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One x One Falling In Reverse.

Buying herself some food, Rocko a cheeseburger and Preston what he ordered they were off. Just in time too, loud droplets of rain hit the trucks windshield. Letting her foot rest on the gas, she tried not to get anyone killed. Feeling her phone vibrate in her pocket she knew who it was, her mother realizing who she had taken with her to get Rocko. It didn't matter, not at the rain grew heavier against the car and the ones in front of them. "Where do you like P? I can drop you off." Looking over at him, with a raised eyebrow as she had a fry hanging from her lip and her wet curls starting to frizz out.
Preston: "Sure, I'm glad you won't just abandon me to the rain," he says with a laugh and directs her through the town to get to his apartment. He eats his fries in the car and pets Rocko occasionally, hoping the dog liked him too. He decides to direct Elaine the long way to his house without telling her about it though. Even if they weren't doing or saying much, he enjoyed her company. "You know, I had fun today..." he hesitates as they reach his apartment. "Have I become worthy of your phone number?" He raises an eyebrow, hoping that she would say yes.
Doing her best not to actually laugh at him, she told it to him wondering if maybe she said it too fast. Yet part of her wondered if her mother, like usual was right. The pounding of the rain, and panting of the animal beside her, made her mind drift back towards the road. "Lets go get you back home and dry, maybe some popcorn and a movie?" She knew she was in the end talking to herself yet she drove, back to her parents wondering how she got here. Her first love slipped between her fingers, her second love dead and now her dog; well soaked.
Preston: He felt victorious when Elaine gives him her number right before he gets out of the truck and he goes inside his apartment, jogging inside so he didn't get too wet. He completely forgets to grab his shirt from Elaine's truck and runs inside bare-chested. His pants have dried off somewhat but it was still a bit damp. Whenever he goes inside his apartment is when he realize that he didn't have his shirt on. He looks outside the apartment window but it was already too late, Elaine drove off. He takes off his pants and tosses them in the dryer before putting on a new pair of jeans and picks a plan t-shirt to wear. Preston feeds his hamster and his fish before checking his phone. There were more missed calls and he finally decides to call back. He would have to go back to work sometime.
Getting back to her parents home, she wasn't sure her mother was less excited to see. Her; or a very soaked Rocko, after getting them both dried she realized P left his shirt in the truck, sighing she throws it in the washer with her own clothes. Deciding she'll drop it off once it stops raining. The pounding of the drops against the tin roof, and the clatter of thunder drown out the yells of her mother. Feeling like a child, a teenager even being told she wasn't good enough, why was she again with that boy!? And when would she be getting her life in some sort of order!? The words, echoed into her mind, as she took Preston's shirt out of the washer and into the dryer. Not saying a word, it wouldn't be too hard to find a job in this small town right?
Preston: After dealing with bullshit from his work, he walks back home to his apartment and goes to get something to eat. Preston looks around at his fridge and then his freezer and his cabinets. Well, it looked like he needed to go grocery shopping. That was one of his hardest things to do was to go grocery shopping since he didn't have a car, he couldn't just carry all of his bags back to the apartment with him. He also never knew what he wanted to eat and usually forgot something even if he made a list. He needed to just hire someone to do this for him. Preston didn't want to go today so he just orders a pizza for himself. He saves Elaine's number in his phone, he never wrote it down but simply remembered it. He goes to his hamster, Melvin, and picks him up. He sets up a play pen and lets the hamster run around, playing with it and petting it onto the floor.
Once the rain had stopped, Elaine grabbed the shirt from the dyer and walked on foot to the apartment up town. The neighborhood changing drastically as she made her way from where she had grown up. To something completely new, cars beeped, people swore and she sure was certain she saw someone cross the street naked.
Climbing the stairs to the large apartment buildings front door, she knocked waiting, staring up the long stretch of sidewalk and back down. "Hey, I dried your shirt.." she was more than certain nobody could hear her over the traffic, yet she'd try. Sighing she counted to ten, if he didn't show on twelve she'd leave.
Preston: He picks up Melvin when he hears a knock on the door and grabs some cash, expecting it to be the pizza guy. When he opens the door, he was surprised but happy to see Elaine standing there. "Oh my shirt, thanks.." he grabs it out of her hands and puts it around his shoulder, pocketing the cash. "I was going to text you about it but the shirt really isn't that important. I appreciate you washing it for me too," he smiles and takes a step back, offering her to come inside his apartment if she chooses too. Even though in the ocean he had told her she would pay for his dry cleaning, he was only joking about that. He hoped that Elaine hadn't taken him seriously.
Standing in the doorway she didn't say a word, she wasn't actually planning on staying. "Ah no problem, just thought it would be better clean than in my dad's truck." Pulling a loose curl out of her face she looked at him, before sighing inwardly. She didn't want to go in, yet her feet dragged her aimlessly inside. She could definitely tell a single man lived in the small space, even if it was modestly clean. Standing she shoved her hands into her pockets, stomach bubbling over as she felt obnoxiously ackward.
