rioting and fighting, Shanks was ready to rumble.

For much of her life, Shanks jumped around different gangs, acting as muscle. Being a ghoul she was tougher than most people, and wasn't affected by radiation, so whenever she was in trouble all she had to do was run to radiated zones. The longest gang she's ever been stuck with was a large band known as the Graveyard, which were an all-ghoul gang that planned on taking over the entire East Coast by force. For a while Shanks ate up the propaganda, and it was here that she developed a bulk of her skills and even gained her name. She was an assassin, sneaking into enemy lines to knife their leadership, sabotage defenses, and generally instill chaos for her bosses. In a fight she was always able to find where her enemy was weakest and lead small groups to disrupt formations and defensive lines. But most of all, Shanks was just happy to finally have something she could call a family.

Of course nothing good ever lasts forever. For over thirty years Shanks worked for the Graveyard, and at no point over those thirty years did they ever really become anything more than a bunch of ghouls living in a slum, picking fights and robbing regular people. It eventually came to head when folks finally grew sick and tired of the ghouls constantly harassing them and joined together to wipe them out. Shanks herself was growing disinterested in the Graveyard's lack of development during her time with them, and when she saw the veritable army coming after them, she did what she always did when she found herself in trouble: She fled to somewhere safer and never came back. She left New York behind, as well as the rest of the Graveyard gang, and began to wander.

Occasionally she would still use her skills as an assassin to kill folks for caps, and occasionally she would even settle down. Ever few years she would find a community that didn't hate ghouls and live with them, working the fields, defending them from raiders, even help raise their families. But then she'd move on, finding new friends or new enemies. She's had highs and lows, such as the time she was captured by slavers and forced to scavenge in irradiated hellholes for her masters or else lose her head from bomb collars. But even those days didn't last for too long when some plucky hero would wipe out the slavers and liberate her. And not wanting a repeat of this happening, Shanks even took the time to figure out how to disable these collars so next time one is put onto her, she can slip out without risking her neck.

Cut to now, and Shanks has joined up with the Scrap Looters. She doesn't hate the leader of the gang and he pays well enough, plus he's aiming to be more than just a two-bit gang boss and intends to become a hero in Connecticut. She doubts that he'll actually succeed, but it'll be a good laugh to watch and who knows, maybe he'll actually get some work done. For now she'll stick around just to see what sort of chaos unfolds.
Also need to think what craziness they will find her in I am feeling something involving robots
That is a very good first post Lucian, loving the layout and stuff! Also where abouts in The Connect (that's gonna be the canon name for the Connecticut wasteland now XD) is Crossroads? Assuming you have an idea for the exact location is XD
I don't have a specific location of where the Crossroad Theater is, beyond the fact it is a theater located at a crossroad. I'm leaving it vague so it's easier for us to explain how quickly the group can reach it if/when we arrive to the Connect. Here's a basic rundown of the locations I described:

Crossroad Theater - A drive-in theater located at a highway crossroad. Established by settlers over forty years ago and did decently well as a trade hub, since it's located along a relatively undamaged length of road for travelers. Under Donny's protection, it is now fortified with walls and gun turrets, though only very recently (Aka literally what Shanks is doing IC) has there been any real effort to establish a local militia.

Rock Farm - A relatively flat length of land in the Connect that has a bunch of rocks dotting the area. Prime farming, which naturally had made it a target of raiders. Since Donny's rise as the leader of the Scrap Looters, it was one of the first places he had gained the alliances with. While not as secure as the Crossroad Theater, most of the folks here are well armed and willing to fight. Donny just needs to work on either fortifying the place, or dealing with the local threats to keep it safe.

Oasis - A community near a river that was established by Donny. Originally had a bunch of super mutants here, but after Donny cleared them out he helped settlers establish it as a water refinery settlement. As clean drinking water is a rare commodity in the wasteland, it's a high value location, but at the same time Donny had invested so much material into making the refinery that he hasn't made any fortifications or security here. The only defense it has is it's isolation and the fact it's located near Donny's personal keep, Fort Foundry.

Fort Foundry - A prewar bunker that Donny had found. Originally owned by some rich disaster pepper, who had mysteriously vanished at some point. Donny had left a group of former slaves to liberate it, but after heavy casualties the survivors turned on each other, with Donny as the sole survivor. He used the resources he gained from the bunker to make his current armor and weapons, and rebuilt the bunker into a sort of factory to manufacture weapons and tech, as the bunker was equipped with various machines designed for engineering and crafting. Very secure, with turrets and defensive measures to ensure that no one will have an easy time breaking into here, but completely lacking in any way to grow food or store water.
Ye. I didn't want to make it seem like Donny already has everything settled in the Connect, so I wanted to emphasis that while these places are useful, they're not safe. Hence why he's willing to work with the Minutemen to route the Gunners, since his own gang isn't big enough to both take on the Gunners plus the other raider gangs, as well as defend what few settlements he has. Ideally, while Donny is more than willing to go fight the Gunners himself, the alliance he makes with the Minutemen will allow Donny to keep his boys safe protecting his settlements while he fights the Gunners with Minutemen.
Also made a slight edit to my post, including Donny's eyebots to herald his arrival. That ought to give the Minutemen an impression of what they're dealing with.
lmfaoo ok my post is DONE i do apologise about that hahaha, my laptop is in the shop and damn. typing on a phone is apparently not the one for me but hey, it’s done.
Oh gods I feel bad for you. I've had to drop from RPs in the past because my computer was in the shop and fuck typing on my phone more then a couple of sentences XD But no you did good.

And not that it'll make much of a change in the story, Far Harbour has all three groups (the Islanders, Arcadia and COA) as allies, or at least at peace. I mean it might be mentioned by NPCs but yeah XD
thank you, that was a real psychological battle there. i’ll be fine for a few days but just, if i post accidentally like i am just dumb… i shouldn’t be this bad with technology but like,,, y e U P

yess! ok! i kept it ultra ambiguous just in case but good to know!
I get that XD I mean it was an easy assumption that the Harbourmen and Arcadia hadn't been driven away based on other stuff I'd established XD

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