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Fantasy Fairytale Land

Would you rather Fairy Tale Land Be in Current Times or in an Older Time

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Whitney was hastily looking for Prince Chester in the forest, since his mother ordered her to go look for her son. Because not only he didn't come back to the castle for dinner, but she wants him to do the athletic and gentleman things again. "*Sigh* How many times do I have to keep bring the Prince back to the castle, since he really doesn't want to do those things." said Whitney to herself, since she knows that Chester doesn't want to do athletic and gentleman things. Because Whitney knows that he likes to do art and be laid back, but sadly his mother doesn't want him to do that. Because she wanted to control everything in her castle. 'I really hate that monster Queen, but I have to work for her. Because I am Chester's Royal Advisor, and my father is also stuck with the same fate as me, since he is the Queen's Royal Advisor.' thought Whitney, since she still feels sorry for him. Because he is a good father to her, since he is the only sane person in Wonderland.

As she continued on with her search for Prince Chester, Whitney noticed a girl near a small spring. So she speed walked up to her, because Whitney was a bit curious to know if this girl has seen the Prince.
"HELLO! Have you seen a handsome prince in this forest, since I can't seem to find him anywhere." said Whitney, who said that extremely fast. Because she needs to find Prince Chester as soon as possible, or the Queen will become angry at her.

Chester looked at them once inka was settled he lifted the jar and placed it back on the shelf. "inka, I apologize for what I said, I think I might know someone that can help." he said looking at her then to august and then back again sitting cross legged on the bed watching carefully hoping that neither inka or august would run off.
Inka opened an eyelid and sighed, "...Its fine, but there is no helping me. They're dead." Her voice was soft, slightly contradictory to the words she just said. Her eyes were now fully black, matching her wings to block out the sunlight; she then closed her eyes again.
Eyes wide, Crimson stared at him, tasting cinnamon on her lips. And then, it dawned on her. He kissed me. This moron kissed me.

"You idiot!" She exclaimed, punching him in the chest with her tiny fists. "What the hell do you think you're doing?!"

Caitlynn looked up lazily at the girl that had approached her. She was rattling off at an incredibly fast speed, and Caitlynn couldn't understand a word she was saying. Although, the girl did look kind of familiar...

Blinking slowly, she replied, "I didn't understand a single word you said."

Inka covered her face with her wing as she began to sob, from the others point of view, it would've just looked like she were going back to sleep. She was so quiet her cries would've been inaudible.
August gasped slightly when Inka started crying into his chest. He began gently rubbing her back, hoping to calm her down. @xxbetaspiritxx
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Inka's black wings cocooned the two. She hated to be seen crying, it made her feel weak, and broken. She was unsure of what to say whilst in August's arms; there wasn't much to say.

"I AM LOOKING FOR A HANDSOME PRINCE IN THIS FOREST, AND I CAN'T SEEM TO FIND HIM." shouted Whitney for some reason, since she is still in a hurry to look for Chester. She then looked at her pocket watch to know what time it is right now. "Crap! It's almost that time already. Then I need to dragged you with me, and I have no time to waste." said Whitney, as she started to dragged Caitlynn like an idiot. Since Whitney can't think straight when she is in a hurry to do the Queen's order, plus she gets to have somebody to talk to.

Inka pulled away slightly to look at his eyes, her own watery and white. Her lip quivered at his words, as she thought it was truly weak, but, he had reassured her. Her own arms wrapped around his waist comfortably.

"Well, I haven't seen handsome princes around, but- HEY!" Caitlynn yelled the last part in surprise, as the girl started to drag Caitlynn around. Her shock soon dissipated, and was replaced a desire to annoy instead. She disappeared out of the girl's strong grasp, and reappeared on a tree branch above her.

"I think I know you," she said, lounging on the branch lazily. "You're the White Rabbit's daughter, aren't you? You're almost as insane as he is."

"...Mhm," Inka sniffed reluctantly, releasing her wings from the two of them and curling them around her sides. Her cheeks began to blush from embarrassment, she had just cried in front of both, Chester and August. They must have thought her broken and shattered. Her heart dropped at this emotion and she stood, stretching her wings; because of all the nectar, she felt drained and weak, both physically and emotionally. It was if her legs had fallen asleep, and they couldn't manage her own weight as she stood.

Chester looked at inka and august as he went to hold her gently cradling her in his hands. "i'm going to take you to someone inka." he said looking at the others starting to climb down the tree to take her to Pan and there was only way he could find him. "inka do you believe in the pans existence?" he asked even though to the faeries he was now a myth to most of them.
Inka looked startled by suddenly being picked up by Chester, but she allowed it and wiped her eyes once more. "Y-yes! Well, of course i do....My mother was Peter pan's best friend...You know, Tinkerbell?" A joyful smile now appeared on her face. Inka was well aware that the existence of the Pans was known to be a myth, but then again, her mother had known them personally. "B-But what about August?Can't he come too?" She suddenly looked excited, her eyes settling on the same colour her mother's were. Bright green with specks of gold.


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