Preston: He lets her walk inside before closing the door and putting his hamster back in his cage. Preston cleans up the play pen that he set up for Melvin and goes back over to Elaine. He could tell that she was uncomfortable and he gulps, feeling guilty. Was it him? He wasn't trying to screw up more things but everything seemed to be falling apart. "That was Melvin," he says quietly even though he knew she didn't like hamsters. "My fish are over there, you will see I have a variety. My favorite being my starfish though," he points over to the fish tank. There were gold fish, koi, rainbow fish, a starfish, and even some frogs. "Don't tell the other fish that," he says with a laugh, hoping that he didn't sound crazy for caring about his fish.
Laughing at him softly she wasn't actually sure why she was here. Crazy, absolutely crazy. "Yeah,cute." She did her best not to laugh. Looking around the small apartment she looked back over at him. Biting her lip, she wondered what his lips would feel like against hers. What it felt like to be held by someone who wasn't Curt, to be loved by someone who wasn't actually him.
Running her tongue lightly across her bottom lip, she looked over at him. If she decided to kiss him, would he push her away? Or would thier strange relationship become, more...complicated!? Cracking her knuckles lightly against the fabric of her pocket, she got closer to him. Feeling her own, heart beating in her chest rapidly over, and over.
Before she could, actually tell herself to stop she'd crossed closer to him. Her lips met his lightly, it was over as soon as it was over. Laughing terribly she felt her chest tighten with anxiety.
Preston: He watches his fish swim around, the fish and hamster had made him happy. He had a name for each of his fish but he didn't want to tell Elaine that, he didn't want her to think that she was more crazy than he already was. With a big smile on his face, Preston turns toward her to ask her if she wanted to go dog hunting with him tomorrow. He would need a car to take the dog back to his apartment with him. He has enough money saved up to make the down payment on the dog and to get supplies for the dog, all he needed now was his loyal friend. However, Preston doesn't get a chance to ask as she moves closer to him and kisses him on the lips. The action took him completely by surprise and he stood there, almost frozen to the ground. "You're full of surprises today, aren't you?" He whispers softly to her and is about to kiss her again when there was a knock at the door. "I should get that.." he says awkwardly and goes to the door, the pizza guy had finally arrived and at the worse time ever. He hands him the cash, takes the pizza, and shuts the door, not saying a word to the guy. He felt bad but this was more important. He puts the pizza box on the counter and goes over to Elaine once more. But his confidence was gone so instead he just looks at her, not sure what to say or do now.
Laughing at him, maybe a little louder than she should have, she looked at him. "Ah Welp, looks like you have plans with your pizza and your fish." She didn't understand why she was so god damn scared, nervous. Her hands thankfully were in her pockets so they couldn't be seen shaking like a leaf. This was her ex, ex boyfriend for a reason. "Nice apartment, maybe bext time it won't be so, ackward." Raising an eyebrow she stuck her tongue out at him, she was being bold. Very, veryy bold. "Yet, if you do get lonely, that large vine outside my bedroom window is even bigger, easier to climb." Did she just say that!? Oh my god!? What was wrong with her?!
Preston: He chuckles nervously at her joke and wasn't sure how to move forward from here. He smiles slightly when she mentions the vine outside her window. Memories of sneaking into her house when they were younger kept appearing in his head, he was surprised her parents never cut down the vines even though he did get caught once or twice. He always had enough time to escape out of the window and run home before he would get into any serious trouble with her parents. She probably got hell for when he did that though. "Yeah the vine won't be a problem. Heck, we are grown adults, maybe I can just sneak in through the front door," he says with another nervous laugh and looks away from her. "Elaine.." he whispers her name. He wanted to be serious this time, he couldn't just let the kiss go. "Maybe a part of me never moved on but our friendship is going to get a whole lot complicated if you keep kissing me. I don't think it's right..we broke up for a reason..I just..I don't want to hurt you again.." He says softly, trying to find the right words. He knew the mob was a dangerous life to live and didn't want Elaine to be part of that danger.
"Just messing around P, if you accept the invite, anyway. No feelings are actually needed." Pushing a hair out of her face again, she was gone. What exactly had she just done!? Nothing, she was an adult, an unemployed adult but still an adult. Who could say she couldn't have a tad bit of fun, no feelings!? Haa who was she kidding!? Anxiety filled her chest as she walked back to her parents home, both of them sitting down for a normal dinner.
Neither of her parents said a word, she wouldn't actually answer them anyway.
Preston: He watches as Elaine leaves his apartment, a big part of him wanted to go after her, swing her around, and kiss her again. Just have fun? Yeah maybe they could just do that, be friends, have fun, no strings attached. What was wrong with that? Sure, it could happen, he kept telling himself. He undresses down to his boxers and eats his pizza. Without realizing it, he eats the whole pizza and finishes off a whole liter of pop. He hasn't eaten this much and this unhealthy for a long while. Damn. It was something he did was he was deep in thought or upset and he had been both. He checks on his hamster and fish once more and heads off to bed. Looks like he wasn't going to be looking for a dog with Elaine tomorrow.
