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Fantasy Fairytale Land

Would you rather Fairy Tale Land Be in Current Times or in an Older Time

  • Older Time-no technology

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One Thousand Club
You are in the land where anything can happen, not all is at as it seems Fairytales are changing. Happy Endings are at Risk who is causing all this?

If i miss anyone start a conversation with me.


If necessary fade to black

I am the only one allowed to accept people.

and lastly please let me know if you will be absent from the roleplay at any given time.
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Chester sat high up in a tree looking at the world below, a sketch pad in hand as he drew the woodland creatures below trying to avoid the guards his mother hired to keep an eye on him. He just wanted to avoid them all together, cause he was tired of his mother trying to get him to be athletic, it was just not what he wanted. He watched the birds twitter around him and he whistled along to them, surveying his surroundings.
Crimson was running away from an angry pack of wolves for the third time that week. Yes, she knew that the Hood family was mortal enemies with wolves in general. Yes, she knew that it was dangerous to mess with the wolves as they would use any excuse to kill her.

And yes, that was exactly why she decided to make it her hobby to pull pranks on the wolves.

Dodging between trees, she ran until she couldn't hear their howls behind her anymore. She had a lot of running practice.

Stopping underneath a random tree, she fell to her knees and started laughing, while gasping for breath at the same time. Beads of sweat mingled with tears of laughter as she lay down on the ground, her brown hair getting entangled with grass and mud. That was epic!

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Chester looked down seeing a girl laughing and tears streaming down her face. "you know, that you could climb trees and the wolves can't follow you up to easily." he said shaking his head as he dropped down from the tree his jet black hair dropping in front of his face. He moved it out of the way wondering what she was doing so far out in the woods to begin with.

"so might I ask you, what are you doing so far out from the town?" he inquired, not quite seeing her face but trying to gaze at it.

He heard the sound of the woodland creatures around him twittering wishing they would shut up and hoping the guards would not come trooping around to drag him back home to his mother, who he wanted to avoid since she shoved her beliefs down his throat and was infamous for cutting everyone's head off, he was also surprised she hadn't done it with him yet.

He would always go back home, but he was not going to be what his mother wanted.
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Crimson went stiff as a voice spoke from above her. There are other people around in here? Someone dropped onto the ground beside her, presumably from the tree.

She stared at the boy through strands of brown hair as he moved his jet black hair from his face, revealing his captivating eyes and strong jawline. He's handsome... She thought, feeling a bit hazy.

Crimson snapped back to reality as she realised he was asking her a question. Quickly sitting up straight, she narrowed her silver eyes at him, looking him up and down. Handsome or not, he was still a stranger - someone out in the middle of the woods. Suspicious much?

"Well, I could ask you the same thing." She replied, and stood up. He was a few inches taller than her, she noted. If it came down to a fight, he would have an advantage there.

August was currently in his shrunken form as he ran through the grass. When Chester jumped down from the tree, he had almost landed on August. He screamed and moved out of the way. He looked up at Chester. @Tigergirl2013
"sorry to the young fellow I nearly stepped on, I am trying to avoid my mothers guards, pleasant to meet you. I'm Chester Hearts, but you can call me Chess." he said reaching down to let August climb into his hand. "its hard to avoid your mothers men but its easier from the canopy." he pointed to the high branches that would easily conceal him. "so what are you 2 out here as I am avoiding people."
August reluctantly climbed onto Chester's hand. "I... I just... like to be out here..." He said shyly to Chester. @Tigergirl2013
"so who exactly are you? as you know who I am now." he said inquiring of august trying to keep an eye out for the guards so if he saw them he could drag them both up a tree and out of sight, since half the time they were seen his mother would try to harm them and he couldn't have that.
"well august pleasure to meet you, would you like to see the top of the canopy?" he said feeling the edge that the guards were going to show up even though it was driving him nuts that the guards could find him often, even when he choose the most unlikely of thoughts and places to avoid the guards.
He gently put august into his pocket to peer out of climbing high up into the canopy as he saw birds and other creatures roaming about so high up then he reached the top pulling august out to show him the scenery surrounding them little towns scattered around the forest.
"yeah, its great up here, its also a great place to avoid people." he said seeing the guards in the distance. "see those guards, those are for me, but i hate them and refuse to go with them."
August looked at the guards. "Oh... Why are they looking for you?" He asked Chester quietly. @Tigergirl2013
"my mother is the queen of hearts, and she wants me to be this athletic guy, and i prefer to paint and if i am home she is going to make me do things i can't stand, so I run off on occasion to avoid it. I tell her and she doesn't listen and she is known for cutting everyone's head off. So I try to avoid home most often." he said shrugging as the guards walked through the woods as he concealed himself so high up.
"i gotta live with it, but once those goons pass do you want to come with me into town i could use some more canvas, i could get us some food, and then we can go to my official hideout, thats if you are interested." he said leaning against the tree trunk.
He gently tucked august into his pocket then jumped to the next tree catching branches, getting far enough away then lowering himself to the ground sprinting ahead hanging onto august so he wasn't going to go flying anytime. He then reached the closest town and saw several things fortune tellers, magicians, food carts. "august stay concealed otherwise they will try to cast any number of spells." he whispered to august.
He walked through the town getting what they needed then running into the woods again climbing up a tree pulling out food then gently taking you out of my pocket sitting you on the thick branch. "help yourself, the journey to the hideout is about 4 miles from here."

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