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Fantasy Fairytale Land

Would you rather Fairy Tale Land Be in Current Times or in an Older Time

  • Older Time-no technology

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Tucking a strand of her long black hair back into her ponytail, Aqua continued to look for something special to put into her collection. "Aqua, shouldn't we head back," Sebastian asked popping his head out of the satchel, she was carrying. And yes Sebastian the little crab! She doesn't understand why, she could talk to Sebastian, I mean he was crab, she was little freaked out the first time she met him. But Aqua never told anyone, especially her father, it would just give him one more reason to think she was crazy. Sticking her bottom lip out she responded, "Dad will just being talking to my tutor, which means bad grades, which also means a unhappy father."

In the dense forest, Aqua looked over to her left to see a shiny conch shell. That's strange? Shouldn't this be on a sandy beach and not in a forest. Shrugging her shoulders, she put the shell in her bag. She wasn't going home empty handed. The next thing she knew she saw young boy leaping through the trees,Running towards the tree where the boy sat. "This is bad idea," Sebastian remarked. Ignoring Sebastian, Aqua put both her arms on the trunk of the tree and looked up. "What are you doing up there?" She asked curiously.​
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"of course, so how far is your home from here?" he asked biting a piece of bread with jam.

He looked down noticing a girl at the base of the tree. "its fun up here, would you like to come up." he said extending his hand downward towards her, wiping his hair out of his face, his bright green eyes looking upon her.
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A little hesitant at first and Aqua then grabbed his hand. Slowly making her way up the tree, once up she took a spot right next to the boy. Not noticing until she was up in the tree, she realized he had a tiny man in his pocket. Aw he's adorable! She thought to herself. Swinging her legs, she looked at boy. "Your right, it is fun up here," She smiled at him.
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"plus it helps you avoid people, whats your name?" he asked holding the bread in his hand making sure that the guards would not come by anytime soon. He realized they would have to move soon to avoid capture with the guards. He then noticed that August fell from his pocket he quickly went after august catching him close to the ground. "you okay?"
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Aqua tilted her head letting her long black strands, that didn't want to say in her ponytail, fall in front of her face covering her icy blue eyes. "Aqua." She stated, "What about you?"
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"chester, but everyone calls me chess. would you like to join us? we are headed to my hideout." he said up to her slipping august back into his pocket holding onto him, his hideout was north of their generally location, and was close to the beach.
August clutched the fabric of Chester's pocket. He let out a small yawn. Chester would discover August had fallen asleep in his pocket. @Tigergirl2013
Knowing Sebastian wouldn't be to happy with if Aqua decided to go, especially since her father hated her being out of the castle for so long. She hated making her father angry, since he already saw her as a disgrace. She never understood why, her father hated her so much. But she never had a friend before. Aqua nodded her head, what harm could it do?
"alright, aqua my hideout is 4 miles north from here. is it alright to ask you questions while on the way?" he asked wondering where she was from and hoping to make a new friend along the way other than august.
Aqua didn't see why not, "Sure!" She smiled. Hopping from the tree branch, she landed on her bottom. "Ow." Sebastian whispered." She giggled, and stood back up, dusting her legs off. "Well I guess we better start walking!" Realizing how rude she was once she heard little snores coming from Chess's pocket, she remember she completely forgot to ask what his name was! "What's the little guy's name?" She asked curiously.
Chester finally looks down to see august snoring he laughs. "looks like someone is tired, his name is August." he said shaking his head laughing then starting to walk. "where are you from?" he inquired moving along. "your more than welcome to ask me any question you like."
What a pretty name, Aqua thought to herself. "I live a few miles from the forest, once you get into town, you keep heading straight until you see the castle," she continues, "That's where I live." Honestly everyone thought it was so great to live in a castle but in Aqua's opinion it was big and made you feel lonely. "What about you?" She asked. Curiosity was one thing, she always was. Aqua wasn't sure where she gotten from.
"i live in the forest far off from a town, if you go west about 20 miles from the shore you get to my castle, my mother is the queen of hearts, I like to avoid home so I generally stay closer to the shore since my mom would never think of it" he said looking sick walking with her seeing a few rabbits along the way untill they reach a clearing and a pond in the center of the clearing, with frogs croaking, and birds chirping loudly.
"Well then." Blinked Crimson, as "Chester" abruptly left her. With that tiny guy... what was his name? August, maybe.

Huffing indignantly, she stomped away. She disliked being ignored. Rude much? But she froze all over when she heard several growls behind her.

Oh, no... It's the wolves.

A scream could be heard throughout the entire forest as Crimson started running again, the wolves close at her heels. Maybe she should have taken Chester's advice...
Ashaficent said:
"Well then." Blinked Crimson, as "Chester" abruptly left her. With that tiny guy... what was his name? August, maybe.
Huffing indignantly, she stomped away. She disliked being ignored. Rude much? But she froze all over when she heard several growls behind her.

Oh, no... It's the wolves.

A scream could be heard throughout the entire forest as Crimson started running again, the wolves close at her heels. Maybe she should have taken Chester's advice...
Will howled and chased after crimson crashing through the trees leaping on her dragging her into a cave having had distracted his companions as they raced by the cave, and he transformed covering crimson's mouth. "be quiet, or they'll find us and we will both be dead." he whispered to her quickly pulling her back against the wall into the darkness his yellow eyes g
Crimson's silver eyes widened, as she nodded her head, trying not to struggle on instinct. Who was this guy anyway?

She had felt herself being dragged away by a wolf. And then suddenly, a human boy was pulling her against the wall?

She could see his golden eyes glowing in the darkness. She stayed very still, until the wolf pack passed them by and they couldn't hear the wolves anymore.

Reaching up her hand to her mouth, she gently tugged on his hand which was over it.

Ashaficent said:
Crimson's silver eyes widened, as she nodded her head, trying not to struggle on instinct. Who was this guy anyway?
She had felt herself being dragged away by a wolf. And then suddenly, a human boy was pulling her against the wall?

She could see his golden eyes glowing in the darkness. She stayed very still, until the wolf pack passed them by and they couldn't hear the wolves anymore.

Reaching up her hand to her mouth, she gently tugged on his hand which was over it.

He gently removed his hand over her mouth. "you okay?" he said looking at her checking for injuries seeing she had a few minor scrapes but nothing serious.
Crimson nodded her head, trying to get a good look at the boy who had saved her. Taking a deep breath, she proceeded to attack him with a series of questions.

"Who are you? Why'd you save me? Are you a part of that wolf pack? I could've sworn you were a wolf just a minute ago!"

Will looked at her. "that is my pack, my name is will I am one of the few people who have this gift of being a human too, but my eyes are a dead give away of what I am, I don't want to be like them, they generally like to hurt people and I just don't. They barely sleep a wink and try to hurt their enemies over and over, or more or less make you their food. that is what they were intending to do to you was make you lunch." he said shrugging his shoulders. "I'm tired of hurting others, I am essentially the reject of the group, and none of them know that I can do this other than my dad who was the leader but he died to a hunter, I am trying to change the social hierarchy, I'm not like the others. The most effective way to avoid the wolves is through the trees. We better get a move on cause they will sniff around and find the hide out eventually, I can take you to the one place the wolves can't reach, but we can't stay there forever. I am giving you an out. If you want to take it." He said offering his hand outwards.
Crimson's mouth fell open. He was the pack leader's son?! And he wasn't trying to kill her. He was trying to help her.

She stared at his open hand for a moment. Should she trust him? He had saved her. There was no point in saving her if he was just going to kill her, right?

Praying that she was making the right choice, which she didn't do very often, she took his hand.

"Lead the way."


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