Sighing she stayed up, waiting for him. The cars driving by, yet no Preston. The limbs of the large tree hitting up against the house, yet nobody climbing up the vine. Her heart racing but just out of nerves, worries even. She could do this if he came up, crawl up beside him. Just be beside someone.
Leaving her window open, she crawled under childhood bed. Groaning into the pillows out of frustration, she tried to sleep. Tried to make her brain shut up.
Preston: He tries to instantly go to bed even though it was quite early but he was twisting and turning all night. He sighs and gets up, turning on his light and getting dressed once more. He calls one of his men and luckily they were able to come get him soon. He makes them park a block away and walks the rest of the way there. When he reaches her house all of the lights were gone and maybe it was too late but he had to try. He goes to the front door, about to knock, but shakes his head and sneaks around to Elaine's bedroom window. Preston finds the vine and climbs up it, it took mere seconds to climb up there. Getting into the window was a lot harder though since he has grown some but he eventually slides into the window. He stands and watches her for a few moments, not sure what to make his next room.
After realizing who was actually in her room and thinking she was stupid enough to let a burglar in, her body relaxed. Biting into her lip, her senses scream at her.
Her brain, pleading with her to stop.
Her hands telling her just to touch, it won't kill anyone right!?
Her lips to find his.
And her heart, beating almost out of her chest.
She kept telling herself, as she kissed him that if she kissed him hard enough she could go back to a different time. Maybe if running her fingers through his hair she wouldn't catch feelings, like they were a disease. Yet, it wasn't hard, not hard at all to know she was never cured.
Preston: He was a bit more prepared when she kisses him the first time but was still in shock that she was kissing him at all and especially not the first time today. Preston gently grabs a hold of her and leads her to the bed, sitting them both down, and he kisses him back. He lets the kiss go as long as she would like it to until it finally stops and there they were, on her bed. He looks around the room, not much has changed since he had last been in here. But it didn't surprise him, after all, she had just returned home and probably never got the chance to change the room either. At least the bed was big enough for the both of them. Preston looks at her, he couldn't do it. He kept telling himself that he could see her without catching feelings but that was impossible here. "I felt sort of silly climbing your vine when I could have just walk through the front door," he smirks at her, knowing he was right. However it was good sometime to just pretend that he was still in the past and things were as it was before.
God why was he talking!? The blood was rushing around in her ears and talking about that stupid vine was legit the last the last thing on her mind. Rubbing her eyes she laid into her pillows, if he wasn't going to sleep with her and talk with like two young high school girls she was going to at least get comfy. "Parents would have a damn heart attack. So the vine it is." Clicking her tongue she looked over at him, one hand nestled behind her head and the other against her blankets.
Preston: He laughs when she mentions her parents having a heart attack. "I never cared about what they thought of me, still don't." He watches her get comfy in the bed but he stays put, sitting on the edge of the bed. He could tell that she wanted more from him and a big part of him wanted more too, but he couldn't do it. Not to her, no matter what he told himself, he had feelings for her and he knew that she must still have feelings for him. Preston bends down and presses a soft kiss on her lips once more but then releases it. There was so many words he wanted to say to her but he didn't want to ruin it. He was a bit frustrated, she didn't seem to want to talk, but there was a lot to talk about. Even if he wanted to pretend that nothing was different, reality would eventually catch up to them. So he continues to sit, waiting to get permission from her before he made another move.
Sighing she looked up at him. "I'm not actually at what you're waiting for but if your trying to leave, feel free. Thanks for coming.." waving at him, she looked back up in the dark direction of his body.
God, why? Why did he actually have to make things so complicated it could go be so easy! It wouldn't actually, Elaine would end up even more broken hearted than she did the first time. Just the idea alone, sounded better than not. Maybe he just had too many married affairs already, couldn't keep track of another.
"Preston..stay. Just stay, we can talk about whatever you want. Just please, stay.."
oh god, was she begging!?
Preston: He was a bit hurt when Elaine told him that he could just leave. He wasn't sure what was going on with her but he wasn't sure what was going on with him either. Everything was so confusing and even though he wasn't sure what he wanted to do at this moment. Then she changed her mind again and told him to stay. Preston runs his hands through his hair. "You're driving me crazy.." He mumbles but eventually scoots closer to her and lays down next to her. "Elaine..I've had many one night stands and flings, but all those girls, I didn't care about. I care about you though..I'm sorry I can't do that to you.." Besides his family, the only other girl he cared about was Alyssa but that relationship had ended awhile back.
Staring at him blankly she didn't actually say a word, she was a big girl and both of them adults. If Preston didn't want to sleep with her, she could if she really wanted to walk down to the bar she could.
Reaching over she touched his face lightly, her fingertips running over his cheek, jaw bone and down his chin. "Stay, go, it's all your choice." Clicking her tongue she leaned over, yes he told her no. But she'd push, Elaine had become a pusher someone who'd been pushed around enough to know if you didn't push a little nothing would happen the way you wanted. He could leave, he could stay. Whatever was going to happen to them would happen, her brain danced they could have this weird fling going for months if he'd just turn off his damn brain and stop asking, stop worrying.

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